
Latest News Of The War Latest News Of The War LA INFORMACION English Section 8th. YEAR No. 3328 San José, Costa Rica, Saturday December 4rd 1915 Russian forces march across Roumanian territory.
Attack oni Bulgaria lacks confirmation (FROM OUR SPECIAL AND PRIVATE SERVICE)
New York Dec. 3th. 15 Red, in San José last night To LA INFORMACION Russian troops are marching across the territory of Roumania to join the expeditionary forces of France and Great Britain and with the Serbs.
The news of an attaek on Bulgaria have not been confirmed as yet. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.
British aeroplanes bombard the important German warehouses at Miramount, causing serious damages to the buildings and the railroad SEMENDRIR POZAREVAC OBOŽEVAC OMILSTIENOVAC LOBRENOVAC BULGARIA RUMANIA SOFIA SCUTARI ACL AN VALANDOVO o GREECE Notes from Germania WATER ENOUGH FOR ROW BOAT ONLY GENERAL PORRO WILL GO carry on with more activity, the cam KAISER MESSAGE TO TO PARIS WHEN HILL SLID INTO CANAL paign at the Dardanelles. The adhe. GREEK KING UNDOES ALL FROM NORTH AND EAST TEUTONS AND BULGARS THREATEN SERVIA ssion of Italy vanishes the rumours that KITCHENER WORK PARIS, Cadorna has been she would accept territorial concessions compeled to dessist of his visit to Fran from Austria Hungary, which would NEW YORK, A ce to confer with the British and French allow the withdrawal of the troops of special dispatch to the Herald HUNGARY Commandants, owing to the intensity Franz Joseph from the Italian front. from London says that as a reof the fighting at the Italian front sult of a strong message from BELGRADA especially, at Isonzo. He will be subs RUSSIANS RECAPTURE the Kaiser to King Constantine, tituted by General Porro who will arCZERNOVITZ.
which he bombastically prerive in Paris on the 3rd inst.
dicts certain victory for the ROME, Il Corriere Italia Teutonic arms and threatens all GEN. SIR HORACE SMITH says from Bucarest, that Russians rewho assist the enemy with anO VEGOT DORRIEN MAY COM captured Czernovitz. It is said that nihilation, there has been a sudKRAGUEVAC den and sensational change in MAND BRITISH ARMY they occupied too Sadogera and MarsVIDING IN FRANCE hala but lacks official confirmation.
the situation for the worse at Athens.
LONDON 1st. The Dai MORE SHIPS SUNK IN THE The demand of the Entente ly Express prophesies that Cene MECILRRANEAN for a writton guarantee that all INOVO Yal Sir Horace Smith Dorrien concessions promised would be Wilt shortly be named to suced LONDON, UNISH Greek steamer granted has nol vel been given.
PIROT to the command of the army in annis was sunk. Her crew was and the faltering attitude of the France. The general is now in landed at Malta. British steamers ministry reflects Constantines LESKOVAC command of the cavalry arm of rangean Prince and Colense were the service. The effect of such sunk by submarine torpedoes in the mortal fear of the great par lord MONTENEGRO an appointment would mean the Mediterranean. The crew of the CoThe present situation in VRANIA retirement of Sir John French. lense. was saved but is feared that Greece is very unsatisfactory 50 men from the Orangean Prince while late despatches from AITALIAN YOUTH OF 18 had ben lost.
MY SHTIB of the Panama canal by the recent spem. General Goethals has made a IVERPOOL The Minister of LONDON, The Chamber of slides. The canal, which was 300 fe survey of the cut, but has set no date War has decreed the censhorship on Commerce informs that 53 steamers NAPLES 1st. Because his mopride at this point mon entirely closed for the opening of the canal. He mere)ther did not consent to his enlisting in the mais going for America and have and 35 vessels were sunk on Novem DURAZZO STRUMITZA es liand card tormerty nown as Cotabra inde fimilely. He has bilan bir cistheen years of age, pulled out his serve as centers at Liverpool docks. from the Chamber shows that only 20 the slides from Cold hill into Gal. ly cars that the dredging will go on the army, young Antonio Mocelia, sent one thousand men and women to ber with a loss of 620 lives. The data culo) passage had to be dug to get signation from canal worſe and will re gud and killed her.
MONASTIRO a rowboat through The dredges have main in charge until conditions on the FRANCE IMPORTS LARGE Steamers were sunk by German sulsmarines and 10 by mines, dug their way well into the falken mass canal: become settled permanently.
LIN 25 50 100 SEEMS TO BE UNENDING sitions on the heights, the enemy made PARIS, On account of the Italy ad shortage of her PARIS: The Journal des MAP OF BALKAN BATTLEFIELD to exploitamine that buried 50 of herence to the Convention signed by colonies, it has been necessary to im Debats says from Milan. thal the WASHINGTON. Goethals our men. Yesterday we made to exploit France. Great Britain and Russia to port 300. 000 tons of sugars and lar Agency Fournieri has information of a in Garrison, decline to foretell the ending of the På my answered with another mine in the the effect that peace can not be made ge quantity of same been purchased in great demonstration of workingmen at The map shows how Servias is being have been removed from to Nish. to namál slides. He says that the same neighborhood.
On November the separately, there has been an incrca Cuba and the United Ctates. It is Berlin owing to the searcity of food attacked on the north and cast by the which place they were taken when reasonable thing is to get first the 30th tivo German acroplans were ing activity at the French and Bel announced that the Government will and was dispersed by the troops who Austro Cermans and Bulgarians, while in the early days of the war, the AusCounterbalance of the stratifications of landed by the shooting of our aircraft sian fronts. The allies have decided to fix the prices and quantities to be sold, shot killing 20.
from the south the Anglo French frians menaced Belgrade to Prizrend.
the hills along the Canal, One fell East of Hooge and the other troops are rushing to the Nish Saloniki near the Albanian frontier. The capat Heninlaterde, Pass de Calais. On railroad. The Austro German advanture of Strumitza by the allies pasteGERMAN BULLETIN the same day our aeroplanes bombardce from the north is making slow head ported and subsequently denied.
ed the important depots of provisions BERLIN, Official. West of of the Germans at Miramount way. The Servian government archives!
the river Lim we occupied Bellanic, of Amiens, making considerable da (Siquirres)
Plevje and Jabuka and Southwest of mages to the warehouse buildings and BRITISH CONTRADICT AS the danger htat threatens Montenegro.
Mitrovitza we captured 4000 prison to the railroad. One of our reconnoin!
Germania, December 1st, 1915.
He recalled the heroic defense of the instrumentality of Mr. Carlos Jo Nov. 19th 1915. under Mr. Raimun MALICIOUS REPORTS OF TROUBLE IN EGYPT Serbia, which is now invaded by the eis and two guns. In the Western thea tering aeroplanes sent out on the 1st. EXISTENCE HERE MORTI schools for the province of Limon, and Limon public school. The result prox hanning, the well known Inspector of do Solano one of the professors of the tre, apart of some artillery combats and inst. did not came back; then we sent Austro Germans and Bulgarians, and mine exploding at different points of a second one.
LICATION continues its efficacious work under ed highly satisfactory, and thus the WASHINGTON. Isl. that the Serbian army has been obliged the front, there was no special incident the management of Mr. Perci school has lived up to its reputation. The British Embassy has public to retreat to the mountains of MonteNo change at the Eastern theatre. FRENCH OFFICIAL BULLE respecting places like this village of the present time.
The commencement of an article val Irons from its inauguration up to In many of the districts of this provin shed a stalement in regard to negro, where the forces of the two The description made by Russian bul TIN ce the schools are attented for the most the German reports circulated kingdoms unite against the commons etin of the 29th, ult. regarding the ours in which poor mortals reside is part by children whose parents are not throughout the United States an foe will resist valiantly.
baules of Lloukas and Kasimirchki PARIS, indeed a painful and difficult under ONE SCHOOL EXAMINED of latin speaking race, and their assi nouncing that a great conspiracy Official. Artillery taking. At first sight this may be regarded as pure fancy. On duels continued last night, with lessing seems absurd, but it remains all the Faithful to its tradition Montenegro assertion milation of the language of Cervantes had been discovered al Cairo.
the advancing of Von Bothmer army activity at different sectors of the same a veritable fact. The days, weeks Examination were held on Friday, with its charming suaity is indeed a headed by persons attached to will continue figthing until death.
several Russian divissions were repuls front. There were firing at the Artois months, and years drift wearily along BELGIANS WEAVE LACE monumental effort. Our children the the new Sultan whom it as which it would prefer to salvery. The ed by the exploring colums. district, at Betancourt region, in the with an unchangeable and appearantly refore deserve great commendation for reported had planned to remove allies have undertaken the revictualling region of Friese over the Somme, at la interminable monotony in every departCHINA WILL MANTAIN HER Champagne district, not far from Ta ment of life. The labourer, tradesman, the improvements made in this respect. the ruler and liberale Egypt of the population of Montenegro and TO AID COUNTRYFOLK from British rule, and that 40 the army of the latter will defend the NEUTRALITY.
hure. Nothing new at the rest of the agriculturist, shop keeper, all experienCLOSING EXERCISES persons were arrested of hom glorious soil of their native land with twenty five pere put to death, out sparing blood. That army will fight from mountain to mountain PEKIN. The Ministry of Foce the exact sameness of things. The Monday, Nov. 22nd 1915. An reign Affairs publishes a declaration BRITISH WITHIN TEN MI. devastating carer everywhere, and confinantial depression which continues its humble though important ceremony BIG ITALIAN ORDER FOR around their king with the ardor and full confidence for a definite victory to the effect that his Government has took place in the school room. neat LES OF BAGDAD WOILE sequently affects all classes and conMILITARY SHOES.
not thinked of the possibility to abantheir great allies ispire.
don bis neutrality, nor joining to any TURKS ARE IN FULL RE. ditions of people is here exemplified to little concert marked the close of the TREAT present scholastic year, and simultaous NEW YORK, The French of the beligerents, the has not received ITALIAN OF perfection. You have only to visit the ly rendered homage to the ilustracious Inustrial Commsión has arranged its SURVIVORS any proposal to this effect nor openbusiness houses daily and notice how LONDON Ist. The War very few make purchases. For hours patron of Education in Costa Rica, the itinerary for a visit to the principal ci SHIP TELL OF TRAGEDY ed negotiations in this direction with office has given out for publi at a time the clerks remain unocupied, late Mauro Fernández. The program ties of the United States and Canada.
any power or group of powers.
cation the following telegram now leaving their positions behind the me was executed without hitch, Italy has placed an order for a million LECHORN 1st. The sui from Sir John Eccles Nixon counters to promenade the piazzas, now containing a speech in the Life of pairs of shoes for the army.
POPULAR MANIFESTATION vivors of the steamer Tafna ro commander of the forces in engaging in wartalk the principal topic don Mauro Fernández. various reciports that they were attacked by AT THE OPENING OF THE Mesopotamia. The telegram is of the day or commenting on the tations and songs by the scholars, and WAR MATERIAL FOR FORa German submarine at the ear REICHSTAG dated November 25: the distribution of their year work. EIGN POWER General Tonnsends troops and finally culminating with some inrecent strike of Coy labourers.
It would be an injustice and an act ly morning hours, and that they BERLIN. 29. Via Sayville. The Dere fired at pith blank and af PITTSBURG, The Westingare not in complele possession teresting sporting news.
of ingratitude if a work of praise was terward with loaded shells.
Overseas ways that yesterday as it is of the battlefield. While the not said in behalf of doña Luisa de house Machine Company received an usual on the opening of the Reichstag Turks are in full retical not this a mortifying period in Gracia the sewing mistress. Our girls order from a foreign power, to equip The sleamer fled, but fin big crowds were assembled in front We are not within ten mai siastic and ambitions men do really which, unfortunately. robust, enthutake a dep interest in the sewing de four torpedo boats and destroyers of the passengers who fearca of the building and surrounding streets les above Ctesiphon and the sa exist? In addition to all these aggrapartment, and are greatly encouraged with steam turbines of 16. 000 that the steamer might be sun king some demonstrations in favor me distance from Bagdad. We vating circunstances there is no room by their teacher, who spares no pains to a value of 500. 000 dollars.
got into one of the boats, whic!
prompt regulation of prices and to make each girl as efficient as possion being lovered. was swanpco are engoged in clearing the field or means for social and intellectual exhun of provisions, which has of wounded and burying Turble. The sewing exhibited was enough COMIC OPERA DAUGTHER and its occupants drowned to attestation of the progress made during OF THE REGIMENT PROcassion to the enemy ridicuthe last lonvention of mutinies and other kish dead. 1300 Turks have pansion. There is no club room or litebeen captured prisoners.
rary society of any sort. It is reasonaHIBITED IN PARIS infounded insinuations that are far to ble therefore to infer that our young Although there was Among the survivors is a ter The number of our wound boys and girls are easily converted into a paucity ed reaches 500 of thom moral wrecks. The church on the other in the attendance of parents at the PARIS 1st. The military autho pear old boy, Gregorio Ibeluto whose mother and two sisterse 1800 are being sent by steamer hand does not seem to appeal to them, clossing exercises, yet those present left rities have prohibited the staging at the caped the disaster of the Anco ENGLISH PULLETIN to Basra. There is no report as Such is the brief sinopsis of the deploBELGIAN LACE MAKER the school hourse profoundly satisled Opera Comique of the Daugther of in the returns received for the many the Regiment.
vel of the number of our killed, rable conditions that are experienced na but lost their lives in thi LONDON, Official. During sbanped boal. The officers oj The excellent handling bf in lifeless and dreary localities such gian sufferers by the war, the commis dren behalf.
To help in the work of receiving Bel sacrifices that were made on their chilthe last four days we have bombardMONTENEGRIN KING ADthe steamer Maria Condas our troops by Ceneral Town as this.
ed the enemy trenches and some of send deserves the greatest praiand the survivors of the Tan sion for relief in Belgium, with head In conclusion, it is hoped that our DRESSES HIS PEOPLE its stronger positions, with good sucess.
state that they sat the submari quarters at 71 Broadway. New York. community wil realise the importance se, and the splendid spirit of OUR GOVERNMENT SCHOOL is arranging for exhibitions and sales of the government school, attend more Our guns were placed at advantageous PARIS 1st. The Montenegrin ne crew look impasively on the our men after their losses and positions to make considerable damaagony of he drowning passen of Belgian handmade lace in Ameri zealously to the education of their chil consulate has received the following pes. Enemy artillery answered weakly great hardships for want of food One great factor that is of pa can cities. Exhibitions have already dren, and so co operate the more with dispatch from Cettinje: On Novemgers of he Tafna.
On November the 30th we exploited and water shop that they are ramount importance among us is the been given in Boston and New York. the untiring and abnegated techer. ber 27, King Nicholas addressed an two mines front of Cuivenchi and determined to uphold the repula government school. This institution was The young woman in the picture is a energetic proclamation to JU VENOL tion of British arme, ste documentó founded here in Aprile jothrough Belgvampildemolido filmetionale dieselde. Sibliotecas de CORRESPONDENN Pentukurs Ridem to remain calm before front.
the years.
be true.


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