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THE MORNING NEWS ENGLISH EDITION OF EL IMPARCIAL San José Costa Rica, Central America, November 4th, 1915 WOMEN SUFFRAGE IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY Commercial and Business Section CABLES.
Roumania has completed preparation to attack Out The Russians battering German lines.
Money making plans, schemes and ideas which can and have been British submarine sunk in collision successfully worked out.
prominent figures in German cirstranger.
cles in this country, died suddenly The principal expense in Nevertheless, the very man who LONDON, November 2nd. 1915 yesterday at his home.
launching a business of this kind would foribly eject an agent who Russia ns count on their winter.
is advertising. Mr. Baldhead is dared to suggest a fertilizer for They predict that Teutonic Allies ALLIES BALKAN EXPEDITION AP.
generally very touch; upon the his barren scalp, would be just will lose more men from illness PEARS AT KAVALA.
subject and does not like to have the fellow to secretly answer an this Winter. It is reported that advertisement which promised they are already undergoing great AMSTERDAM, November 2nd him a luxuriant crop of hair. He hardships fron the cold climate, 1915. Sofia telegram publishwould be the first to respond with Russians battering the German ed by the Berliner Tageblatt an order for your Restorative.
line at all their vulnerable points. states that the British French and Your advertisement and literaThe British Admiralty announced transports, composing the Balkan NEW YORK, 1st. Herald ture will do the work, but it must this ofternoon that the British expedition have appeared at Kaspecial despatch from London be carefully worded and present torpedo boat No. 96 was sunk yes vala.
states that Bulgaria, foreseeing every argument possible on the terday at Gibraltar, by collision the inminent danger of a possible subject.
with another vessel.
attack by Roumania, has called As advertising space costs mothe classes of 1895 and 1894 to ney, it is well to make the adverSTATE OF GEORGIA FILES COMTURIN, November 2nd, 1915.
their colors. This classes had been tisements as small as possible; not PLAINT. Crown Prince Frederick Wilup to now excempt from service. too small, however, as not to at26 helm of Germany is dead, accordThe same despatch also says tract attention.
WASHINGTON, November ing to a Rome dispatch to the that an entire Turkish divisien Something on this order would 2nd, 1915. As a result of com Gaceta de Popolo.
which was sent from the defenses serve the purpose: plaint from Georgia the Federal at Gallipoli, to prevent the Rus ARE YOU BALD?
State Commission has instituted VILLA TROOPS WITHDREW sians from capturing the guns Don be a laughing stock! Let an investigation into the price of FROM AGUA PRIETA.
and ships of the Bulgarians in Revivo bring back the by gone gasoline at various points of the the Black Sea, were sent to the in glory of a perfect head of hair.
DOUGLAS, Ariz. November terior by way of the Cerena Can. Not an experiment! It works!
2nd, 1915. Villa troops withdrew al, and that the ships will be sunk Send for descriptive folder. It DEATH OF PROMINENT GER from Agua Prieta shortly after Mrs. George Vickers, President of the Hudson County Suffrage Association; Mrs. Everett in case the Russians advance. FREE. Revivo Co.
daylight this mroning. des Colby, wife of Senator Colby and Mrs. Peickert, are well known in New York for their work To satisfy the Greeks, who are Here another: expected to follow the example of perate attack was made during on behalf of introducing women suffrage in the State of New Jersey. These three ladies will take NEW YORK, November 2nd, the night. The Carranza forces the speakeris stand at suffagist meeting to be held in New York.
Roumania, the Bulgarian GovernCommunicate with me! luxu1915. Hermann Ridder, publi were kept fighting practically all ment has allowed the exportation riant growth of hair in a month sher of the New York Statnes night long.
of wheat into Greece, over the time. Write for FREE FORSituation is serious for The Bulgarian offens. Interesting interview Dedeagatch railroad and through MULA.
China with Count Okuma Salonika.
THE BULGARIANS ARE ADVANCThe latter advertisement offerRoumania has completed all ing a formula free, should bring ING WHILE THE SERVIANS THE ONLY HOPE FOR YUAN SHI preparations to enter the war on a host of replies from men who FINANCIAL ARE BUSSY ON THE NORTH JAPAN IS NOT the side of the Entente.
KAY IS THE FRIENDLY ATare all prospective customers.
HOLDING THE AUSTRO GER POWER BUT WOULD BE The King following the desire Send them with your descripon all fronts.
WILLING TO GIVE HER SUP of his people announced that any tive literature the following forPORT TO THE ALLIES EVEN entirely in accord with Parliasteps taken in the future, will be mula as promised.
ment and the Cabinet. MONTH LONGER well as the other powers advised tish in Servia, whose movements LONDON, 1st. Ernest Smith, Stimulates the growth of Hair China that she should quell the have been kept in secrecy, are now LONDON TO HAVE STATUE OF VIOLENT ARTILLERY DUELS AT movement tending to restore the fighting in the trenches beside the special correspondent of the and Removes Dandruff. Take alMISS CAVELL.
THE DARDENELLES. monarchy, it is believed here that servians, at a point exactly ne lishes a despatch from Tokio on the Daily Express and Daily whitewasa. batee on PARIS, 1st. Le Matin pub Herald, telegraphs from Milán to mond oil, quarter of a pound, ounce: LONDON, 2nd. Passengers CONSTANTINOPLE, 2nd. the only recourse left for Yuan cross the border, near Strumitza, arriving from Scandinavia state An official report reads as fol Shi Kay is to appeal to the Unit which although reported in the an interview with Count Okuma, News, stating that over two thirds clarified lard, three ounces; liquid that it is rumoured there that the lows: On the Dardeneiles front ed States. It is believed that in hands of the Allies, seems to be who said: Some time ago it was of the Generals in the Roumanian ammonia, a quarter fluid ounce; British Government is supplying violent artillery duels took place sinuations of this nature have al in the hands of the Bulgarians, reported that in November General Staff are in favor of in otto os levender and cloves, of each provisions for the British priso near Sebdul Bahr. Two of the ready been made to Washington It will be in this section of low Japanese troops would be fighting mediate intervention, on the side one dram; plate the oil, wax and lard in a jar, which set in boiling ners in Germany. This assertment enemy cruisers unsuccessfully and results are awaited with the lands where the Bulgarians will in Europe. troops would have been of the Quadruple Entente.
done by sending 400 thousand Confirming yesterday cable in a jar, which set in boiling is denied here in official cire es. bombarded several points near utmost interest as the interna be suffer their first blows.
From Uskub, towards the Da men. Expeting that we would lose gram to the Herald, the Times water; when the wax is melted, allow the grease to The news has created considerable Ari Bulnu. Our artillery demo tional movement of the Powers believed that Germany might be itions. We disorganized masses of disgust, as well as the internation making such progress that there these with 200 thousand more. from its special correspondent in monia and the perfume. Never making insinuations for such an enemy troops which were sight al difficulties are extremely se seems to be no doubt as to the We did not have enough trans Athens, stating that as the result use a hard brush, nor comb the arringement through the Amer in the vicinity of Morzliman. rious. The reffusal to pay atten veracity of the reports. This is Ports. For this purpose we needed of the belief that the participation hair too much. Apply the pomade icah Gobernment. The belief here Elins and Burth. On th Caucas. tion to the representations of the mainly due to the super human a fleet of two million tons and our of Roumanie, on the side of the at night.
is trint the scarcety of provisions sinn front we repulsed two attacks other governments would mean efforts of the Servians to check merchant marine only totals one Allies, is inminent, the Greek In the accompanying form letthe loss of Juan Shi Kay power the Austro German advance in million. In view of these figures Cabinet and even the King, who ter, explain that the Hair Pomade in Cermany is becoming very of the enemy.
Creat Britain and France recog favors Germany, are beginning to for which you have sent the forful friends, which would be ex the north.
GERMAN SHIP SMASHES INTO treinely dangerous for China.
nized the impossibility At present the Bulgarians have trans doubt. The strong forces which The Government has consented portation.
GALATA BRIGE IN STRIVING The only solution which would crossed the Timak river and are are being rapidly sent to the Bal mula is a good dressing for the to the erection of a statue to the hair and in some measure proOur sympathy for the Allies is kans, may lead the Greeks to cast motes its growth. Constant study TO ESCAPE FROM BRITISH not endanger the peace of the far resolutely advancing in order to memory of Miss. Cavell. The place East is the attitude of the Amer increase their means of communi. today greater than ever. We their lot with the Allies.
grarted by the Municipal Council SUBMARINE.
and experiment had, however, proican Government, and this oppor. cntion with Hungary and the up would like to give France at least Dillon, in a special telegram from duced the excellent and wonder is leeated between the National our financial support and thus Rome, warns Great Britain to ful Hair Restorative Revivo. of ATHENS, 2nd. The corres tunity is considered to afford the per valley of the Danube.
Art Gallery and the Church of keep a close watch on the King of which it SairMartin, near Trafalgar pondent of the Greek newspaper United States an exceptional op The much talked of Russian ex hasten the end of the war.
your proud privilege Japan is not a great finan Greece, who in spite of the op to be the manufacturer. Them go Square Hestia, in Constantinople. tele portunity to strengthen its pos pedition, which is said to be position of his people, would en with strong and clinching armarching against the Bulgarian cial power but has some resour carry out the pledge made to the guments and give the moneyA meeting was held for the graphs that a German ship went foundation of a fund of relief for ashore while hastily entering the coast, is estimated at 200 thousand ces and has just subscribed Kaiser and support the Germans, back if not satisfied guarantee.
the jews in Russia who have sufHeavy fighting double the amount called for by should he reach the conclusion fere with the war. The meeting Golden Horn and endeavouring Persistent rumours are current in Champagne folder or booklet should acwas presided by Leopold Roths to escape from the pursuit of a that the bombardment of the Bul. the Government which was 30 that the Central Powers will at company the letter and formula, child and was attended by Lord British submarine.
ON ALL FRONTS THE FRENCH garian ports has been renewed. million yens. believe a second tain final victory.
in which you can dwell upon the ROME, 1st.
The British in the Dardenelles loan might be floated. To show Swaythly. First Rabi Hertz IsThe ship was loaded with coal Official reports subject at length. Unless you are CHECK THE GERMANS ADrael, Zanfivill and other pro and crashed into the Galata are showing marked activity, and our sympathy for France we who declared that Austrian ae prepare the literature yourself.
sererely criticize the Austrians thoroughly capable, don try to VANCE AND INFLICT THEM supported by the war ships that would be willing to give her our roplanes had bombarded Venice Good literature clinches the sale.
minent jews. It was announced Brindge causing some damage.
remained after the fleet left for that half a millon jews are starvthe Bulgarian coast, are bombard support even if modest. Our unab in reprisal for the Italian bom. It accomplishes everything that ing in Russia.
SERVIANS CAN HOLD OUT ility to send troops to the western bardment of Triest. These reports a good salesman can accomplish.
MONTH LONGER IN THE ing the Turkish positions.
PARIS, 1st. During the arBRYAN WILL SOON ARRIVE IN theatre does not hinder us from say that this statement is entirely It creates confidence and brings NORWAY MOUNTAINS.
tillery duels which have taken GENEVE, 1st. The Frankplace, with increased violence in north of Lemesnil and in the being able to give our allies our untrue; that the Italian bombar the orders.
ment was limited to the dropping LONDON, 2nd. Chedo Miya the region of Lammbatz, our course of the day attempted four military and naval support.
To save a few dollars by trying of bombs on the military es to prepare it yourself is penny fort Gazzette, publishes a des tovich, former Servian Minister bateries demolished several ob succesive attacks. The first of We have mobilized our arsenals tablishments of Maggia and Pira wise and pound foolish.
pateh from Christiania, stating in London, says that the Austro servation pósts.
these attacks was made at a. as in time of war and we are play no, where war material was being that Bryan will arrive in Norway Germans may obtain a vast suply Here is the formula for making In Artois, artillery duels are in on the eastern border of the for ing the role of a sentry in the prepared, and which act was en a good dependable Hair Restorabout the middle of november.
of copper from the Servian mines progress to the northeast of Sou est; the second at noon, against Far East. who prevents our ene tirely in accordance with the uses ative: DEATH OF PROMINENT EDITOR. which are probably the best in chem, and are particularly violent. Tahure: the third at p. to mies from stirring rebelion amone two and a half miles from the bil, dissolve in one quart of 95 per of war Europe. He infers this from the in the vicinity of Boisen Hache, the south of the villages and the Recipe Take one ounce castor NEW YORK, 1st. Hermann meeting of German and Bulga to the northeast of Neuville and fourth, at p. against the the warlike moslem tribes, and places which were bombarded. cent alcohol one orance of tincture Ridder, Editor of the Etats rian troops, which are operating st. Vaast. Fighting for the posbluffs located to the northeast. which might feel inclined to take The report further adds that the of cantharides, two ounces lemon. Zeitung, died here at the age of in the mining district.
session of the portion of trenches On all sides our artillery and advantage of your diffelties. We Austrian aeroplanes bombarded juice, one ounce tincture of Cin66. For the last ten months he has Myatoviteh, in his statement, which the enemy entered yester. infantry checked the progress of are also prepared to de end yon the heart of Venice and even the chona; perfume with one half been suffering from kidney which is published in the Stan day and which we have partly the Germans and forced them to against any possible damage to Square of St. Mark s, inflicting ounce oil of cinnamon and dard, says that the Servians can recovered is progressing with retire in disorder, leaving all hold out for a month longer in marked violence. In Champagne, their dead and wounded on the which new supplies are reaching military nature. The reports close ing to get something for nothing the Trans Siberian railroad, over severe demages on the church and rosemary.
other buildings which are of no the mountains and that the one the Germans after reneweit pre prisoners, including officers. Ar Russia. The principle of the by saying that the Austrians in in advertising. The most expen.
Don make the mistake of tryfield. We captured 350 wounded BERLIN, 2nd. The Teutons vaders will never seize much booty occupied Canak, an important in his canntry, which has been parations with their artillery and itillery duels are reported in the Japanese policy is to stand guard this way have not only violated sive mediums are the cheapest in. 20 miles to the northeast of Kra unless they slould get it from the and large caliber shells. renewed the region of Bandesapt and no one to strike at them behind humanity but the supreme prin with classified advertisments are copper and coal fields.
their attacks in the region to the Violeit.
ciples of art.
the best for this purposes and to cool til nearly men.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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