
THE MORNING NEWS PS Sil ENGLISH EDITION OF EL IMPARCIAL San José Costa Rica, Central America, November 2nd, 1915 Naval battle between the Russian and Luncheon given in honor Turkish fleets takes place off Varna The Government pays a Fierce battles are fought in Montenegro GERELA HOPES ARE CHERISHED WHITLOCK MEROY IS SEVERE with half a million Russian troops tolic Delegate for Central Amer Affairs costo in an eloquent toast new even to this widely experiene sail back on a fruitless voyage Vel se. THAT IN ACCORD WITH THE QUADDRUPLE ENTENTE.
New road to Nicaragua Boom in the cattle business may follow BLOWS.
sound again through the medium than, has acquired a gentle feelof sea air, frequently prescribed ing for the man without a counfor run down folk and regarded try and says he will feel sort of of the apostolic delegate.
by veteran navigator as the lonesome if Nathan is taken away greatest tonic on tap in the uni from him. He looks upon him as a mascot, shooing off the Germantribute of respect to the The statistics which the Immi raider menace.
The last chapter in the story of dignatary of the Church gration Bureau keep show no case of a deported immigrant equal to this seafering exile was told on The Rev. Juan. Apos. the very when was due to The TriLY CRITICIZED BY THE GER to aid Servia, it is said that the ica, who has resided in this city expressed the regret of the Goed department of the Government over the old course.
fleet which escorted these trans for quite a length of time, and vernment and people of Costa Ri His case begins with his settling bune describes the scene graphiports met the last remains of the who has captivated the friendship ca on the sudden and unexpected in Virginia, in 1912, after coming cally: LONDON, 31st. The menae Germans are trying to get Mr. Ships to a naval battle which is shortly leave for Rome, where he the Church: The sailing gong boomed its WASHINGTON, 31st. The Turkish fleet and challenged the and esteem of the community, will departure of the representative of here on the Vasari. We read on: ing character of the political si Whitlock, American Ambassador, taking place off Varna.
He showed symptoms of in warning along the decks of the tention has disappeared. The out of Brusels as the result of the has been urgently called by Car The distinguished guest stood sanity two years later and was Lamport Holt liner Vasari. scheme to destroy the conlition efforts he made to save Miss, Ca the Allies are sending reinforceAt the same time it is said that dinal Gasparri.
up and expressed his appreciation sent to Ellis Island. There the ex and All ashore that going asCabinet and replace same by mi rell life. The Officials here are a for hore posters invested with ample examining this matter, which has ments to the Servians, which still of the Government regret for the had very kind and affectionate crookedness was due to causes scurrying down the gangplank.
Aboard the ship was Nathan mens completely failed. The larisen from the publication made hold Nish and other important departure of this dignatary of words for this country, where he which had existed before he came Cabinet will continue but the in the Vosges Gazzete, and which places. Other additional British the Church who has so wisely and has spent quite a number of years. to America, and he was ordered Cohen, the man without a counGovernment policy will be under demanded that the Minister contingents have succeeded in worthily represented the Vatican Other toasts were made by Mr. deported to Rio de Janeiro, the try. about to begin the last lap of his fourth round trip.
the direct charge of a War Coun should be recalled. This publica Petrograd state that the Austro tral America, a grand luncheon trate of Salvador at the Central joining the Servians. Reports from. before the Governments of Cen Manuel Castro Ramírez, Magis port whence he came.
Nathan was tractable. He ac He sat behind the locked doors Cord. American of members, same to be Asquith, Kit Berlín, which accused Whitlock, Germans have given the Russians any last. which was attended nary and Minister Plenipotentia aboard the Vandyck. since suni sajling. He had lost hope of ever Themeosebery favors only three official despatches inspired in fions and that for this reason the presidentinin residence on Sun. Edward Hale, Envoy Extraordi without protest and was put watching the preparations for chner and Balfour but such a and claimed, that the report he small body, which excludes the made and was published by the a chance to asume the offensive at by the President of the Re ry of the United States and by by the German cruiser Karis becoming a dweller on land Minister of Foreign Affairs, finds British Government, on the case Dzinsk and Riga.
public, members of his Cabinet, Mr. de Amaral Murtinho, he sailed southward. Rio de Ja nothing but the doom of the Fly ruher, and in May of last year again: life seemed to offer to him 110 support.
President of Court, of Miss. Cavell, contained false that the German Government Magistrates of the Court of Peace Charge Affaires of the Republic neiro refused to accept him, as he ing Dúchman to beat back and The situation is considered very information.
of Brazil.
serious but not as dark as it aphad no papers to show that he forth on the seas, but never to does not expect that Roumania of Central America, members of Great importance is attached will remain neutral. This is believ the Diplomatic and Consular At p. all the guests left, was a citizen of Brazil, and so the make a port of rest.
peared just after Bulgaria parti liere to the changes made by the ed to have been taken as an excuse Corps and many other prominent agreably impressed by the atten Vandyck took him on to the He did not see a tug come cipated.
Press, unless these should be for the new disposition of the persons.
At present great hopes are disapproved by the German Kaiser troops which are evacuattions shown them by the President Buenos Aires. 000 miles from sari. nor the men who were casfinal southern part of the line, puffing up alongside the Vacherished that Roumania will act Government. These charges are The banquet was offered by Mr. and the members of his Cabinet.
Sandy Hook.
ting off the ship lines pause in in accord with the Quadruple En considered here to be the opinien ing Volhynia, in order to assume tente, and the attitude of Greece of that Government, expressed Servia. The Germans expect to a sweeping offensive in northern The skipper tried Rio again on their work at an order from Capthe way back, but the authorities tain Caglogan. But soon footsteps is not considered as hopeless. Fur under cover by the newspapers. cross over to Constantinople be were obdurate, and Nathan found came into the hospital, and Cohen thermore, the ability of the Allies VIOLENT STRUGGLING AT VA fore they can be checked. large himself in New York once more. saw three immigration men before to aid Servia is daily becoming more manifest. Italy aid and the RIOUS POINTS OF THE WES. number of trains are speedily But he had not then found him him. He looked up at them wonTERN FRONT.
conferences between General Jofcarrying troops and ammunition self mentally; in fact, he was har deringly.
Several entered today into nordly conscious whether he was We have orders from Washfre and the British Cabinet, have PARIS, 31st. An official thern Bulgaria.
afloat or ashore and was weak ington to let you land, one of been most satisfactory, insuring report reads as follows: Violent physically. He had traveled 19, 710 them said. Come right along; grater military aid for Servia. struggles have taken place in the THE SERVIANS SUFFER SEVERAL Negotiations are being made pasture lands of Guanacaste miles on his original steerage the tug is waiting ot take you to This afternoon bulletin an course of the day, at various before the Government by the where they are kept until they ticket, for which he had paid 15, Ellis Island.
nounces that King George points along the front of Artois.
Municipal Council of the town of reach condition to be brought to and had been well provided for, But Cohen did not understand.
health is slowly improving, that At Bois en Hache, we made fur from Servia, dated the 28th of PARIS, 31st. Official news San Carlos, tending to open up the stock markets of the interior. the ship company taking kindly He remained listless and unstirred the pain has diminished somewhat ther progress during the struggle.
a new road between that town Of late there has been a con to him.
by these words of liberation. The although his disconfort is very in which inch by inch we won October, announces that a violent and a point in the interior of Ni siderable demands of good beef The line tried to persuade the immigration men looked at one gréat. His pulse and temperature ground with the aid of our hand struggle is taking place along the caragua, which will greatly faci cattle for the Canal Zone, and ship immigration authorities that Na another.
are normal.
grandes. To the north of Neuville Morava, while the army of Timk litate the importation of catle and ments had to be suspended owing than was all right when they took He just as crazy as when we that the distinction marks for prise counter attack, succeeded in of the army which is defending willing to contribute with a cer opened up, and kept in good con to some place of permanent an agreed. So they lifted him by the The Minister of War annoumees and St. Vaast, the enemy by a sur is taking new positions to the rear stock into this country. Several to the scarcety of stock in the him aboard originally, and again refused to let him land before. ion, are country.
this road be made an effort to have him sent but orders are orders. they those fit and unfit for military retaking some sections of the tren. Pirot and which has been forced tain sum of money for this enter dition, large herds of lean cattle chorage. There was a hint of Rus arms, and half carrying him, took service, will be three arm kaki ches which they had lately lost stripes with the Royal Crown and where we had posted our ad to retire behind the square. The prise, and the Municipal Council could be driven into the vast grass sian in the Portuguese of Nathan, him over the side, and off on the printed and that these will be vance line. Their advance was im enemy after violent attacks, made has already outhorized its chair ing lands of Santa Clara and Rio and it was suggested that he tug to Ellis Island, where he was soon distributed. The first of mediately checked by volleys with numerous colunans succeeded man to invest two thousand colo Frio which from a wilderness might have been born in Russia. placed in the psychopathic ward these stripes will be awarded to from our trenches.
in capturing the Kale sirik clifi, nes in building a section of this could be turned into large and While the authorities were con pending the completion of legal the men who have already enlist To the east of the Laberynth road, which will be highly benefi profitable cattle ranches. Now sidering sending him to Russia formalities which will bring his ed and clasified in groups are the Germans exploded a mine, in 2025 the northeasen front, the cial especially to this region and that banana disease has wiped out the war came and put an end to actual release.
waiting to be called to arms: the the proximity of our defense enemy taking ad. entage of its nu to the country in general, so many plantations along the the plan. Then down to Rio second of these stripes will be works. The enemy contingents mexical superiority, forced the This termination of the hopeless large part of the cattle year. Old Line and other sections of the Nathan went again. Rio refused voyagings of Cohen came as a reawarded to those who voluntary which attempted to occupy the Servinns to retreat several kilo y butchered in Costa Rica is Province of Limon, all these could again to regard him as a Brasi sult of hard work by the Hebrew may offer themselves for military excavations, were forced back to stres to the south of Svilajnak. brought from Nicaragun, by a be advantageously employed for lian citizen and the ship took him Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Service, but who have been found their trenches by our artillery fire. Additional Bavarian and Aus number of cattle men, who ex this purpose and then large ship on to Buenos Aires and brought Society, assisted by influential to be entirely unfit for service, In. members of the Knights of Pyand the third of these stripes will rected a violent bombardment trian troops have been discovered perience great difficulties owing ments could easily be made to him backo to the lack of roads. All herds of Panama as well as to the Canal Nathan says in pretty good En thias at Washington.
be for those who have been against our positions located in behind fortifications set up in the tean cattle are driven into the vast Zone.
glish that he is all right. He has The immigrant society and the crippled in service and who, for Butte de Tahure and in the region mountains. Along the balance of color and flesh and god humor, lodge agreed to give a bond of medical reasons, are unable to to the southeast. Our artillery the front there is no change.
and the line is goin to get alienists 500 and to guarantee that return. All those who have alrea returned this fire by a violent can AUSTRIANS AND ITALIANS ARE to pass on his condition so he may Cohen would not become a public dy offered their services and are nonade against their trenches and sease to be a sea Wandering Jew charge. As a result of this, a willing to fight will be also distin fortified positions.
at its expense. Ellis Island can reversal of the old order of deporguished from those who have not CARRANZA WISHES TO DEAL DIVIENNA, 31st. An official of San Jose not go back of its decision unless tation was obtained yesterday volunteered.
RECT WITH OTHER NATIONS. report reads as follows: Yester: it is proved that Nathan is now noon, just in time for telephone THE FRENCH ARE SUCCESSFUL WASHINGTON, 31st. Ca day on the Italian front, opposite The city of San Jose puts on tive than in former years. The same and capable of earning his message to present Cohens deparliving.
ture. He will be released from AT SEVERAL PLACES IN rranza, through the Ministry of the Isonzo, in the sector to the its gay clothes to bid farewell to committee is working hard and Captain Cidagan, of the Va Ellis Island and placed in the cusment, informed the Government of the bridge, the day was calm new one. Yearly it has been cus the program made out which will Vandyck when she carried Na is executed.
society when the bond PARIS, 31st.
An official here that he does not desire to Violent attacks were made only at the end of the year and these illuminations, mascarades, contomary to celebrate festivities just include bull fights, band concerts, report rends as follows: It is sated that the bombardment by through mecliation of the United against Tolmino. At the head of attract large crowds of visitors fetti battles and quite a number of the enemy on Saturday night, in States. The State Department will the bridge, along the Goritzia from all parts of the country who new and nevel attractions. LA PUERTA DEL SOL Champagne, was kept up along a It is to be hoped that these fescontribute not only to the sucess tivities will be largely attended HERRERO GIL front of eight kilometres, taking accede to this petition. Several of front, the violent artillery fire of come up to enjoy themselves and place within the limits of the the European nations whieh have the enemy continued with great of the festivities, but leave large and that their success will surpass Forests of Hill 195. Bute de Ta have been sending all their repre my attacks against our positions, luxuries, hotels, fares, etc.
not recognized his Government, violence until evening. The ene amounts of money in the shape of SASTRERIA CAMISERIA that of previous years. We will hure and the trenches located to Especialidad en artículos presentatives in Mexico.
This year great preparations keep our readers posted and well fenses. This preparation was of Mount Sabatino were com are being made for these festivi, informed as to the course of the para caballeros y niños followed on all the front by a well FURETOUS BATTLES ARE BEING pletely repulsed.
ties and to make them more attrac preparations.
Esmero en los trajes a medida prepared attack made by masses At Podgora, the highest of our of infantry troops, composed in PARIS, 31st. The Legation of trenches, after a violent hand to their majority by troops, transferred from the Russian side. Montenegro here, received the fol. land fight, rennine in our pos: Notwithstanding the fierceness owing official despatch: great session. part of the reserves of Agricultores y Comerciantes pattele is being fought between the 3rd Italian army is fighting the Almidón, maíz, frijoles, arroz, café y otros productos of the attack and Austrians He did not incur the wrath ofbers little of his boyhood except del país, se compran, venden y reciben en consignación en treme ferocity of the assailants. Montenegrins and the enemy suffered a severe re which begrain to the south of Vis against our troops in the Dobero the gods. nor has fate been play that he spent most of it in Brazil.
pulse. Their ranks were swept by herad on the 28th of October. The plateau, but this cannot alter the ing with his life, but otherwise and who has the impression that EL MERCADITO Teléfono 41.
Fausto Calderón Coto.
pul circolong the whole front. tenegrins attacked the Austrians have failed through the violence tion of the old legend upon which guese is his natal speech, has and they succeeded only ir reach with great energy at Gara, inflict of our artillery fire and have been so many fietions have been built, arrived in New York Tiarbor ing the summit of Bute de Taing them very heavy losses and the story of the IV andering Jero, again by the Lamport Holt huire. On all sides the enemy was capturing a large number of stisnashed against the barrier form Tho he has had but a year of it. liner Vasari. completing a de Noviembre taking place Drina and in number than able that pense line, with een. Preciosas coronas de Celuloide Granovo our troops captured our advance of his life upon the sea, sailing a record of 33, 740 miles of sea y Porcelana. Ultima novedad mans were repulsed as far as their NAVAL BATILE BETWEEN TUR position of Combi Lama. The at uneasily from port to port and trvel.
KISH AND RUSSIAN FLEETS tacks of the enemy in the region back again, until he, too, Decame In that year he has acquired a Acaban de llegar a of Tomale, in Tyrol. were repuls legend. The New York Sun tells good knowledge of the English the story language, and, according to the EL IRIS LONDON, 31st. While the ed with very heavy losses on the Nathan Cohen, who is thirty ship surgeon, Dr. Davis, has been no important engagement. transports are rapidiy steaming part of the enemy.
five and unmarried and remem become mentally and physically de Velazquez Preparations for the festivities STRUGGLING HARD.
the south as far as the coast de tations through the American 10 lecated to the west of Peona and FOUGHT IN MONTENEGRO.
THE MODERN WANDERING JEW exof Tahure where the struggle was particularly stubborn. The GerTAKING PLACE OFF VARNA.
frenches, leaving on the field a large number of dead. Along the balance of the front, there has 平平平平平平平平平平平平平平平 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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