
Ftaesom The Warews LNE LA NFORMACION English Section Latest News Tram The War 7th. YEAR San José, Costa Rica, Friday November 12 in 1915 No. 3306 Another 27 Americans victims of the German submarine Warfare Serious complications have arised between Germany and the United States on account of the sinking of the Ancona (FROM OUR PRIVATE AND SPECIAL CABLE SERVICE)
NEW YORK NOV. 11th. P.
RCD. IN SAN JOSE LAST NIGHT To LA INFORMACION The loss of 27 lives of American citizens on board the Ancona sunk off Bizerta by a submarine, without notice, has brought very serious complications between the United States and the Central Powers SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Notes on the Jamaica war contincent CZARINA OF RUSSIA AND HER DAUGTHERS CARE FOR TEUTONS TEMPTING Telegraphic Co. with the deepest so from Naple, bound for New York. the French Canadians are under a go House, Samuel presented a bill to inWOUNDED GREECE rrow inform the passing of its last Vi Over 200 hundred lives were lost vernment rule, Worst than the one im sure the poor people property against cepresident, Mr. Sebastian Camacho, possed by the Prussians upon the Al the damages caused by the air ships.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9th. Teu at his residence in Mexico City, on the LEADER IN DISGRACE sace and Lorraine.
Two cents insure to the extent of 125 dollars value by direct or indirect destons tempt Greece to attack Allies. 8th. inst. Mr. Camacho who was 93 Greece promised Albania, Monestir years old, was named for said position. QUEBEC 10 The dailies ma THE ALLIES AT SALONIKI truction caused by aerial bombardment, and other districts to attack Allies. in 1891 and served the interests of the ke the target of their attacks on Mr.
the maximum of insurance being 360 COPENHAGEN 10. Berlin Chinese will not change form of Gov Company for the last 30 years. He was Armand Laverge, the National Leaernment for another year.
a gentleman of high standing in the so der, by having refused to take com dailies says that the Allies have landed at a cost of 30 cents.
cial circles by his great ability and ex mand of a batallion. The Free Press 3000. 000 men at Saloniki.
AN UNDESIRABLE BOOK FRENCH STEAMER SUNK perience and Rotwithstanding that he of Otawa says in its editorial under JEWELLERY SEIZING never was out of Mexico, he became the head line of whicked traitor EL PASO 10 Custom Officers book on the Indian Rule was rejected SAN FRANCISCO 10 Bryan ALGIERS, Nov. 9th. German identified with all the modern ideas submarine sinks French steamer Yser and modern enterprises in which he had acuses him to have killed the enlistment have seized a contraband of Jewellery from mails according to a decission of formerly named the Dacia.
adquired great knowledge, aswell as in and suggests that he has to be treated the matters pertaining to Bank and as a traitor. It is believed that this to the amount of 20. 000 dollars. Post master Fay, which evidently actCABLES finances which could have opened for will compel him to give his opinion and by Villa, Among them a badge at some time used ed under instructions received from Washington. England, having already him a prominent place had le lival in wal change the attitude of other lead AERIAL ATTACKS INSURAN shut up the doors of India to that book THE ANCONA DISASTER Europa or the He was the Pre ers, apparently inactives. Laverge in a CE asked from the to be debarred sident of the Mexican Senate for se letter addressed to Hughes says that! LONDON 10 At the Common in any language.
ROME 10 News received till veral termns, and served some other now on the Ancona disaster are not high political positions in his country.
very occurate. It is unknown if it was The sorrow that his death has caused torpedoed in arriving or leaving Na in the Mexican people, will surely be ples. She left New York on October comparted by all his numerous friends 17th. ult. with 1245 Italian reservists abroad.
and a large quantity of ammunition.
Dispatches from Bizerta says that she THE NEW MAJOR OF LONcarried 422 passengers and a crew of DON AND HIS OATH 60 men: that 370 survivors have been landed. Last news says that the An LONDON 10 The Evening cona arrived to Naples on Oct. 29th. News said that instead of the usual OVER 1000 MEN ARE pendent upon, are fighting for pleted for the Church Parade toult, and was to leave for New York on civic procession signalazing the act of NOW UNDER TRAIN King and Empire. The land will morrow morning at the Kingston Tuesday 9th. inst.
taking the oath to the new Major of ING. SPLENDID OF be let to them free of charge. Parish Church. The men of the the City, there was an inmense evhibiFER BY CAPT.
and a more generous offer could Contingent will march donors LATEST NEWS ON THE AN FORWOOD hardly be made. Indeed, it is tion of naval and military forces who CONA from Camp, headed by the Band Captain People Forwood, accompanied to the alderman Wakeone that is worthy of emulation of the West India Regiment.
who is the propietor of a large by our large landed propietors The Confirmation Service for ROME 10 Last news received held in going to take his investiture.
properly near Irish Town, in St. in this island.
men of the Jamaica Contingent on the Ancona catastrophe informs Thousands of people in the vecinity of Andrew. has, be underland, will take place at the Carrison that her Captain is Pietro Massardo, Saint Paul was admiring such a magmade a very liberal proposal to STRENGTH OF CONTIN. Chapel, Up Park Camp.
CZARINA and DAUGHTERS AS RED CROSS NURSES on and was sunk be an Austrian subma nificent defile, but a great crowd was the men of the surrounding dis GENT IS NOW 1077 Tuesday coming, al a. His The most active workers for the on the left. All three have been attach she was bounded for New York withings that were held outside of the Carl rine of the most modern type, when also at the time interested in the meettricts to come and offer their ser MEN Crace the Archbishop of the Russian Red Cross society are the cza ed to Russian base hospitals as nurses vices for King and Empire.
The strenght of the Jamaica West Indies will confirm the Captain Forwodd is willing War Contingent reached 1077 ma and her two beautiful daughters, since early in the present year. Many 422 passengers and general cargo. It thedral where some representatives and men. Tickets for reserved seats to give half an acre of land to a wounded soldier has been nursed is said that several submarines were athers apoke about the enlistment. men, actually enrolled, last night, in the Chapel will be given to the Grand Duchess Olga and Tai back to life and strength by the care looking for her in her way to Naples religious service was celebrated at St. any mother, or other dependent, with a batch of recruits still to be the candidates for the use of tiana. Grand Duchess Olga is shown and devotions of these royal women.
was able to evade them. Some Paul preceding the Mayor taking of any man who comes from that examined.
their relations and friends. The wounded survivors have been ut as of his position at Temple Bar follow neighbourhood and goes to the The men continue with their general public will be admitted hore at Bizerta.
ed by the coachs of the former and front, to cultivate, and thus be drills, and much progress is being without tickets, as far as accomAEROGRAMS.
pear in Chamber unless majority is asnew major. Naval apprentices under in a position to help themselves shown in this direction.
modation will permit.
TEUTONIC GLOAT OVER Parliament will be disolved. Majority sured. If this guarantee is not given TWO GERMAN SUBMARINES training in the shool ship Warspit, some while those whom they were de Arrangements have been com(The Gleaner)
SUNK cadets of the National Guards detachTHE ALLIES of Ministers said to favor Dissolution ments, the lord high constable and a of Parliament BERLIN, Nov. 9th Teutons gloat LONDON 10 Official dispatch few representatives of the Civic Orgafrom Algesiras inform that a British nizations, and 2400 recruits of the te THE HESPERIAN, THE BRI TISH STEAMER SUNK BY over the Allies. Political trouble fac THE MINERS TROUBLES ing Allied nations causes German press sunk two submarines in the followed by some of the Red Cross rritorial reserves of the City district, GERMAN SUBMARINE, SHE WAS CARRYING MAIL FOR COSTA RICA to rejoice. Serbia suffering a sure and CARDIFF. Nov. 9th Thonda dis Strait of Gibraltar. Dispatch to the ambulances filled with wounded soll swift retribution formurders at Saraje trict miners numbering 50, 000 give Lloyd says from Bizerta that 300 per diers, were prominent. Military bands vo. Joffre sent to London to pierce sons on board the Ancona were drow. were playing all the time. By order of the thick hides of fisheblooded Engl fortnight notice. Beginning November ned and 130 arrived to Bizerta. the Major there was no decorations ish Germany denies passport plots. 15th if demands are not granted will French recaptured Veles.
in streets nor in the buildings the vaGerman Government sends not to remain on strike until all employes of lue of which will be dedicated to the United States on subject; says con ahter collieries have joined federation THE DISOLUTION OF THE relief fund.
fession of spies. if made, was obtained PARLIAMENT under pressure. Germans capture main GREECE CONTINUES BE NO ALARM CLOCKS IN ENSerbians position South of Kralieve NEVOLENT NEUTRALI LONDON, 10. The Reuter says GLAND and thousand of prisioners.
from Athens, that not a word has leaked out of the decision of the Govt. ta TOKIO. 10 Having scarcity of ALARMING CRISIS IN IN. PARIS, Nov. 9th. Greece con ken at the meeting of the Gabinet, alarm clocks in England, manufactuDIA tinues benevolent neutralities. New held today, regarding the propositions rers here have received orders for some Greek Premier sends assurance Fran submited by Venizlos with the view 700, 000 of them.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9th. ce of his policies. Roumania friendly to avoid the disolution of the ParliaAlarming crisis in India. Kitchener to to the Entente, will however, make no ment. Such proposals are that Yanakit FRENCH INDUSTRIAL COMtake personal command of situation. prophecies without corresponding pro za express his regrets for the incident German propaganda causes great dis fits.
which caused Zaimis downfall, and MISSION ARRIVE TO THE satisfaction in Egypt and India. Condithen all the Venizelists would leave STATES tions are far more serious than cutside ITALIAN TROOPS To the Parliament so that the remaining NEW YORK 10 On board the world is aware of.
FIGHT BULGARIANS. deputies, which are cnough to form steamer Lafayette came five memquorum, will be at liberty to act asbers of the French Industrial and BRITISH LORDS DISCUSS ROME, Nov. 9th. Italians belie they please. It is understood that the Commercial Commision. They inform THE WAR.
majority of the Cabinet is for the di that their mission is to acquire, once the ve Greece will not change policy until solution.
The HESPERIAN. CROSS INDICATES WHERE SHE CARRIED GUN LONDON, Nov. 9th. British Allies win. Italian troops to war is over, structural steel and other fight Lords discuss the war. Lord Loreburn against Bulgarians. The Government AN ASSERT OF THE KAISER millon dollars, which supplies they used industrial supplies to the value of 160 Almost simultaneously with the re regarded hereafter as constituting an used its presence on the merchantman takes dig at Government for holding out hope to Serbia. Also speaks in what has decided to open a vigorous cam BERLIN, 10 The press is gloatt the Commission is Mr. Maurice Da town, of an affidavit of our officers of now being seriously considered wheter se. It is not contended that the mere to import from Germany. The head of ceipt from Consul Frost, at Queens armed merchantman. The question is complicetes the circunstances of the cahe terms the Misadventure at the paign them. Italian steamer is sunking over the dificulties arised in the mourex, consul at New Orleans and the Hesperian, giving their version of a merchant vessel ought to have comple presence of a gun that is not Dardanelles. Curzon indicates that by Austrians. Ancona, bound for cabinets of the allies. Emphasize the actually Secretary of the Commission the sinking of that vessel and admitting te immunity if it mounts a six inch gun against a submarine can be regarded there will be modifications in centor New York, torpedoed and 200 lives assert of the Kaiser that the campaign of Credit in the Chamber of Deputies that she carried a six inch gun mounted in the stern. weapon of this size is slip lost, in the Balkans has frightened the British.
on her stern, the fact became known capable of sinking a submarine, and it as forcible resistance such as would GREEK CABINET UNDES. ANCONA TORPEDOED that the state department had taken up is argued in some quaters that the pre strip the merchant vessel of immunity, RUSSIAN VICTORY CIDED DEATH OF MR. SEBASTIAN for reconsideration its decision of last sence of such a gun on a passenger but it is being seriously considered ROME 10The Italian steamer fall regarding the arming of merchantPETROGRAD. Nov. 9th Ruswheter a vessel that assumes to proceed CAMACHO ATHENS, Nov. 9th Greck Casian break through lines of enemy;ma Ancona was torpedoed and sunk in men. There are indications in official ship migth prove not only a temptation on an innocent voyage can be regardbinet undecided. Ministers will not ap ny prisoners and guns capturedte docume NEWropoRidello BibTHE Nasional invelopen con Whe Mediterangga byaasiuntainaglokal gjeoktoidketasthel (GSREBUS dunia nyeiveatubeoobtis Ritafor resisting a submari ed as having the same status as a merhad sailed change its attitude as to what is to be ne, but that even if the gun were not chant vessel that carries no guns.
cruiser TIES. ted


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