
San José Costa Rica, Central America, November 1st, 1915 EDITORIAL NOTE Roumania is about to cast her lot Limon News OUR PROGRAM with the Allies by allowing half a million Russians to cross TO THE READING PUBLIC her territory to contribute, within his means, to the diffusion of knowledge Details of the accident which befell King George of England is NEW RAILROAD DEPORT. selected. The music and the spectacle in general, it is expected will We have been informed that the atract a large crowd.
Municipal Council has requested the Minister of Public Works, to ON BEHALF OF PUBLIC employ his good officers before HEALTH.
the General Manager of the Norto man thern Railroad with the end that We hear that the Board of Pua new railway depot be construct blic Health has ordered that all and best ideas through the printed characters of newspapers, ed in this port.
water closets and sewers as well books or magazines. This task is beneficial to the readers and The building which at present as drain pipes in all public muilddignifying to the editors, when the ideas condensed and publish THE GERMANS DO NOT HEED the road open to Nish, before bul sed somewhat at Boisy and in the entirely inadequate as traffic has disinfected and cleaned. We have ed, are strictly within the limits of justice, honesty and truth THE WINTER CAMPAIGN garian troops which can now ad section oeeupied by the enemy the waiting rooms are too small Board going around with buckets increased to such an extent, that seen several subordinates of that fulness.
WHICH BEGINS UNDER VERY Vance into the heart of old Servia. trenches. To the southeast of Sou and most of the passengers have of disinfectant which is being Upon starting an English Section in our newspaper, it will Pierot fell after three days of des ehez, the Germans attempted an to remain on the pavements and freely used.
always be our aim to convince our readers and daily prove to FAVARABLE CONDITIONS. perate fighting which ended on attack, in the vicinity of Hill 140, are subjected to great inconvethem that the principles by which we abide, the ideas whichin the night of October 26th. In the but were repulsed by the fire of BERLIN, 30th. Ackerman course of the night the Servians the French machine guns.
We hope that this beneficial niences.
our columns we diffuse, the ample news which we furnish and says that fighting in Servia will evacuated the city leaving all heameasure will be kept up, as it will Furthermore, the bodega apart undoubtedly be an important facthe causes which we may support will always be strictly within be more dreadful than in Bel vy bagagge and large stores of ERITISH SUBMARINES MAKING from being in very bad condition tor to exterminate disease germs, the limits which we have pointed out and which we believe will gium, according to the description ammunition and war material is located too far away from the principally in the school buildings MISCHIEF.
be sufficient for our wordt bere ted by all.
he makes. He speaks of the res which fell in the hands of the station and persons who have to where so many little ones are closThe le impartiality TH NAME OF OUR sistance with which the Austro Bulgarians.
see the Agent on any business od up during school hours.
LIVERPOOL, 30th. The Post have to go quite a way under the Germans have met in that counwphones, will always be our motto in all try. He declares that the difficul. ROUMANIA ABOUT TO CAST ITS Ships sunk by British submarines No doubt the General Manager residents of this city to set up publishes the list of the German or rain.
Strict measures are being taken by the same Board to force the Smalleis dealt and as the best guarantee of the fulfilment of the ties with which the invaders met LOT WITH THE ALLIES.
promises which we make, all contributions which we accept must are terrible; that at present the in the Baltic Sea, totalling a ton will see the justice of the claim water closets in their dwellings, nage of 28. 000. This list includes tend to instruct, advance, promote and improve the social, Austro Hungarian armies are in moral and intelectual condition of our readers. We will also the Servian Alps, where their ad man sources it is known, that Rou to the 23rd of October.
LONDON, 30th. From Ger only the ships sunk from the 19th and will find a way to have a in aceordance with the Building vance is especially diffieult and mania is about to cast her lot with building put up which may be in Law of Costa Rica. It has been gladly accept all contributions sent us which may tend to keep that the Servians are fighting like the Entente, by allowing half a JOFFRE VISITS THE KING.
harmony with the needs of the dismal neglect not to have done traffic of Limen.
this before and since the sewerage our readers well posted and informed on all current events lunatics; that the women and million Russian troops to cross system was built, which by the should they be local or foreign.
children fight exatly the same as over Roumanian territory to at LONDON, 39th. Joffre paid BULL FIGHT.
way was a great expense to the We will endeavour to contribute to the amusement of our the men. The constant fall of snow tack the Bulgarians on the north a visit to Buckingham Palace to Council.
in the north, has convinced the readers and with that end in view will publish from time to Germans that a new winter cam sent a part of General von Lin Five of the most prominent doc among the public for the bull. POLITICAL ACTIVITY.
It is said that the Germans have express his sympathy to the King.
Great enthusiasm is shown time selected pieces of poetry, good sound jokes, etc.
paign is about to start but it Our cable news of the great war which is being waged in begins when conditions are most singen army from Galicia to the tors in the country are attending light which is to come off on SunAs elections for Congressmen Europe will also receive our best and most careful attention favorable for the central powers. Roumanian frontier, in order to on His Magesty. The accident has day as this is a show which seldom we have a chance to witness.
are approaching great political and we will daily publish a general summary of all current Taking everything into considera prevent an attack from the Rou. caused more surprise that aların The bull fighters are Spaniards activity is noticed in this city. It news and full details of the most important events. The colums tion on the western front, the si manians against Mackensen ar as the King is a good horseman.
and the bulls have been carefully appears that the three political tuation is quite satisfactory in my in Servia.
or our English Section will also appear illustrated with cuts view of the great success attained parties have already nominated The Temps announces from KING GEORGE PRIDES IN HIS their candidates and are striving and prints of interesting seenes and photos of prominent men by our troops in their recent coun Berna, that news from Berlin sta SOLDIERS WHO HE SAYS, ARE expressed the desire to visit the to win. The lists of voters have and women.
ter atta ks.
tes that it is known that Germany THE BEST IN THE WORLD. front and share the dangers and already been set up in prominent In the belief that our columns will reach the hands of every As to the campaign in Russia is making great promises to Roupirels of his soldiers. They added places and are constantly visited English speaking resident of this country, and considering that this is considered to be of minor mania so as to win her over.
LONDON, 30th. Joffre at that the Prince of Wales is a wor by members of the different The Daily News reports from tenden a conference in Downing thy sou of his father.
this will thus constitute one of the best advertising mediums in importance and mostly limited to groups.
Costa Rica we, have decided to accept English worded adver. Hindenbury advance. The Ita covered Veles, which had been Asquith, Kitchener, Balfour, THE FRENCH MAKE PROGRESS IN surprice attacks against General Athens that the Bulgarians Street which was also attended by tisements and we will take pleasure in forwarding our schedu lians, notwithstanding their great captured by the French and Ser Lloyd George and other British CHAMPAGNE.
of advertising rates, upon request.
offensive, in five months hnve vians, and that there is every in officials.
Among the English speaking colony of Costa Rica there is been unable to break the Aus. dication of the fall of Strumitza.
It is said that the accident to PARIS, 80th. In the course of trian lines.
quite a large number of hard working, honest men, who under THE KING HEALTH IMPROVES. storm, which made the road ex taking place in Champagne, for the King ocurred during a snow the continuous attacks which are fboss rule are trying hard to improve their condition and find THE RUSSIANS ARE SENDING ceedingly slushy and that several the possession of the section of Le way to become independent and eam an honest and decent TROOPS TO BULGARIA.
LONDON, 30th. bulletin accidents ocurred among other Courtine, which still remains in livelihod; for these of our readers, we will periodically publish published in refference to the con riders owing to the bad condition the hands of the Germans, we toa commercial and business section giving money making plans, COPENHLIGUEN, 30th. dition of the King shows that he of the road.
day made considerable progress, schemes and ideas which have been successfully worked ont message from to the slept some and the pain has also horse fell. the King told one of over 150 metres and several trenhas improved somewhat. He has Just a few minutes before his capturing the enemy a front of elsewhere, and which we consider might be advantageously ap. Tageblatt Berlin. states that lessened. His temperature and his his generals that he was proud ches which the Germans deffendcontingents of piel to this country.
of bis soldiers, who were the best ed to the last moment. We also From the foregoing lines the reading public may see that troops have been shipped from pulse are normal.
Olessa and Sebastopol for the in the world.
captured 200 unwounded prisoFRENCH SUCCESSES IN ARTOIS.
our editions will be full of good, interesting and beneficial read coast of Bulgaria; that the transThis morning, all the newspa ners including a company lieuing matter for all tastes and all classes of people, and which we parts are escorted by a strong pers express their sorrow and ad tenant. The Germans lost about PARIS, 30th.
consider has been criminal neglect to dispense with in this coun fleet and that the last attacks of Last night in miration for His Magesty, who 400 men between dead and woundtry where so many English speaking people are craving for such the Russian warships, were preli the district of Artois, we progres Isince the beginnin of the war had ed.
minary to the shipment of these a commodity as we propose and intend, henceforth to furnish.
We consider that with publications on the matters which we have outlined and with the largest amount of graphic infor INTERVIEW WITH SORD SYDENCARNIVALS IN DIFFERENT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES ARE BECOMING CUSTOMARY II. Canada, Cansul at mation available, which in no case will be less than that furnishHAM.
Vera Cruz, is too well lonown to make any comments about him.
in this number, our readers we hope will be, for the present, LONDON, 30th. The Pall tisfied. Its improvement depends solery and wholy on the supMall Gazette publishes the details Social gathering ppf which we hope to receive and believe to deserve.
of an interview with Lord SydenThis is our program and these are the lines which we are ham, who admits that he has no at the Golf Club going to follow, and upon publishing same, may they serve the reliable information concerning The Golf Club, of which Mr.
propose of our greeting and our homage of respect, to all those the current rumors of peace inAlex Murray is President, gave a may by willing to extend us a cheerful helping had which sinuations, and which he said are to be despised. He added: am fancy dress ball on Saturday lead us to attain our earnest purpose.
inclined to believe that this innight in celebration of the anTHE EDITOR.
sinuations have had their source, niversary of its foundation.
as the result that the Germans The ball took place a tthe Club know that they will never be able House on La Sabana and was attended both by members of the Great performance Foot Ball Match to be victorious in the western theatre and in view of the encreasClub and a large number of ladies ing difficulties and dangers which and gentlemen prominent in soA foot ball match was played surround their advance in Ruscial circles.
Theatre The ball took place at the Club yesterday at 11 a. in the square sia.
one and lasted until a late hour of opposite Merced Church between the night when all retired with Saturday night a grand perfor, the teams of the Clubs Progreso GREECE IS ON THE ALERT.
the best remembrances of the good ATHENS, 30th. It is said time which all enjoyed.
to tre which had a full house. The and Morazan. This match was Crowd was so large in fact, that dedicated to Mr. Enrique Pinto. that Roumania has adopted a Political meetings ming of the tickets had been solid was unable to attend, as in his of Entente. narod tibis fact is attractTro political meetings took hipe early in the evenimebtedly ficial capacity he attended the ing the attention of the Greek Government and of the Greek place yesterday. One in Puntarenas between members of the Civil and Republican parties at which Although the City of New Orleans made all efforts to stage the play Presidential residence. Mr. Pinto anxiously awaiting the developit was agreed that both parties was once about the only one in the admirably. Special trains were as duly represented at the match ments of the Entente negotiations at Bucharest.
would vote for the same candiStates which held an annual carnival, The match was won by the date at the next elections for memtoday many other cities in the difbers of Congress large numbers of people who re team of the Club Progreso by two THE BULGARIANS HAVE THE ferent states, are following the examROAD OPEN TO NISH.
The other meeting took place turited to their homes after the goals against one. The players of ple set by the Crescent City and are striving to attract tourists and visitors in Cartago between members of SOFIA, 30th. By way of by this unique method. Here will be the Citil and Duranista parties, but these reached no decision as same play was repeated yesterday silver medals which Mr. Pinto had London and delayed on the way) seen pictures of three participants in to the coalition which was propos one of these carnivals who were award5 both in the afternoon and night, ordered and which were pinned The fall of Pierrot, on Wednesed to take place between both pared arst, second and third prizes respecwith the same brilliant success of by distinguished young ladies of day morning, has been a severe ties for the nomination of a canthat section of the city.
blow to the Servians; this leaves tively.
ONT at the National (BILLY THOMAS)
mance took place at the National ABILLY SUNDAE er u were unable to attendon Magister the Phillic Workshop favorable attitude towards the success and the entire troupe Fun from Cartago and from Ala by Mr. Fernando Jiménez.
juela and Heredia which brought shou.
At the request of the publie, tlre this team were decorated with the previous night.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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