
PAGE THE MORNING NEWS IMPORTANT FRENCH REPORT Violent artillery duels are taking plans HITITTENTE in Champagne.
Around Lood WIRELESS SENDS VOICE OVER ATLANTIC; Another Photograph After the Recent Raid.
French Army Officers In Eiffel Tower Verify the Results.
center 1113 d 11 10 11 11 SEN the courtesy II 11 PARIS, 14th.
and Souchez nothing but canne nading has taken place. To th north of the Aisnete our fires, which seem to have be very successful, on the Germ positions in the Nourron platea In the region of Champagne violent artillery duel is taki place. In Butte Dumnsnil, ont heights of the Meuse and in the forest of Chevalier, we repuls eleven attacks of the enemy.
Krufevya and Irkovo, which occupied on November the 10 Hello and Good bye Are Distinctly Understood we attacked and occupied Cicer to the north of Volandovo.
in France on Three Nights.
also occupied the Bulgarian tress and the heights on whi Words uttered in Arlington, Va. hasame is located.
ve been heard in Paris, France, on On the Belgian front, accordi three different occasions within the Paris and Honolulu Cable Tidings to an official report the enem last ten days. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights of last week, and again Of Marvel of Wireless Telephony.
artillery bombarded our positi on Wednesday night of this week, the located to the north and south human voice was projected across the Dixmude and also Capelle, Atlantic for the first times in history These cable messages from Paris and Honolulu tell how kerke and Caestkerke. Our bel and Hellos and Good byes said in words spoken in Arlington, Va, and carried by wireless were Arlington were heard and undestood in heard across the Atlantic and half way across the Pacific at teries vigorously bombarded the French capital, 800 miles from the same time: enemy positions at Leke the a the point of transmission.
Paris, Oct. 21, 1915.
Saint Pierre Capelle.
Announcement of the epochal achieNews received from Bruss vement was made officially by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, New York: merican Telephone and Telegraph Com Received your call 12:30 and thereafter. Though gaps states that General von Bissi pany last night, following cabled conand statics heard the words: Hello! How? etcetera. Heard has imposed a mouthly tax of firmation of the success of the wireless million francs to be distribute telephone hone experiments received in New at approximately 12:55, Good bye, Shreeve. several times between the military, civil and York and in Washington from the com repeated.
ministration expenses of the no pany engineers in Paris.
HERBERT SHREEVE. Shreeve and Curtis, of gions occupied by the Germans the staff of John Carty, the Chief Honolulu, Thursday, Oct. 21, 1915.
Engineer of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, went to Fran American Telephone and Telegraph Company, New York: 10. 000 AUSTRIANS SLAIN IN D ce to represent the company in the Heard well entire schedule. Hello Shreeve. This is Webb ITALIAN BATTLE trasatlantie experiments. For several talking. etcetera. Voice easily recognized.
14 weeks they have been severing red tape and making other arrangements for the LLOYD ESPENSCHIED.
This other picture in the upper part shows the place where another bomb fell destroying the sewers. The 200. 000 Men and 000 Guns Engag test.
explosion killed five person who were walking on the street. The lower portion of the picture shows the damage in Great Struggle on Whole Front Eiffel Tower Station Used caused by a bomb which fell in a row of houses. It is stated that over 300 people were killed as the result of this raid.
Mr. Carty laughed when told he had (Esta otra fotografía muestra, en la parte superior, el lugar en donde cayó otra de las bombas destrozando PARIS. The great Austi Owing to the facts that France is at undertaken by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. When Mr. guessed rightly, and after a little per los desagües. La explosión mató a cinco personas que pasaban por la calle. La parte inferior del grabado muestra war and that wireless is playing a most Carty engineers commenced work on suasion told the story of the tests. los daños causados por una bomba que cayó sobre una hilera de casas. Se asegura que más de 300 personas fueron Italian battle, in which 2009 important part in the working out of the long distance wireless telephone ex muertas a consecuencia de esta incursión. men and 000 guns are engag the French military communication system, it was with difficulty that of periments, observers with receiving ap Carty Describes Test is proceeding on the whole fro paratus were sent not only to Panama, ficials were persuaded to permit the. San Diego, Mare Island, and HonolnTHEODORE VAIL se of the Eiffel Tower station in Paris lu, but also two engineers, Shre. not know he said, we sent out seve into our confidence and tell what In June last, as you may or may possible for us to take the public period of several years. Well is the hardest part of the PREDICTION principally in the Carso, why for the receipt of the mesages from eve King Vietor is watching the fig work done yet?
eve and Curtis, were sent to Pa ral expeditions to test the possibilities has taken place.
The following dispatch was Arlington ob 21 ris. Through of the of wireless telephony over great dis don know, but do know received last night from Theodore ing. Last night while Webb was The sacrifice of Human life only a few seconds at a time, in pe. French Governments, limited facilities tances. One of these expeditions went talking to Shreeve he repeated there is plenty ahead yet. It has Vail, who was at the Hotel El merican engineers, during which they tion were placed at their disposal.
riods far apart, were allowed the for listening at the Eiffel Tower sta to Panamn, another to San Diego, still the Hello and Good bye several been proved beyond all doubt that Tovar, Grand Cañon, Arizona. enormous. Austrian losses in another to San Francisco, one to Ho times, and they were heard each it can be done, and still it is all in The talk from Washington this days are declared to have by were permitted to listen for the greFull appreciation of the interest and nolulu, and the inst to Paris. All have time in Paris and also in Hono the early stages could not tell morning, heard both in Paris and 10, 000 killed, 30. 000 wounded and eting from far away Arlington. In oryou when we shall reach Tokio Honolulu, is but an amplification der that there could be no doubt of the extreme courtesy of the French Gov. now been heard from, and to each of lulu.
ernment can be understood when the the places named wireless telephony genuiness of the tests, officers of the great value of the Eiffel Tower sta We have now heard from all from New York, but can assure of the talk previously had between 000 prisoners.
has been successfully operated.
our expeditions, and it is interest you we shall some day. It is pos New York and San Francisco, via The Italians plan to intends to French Government, two or more of tion for military purposes is remembe. to ing sible were with.
Messrs. Shreeve and Curtis in Paris, red. Due to the military necessities, Honoluiu, San Diego, Panama, and San area covered by these expeditions Inolulu by wireless from fronolulu Washington, which was heard at the fighting until the fall of. less stations.
An Austrian official report the It establishes as a fact that untain 11. dr Bullard, Henricor the limited as to constitute a serious han. Curtis reported from there the entire expedition ever undertaken as was thence by wireless to the Eiffel der favorable atmospheric and sued in Vienna, says: United States Army Radio Service, Cap Wireless telephone from Washington or Paris is left, and when Shreeve and ter. Never in history was such an San Francisco to Arlington, and now, but when electrical conditions, with We have repulsed unpreced proper United States Naval Radio Service, dicap to a speedy completion of the field mapped out for the first tests had this one.
How work. Added to this was the handicap been covered. shall confine myself to long was it before Webb we shall be able to do so is another equipment, which and other American Army and Navy resulting from the fact that all regu the Paris part of the experiment.
of officers watched the experiments at Ar lar communication between Mr. Shre in Arlington was able to establish question the answer of which is the American Telephone and Tetedly fierce Italian attacks ago In the first place, want to say communication with Shreeve in not ready along the entire coastal front, legraph Company have developed, eve and the engineers in America had that under normal conditions Paris will Paris, and what testing words Do you intend sending a trans we will be able to carry on conver: flicting severe losses. We reek Mr. Carty, who not only hends the to be by cable and was subject to long be easier to communicate with than is were used. Mr. Carty was asked. mission set to Paris for use in sation between New York and our positions. The idattacks engineering staff of the telephone comcom delays.
Honolulu, and yet the words flashed. Owing to to the very limited time talking to this country? European points, as well as to the tinue with undiminisked violet pany but is President of the American Notwithtanding the difficulties of to Paris were just as plainly and dis at their disposal, it cannot answer that now. It Western coast and points across especially in the direction of of Electrical Engineers, rected the experiments. Following the communication, the limited amount of tinely heard at Honolulu, which is 4000 to cable the exact minute during wolild certainly be very desit the Pacifico osteand di Lana.
este time available for receiving, and de miles from Arlington and about 100 which the Eiffel Tower plant was able.
anouncement of the success of the tests spit THEODORE VAIL.
and in he predicted that wireless telephonie me heavy interference from high po miles further than is Paris from that available. he replieb diding out of the wireless telephony York Mr. Carty conversed over BRITISH BOATS SINK TWEN. Will the war delay the workfew did his Following the talk with New communication between New York or wer stations in the neighborhood and place. It was only through the court the disturbances, speech was esy of the French Government that we tal talläng Signals had been previous probelm?
another American eity and all the successfully transmitted from Arling have been able to use the great Eiffel ly arranged, first by numbers, and It the long distance telephone with of the world was but fun to Paris orer a week ago, and has Tower station in the carrying out of then followed by words. Shreeve this side, although it may cause San Francisco, where he was the stud GERMAN SHIPS ter of time.
been repeated on several occasions sin our erperiments and tests. was to cable what he got after each ce. Officers of the French Government It was a courtesy that was extraornals were heard on three different delay over there. But it can go guest at a dinner arranged to Offieial Announcement Made have listened to and verified the results dinary when you realize the fact that there is now in existence only on forever.
celebrate want to say. added Mr. sary of his invention of the incan German ships sunk by Be. list of twed The announcement siven out at the tis. Although Mr. Carty had recefred 19 high power stations are in constant ments and that at Arlington, the Carty, that in my opinion the descent light. The anniversary was submarines in the Baltic betri Mr. Cur France offices of the American Telephone and full cable reports of all of the results operation, and that the bussiest of all talk of necessity, as was the case great value of the wireless tele tories at Orange, as well as October 11 and 23 is publishe Telegraphs Company, 15 Dey Street, obtained in Paris, no announcement these stations is perhaps the one in the with San Diego, Honolulu and the phone lies in its operation in conTrasatlantic wireless telephony is an has heretofore been made out of cour Eiffel Tower. The French Government other places reached by the ex juntion with the land wire sys in San Francisco. During the dins the Liverpool Post. Pube was able to allow us only a few mo pedition, had to be one sided.
ners the transcontinental teleaccomplished fact. Observers listening tesy to the French Government.
The tonnage of the lost ves ments at odd times, so the tests, for necessity, as was the other places Mr. Carty stated that the suc phone communication was utilized aggregate more than 28. 000.
at the Eiffel Tower in Paris have heard Heard in Honolulu Also that reason alone, had to be exceeding reached by the expedition, had to cessful experiment on Wednesday coasts in touch with each other on speech sent out by engineers of the ly limited.
be oneThe list follows: Lela Gert American Telephone and Telegraph night was the official test of the In a cable received by Mr. Carty to Then again statie conditions on the Mr. Carty, at the request of the nia, Director Reppenhagen, Company from aparatus developed by that company and the Western Elec early this morning. Mr.
Shreeve repor. ports show that great electrical disturday coreening the results of tests made Atlantie were not good, and our re CABLE TOLD OF SUCCESS series. That was the one during diner at both ends listened in media, Walter Leonhardt. Sy which the American and French tric Company and installed at Arling ted speech received by him and the bances have prevailed in France durofficers officially listened in. at Chicago. He congratulated Mr. or (Svanen. Gertrud, Pyro It was explained that the cableton, Va. The equipment used was time of its reception. The matter re ing much of the time set aside for exEdison on his achievements, and Emgard, Babylon, Pernamb Lieut. Col. Reber, who witnesgram from enginers in Paris ar sed the test at Arlington, issued the inventor said he had heard Soderham, Johaness: Russ, United States Na statement: plainly the vy Department, which was placed at ceived at Paris was that sent from Ar perimentation. Had we been able to en rived late in the afternoon an the following transatlantie la graph records transmitted from larfyne, John Wulf. Eled the disposal of the American Telepho Webb and other telephone engineers tion for considerable periods at a time good byes of Webb had been lington, joy the use of the Eiffel Tower sta nouncing that the hellos and dio telegraphonic ne and Telegraph Company engineers were manipulating the apparatus at the the Paris experiments would have been heard Rendsburg, Glaven and two experiments through the courtesy of the depart transmitting station. Mr. Webb did brought to a successful end many days tis, and French officers who were historie in possessing great Edison the succees of the Arlingdistinctly by Shreeve, Cur last Mr. Carty announced to Mh. night, interest as the first ment.
authe talking throught the experiments ago.
during the exper thentic instance of listening in At the time of the anouncement of the transmisthis monto this morning.
iment of Wednesday night.
nedo you think there is a pos: Atlantic Ocean, have less scien; ed. When Mr. Carty repeated his burg American liner Slavonia sion of audible successful wireless telephony from Arspeech across the that this had been accomplish submarines have chased the lington to Mare Island, Panama, San Paris, speech sent out from Arlington Simultaneously with the reception at Knew Voice 900 Mhes Away sibility of the commercial use of tific significance than themeent statement the inventor said: Diego, and Honolulu on Sept. 29, John was received on the wireless antennae Carty, Chief Engineer if the Ameri at the Western Electrie Laboratories when the first signal from Arlington New York and Paris It was Tuesday night of last week the wireless telephone between radio telephonic trancisco wonderful! That is wonderful or London? from Arlington to San That is wonderful! That is Swedish waters, it was lear three other Germanships ny, made the anouncement that the aand Honolulu. The distance coverstation of the American Telephone and ve heard the Hello of Webb at Ar. It is a pretty hazardous ques ed was much less than that from ty had exchanged greetings, Wilchievement then accomplished demons Telegraph Company at the Pearl Harlington several times. Again, the fol time. he said and would nothington to Honolulu, and the im Meadowcroft of the EdisAfter Mr. Edison and Mr.
Carjust at the present trated the possibility transatlantier wireles telephone from Washington or schied at Honolulu reported that he te bor Navy Yard, Honolulu. Mr. Espen lowing night, the words were heard, to make a positive predication water, transmision, almost New York to London Paris, and other heard the conversation throughout the and last night the words were again for would have to make good. Had it not been for war condi. San Francisco, and Charles Edison much easier condition. She Company talked to his chiet in SECRET BRITISH ARMY OF European capitals. He re it not for the conditions of war axle entire schedule and that Mr. Webb heard, not only Paris, but in Honolu. However, we have proved that the tions. the engineers of tlie Compa Thomas Edisontalked from lu, by Lloyd Espenchied, who cabled talking can be done and can be my would have talked to Paris 000. 000 REPORTED la bi ting in Europe, the accomplishment of voice was easily recognized.
transatlantic wireless telephony would After the announcement was issued today that he heard the Hello, Shree heard, and am convinced that from Arlington before they did to Orange to their mother.
San Francisco and Honolulu.
WASHINGTON, Engl ta undobtedly have preceded the much mo Mr. Carty, who was in Chicago, was en ve. and the God bye, Shreeve utte the day is coming when we can ne difficult feat of transmission to Ho med up on the long distance telephone red by Webb in Arlington so plainly talk from New York to Tokio in SAMUEL REBER. Edison Day were Carlskr. tions of men, but is keeping the fact nolulu and asked to tell the story of the achie that he was able to recognize the voice fact, clear around the world. as that of Webb.
would not like to say how soon Lieutenant Colonel, Vice President and General Ma until she has completed prep By Courtesy of France.
of Tell us ail about the Paris achievenager The announcement of the suc this will be realized, for there is Edison In tions for a final drive intended The announcement that speech has in New York.
ment, said an officer of the company cess of the experiment was defer still a vast amount of hard work at Arlington, is the officer who son, James Mallory, Pres citizens who have reached Captain Bullard, who also was candescent Lamp Works, Harri end the war, according to Bri red actually been transmitted from Arlingthrough courtesy to the and experimentation ahead of us, seized the Telefunken station at ident of the New York Edison ton to observers stationed at the Ei ty asked, quikly guessing that newspa not until today when further cable You must keep in mind that what since that time he has refused to Vice President of the American Is anybody listening in. Mr. Car. French Government, and it was Sayville for the Government, and Company, and Kingsbury, ington.
of another chapter in of the line.
made it hard covering a that to do with wireless.
bework They are en route to attend ventions in the Westi II ti lington SE ri BIR from static seconds ci obid 14 instruM tem. that of the ਸਣ n The successful while Orange.
bi ed Hernosand.
el ton to Paris experiments. Bril e of tion to answer al that we ated al on, and Theodore Edison, sons of Among others who assisted in has an army of 000. 000 true celebration vement.
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