
THE MORNING NEWS To Our Readers Letter from a Jamaica Officer in the Ambulance Corps.
The Turk Is a Fair Fighter.
For one month.
Subscription Rates Important Cables Received in New York and Sent by originally belonged to some South hunting must have been good in British Success. It is reported informal negotia. Our Special Correspondent. 90 50 One Year.
THE AMERICAN CHARGE glish Section we beg to solicit the EXTEND THEM COURTESIES.
cooperation of our readers, not PARIS, 18th. The unexpect PANAMA, 18th. The memonly as far as subscriptions and ed appointment of Sir Douglas bers of the Ecuatorian Delegation AT THE DARDENELLES. advertisements are concerned but Haig has caused great sensation. to the Pan American Scientifical also in regard to contributions.
The newspapers are unanimous Congress, Doctors Peña, Ferrara, We will gladly accept and pubin regretting Sir John French Alcibar and Andrade arrived tolish any articles sent us, as long recall and express great satisfac day en route for Washington.
The following interesting ex one of our aeroplanes buzzing political character and providing as such are not of a personal or tion on the appointment of Sir The Ecuatorian Consul, Mr. Entracts are from a letter written by away overhead. It is an admirable such reading matter is of general Douglas Haig whose proverbial dara, and Mr. Spencer, American Lt. Honey of the 33rd Field day for their work as it is very or local interest to a given comgood luck is expected to prove a Chargé Affairs, extended their Ambulance, at the Dardanelles, to still, and just cloudy enough for good omen.
Le Matin says that he has The Chilean Delegation visited who resides at Chapelton, Jamai. Last night went up near to the cultural matters will always be his brother, Mr. Honey, them to hide themselves easily, munity. Articles dealing with commercial industrial and agribeen in close contact throughout the President this morning and firing line to an advanced dresthe war with the General Staff exchanged greetings. Afterwards and expresses great satisfaction at they called at the American Leof what this war is like, although along a path near the ridge of a munity in the country. think will give a little idea sing station. We had to walk most welcome as well as general news items from any town or comhis appointment.
we are not allowed to mention rather high hill, and the firing Minister Ribot, in the Chamber names, etc. First we are somewhe trenches seemed to be just below crease and improve this section We propose to constantly inof Deputies, in the course of a President Wilson re on the shore of the Gallipoli us. Once in a while we could hear for the benefit of our readers.
demand for a three months credit Peninsula, we are camped about a bullet whistling overhead and of the Budget, stated that Lon and Cabinet Discuss 100 yards from the beach and as hitting against the rocks. Most of took any defficiency found in the We request our readers to overdons subscription to the loan there is a high hill to one side of the field ambulances are in the which amounted to 600 million on Austrian Reply.
us, we get a good view of the sea open and they use their tents. The spelling or composing which franes total was not ready. He ad THE NEXT STEP TO BE ADOPTED and with a little climbing, a Turk plays the game fairly well. might occur at the start but this ded that the country had answer WILL NOT BE DECIDED UPON fairly good view of the land oper and does not fire on the Red Cross will be due to our staff, which is ed the call in a splendid ways that UNTIL MINOR POINTS ARE ations.
if he can help: but our particular not quite conversant with the Enthere had never been so many CHECKED.
We have all sorts of soldiers ambulance is situated in close clish language. This will be avoidsubscribers and that the deposMISS REBECCA with us but mostly British with proximity to other troops, so that ed in the near future.
itors of the Savings Banks had WASHINGTON, 18th. PresWe respectfully solicit your SHELLEY some Indians chiefly employed at we have got to live in dug outs done so without the least ambi ident Wilson and the Cabinet transport work, and some Egyp almost ft. deep and banked up correspondence which will always tion of speculation.
discussed for an hour aver Austian labourers.
with sandbags. They are not very receive our earliest and best atThe American note was receiv tria reply. The gravity of the In the bay there are always a roomy, but are good protection tention. Any questions you wish ed at the Embassy and was de situation remains unchanged. The couple of battleships of the pre against wind and rain. don to ask or anything yow wish livered today to the Foreign next step to be adopted will not MISS REBECCA SITELLEY Dreadnought class, besides des know when things will to know, just drop a line addressMinister. It is believed several be decided upon until minor troyers, mine sweepers and cargo GET BUSY AGAIN, ed to the Editor of the English days will elapse before any res points are checked, as discrepan distinguished New Yorker who received ten thousand bonts ete. To day we have three but suppose they will ut sonte Section, El Imparcial. San José.
olution is adopted.
cies of minor importance might dollars from Mr. Ford, the motor car manufacturer and which battleships and a criuser besides time sooner or later. suppose Reports from Kosmani státe have ocurred due to transmision were to be spent exclusively in sending telegrams in reference the smaller boats; there are also you know all about the Bulgarian that the Greek army Headquar and translations. The situation is to his peace expedition.
two smaller boats; there are also campaign: hope we give them a ters, the Greek regiment of en taking a settled aspect. If Austwo small but new gunboats car good licking, we are not so very gineers and the artillery will tris should continue to refuse or rying as far as can see, one big far from them.
remain at Salonika.
admit that the act is illegal and gun. The people here speak of Numerous flocks of geese fly 00 them as monitors believe they over here every day, and the indefensible, the responsibility of Three months.
German Admit the rupture will entirely rest with Six months. We have former lots.
trench fighting of land turtes about, and the ADVERTISING RATES PRACTICALLY EVERY NIGHT BRITISH DIVISION PENETRAT. tions might play a very important men eat them occasionally. There For local advertisements rates will LONDON. Since Augusted out that the cost of food had with rifles and boml and at cer are snakes, scorpions etc. but as be pladly furnished upon application.
ED IN ONE OF THEIR TREN. part owing to the fact that the CHES BY MEANS OF SUR Attaché presented a communica 1914, said the premier, the increased 40 per cent, rents tain times of the day the Turks the bushes have been burnt off Please state what you want and size tion to the State Department naval and military expenditures per cent, fuel 25 per cent, clothing shell the bench with shrapnel, and in places, they are getting rather of advertisement. Rates are exceedingshortly after the discussion of and the financial assistance given thirty per cent and micellaneous sometimes a few high explosive scarce. There are some signs of ly moderate and far below any other the Empire and our allies amount items 15 per cent.
shells; a few of which always cultivation in parts, but on the newspaper in the country.
BERLIN. By way of Lon the note was over.
to 1, 662, 000, 000 pounds. 8, 310. He asked that all classes be burst uncomportably near our whole, it is about the most barren Foreign advertisements 10 cents don. 18th. An official statement 000, 0000. In our daily expendi prepared to deal with the question ambulance. They cause very little place that ever saw, and the Ourreney, per ineh in a single cosays the following: In the wes Teutons Believed Will tures were are nearing a mark of of wages and to contribute their damage on most days, but once tern theatre, to the southeast of 5, 000, 000 pounds. 25, 000, 000. share to the conduct of the war. in a while we get a bunch of commissariat department is very lumn, per insertion.
For the English Edition nothing but Armentieres, a British division Attack Salonika. The Representatives of all the casualties all together. Our war good and we are fed fairly well, English worded advertisements will be yesterday penetrated in one of ALLIES FORCES FROM AVLONA, important trades unions in Engl LONDON. Roumania has ships blaze away at them any old much better than expected, but accepted.
our trenches by means of a surDURAZZO AND MEDUA HAVE and, Scotland and Ireland at notified Russia that ships will not time night or day. The Turks water has been rather scarce. We prise attack. Further south a JOINED THE SERBIANS AND tended the conference, which was be allowed to enter the Danube, don shell at nights, chiefly on have found some springs in the USFEUL similar attempt was frustrated.
called to devise ways and means which has been mine. says a account of the flash giving away hills, and so we are better off Otherwise activity has been limitof assisting the government and news agency dispatch from Co their guns positions. Yesterday INFORMATION ed. on account of the weather LONDON, 18th. Military ex formulating a system of national penhagen. Previous reports from there was a lot of firing going on now. Our men are on the whole being frequently hazy weak artiperts believed that the Teutons economy.
various continental points had in but today has been quiet so far. rather anxious for a decisive fight ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF llery and hand granade engage will attack Salonika before their The Premier pointed out that dicated that Roumania would can hear heavy firing in the dis. and am sure they will give a TRAINS ments have taken place at certain flank is menaced by 120, 000 the expenditures owing to the war not interfere with Russia mov tance down the const and there is good account of themselves.
The train for Puntarenas leavpoints. In the eastern theatre, Allied troops. Allies forces from were unprecedented and appealed ements in any way.
es San Jose at 50 a. and arwalong the front occupied by Gen. Avlona, Durazzo and Medua have to the conference to make the bur66 rives at that port at 10 The train from Puntarenas leaRussian attack between Lukes tenegrins and will form an army deferring wage incrense demands at the Hague reports 20, 000 Narocz and Miadzon was broken of 329, 000 men. 15, 000 Bulgarians The government. he said, are Turkish garrison at Adrianople Not War, Reported Cry ves that port at a. and arrives in San Jose at 50 during the night and early morn which are massed at Gheveli and asking the trade union leaders to sent Jerusalem quell rebelion outThe train for Alajuela leaves ing. In front of our position the Doiran will be joined by 5, 000 prevent a general demand for a broken in Palestine headed by of Austrian Socialists. San Jose at p. and arrives enemy suffered considerable los Austrians in order to start the advance in wages. It is estimated Bjemal Pasha.
ses. We captured 120 prisoners. advance. It is reported that ar that four and a half million The Socialist newspaper Solt publishing a brochure demanding in that city at 20 On the fronts of the armies of tillery from Krivulak has been people have obtained since the WASHINGTON. The police brencht publishes the text of a peace. That is how the Austrian The train from Alajuela leaves Prince Leopold and General yon transported southwards.
war began a weekly average in are searching the city for the ner, manifesto of the Austrian Social Government, which pretends to that city at 5p. and arrives in Linsingen there is nothing to crease in wages of three shillings viest burglar who has appeared Democrat party, secretly circulat combat barbarity, is acting. We San Jose at 20 In six pence.
in the capital for many a day.
The train for Limon leaves San tured by means of a storm attack German Spy Continuing, the Premier point Soon after Mr. and Mrs. William ed in Austria Hungary. It reads: summon international aid to save The truth concerning Austria the situation.
Jose at 40 and arrives at that Sterrett left their home in the the town of Bjelopolje where we port at 40 Detained.
heart of the residential section and during the war regime to slaves. We are forced to be enis that there never was liberty. Austrian subjects have become captured 700 prisoners!
42 Centimetre Gun at Rovereto Sunday the colored maid heard which we submitted conditions thusiastic. Czechs, Italians and to do to Serbia what they did to GERMAN SPY WAS ARRESTED Causes Damages on the Italians. some one moving about on the up have been terrible.
Fighting With Hand IN THE DUPONT POWDER per fior. Upon investigation she WORKS PLANT IN SALEM, FATHER PADOLIN, RELATIVE found a stranger white to man There is neither constitution From ministers to police commis are going to fight for a democraSlavs are forced to be patriots. Switzerland centuries ago. We Grenades in Belgium.
OF THE LATE POPE PIUS X, ransacking the bureau drawers. nor justice, and the executioners sioners all officials are swindlers, tic republic.
RISKS HIS LIFE ON BEHALF The girl, who immediately have We do not want to see Austria Let the Government dare to OY HIS FELLOW MEN. When the civilized world screamed for help, was seized by learns what is really happening victorious, but beaten.
SPIRITED ARTILLERY EXCHANask the people what they think SALEM, Ohio, 18th. Gerthe stranger, who led her down GES HAVE TAKEN PLACE IN of war. The Government declared war man spy was arrested at the in Austria, and what justice has ROME, 18th. The corres stairs at the point of a pistol. We do not want war, but revLORRAIN.
pondent of the Idea Nazionale 001. Uus this city.
telegraphs that a 12 centimetre truder held the revolver to the horror. We do not want to dwell but now it wants to put it under imitate the French, who made a Not content with this, the in becomie, it will shudder with to protect and liberate Poland, olution. After the war we shall PARIS, 18th. An official regun set up at Rovereto is caus girl head while she prepared at on the long series of death sen Hapsburg dictatorship.
revolution to found a republic. Austria can only continue to We cannot fight France, but we Port reads as follows: In Beling great damage to the Italians. his direction a hasty breakfast of tences passed on Czech citizens, The steamer. Palermo which hem and eggs. hot cakes and cof. but we will speak of the senten live through the ruin of the Haps do not want Russian rete.
has taken place in the sector of Fight in the Balkans.
arrived from Bengazi picked up fee. The burglar gave explicit ces inflicted on Socialists simply burgs and the triumph of demo The manifiesto declares the anthe Dunes, south of the Fort of SALONIKA IS PREPARED FOR AN a case containing 150 life belts directions as to how he liked his for exchanging socialistie ideas.
nexation of Belgian and French Givencky and between the Somme ATTACK BY PIG NAVAL GUNS which was sighted anongst the ofod and there he sat down to the Lapger has been hanged for cratie ideas. The shameful ultimatum to territory would be a crime, and and the Oise several encounters WHICH HAVE BEEN LANDED. wreckage of the Nora. table ate raveneously of every 0000000000000000000 000 Serbia could not have been sent concludes: between patrols have also taken Captain Casimberlo remained thing before him. Them, without oo MONEY EXCHANGE if a real parliament had existed After the war she will be the Austria is suffering terribly.
place. In the Champagne district, at a point to the east of Butte du GENEVE, 1sth. The Italians on board to the last minute and doing any harm to the terrified in Austria. The Hapsburgs want first to be ruined. de Benedictis.
Mesnil, a bombardment on our will not fight in the Balkans un saved Father Padolin, a relative maid he left the Sterrett home Located between the Daneo de o 090300. 000 trenches was checked by our te. less Albania is menaced. Salonika of the late Pope Pius who upon and disappeared into the suburbs.
Costa Rica and the Banco Qace!
turn fire. In Lorrain spirited ar is prepared for an attack by big seeing that many sailors were Besides the breakfast a purse con Internacional.
OO EL IMPARCIAL IR SOLD EVERYWHERE AT FIVE CENTS COPY tillery exchanges have taken place naval guns which have been land struggling in the water removed taining was all that was miss o his life belt and threw it at them. ing from the Sterrett home. 0000000000000000000 between Nomeny and Aulnois. ed.
PRISE ATTACK. We Want Revolution, Dupont Powder Works Plant in gium fighting with hand granades The Italian Will Not 000 OFFICE o OOO OOO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miquel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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