
Lunes, 1o. de Noviembre de 1918, Dos de Noviembre Vamos al cementerio; en este día Be alegra el cementerio La vanidad humana lo decora con exquisito esmero; todas, hasta las tumbas más humildes, se cubren con las flores del recuerdo.
Commercial and Business Section tions.
PAGINA EL IMPARCIAL versive of Servian independence. Of course in their fundamental ed over to catch her first spoken Exchange is going down The Spanish government offers aspects the two cases are far word ed to submit whole question. shows What a bum way to get a cat!
The rate of exchange on sight The shipping of bananas, has of the destruction of the Maine how similar were the steps that maned the child.
Irafts has been fixed by the Mi also an indirect influence on ex. to an impartial tribunal of ex. led to the actual outbreak of hosnistry of Finance at 155 por cent. change in this country, as the ex perts and agreed in advance to tilities.
Lucky Victim. cub teIt was not long ago that we were port duty on same is payable in accept its decision. The United Professor Stowell, whose views porter of a New York newspaper paying 175 and 180 per cent on gold, and all existing contracts States gave no reply to this offer. on the war have been widely read, was sent to Paterson to write the ight drafts and even at that high between the United Fruit Com. Similarly Servia orffered to refer because of his fair and thorough story of the murder of a rich mai ate it was hard to obtain any pany and the planters call for a the dispute to the mediation of the handling of the subject, is Assis nufacturer by thieves. He spread reasonable amount. Since the certain price in gold, which even Powers and it was Austria tant Professor of International himself on the details and naively Government negotiated the loan if not paid in this currency, is a failure to avail herself of the sug Law at Columbia University. He concluded his account with this with the New York bankers and value which the Campany has to gestion that has been held chiefly is widely known, both in the sentence: started to sell drafts the tendency settle at the current rate of ex responsible both in Europe and United States and abroad, as an Fortunately for the deceased, of exchange has been constantly change.
other countries for the present eminet authority on the subject he had deposited all of his money to drop and will continue to do The banana exports from Costa and, unlike many other writers on in the bank the day before, so he so owing to the fact that the Rica for the past month of Sepcoffee crop will bring into the tember totalled 946. 049 bunches, delivered with very brief time volume every shred of evidence life.
In both cases ultimatums were the war, he has included in his lost practically nothing but his market, quite a large amount of of which 688. 913 munches were limits two days by Austria and regardless of which side it favors.
drafts and the demand for same, shipped by way of Limon and the three days by the United States. In summing the comparison The Danger Sing Pretty Casconsiderably.
seems today to have diminished balanee of 257. 136 were shipped The American government an between the American war with hier You might give me a holiout through Sixola.
day to recruit my health. My The coffe as well as other crops Of these 946. 049 bunches, 676. nounced in advance that it had Spain and the Austro Servian beauty is beginning to fade.
Manager. What makes yow are exceptionally abundant this 869 were shipped to the United no intention of execising sovereignty over Cuba except for its outbreak Professor Stowell gives year and large quantities of corn, States and the balance of 269. 180 pacification. Substantially of the as his opinion that the balance of think so. Pretty Cashier The men are beans to.
shipped to the neighbouring coun By the above figures it will be same announcement was made by guilt belongs to the Teutonic begining to count their change.
tries in exchange for which drafts noticed that the banana exports Austria in regard to Servia.
undoubtedly will have to come have scarcely diminished from into the market.
what these were in former times.
TO OUR READERS Reunión Fernandista Civilista en Puntarenas In order to improve our Encrease and improve this section for glish Section we beg to solicit the the benefit of our readers. We cooperation of our readers, not know that our task is a difficult only as far as subseriptions one, but to achieve our end we rely EXITO LISONJERO DE LOS and advertisements are concerned on the best cooperation from all.
We also beg to request our Money making plans, schemes and ideas which can and have been but also in regard to contribureaders to overlook any defficienPuntaarenas, 31 de Octubre de successfully worked out cy found in the spelling or com 1915.
We will gladly accept and posing which might occur at the The music is in the man, not accedes, your sale is as good as publish any articles sent us, as start but this will be due to our EL IMPARCIAL.
San José.
in the instrument. One man takes made. You simply polish a part long as such are not of a personal staff, which is not quite convera violin and produces beautiful of any article of furniture she sant strains of melody and harmony, that it is oifiteaioshdrluncmfwy or political character and provid. This will be avoided in the near sidida por don Manuel Grillo, and the other produces nothing may designate, demonstrating ing such reading matter is of future.
quien llegó hoy de San José con but discords.
makes an appeal to the greatest general or local interest to a giWe respectfully silicit your cor los poderes del señor Yglesias y The same is true of any busi number of people.
ven community. Articles dealing respondence which will always del Comité Central para confirness plan or scheme. One man Now you want a fine furniture with commercial industrial and receive our earliest and best at mar lo pactado con el partido Retakes an idea, which may seem polish or cream, and we are going sultó muy concurrida y se reorgaa short time builds up a large and has all bottled goods beaten a be most welcome as well as gener. to ask or anything you wish to nizó la Directiva por aclamación to posses but little merit, and in to help you put up something that agricultural matters will always tention. Any questions you wish publicano de ésta. La reunión resuccessful business. The other may mile, because you can put it in al news items from any town or know, just drop a line addressed general. El próximo domingo, a to the Editor of the English Sec las de la noche, se efectuará la have an idea which bears all the a small tin box and sell for 25 community in the country.
earmarks of excellence and makes cents and make a good profit on We propose to constantly in tion, El Imparcial. San José. primera reunión de los partidos a failure of it.
it at that.
aliados en una plaza pública. El Mix eight parts of white wax entusiasmo es grande y el éxito with two of resin and a pint of Poetry and Literature colmará los anhelos de este pueblo THE MUSIC IS IN THE MAN pure Venice turpentine; melt in a slow heat until it becomes shaky There are poets and authors That we may kneel and sob our Corresponsal, The man with energy, the in the pan, then pour into one of who have deliberately held them sorrow there, worker, the red blooded man is those stone bean jars and add six selves aloof from the common life And place the deathless leaf, the the composer of the symphony of parts of rectified oil of turpetine, of mankind, sheltering, as they rarest flowers.
La reunión Duranlsta Civilista no dollars.
let it set for a day and a night and said, the flame of the genius from Though Winter cruel fingers The man who wishes for suc then put up in the boxes. It makes the winds of the world. But these brown the sod, encuentra simpatías en Carta: cess, but lets his efforts stop there, a polish that will gain friends for have not been those whose names It dearer far than all the world is the perpetual failure.
that it is really meritorious, and endure in grateful remembrance. beside!
This section is dedicated to the you are sure of selling at least a The great poets and authors are Forms live again we gaze in love EN LA REUNION DE AYER hustler and the live wire. The 25 cent box. If she does not care those who have loved mankind, and pride NO SE LLEGO NADA DEplans which periodically will be to allow a demonstration on her who have sympathized, unders On youthful faces prest close to FINITIVO.
outlined in this section can be furniture, take a door or any tood and mingled with men.
successfully worked out by suc highly polished surface and get to In selecting poetry and litera Eyes smile to ours; we hear each DON RAMON RIVERA cessful men.
work. It a Show me porposi ture we must not only judge by tender tone, See what you can do with the tion.
the name of the author but by the Grief smart is softened less the PROTESTO DEL PACTO.
same material.
merit of the work in itself.
sense of loss.
If you want the Open Sesame This grave we have, at least; we re Ayer tuvo lugar en Cartago to the cave of wealth and indepen ROACH POWDER THE UNREMEMBERED not alone!
una reunión en que el duranismo dence you will find it in the magic Having made a sale, leave a DEAD word Work.
And they must know of our un discutió la actitud que debe adopsmall sample of the Roach Powchanging lovetarse para las próximas elecciones.
der in a neatly printed envelope Llegaron de San José el docBY ELLA FANNING Our tender thought our memo tor don Luis Jiménez y LicenHOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES and ask her to test it. You might ry our prayers!
ciado don Carlos Leiva quiealso inquire if she could recom For those who die in war, and And in our constancy, ah! each nes parece llevaban instrucciones Here a plan that does not re mend you to any of her neighbors. have none to pray for them. one shares quire a large amount of capital, para gestionar y organizar la comThe Roach Powder is nothing Litany.
To whom death comes on distant binación con el civilismo.
is perfectly feasible and should, more than pulverized hellebore we lay a wreath of laurel on the battlefields, in a short time, establish for you root. Algunos distinguidos elemensward, When life last breath not even tos defendieron con entereza la a steady and loyal patronage.
Strew the hellebore root on the Where rest our loved ones in a the solace yields tesis de no celebrar pactos con el hearth, floor, or laces they fredeep repose There one who ll mourn for Partido Civil; entre ellose el docquent at night. In the morning Unvexed by dreams of any earFURNITURE POLISH me whose tears will flow! tor don José Peralta, don Rathe roaches will be found either thly care, dead or dying, for such is their And, checking not our tears, we Not even a grave is theirs, un món Rivera, don Tobías Sola Furniture polish is a necessity avidity for this plant, that they breathe a prayer.
named, un wept. no y don Bernardino Peralta.
in every home. Your field is, the never fail to eat it when they can Grateful for even the confort God rest their souls the dead we se inclinó la mayoría (de elemen Después de tomar la votación refore, unlimited. There are a get it. Black pulverized hellebore which is ours do not know. number of preparations on the may be had at all herb shops. Put tos traídos y escogidos para el camarket, some good, some bad. The up in small tin boxes and retail so) en favor del pacto. Esa por formula given below produces a at 25 cents.
supuesto, no cabe considerarse copolish that is second to none.
mo resolución definitiva, pues el We select this article because it not produce a great deal of moYour first few weeks work may número de concurrentes fué tan you all along your route. Hold Up. First Figure week for my daughter coming escaso que no será suficiente a deney, as it is best to take time for Are you a pillar of the church. out.
terminar la resolución de la maThen armed with a supply of demostration, but once you have Second Figure No, m a fly. Flower Woman. Yes, mum. yoría duranista en Cartago. Con good strong circulars make a established a clientele, you can ing buttress support it from You shall ave the very best for saber que los votantes en favor house to house canvass. Don be make the rounds in one fifth the the outside.
in a hurry and give every house time and make five times as many er, pore dear. Wot were she put del pacto sumaron veintiocho ciuwife just as much of your time as sales. Call at least once a month.
in for?
dadanos y que este número consshe is willing to devote to you.
Unkindest Cut. Harduppe Having tested the Roach Pow Flubdub is pretty mean, isn tituyó la mayoría de concurrenTell her of your polish, its der and found it efficacious, your hep Qualified. Billy Mooney, after tes se verá que aquello no es mamerits, superiority, etc. Ask her customer confidence is wholly running a barber shop in Center nifestación de la voluntad genefor an opportunity to demons. won, and you can follow her up that fellow is mean enough to ed to become a dentist. His uncle Borrowell. Mean? Why, say, ville for two or three years, decidtrate its value upon any article of with other excellent household have his name engraved on the si, upon hearing of this decision, das Peralta y don Ramón Rivera Se señalaban para candidatos furniture in her possession. If she necessities.
duranists señores don Leoni.
handle of his umbrella. dropt in to talk it over. Yes, Billy, said he, dentistry dato civilista a don Nicolás Jiméa proponer uno de ambos y candiDefined. feel like a Chinese is about the easiest new job you nez. Entonces don Ramón Rivejun, remarked the guest at a could tackle. You know how to Southern winter resort. work the chair already, so the rest ra manifestó que su nombre no Profesor Ellery Stowell in lof th Archiduke Franz FerdinPolitely we bit.
ought to come aesy enough.
debía figurar en una papeleta de his Diplomacy of the War in and. am boarded by pirates. he combinación con el civilismo.
1914. calls attention to the simi.
Acto contínuo se retiró con sus The Price. Jean longed for a larity between the Austro Servian na Harbor the American governAfter the catastrophe in Hava answered to our query kitten. When illness made it necescompañeros de protesta.
dispute that started the present ment in disregard of the wishes Try This. Gibbs Does your sary for Jean to go to the hos fracaso y esto debieron comprenLa reunión, en suma, resultó un war and the difference of the of Spain, held an independent of wife ever scold when you have pital, her mother said: United States with Spain in 1898. ficial investigation of the occur. been out late at the club. will make a bargain with es posible juntos elementos tan derlo sus organizadores, pues no In each case the larger nation rence and actually prevented the was stirred from top to bottom by Spanish authorities in their own gets up at four o clock the next little girl about your operation, manera tan enérgica, y al efecto, Dibbs Never! She merely you, Jean. If you will be a brave heterogéneos que se rechazan de an act of violence for which the port from examining the interior morning and practises on the pia you shall have the nicest kitten recordamos que la fusión del du: smaller nation was held indirec of the wreck. On the other hand, no, and daren say a word. can tly responsible. In the case of the it was Austria demand that she Jean took the ether, but later, llevó a cabo en la pasada elección, ranismo y del civilismo, que se United States it was the blowing be permitted to assit Servia in up of the battleship Maine; in the her investigation that was most tomer shall want a large anesthetic, she realized how very donde los tres Partidos lucharon Commiseration. Regular Cus as she came out from under the no pudo verificars en Cartago, case of Austria, the assassination bitterly criticized as being sub quantity of flowers from you next wretched she felt. The nurse lean aisladamente por el triunfo, Allí ls cruz, vencida por la razón ha tiempo, extiende aún sus brazos y ensays todavía sus remedos de espennza, que ya e pocos dolores conceden el alivio de un consuelo.
Allí el llanto que corre sobre el inútil ruego, rompe las diques de la fe, que saltan sobre el carro del viento.
Allí el dolor fingido, el dolor pordiosero, trafica en los despojos del olvidido cuerpo que aliminta gusanos con sange de baldón, roido en secreto.
Allí la flo que brota con su cáliz erecto, alzando le sonrisa de sus hojas a la impasible mueca de los cielos, lleva la última frase quo recogira la piedad del féretro: la palabra inmortal de la energía que al darmás bellas formas su aspecto, compruebs a nuestros ojos la verdad de lo eterno, y promete más amplias trascendencias a la fuerza viril que está en los cuerpos.
El mundo de los vivos afanoso e inquieto, acostumbra turbar en este día la dulce pas del mundo de los muertos, con esa agitación que simboliza no el puro sentimiento cuyo cierto homenaje de inmarceable afecto, consagra eternamente a la memoria de los hombres que fueron dignos sabios y fuertes ese obrero tenaz, el pensamiento, sino la exposición desesperada de su robusto esfuerzo que lanza en su congoja a manera de reto, la hueste de la vida contra la innoble hueste de lo muerto.
our own.
Hay en ese costumbre erguida ante el avance de los tiempos, una gran senejanza con esos movimientos de estrategia que cumplen los soldados de los grandes ejércitos: se alínean sobre el campo de batalla, agitan los acaros, y hacen evoluciones engañosas que vistas a lo lejos desde el campo enemigo, acaso llevan la sugestión del miedo.
The funny side of Life Queremos agustar con nuestro alard al llamado misterio de la tumba, que llena de zozobras el ya desvencijado entendimiento, y así vamos medrosos, perseguidos, con máscara de duelo, a tremolar nuestro plumón do vida ante la muchedumbre de esqueletos que ríe con sonrisa descarnada del histerismo nuestro.
ral. striking parallel Vamos al cementerio; en este día revive el cementerio.
Todas, hasta las tumbas más humildes, florecen con las cosas del recuerdo.
Vamos, mas no ha postrarnos con medroso respeto ante la fosa que tragó el despojo y acaso la memoria de algún muerto, sino a palpar el ansia misteriose que agita a los humanos sentimientos en este batallar de las concienciàs.
en la desierta noche de las credos ful que ful sho bou JOSE MARIA ZE bregón Lizano del Sistema del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud,


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