p. 8


TYISOS OCASION Awful scale losses of submarines. Italian trciops precipitons mountains Informara na vatado ho de Atoa eling of apprehen past. No feG rear.
varas Sur Banco Costa Rica Rosendor do para el Darin Talou en la misma cas 700 Sweden, carta, GACETA REPUBLICANA de Trancos un basta cinco horas diarias. Tiene casts en comisión para vender 7300 200 as a hostile Sept.
28 dimensiones Dos Mundos.
Carnicera El Capricho DE COLOMBARI DESDE esta fecha las condiciones que rigen para anuncios en esta sección son las siguientes: se cobrará como minimo POR VEINTE PALABRAS 25 CENTIMOS INSERCION AEROGRAMS To day Bulgaria holds the key if Germen warships find it im During our counter attacks to the Balkan situation, for, on possible to take them inty port. yesterday 150 prisoners were ta Cada diez palabras o francción de BERLIN, 28th. It is offthe decision which is taken in BERLIN. Official) In the ken west of Dvinsk and we sicexceso valen CINCO CENTIMOS cially announced that one BriSofia, depends very largely the western theatre clear weather ceeded in penetrating the Ruspor inserción. No se publicarán anun tish warship was sunk and two action or acquisence of Greece for the first time in many weeks sian advanced positions. Seven cios por menos de others damaged. Germans start and Roumania, and also the prevails, and great activil y pre teen Russian officers and 2105 the progress of counter attack. Hope to recap eastern camCUATRO INSERCIONES vails along the whole fint on men with four machine guns ture all positions lost before paign as far as it can be influen the part of the artillery, and a fell into our hands ced by these states viators on both sides strong counter attack MASA pequena completamente amueblada y decentesquita en el in Berlin apprehension With regard to General FitA strong attack api rently against the lines captured by us as 7308 30 st so German positions are too cheft sudden dismissal, its sigdirected against our post ion in southwest of Dvinsk was repulstrongGermans admit they re nificance in enchanced by the the cemetery at Souche could sed.
OPORTUNIDAD Vendo fueron de bo treated to of defenappointment of his successor, The resistance of the enemy not be carried through ecause borg estado who is an avowed friend of Tur of the activity of our hevy ar in the district between the positendere con Teodorico Monestel, 376 se two miles in. AMSTERDAM, 28th. The key tions. north tillery Oschmjina and 310 30 7 OS Allied men again bombard Bru.
Premier Radoslavoff has reAn aeroplane of the enemy east of Subodniki on the Gawai PXTRANJERO, persona serlo, muy entendi ges. The sudden cessation of fused to call a meeting of Parwas set ablaze by our it from has been broken, and our troops doen dietary vanadera, sean co the flow of gas at Sluis which liament, and if his policy had below and crashed do in a are in pursuit of the retreating de ano lo mismo que toda clase de arboles is supplied from Bruges leads any inclination toward Turkey burning condition nort of St. enemy wino left more than 1000 Vitales, solicita empleo. Informes en esta to thesuspision that the bombs and the Central Powers, that reMenewould. Another aircraft prisoners on our hands of the Allied aviators struck fusal would be wise; but hardly was forced to land sou least of CE OFRECEN de 000 10. 000 con On the right fighting is still Vouziers after an aeria so in any other case.
Karantia potecaria. po celoto me the gas works.
battie, in progress north of Novgordek.
sual. A. apartado 100 PARIS, 28th. German ki.
To the question of whether a 07261 21 lled and wounded in two days and the occupants we made the army of Prince Leopold Turco Bullgarian accord has prisoners stormed the Russian position VENDE una excelente casa situada en estimated at 40. 000. Battle of been decided upon in principal, Over Pontamousson a Ferman west of Walowka, capturing mejor punto de la ciudad, yarasal Norte de la Imprenta Al Pelidades vast scale developing along we have not a clear cut answer aviator engaged in bale with officers, 330 men and machine whole Western front. Hand to There is some taken that sugtwo French aviators etween guns hand bayonet fight between gests that one laas been enumthe French and Gema lines, The army under General Mac INERO. Tengo encargo de colocar 999 hundred thousand of men.
erated, but there is still another when one of the French machi kensen continues fighting in the colonez por ciento mensual con pri LONDON, Sept. 28th. The and that is that King Ferdinand me hipoteca de casas en esta ciudad nes was shot down to a burn northeast and east of Loggichin Informe en el apartado en esta Ad: victories of the British and MAJOR GENERAL WOOD and his ministers have one aridg condition PARIS dispatch from Genistración 10 29 ot. French have had far reaching dent desire and this is, to rise In the eastern theatr Gene neva states that owing to the COMPRO VAGAS buena lecheras con cria and important effect, mostly in on the crest of the wave of vicCOL JOHN CLEM ral von Hindenburg is ow west scarcity of benzine in Berlin, po Produccion no menos de dien the financial world.
MAJOR GENERAL tory of Lonnewadda on the Jvina ri many motor cars and other veal LEONARD WOOD IN Youd Maria Montenegro, canton dramane, which was tending toward an The consummation of that COL. JOHN CLEM, ver about 30 miles so theast of hicles operated with that oil alliance with Germany, hastens PLATTSBURG CAMP would fill them with such an in LAST CIVIL WAR Riga cannot be used.
to announce its policy of neuBERRERAen la UnilVETERAN, RETIRES tense joy that they would sacriversidad de Costa Rion, my geld trality; while Bulgaria has taMajor General Wood is in fice th agoodwill of the Allies en esta capra, son for orken advantage of the occasión charge of the great camp for and the affection of Russia, An army order has been tsen su profesion de darbs. com are praticano to declare that the mobiliza military instruction which has when they are fully convinced from active, service at one mien analogo, sen empre comercini marka tion must not be regarded by been instimeted the leadits bure that it falls to Germany to dic nute after midnigght on Aug.
disponer the Some of the leading men tato terms and redistribute Eu 13 of Colonel John Clem, move.
Incorpora ed. Capital 40. 000 gold PELLPHIA, of the country are among the rope. the only civil war vete. Daily newspapr of widest circulation in Colombia. Mercado The students. Many of them have control of the Baldwin Lo been seeking light on the na Llorent on behalf of the Villista Friday Colonel Clem will be WASHINGTON Enrique ran now on the active list. On Daily iss of to 16 illustrated pages comotive Works here has THAY mererate para comprar uma finca, as obtained by Charles Schwab The accompanying photograph Department and the Pan Ame sary, which is the age fixed by tional defenses of this country government, filed with the State brate his tixty fourth anniverSubscription tes per year for any Central or South American Reputic, the United States and Europe sobota, pored of the Bethlehem Steel Compa.
panaderisa explotación madaras especialmente tentando obras en ny and the Dupont Powder of General Wood was taken at rican conference a formal decla law when officers of the army 10. 00 gold.
6411 tablecidas. En esta oneina se reciben inforO Company interest. The control the camp.
ration that the Constitution of must retire. Colonel Clem, who The best dvertising medium in Colombia ing interest, it was said, has Mexico provides for the acknow is famous throughout the serviGRATIFICACION Terdale sente been obtained by the purchase snow is already falling in the ledgement of the National debts ce as Johnny Clem, the drum.
un prendedor de Tu con brillantes y estocraldes que fue of stock Alps, rendering still peperdido entre la Triesla del Carmen y Amo reports, tmarket. rilous the work of them antallen by the Mexican Congress exclu mer boy or Chickamaugua Will the 201 23 stor motive works will be re incor: and Austrian troops engaged in sively and therefore any obliga be retired with the rank of briporated and converted into a war. The border correspondent tions undertaken by Carranza gadier general, en honor accorSACOB reador para care apar plant for the manufacture of bes the recent battle for the pos important diplomatic victory rank of colonel on reaching the would ded by act of congress to all ci.
of the Lausanne Gazette, descri en el Armie Hotele war material, railroad equip session of the top of the Freiko was won by the United States legal age of retirement.
en WASHINGTON. highly vil war veterans who hold the Pono 11. Telegramas 16 soment and general steel products fel Mountain as follows: The at over Germany in the question in association with the BethleAGNIFICA OCASION. Sealjulla buen loSita en el Mercado desta ciudad. ROAST BEEF ROAST BEER tack was made under the most of the rights of American ves dence of its conciliatory atitu tiene para el expediocate precedente men Steel Company.
ral de esquina con al mercado, frente a la Hoties orienta. Tiene armadifficult conditions and the sels Tender Juicy Tasty. Every SaturFlos mostradores instalacion de agua y CABLES through an agreement de Austrians were were prepared for the with Germany that such vessels It nom appears certain that de ganado de las fincas. Coliblanco, day and Sunday all other kinds of quier negocio sin hacer pastos ningunos.
En la Agencia contigu informar PARIS The Journal says: ian battalions of Alpini troops carrying conditionare con train ve been ordered to exercise thic Soto del señor Wodman, adeassault From the east two Ital would not be destroyed when German naval commanders na y de Atirro de don Albio Conzález meats, of fancy cuts.
Why are you constantly talking Because 80 per cent of her sub modetaine ir way around the and shipping engaged in carry practice of visiting and search más. comme de ternero dprimera ca about the good old Roast Beef thai DE ALQUILA amueblado, el precioso chaand attacked the Aus ne de mano en el cas her undersea warfare resulted trian from 16 rear. To reach ing absolute contraband will be ing, before sinking all Ameri bidad. cordado al estilo copeo, y car you can get in New York or London.
liable. when you can secure same every Saturin a complete fellure, in two the summit they were compels but not without due warning crews what not be in danger of bados y domingos se eunde la fame?
the Con especialidad los jércoles, så day, Wednesday and Sunday from ora de Manel, Avenida a months, Germany has at last lel to scale the precipitous passengers sides being riven consented to change her barba of the mountains clirlying to rodeath. The Berlin Foreign Of mosa carne Roast Beef.
Roast Beef that is juicy and tender FOR RENT furnished the beautral chalet rous methods pes placed in position however The concessions, from an Am fice Haga una visita a estcarniceria y Also fancy Pork, Beef Steak Veal, Mr. Endicott, Secretary of the American to gallone Manganese contrapp which were of the newest type mountain and captured the sum the note from Berlin relative to 1828 between the United States petencia, tanto por el estlo aseo, coSixty seven submarines, 28 of succeeded in safely scaling the erican point of view, made in terpretation of the treaty of se convencerá de que nadmite com etc. etc. every day.
Give your orders direct or by phone de. sth Av, West No. 12 ci peoretruction were sunk od onie sa aina 2010. mare quani pris: the sinking of the Frye, and Prussia, be submitted to mo por la discelencia de artículos: No. 321.
TIN BARRIO OTOFA se on en siĝuter un captured by the British navy amminand a large quantity of which the United States conten arbitration, as the right to desde metros cuadradost May.
ded was illegal and which was troy vessels carrying absolute Central Market.
It is positively stated by one BERLIN. The Government received here today, is interpre contrabend of war ich is 070 34 st 19 sc. in authority, that the full capa has announced that a new field ted here to indicate that Ger claimed by Germany under the city of the German ship yards will be planted south of the out many is anxious to prevent a declaration of London.
SE OFRECE una norte con leche fresca has not been more The than three let of the Sound, and begining break with the United States. new note further states that Norte del Mercado Calle a cntre submarines a month on Friday. pilot service will Avenidas y Dirigirse a Eduarda so In fact, a direct statement is German naval commanders haBut even if Germany was able be established in order to insu made in which Germany con ve already been given instruc INSTALACION COMPLETAS Omrop a so to replace the submarine as fast re the safe transit of the danger cedes the points for which the tions not to sink vessels transCOLOCACION DE COCINAS as they were destroyed, she fac zone by neutral shipping United States government con porting conditional contraband.
se recibe en la Bordelaria Naelona, el es a graver situation in the LONDON Writting on the tended, in order to furnish the These vessels are to be permitY ARREGLCE APARATOS DE CALEFACCION al al sur del Colegio de Senoritas de complete desmodalization of Balkan puzzlle, Dr. Dillon says: American government with evi ted to continue their voyages MERO PRONTITUD 7154 22 st 21 oc. the officers and crews of such JE MANUEL RIVERA vessels DIRIGIRSE HOTEL CASTILLA. SAN JOSE It is stated that while the sai6147 10 mantanas Grandes facilidades de pares brave and efficiente as those of do lors German submarines are as POFFON Class. compondencia any other nation, the impotence Fernando Castro en 71199 st 80 of the authorities to keep from LA VELOCE them the CE VENDE una casa sunda entre los Es rance of dozens of submarines disappeaTrodde plentown came to come with their entire crews, has de Oya Aranjuez. Esta cons.
LINIE GENOVA PUERTO LIMON confort moderno. Tiene un hermoso de moment he practically brought about a pade nie among the men who beliede la Pat se ediheard on ese Barrioti nada menos que el gran ve that they are going to cerLos vapore od sta compañía tienen buenas comodidade: when they y están provist Para pormenores dirigirse a Carlos Orozco tain destruction Inalámbricos sistema Marconi.
El rápido ca nífico vapor embark on of these vessels wihoht knowing how ATHENSI Up to midnight SAVOIA clone un serradero bien montado en yesterday, 28 classes of troops Icd APITAN DI BARBIERI preeles condiciones entender con Nestor garian mobilization order have been included in the Bulde 000 ton WAR zarpará de LIMON el DE OCTUBRE para This news has caused much pril ENOVA VISO Se venden un caballo ano de silly excitement here were developuno de tire. En esta Imprenta informents in the situation are anx0 77 tocando en o Jartagena, Sabanilla, Curazao, Puerto Oa.
iously awaited nta Cruz de Tenerife y Barcelona. CASA de la señorita Julin Reyes Quiros LOUSANNE. The winter Se recibe caidasta Tenerife, Barcelona y puertos itallanos.
ADERAS SECAS para muebles: caoba y Se ofrece 7100 sto uentos liberales a los pasajeros de camaro.
tes que tomados de Ida y Vuelta y a las familias de cuatro MASA RECIES CONSTRUIDA wende; es irrero y dormeculadora de oportunidad. Informes más adult Para in! Lirigirse a Tetoro Vega MADURO SONS. Agentes en Limón.
Tirar en la plaza de Paras de esta eluEn Sa COD JACOBO ROBLES, Sub Agente.
MADERAS de edro dolce y maderas bian trero para entro casitas de peonce, Is del en el Pasaje Nuevo, Local No.
Vietor dentales, Sub en Puntarenas, LUIS CASALVOLONE.
7167. LA FINCA. Dirigirse al partido 619.
5368. TAS oritas Sartores ofrecen hacer chal trabajo de costura lo mis bara to posible, pues el tempo lo permite Timos varas al sur de is Estación del SAN JOSE NOL JU VE NOL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacionar e pronto para establecer pulperia o con 95 st a to por tener que ausentarse del pole Deate No.
on the to 1956 14 ag mejorable para truerta o Jardineria con Casa contra temblores. Diese Apartado 1005, San Jose y es Electricidad forzano.
COMPRO CADUTA a quince colones quintal, San Jose Federico Peralta VENDO dos mil manzanas de terreno plano con dos anales de ferrocarril Muy bueno para el culto colones tancats en lotes no 15 Hay quton hara los cultivos por contrato Joge mysterious compra dentro de Donostiplica Palace one Castro 7259 21 st 30 PORTUNIDAD. Por no poderlo atender personalmente In estacion de joj pisza parta sendo est la me Chinchilla en Turrucares HARINA MARCA. 66 Flecha 6 13 75 Harvest Queen 13 25 puesta en la Estacion de San Jose para los pedidos de Provincias o en el almacen de esta ciudad por los comerciantes de está localidad marin bello, La Gue De alcula Un poza con serviete inteTar se reciben enthonsales y envian omidas domito. 200 Yarasal Norte del TETO 25 Oeste cedro amaro de todos kruesos a precios corrientes Venta a detal. Un acepillacontra temblores y con un hermoso 50Ir situada en la Aventi Este 95 7201 23 toe CNS de habitacion de don Els de Pulperia Limon Pas DOR 45 MIL COLONES puede usted com. 7100dad na nne como de manzanas, con 100 pleo de Canetas do ente, cans, po te mit buna calidad, soliertenso mandarin, reyes y Carteras Capellades.
PROPIA PARA REAR TODA 100 11 sa 14 oct indo Brothers quer ACASION Tentendo que sentarme del pas vendo un automáy Hudson en bonos mensuales. Todtil sin 9075 31 ag so angel Fuenador Obama Bar 0151 luventud, Costa

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