
San José Costa Rica, Central America, November 8th. 1915 PERMANENT ME He wadi Of interest to our readers: Faithful to promises made, and ny? MITCHEL PALMER Italy Signs GOVERNOR PHILIPP The Funny Lide of Life.
MAY BE COUNSELOR a Compromise. ONE OF THE GOVERNORS Gratitude. Oh, what a time is so vast and complex that we OF STATE DEPARTMENT AGREES NOT TO SIGN PEACE DISCUSSING DEFENSES had last night, doctor. It only an understand, and yet at the ta UNLESS HER ALLIES DO SO.
by the Lord mercy that m not same time is a void. There nothin eaven to day!
ing like it, is there?
ROME, 5th. Il Messagero says Gillis The only other thing that Italy adhered to the agreemCaught a Tartar. Chee Olf, know of that answers the descripin view of the support given this ent signed by the Allies in Lonwhere y git th black eye? tion is a moving picture serial in enterprise, beginning from Tuesdon, on the 5th of September, and was chasin that new kid a newspaper.
by which it was agreed that none next door, an caught im.
day next, this English Edition will of them would sign a separate Higher Efficiency. DemosthePatriotie Hen. Small Boy nes was about to go down to the comprise TWO FULL PAGES of peace. much interested in shopman seashore and perform his cus.
first class reading matter.
reason for high price of eggs. tomary stunt of talking with his More rioting in Russia But, mummy, how do the hens mouth full of pebbles to improve know we re at war with Germa his enunciation. On the way an Jom raminanflaconforasan matalinonimno THREE KILLED, MANY WOUNDED idea assailed him.
Defeats of the Allies on Interview with Prince IN MOSCOW SAYS GERMAN Quite a Turn. He How old What the use of fussing with the Serbian Front.
are you?
a lot of bilgy pebbles, he growled, von Buelow.
She ve just turned twenty. when can get the same effect THE LEFT WING IS FORCED TO HE SAYS GERMANY IS DETERBERLIN. Under the heading three.
out of the Galician battle fields!
RETIRE BEFORE SUPERIOR Fighting in Moscow Streets He Oh, see thirty two. And he said Suzlysmzehrgl six MINED TO CARRY THE WAR the following was given out today times in rapid succession.
by the Overseas News Agency: Jitney ing.
The girls were It is now learned that the selling kisses at the charity bazaar Wayward Signs. In DavenPARIS, 5th. On the Serbian LUCERNE, 5th. The correscivilians in Moscow built barrat five cents a kiss.
port: We ve given a service to front, the enemy with large forces pondent of the Associated Press icades in the city. Eight higher Ah, another case of the jitney our patrons that compels them to attacked our northern lines, es held an interview with Prince von officials and twenty five policemen With other governor deeply buss.
think of Crooks when there any pecially our right wing, where Buelow who said that he had not Mitchell Palmer, who has were wounded. Of the civilians interested in the matter of nationlaundry work to be done. On a No Cloture.
fighting still continues. The ene gone on a peace mission, that Ger been prominent in the conncils of three were killed and twelve al defense Governor Philipp Why does the parsonnge door in Trinidad, my is advancing towards Krugu many was determined to continue the Democratic party and in con wonded.
of Wisconsin, one of the most Senator keep talking in that Colo: The last man who tried to yevatz and our troops are retreat the war by arms to the end. that gress, ma be the new counselor Among the dend was a student progressive states of the Union, rambling way! don know what work me is in jail. On a tombsing to south On the eastern front, the enemy ton or to Madrid and that he had ington. This position formerly the street. The students went on Boston. The relation of the states keep his daugiter from singing. Street: Open all night. Latest he did not intend to go to Washing of the state department at Wash whose body was left all night in has exprssed great interest in the he aiming at: do you! tone in Batavia. If we must part Sure do. He filibustering to let us go together. On State unsuccessfully attacked our posi held no conferences with the Va was held by Robert Lansing, who strike in protest, and there were tions to the south of Morava. tican Delegate or any other pers succeeded William Jennings Bry great demonstrations at the to the national defenses is prommoving pictures. In a Morton In the direction of Nasava, our ons.
an as secretary of state.
HERE HOPING funeral. The students held back inently before the public, and it Park dance hall: Use checkroom.
left wing was forced to retire The Prince spoke with great the police. The President of Mos is expected that changes and im. When they reach the end of Absolutely no clothes allowed in before superior forces, while on frankeness on the different as Italians Fighting Above cow University signed a pro provements will result from the things, the centre the enemy fuffered very pects of the war but requested this room. Attention of Mayor the Clouds clamation concerning the death of meetings and discussions of the When they clear away the heavy loses and was forced to that his opinions should not be Harrison. On Franklin Street: murk, the student. He was asked for an matter by the governors.
retire in disorder towards Bul published as he was talking as a SUPPLY BASES ESTABLISHED IN explanation, but his answer was We may see a lot of kings Reign Umbrella Co. In the levatz.
private individual and he did not Russians attack THE LOFTY ALTITUDES. suppressed by the censor.
Out of work.
Spencer Hotel, Marion, Ind. wish to speak about politics. Other street fights are reportin masses Discourteous treatment, by the The Prince and the Princess The first note of the coming ed in St. Petersburg, Kharkov. RUSSIANS LOSE Resemblance.
ABOUT HALF Willis waiters, if reported to the proThe Greek People daily ride in their motor ear and Winter campaign was sounded by Rostov, and Odessa. In each insTHEIR REGIMENTAL STRENG. Eternity has neither beginning prietor, will be greatly appreciatFavor Intervention. visit the principal sites and places the tidings that snow has already tance small riots led to serious nor end, neither form nor shape, ed.
of interest. They generally go out fallen on the high Alps of Tyrol, disorders.
BERLIN. Special dispatchs GREECE WOULD COMMIT SUICIDE with their friend Baron Stock and that the cold will soon force The ageney says that members PREMATURE.
from Austrian headquarters desBY NOT ATTACKING BULGA Hammer. The Prince seems to be the daring skirmishers down of the aristocracy and merchants The Chadbys lave a little son, toward the valloys. There was, of of Moscow intend to petition Em Enst Galidia as partialarly violin excellent health.
cribe the nttacks in Volhynia and Or may be they are using time They haven named him yet, RIA IMMEDIATELY.
course, censeless fighting in the peror Nicholas to adops mensurès Out of the precious hours of life All put you know, show all last Winter, and among to meet the present crisis. They into action on the whole front. Although they have decided on In trying to find some one with PARIS, 6th. Herbert reports The British at the peaks and passes of the Carpa attribute existing conditions. it daughter fit to be his wife.
The college to which he shall go.
from Athens that 143 dputies vot the Dardenelles. Sinns; but the Carpathian chain the attacks continuing day and savs, to disloyalty of the Jews, night. Regiment after regiment ed in favor of the intervention of WILL NOT ABANDON OPERATIONS pineatitude mat which the Italians Late Count Witte, and the grant formation was repulsed. Finally is low, nowhere reaching the Alte perniciouş influence of the advancing to the attack in close Perhaps the Chadbys are like us Or, yet again, the reason why They haven named the bloke Greece, and that these represent ON THE PENINSULA. have bea fixing their bases, so ing of rights of suffrage. Their the Russians retreated.
In being almost wholly bent Is that they. re picking out the the majority of the people. He On bringing up the little cuss further adds that the majority Shat the comparison is not quite petition will express the view that brand AMSTERDAM, sth. The air. Ia the mountains not far Russia must return to the customs sinn divisions in East Galicia are The losses of some of the RusSo he can be the President. Of cigarettes he ll smoke.
wish to commit suicide, she must Lokn! Inzeiger correspondent in from Trent che sue Italian base of the ancient Muscovite Empire estimated at about one half the knows that of Greece does not Constantinople says that the opi was establised on a very lofty and become once more a land of attack Bulgaria as soon as posregimental strength. The Russians Corner for Ladies.
sible and that there cammot be but nion in well informed circles is pland and quantities of ammu orthodox Slaves.
advanced on both sides of the raila Government in favor of inter that the British are preparing to aition and supplies were gathered way against the Austrian posIf you were asked which human pronounced. When one is beautivention or an unconstitutional spend winter at Gallipoli, and not there, to voluntarily abandon operations Fighting at itions to the east of Buczacz, trait was to blame for the most ful and the other very plain, when Government.
the Dardenelles. effectual attack on Friday.
where they had delivered an in and greatest general unhappiness one is greatly gifted and the other He stys that the Allies attitude on the Peninsula.
More British Troops in the world you would be very quite commonplace, or when one toward Greece must change, for Serbia, THE TURKS ASSUME THE ON The fighting in Volhynia, the nearly right if you answered is a brilliant business woman and should the Government chose a German Intrigues FORTY THOUSAND MEN ARRIVE TENSIVE BUT ARE REPULSED. dispatches say, had similar jealousy. At the doors of the green the other a simple home body, the party that would respect or would Play Their Part.
results, the Russians nowhere eyed serpent may be laid more less conspicuous sister is as a rule AND MANY MORE ON THEIR violate the cause of justice and LONDON, 6th. An official being able to gain ground. misery that was ever created by very proud of her sister attainright.
any other vice. Jealousy and its ments. But when the race is neck report says the following: The The Journal holds a very gloo PARTY LEADERS TO OPPOINT ATHENS, 6th. The British Tuks assumed the offensive at WAYS TO HELP YOU TO REMEMBER close relations, envy, are of the and neck, so to speak, and one is back of the furthest reaching not quite up to the other, then my opinion on the situation. It CABINET.
Legation announces that 10 thous the Dardanelles and on November The old method of tying a chain of wretchedness that was jealousy has its opportunity and says that yesterday events and British troops joined the the 4th made four attacks on the string about a finger to recall to ever stretched around the world. quite up to the other, then jealforeshadow the disolution of Par NEW YORK, 6th. Herald French army and that other units Allies positions, but all were mind some task to be done at a The best known form which ousy has its opportunity and liament and show marked neutral special telegram from Athens are on their way to that front. repidlsed.
certain time lins been done away jealousy takes is, of course, that generally uses it.
tendencies and that their com reports, that King Constantine with.
shown between sweethearts. This held a long conference with When the mother or father has bination may render the Allies Colonel Falkenheym, and the Greek Situation The Tsar Greets The new way is to transfer a Kind of jealousy is more or less a favorite among the children the position at Salonika, more dif other German delegates, who ring from one finger to another. excusable, and is even admired others are very often jealous.
Exceedingly Serious.
Russian Wounded on the accustomed finger the ring in a mild degree. It is considered When the mother is a bit more ficule land serious. He further arrived from Berlin; that this quotes the significant coincidence fact again shows that German in. THE KING OPENLY OPPOSES VE THE PEASANTS FOLLOW THIS feels natural and does not eatise a sign of great love if the young partial to one daughter than to NIZELOS AND RESOLVES TO annoyance, but on any other fin. man is jealous of every other mas another there is always that of the arrival of the German trigues are being put in play: DISOLVE PARLIAMENT.
EXAMPLE per it slightly irritates. This culiné being whom his sweetheart feeling of competition among irritation constantly will aid in addresses. It might be said right them to see which can draw forth delegats. headed by Colonel that the situation is exceedirgly serious; that this afternoon, King NEW YORK, 6th. London The Russian Emperor, besides recalling the task to be done. Just here, however, that trust and more demonstrations of affection.
Falkenheym, and who reached Athens in the course of the crisis Constantine summoned the party special telegram to the Herald many visits to the firing line of try it once.
faith in each other are the truest leaders to a conference on the for says that reports from Athens the Russian army, has been with Another and more novel way is marks of deep affection, not play favoritism among her chil.
Of course no mother should disOur adversaries, he states, never mation of a Cabinet thus state that King Constantine has his family, indefatigable in caring to carry a colored ribbon in the jealousy is often rampant. Strange dren, but it is quite natural that fail to pound the iron while it straining his efforts to put an end decided to disolve Parliament and for the siele and wounded. The coat pocket.
fallaey that the man is most one should be a little more conis red hot.
to the present crisis, and is willing again appoint Zaimis before al Empress and her daughters wear Suppose, now, you are in your deeply in love who displays the genial than the others. It is not to selet any one else instead of lowing Venizelos to come into the dress, and to the work of Red office. Your wife phones you to be most jealousy.
Venizelos. He adds that to do so power: that the King has challeng Cross nurses, and the Emperor sure and bring home a certain strange under such circumstances Thre are other shapes assumed that the mother should prefer to SUBSCRITION RATES the King is experiencing greated Venizelos by appointing Ya loses no chance to hearten the thing. Go to your cont hanging on by the green eyed monster which be the most often with the child, difficulties: that Venizelos insists nakitzas as Field adjutant: tlint wounded. One of the ladies work. the office rack, take out the ribbon are not so easily excused, and the whose tases are the same as hers.
For one in th.
e 00 that the King must abide by the the situation is excedingly serious ing with the Empres relates that and tie it tightly around a sleeve. refore concealed as often as pos. This is no reason why the others Three months. 00 full powers which the Consttitu and that observers seem pesimis. when the wounded were being At night when you start to go sible. We call the jealousy of swee should feel jealons, for the moSix months. tion grant him, but that Venizelos tie as to the probable results of taken from Grodno to Warsaw home your fist will jam itself thearts the most common because ther heart is big enough to hold One Year.
fears that the King will disolve the Allies efforts to save Serbia. she was greatly touched by the against the tied sleeve. on. yes, it is seen more ofter than any them all.
ADVERTISING RATES Parliament and proclaim himself pensants of the district who you will say to yourself, there other, but the other kinds are just BULGARIANS APPROACHING NISH. brought what they conid for the that cough syrup Molly told me to as real only they are hidden jealousy. its utter uselessness.
That is the tragedy of all be gladly furnished upon application. carry out his policy in favor of the Germans.
OUTER FORTS OF THE CITY HAVE Wounded to the stations where the be sure and bring home to night from outsiders eves. The jealousy Those who allow the green eyed trajn stopped: bread, pickled and off you will go at once to between sisters or brothers is quite monster to attack them in one Please state what you want and size BEEN HEAVILY BOMBARDED.
cucumbers, apples, an linen make the purchase.
often felt as the jealousy between guise or another, suffer all in of advertisement. Rates are exceedingcrash. At one station a founded man who is notoriously lovers, and is as old as Cain and vain, for what good do their THE SERBIANS STILL HOLD ON.
ly moderate and far below any other. PARIS. Cth. Salonika reports man was being carried on stret known to never forget to per. Abel.
THE BULGARIANS ARE DEFEATED that the Bulgarian artillery cher when a peasant woman came form a mission requested by his newspaper in the country.
pangs do them! Not a bit! The violently bom Sarded the outer In one sister Foreign advertisements 10 cents BY THE SERBIANS AT ISVOR. forts of Nish along the Nishaten up and liſted his blanket. When wife won his reputation by use trifle less attractive of a bit less young man only torments himself the river and took Nishka vola, a small remonstrated, the of the abore two methads. Simply alented or capable than another, to no avail, for if his sweetheart per insertion ATHENS, Gth. The Serbian town which is two hours journey woman said: Forgive me, sister: by transferring his finger rig he jealousy is often rampant. Strage is not true his jealousy will not English worded advertisements will be Legation announces a defeat in from Nish and located to the nor mine has gone to the war, and to mail her letters on the day they oumd in families where the dif if she is true his doubts only hurt For the English Edition nothing but has been known never to forget to say, it is not so frequently help him to recover her love, and flicted on the Bulgarians at Isvor. theast chat city.
keep thinking may find him.
were given to him.
Cerence between the sisters is very her and harm him.
accepted. 50 11. 09 For local advertisements rates will. dictador, in order to be able to carenes, per inch in a single column, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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