
THE MORNING NEWS 13 ENGLISH EDITION OF EL IMPARCIAL Page San José Costa Rica, Central America, December 23th. 1915 No. 53 BIT FROM HERE AND BIT FROM THERE.
some General French Farewell Message.
TACKED THE BELGIAN KING GERMANS BELIEVED WILL Aviator Jerwin, aviation instructor The New Governor of the Guatemalan army was Of Monastir.
ASSUME THE OFFENSIVE. killed in a flight.
GREEK FLAG CLAIMED HAS BEEN As scon as this offensive was announced Germany refused to weigh Russian troops transfered to Bukonina where a HOISTED OVER THE RAIL News Not Brought By The Cables ROAD STATION AT THAT international opinion in favor of peace.
TOTAL BRITISH LOSS 600, 000 new blow will be aimed.
trality, according to evidence which has reached here from of NEW YORK 20th. The New that as soon as the offensive was WASHINGTON, Dec. 21st. 1915. War Department has ATHENS, 20th. Is is re LONDON. British casualty ficial sources in Canada.
York American publishes a Paris announced Germany has refused unofficial advice that Lieut. Dyer, who is on furlough from the ported that Theodoroff has been lists published during November The submersibles, which were despatch, which says that promi to weigh international opinion. It nent men believe that the Ger. is known that Gremany has gold, Phillipines, with a United States Passaport, has been detained appointed Governor of Monastir total 1, 282 officers, and 45, 184 built at the Moran shipyards in mans are making preparations for provisions and men only for a in Singapore charged with being a German spy. Secretary Me althongh the Government official, non commissioned officers and Seattle, Wash, for the Chilian a vast offensive movement along few months longer.
Kenna was requesed in the House of Commons today to provent newspaper reports that the Greek men in all fields of war, bringing government, were sold to Canada both fronts. They have reached Those who are well informed a repetition of the disgraceful actions of Britishers of transfer flag is hoisted over the railway the total since the beginning of on August and delivered at the the conclusion that Germany is a believe that the blow will be dealt ing their capial to New York banks in order to avoid taxation. Station and that Greece and Ser hostilities up to approximately British naval station at Esquibia are negotiating lodging for 600, 000.
mault, the next day.
Xbout to strike a blow for life or on Paris before advancing on Peace agreement signed by General Villa includes the transfer the refugees, thousand of which Heavy as were the losses in It is contended by international death, not in the hope of everpo Flanders and that this will be do of 800 of his troops and all the territory over which he claimed will be sent to Volo, a similar killed, wounded and missing for law experts here that if the deliwering the Franco British resis ne in order to seize the one thous control to the Facto Government. Four submarines constructed number to Corfu and others to Cy the present month they were much very of these vessels had been tance, but in order to arrange an and million dollars in gold which by the Electric Boat Company, after being submitted to trial, prus.
lighter than in October, when the delayed twenty four hours it immediate and favourable peace. constitutes the Reserve Fund of failed in the requirements and were rejected by the Navy names of 110 officers and 71, 187 would have constituted a violation Reinach says that the Germans the Bank of France.
have four million men without non commissioned officers and of American neutrality, because Department. The United States Government has protested to Noth withstanding the fact, that Suspicious Trunks men were included in the lists. the vessels would then have been counting the Bulgarians or the the Belgian Ammunition factory Great Britain against her interference with her parcels post, Found (A statement issued in London, delivered subsequently to the outTurks.
was destroyed, along the French and asks as explanation for this attitude.
Oct. 29, gave the British casual break of war and after the isHanotaux says that Germany is front there is a vast amount of am GUATEMALA, Dec. 21st. 1915. Aviator Jerwin, aviation In Philadelphia ties from the beginning of the suance of President Wilson proin need of a victory in order to a munition and more is coming in instructor of the Guatemalan army, while effecting a flight war to Oct. as 193. 291. The total clamation of neutrality as between rrange peace as otherwise she which is being stored in Champag today fell and was mortally injured.
among officers in that period was Great Britain and Germany. The would be ruined and that this ne where vast quantities of guns NEW YORK, Dec. 21st. 1915. The American steamer TWO TRUNKS CONTAINING POR 21, 293, and among other ranks price paid for the two submarines fact has been the cause of the war material have been massed. Borinquien arrived here today. Its captain announced that TIONS OF SHRAPNEL SHELLS 472, 001. was 1, 150, 000, part of which belief that she will attempt to It is known that the inch Austri the French cruiser Descartes removed its purser while the WERE FOUND AT THE RAIL went to the Moran Shipbuilding break through the iron ring which an guns are on their way to Fran ship was nearing San Juan, Porto Rico.
TWO SUBMARINES, AMERICAN Company and the balance to the ROAD STATION.
surrounds her. He further adds ce.
BUILT, SOLD TO BRITISH LONDON, Dec. 21st. 1915. From Rotterdam it is reportElectrie Bont Company, ed that heavy firing was heard off the Hook of Holland on SunPHILADELPHIA, 20th.
llow close was the margin betTwo trunks were found at the Mackensen Stern On Fighting With day, indicating an engagement between several ships. The report miroad station containing port American built submarines were in the delivery of these vessels WASHINGTON. Two ween neutrality and unneutrality that Russia had abandoned entering the Balkan campaign has ions of shrapnel bombs. In view sold by their manufacturers to the may be gauged by comparison of Attacking Salonika.
Asfixiating Gases been confirmed by Sofia dispatches, which announced the with of the recent fires in the Bethlem Canadian government simulta the delivery date, August 5, 1914, GREEK ARMY READY TO ATTACK THE FRENCH ARE ADOPTING drawal of the Russian troops from Reni, where they had con Steel Co Works it is believed neously with the beginning of the when the submarines were sent to THE BULGARIANS IF THEY VIGOROUS MEASURES to centrated a few weeks go, and were transferred to Bukovina, that some suspicious person re war between Great Britain and Esquimault, and the events which SHOULD DARE TO VIOLATE PROTECT THEIR TRENCHES where the new Austrian blow will be aimed. All troops at Subla mowed them in accordance with Germany, and were delivered were occuring in the relations betGREEK TERRITORY.
FROM THE EFFECTS OF and Anzae, together with their gans and stores are being trans instructions from well across the border just in time to ween Germany and England.
ferred with no loss of time to other spheres of action.
known party.
avert a breach of American neuLONDON 20th. special VIGOX OF GENERALS, NOT AGE, LONDON, 20th. Early this CHRISTIANA, Dec. 21st. 1915. Peace plans are given DETERMINES THEIR USEFULdespatch to the Herald and Daily morning the enemy let out asfi out, Ford party will eventualy wind up at the Hague NESS.
Chronicle from Athens reports xisting gases against our trenches Backer will furnish unlimitted funds to carry out ideals.
that General von Mackensen with located to the north of Ypres LONDON. There is to be no his weakned army, insists that which were followed by a violent General Villa the Bulgarians should join him bombardment. To the north of Belgian Sovereing Have nge limit for generals in the Briin the attack against Saloniko. Ypres, at several points, the eneGives Up tish army, says a statement from a Narow Escape Premier Asquith. He proposes, on which city the Allies are. turn my was thrown back before reach ing into an inpregnable strong ing our lines. In general they we HE WILL LEAVE MEXICO, AND GERMAN AVIATOR REPORTED Upon retiring from command he expresses his deepest regret and gratitude the other hand, to displace them hola.
TO HAVE DELIBERATELY AT whenever they show signs of seni.
re prevented from leaving their to his officers and men.
In the meantime King Ferdin trenches. Vigorous measures are lity, whether their age be forty or AND QUEEN PARIS, 20th.
and is renewing his compromise being adopted to protect our tren General liave commandered you for 16 eighty.
EL PASO, Tex. 20th. Geof abstaining from an invasion ches from the effects of asfixiat neral Villa has decided to retire French arrived and was greeted months, during which regulars It is not possible, remaks Mr.
PARIS, 20th on Greek territory ing gases. The enemy exploded from Mexico and has asked the tieth Century semi officially re following order of the day. Upon as of the old army have shown and fast rule as to an age limit The Twen leaving the army he issued the and territorials of the new as well Asquith, to institute any hard Sofia despatch reports the two mines in our trenches, along State Department for a permit to arrival of 24 seven and a half the eastern front of Armentieres. cross over the frontier. It is be ports, that the King and Queen of retiring from the command of the the most splendid capabilities. for officers in command of diviinch guns which will be used in Early in the morning the nemy lieved that he will settle in. Hava Belgium were deliberately attack British army beg to express to To both extend my heartiest sions, but it will be our aim to apthe siege of Salonika.
infantry attempted to occupy the ed by a German aviator whe drop its officers and men my deepest thanks at this sad moment of my point those officers whose mental It is reported that the Greek excavations caused by those exped many bombs which fell in the the bell should have sounded at the wounded and during the rest most suitable. Some men age regret for my retirement before retirement at which think of all and physical qualifications are armáy is ready for an immediate plosions but were repulsed.
President Wilson Only vicinity of the place where they the victorious otcome. have of my life, with the greatest re sooner and some later than and successful attack on its old enemy and there is not the sligh More Slides in the Grand Child Christened.
were standing the firmest belief in that glorious gret will remind the gallant and others.
test doubt that if the Bulgarissue which due to your splendid glorious dear comrades who made WAS CONFERRED THE HONOR OF ians should violate Greece terri Panama Canal.
FORD ARRIVED AT CHRISTIANIA. and heroic efforts is not far dis the greatest sacrifices, willingly BEING CHRISTENED ON PETROGRAD. The effect of tory the Greek troops will imme.
tant. will follow your advance giving their lives for their coun the war on the common soldiers GRAND FATHER WEDDING NO RECEPTION WAS TENDERED with the utmost interest and with try. Upon saying farewell to the and their families in the village diately fight against them. ANOTHER SLIDE OF MINOR IMDAY.
HIM OR ANY OF HIS PARTY. the greatest confidence until you British and to the French beg has been studied and reported to PORTANCE REPORTED IN THE WASHINGTON 20th. Ereach the desired goal. The sue to eneronch upon their abnegation the Imperial Geographic Society Further Plots in GAILLARD CUT.
Teanor Wilson McAdoo, President LONDON, 20th. Reuter cess which we have attained has the United States. PANAMA 20th. Another Wilson only grand child, was Agency reports the arrival of been due to your indomitable bra and with my best and sincerest by Ulyanoff on the basis of EXPLOSIONS, FIRES AND DER red in the canal at the Gaillard christened on the President wed ion was tendered him nor his par ver knows of defeat. It will be which earnestly believe is pro ed fourteen letters written about slide of minor importance ocur. conferred the honor of being Ford at Christiania. No receit very and stubborness which ne hopes for the glorious future letter writers declared the war his hands. Mr. Ulyanoff examinRAILMENTS OCCUR AT EVERY cut.
ding day.
the pride and glory of my life to mising remain. s) French. the same time from the Ovinsk MINUTE. GOVERNMENT BUSSY front and an equal number of letTRYING TO DISCOVER THE ters written from a village in the SOURCE.
northern province of Perm. Of NEW YORK, 20th. Every course there was no selection.
day new proofs are discovered Without exception all the village throughout the country of the ntlatter writers declared the war merous conspiracies against the had to be fought to a victorious manufacturers of munitions for the Allies and against the ships conclusion, no matter what the and railroads over which they are cost to the country or to themselshipped. Frequently explosions, fires and derrailments are taking The soldiers writing from the place in which prominent society front, some in the eve of battle, and commercial people, consuls expressed unfaltering confidence and attaches are complicated.
in the final outcome, whether they The Government is vigorously should live to see it or not. But and actively engaged to discover what was more striking was that the origin of these plots.
practically all the soldier letter writers had obviously undergone, More Ammunition in their lonely watches or in their 24 quiet trench coversations, moral Destroyed experiences that Mr. Ulyanoff COURTRAI AMMUNITION DE characterized as conversions. They expressed the intention, if spared, RIBLE EXPLOSION, NO ONE to live according to the dictates of REPORTED KILLED.
their consciences. Some spoke of AMSTERDAM, 20th. té rrible explosion ocurred on Wed: SOLDIERS IN BOATS LEAVING SINKING SOUTHLAND vows by themselves and by comnesday at the Courtrai ammunitpanions not to fall in future into ion depots. The losses are heavy This cut shows the first original photograph of the life bonts of the British transport laden with soldiers on their way to another transport which hurried to their relief. In the dis19, 822 FILM SERVICE the errors of their past, to be but no one was killed.
tance may be seen a British destroyer steaming to the scene. The Southland was sunk in the Egean Sea with a loss of 1400 lives.
sober and industrious, gentle and kind.
11a ves.
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