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THE MORNING NEWS ENGLISH EDITION OF EL IMPARCIAL Page San José Costa Rica, Central America, December 29th. 1915 No. 59 The Russians Improve SERBIA FATE IS FORETOLD With Minister Briand Havana.
Germans Arrest Five Belgian Priests CASTEGNARO VISIT Interesting Interview MOST IMPORTANT Their equipment and efficiency are constantly THE CORRIERE OF MILAN RE improving and step by step they are forcing The Allied Troops at Salonika every day are PORTS THAT CASTEGNARO Buigeria Announces her intentions the invaders to witdhraw.
VISIT TO SALONIKA IS OF becoming stronger to check any attempted GREAT IMPORTANCE.
PARIS, 26th. The Russians about debates as to the resolution Respecting the Little State.
progress of the enemy.
are constantly improving their of France and her Allies to never BERLIN. The fate of Serbia Iria having been accomplished, all PARIS, 26th. The World progress of the enemy and there equipments and their efficiency, consent to peace as long as final is bound up with the fate of its Bulgarian soil which now is PARIS, 26th correspondent held an interview is marked signs of constant pres of Milan reports from Salonika the invaders to withdraw. The glorious soldiers with all efficien garia intends to annex all the of Serbia will be united for all The Corriere and step by step they are foreing victory is not achieved. Their fugitive King and dynasty. Bul groaning under the hateful yoke with Minister Briand, who said: sure along other points of the that Castegnaro visit has great enemy disheartened for its failure en continue to corner the enemy region with a Bulgarian times with Bulgaria, while Aus Upon the approach of the year front, which are forcing the ene importance because it proves that to mnke further advances has lost and put them in a position which population. Austro Hun tria Humgary will do everything 1916 the people and the armies of my to withdraw a large propor the opinion has been identified all hopes of crushing its powerful at the same time diminishes their gary will take such measures as necessary to eliminate for the futhe Allied nations find themselves tion of the large forces which they with General Sarrail. Transports and indomitable opponent while strength. The cutting down of are necessiry to insure future ture the political and military with powerful enemies who had thrown against Serbia.
are daily arriving laden with war only a few weeks ago, Germany their resources daily hampers freedom from Serbian attacks and dangers of the past. What is to without scruples occupy the nor Along the western theatre, in material. At last it may be said and its confederates vers enden their possibility of filling the intrigues. The fate of the rest of happen to the remaining Serbia, thern sections of France and only spite of their pressure against that a real expeditionary force pouring to delny the fate of a gaps. Every day their incapacity Serbia cannot now be foretola, it is impossible to foresee at the occupy a small portion of Bel Ypres, Argonne and other sectors, has been organized.
gium. Lately the enemy has been they have lost several kilometres maose which has been caught in a to refill their exhausted supplies since no one knows the future fate present, the more so since nobody The socialist congress, under able, with the cooperation of Bul of ground and hundreds of thous the presidency of Minister Guejes.
heavily burdens them and enables of the dynasty.
knows the future of the great garia, to include Serbia in its area ands of men.
The marked feature in German us to show humanity the justness met here. It was attended by maThis is the substance of an in Serbian dynasty.
of martyrdom, but the temporary The correspondent referred to In the course of 1915 we have ny deputies. The attitude to be are being made to show a desire that our people as well in the Bulgarinn Premier. by Leo Lede the possibility of increasing the publie opinion is that endeavours of our cause and to prove to them, terview with Mr. Radoslavoff, victory over a small, weak and not only shown our power to easi adopted towards the Government for peace while vainly a way is trenches ns outside the fighting rer, the Berliner Tageblatt cor political complications the nearer exhausted nation will not alterly repulse all attacks but we have is being discussed.
the situation in their favour. also proved that our offensive being sought to arrange the iron zone, are united in spirit as the respondent. In answer to a ques the hostilities approach the Greek What our enemies have achieved could demolish the concrete enring which surrounds the Empire ancient used to be. The Govern tion concerning the future status frontier. To this Mr. Radoslavoff against Serbia has no effect on trenchments and repulse the ene Villa Family to Settle in Havana on land and sen.
ment forins just one united body of the conquered districts, he replied :the final results, in the same way my with severe losses. Over RusThe diplomats in neutral coun with the Allies and we will con said: This is possible since the Brithat same is not affected by the sia they have also failed to achieve tries are exerting their efforts in tinue to fight until we insure the think it befter that questions tish and French have transferred conquests which they have achiev a final victory. The occupation of HIS WIFE AND TWENTY RELATI. order to start perice negotiations existence of liberty and freedom, which belong in the realm of the their base of operations for the ed in Belgium, France and Poland Poland has only served the pur VES HAVE LEFT NEW OR which at the present time would civilization and the rights of men coming peace conference should struggle against, under violation and of which they pride themsel pose of increasing the Tzar subLEANS FOR HAVANA. not mean the defeat of that sinis throughout the world. 1915 has now be discussed to a limited ex territory. But we believe we need of Greek Greek ves so much. Our troops at Salo jects determination to fight until ter element which is the only one nika every day are becoming a victorious termination of the responsible for the deluge of blood been the period of adaptation of tent. It may be taken for granted not fear complications in the siNEW ORLEANS, 26th.
stronger to resist any attempted war is achieved.
Villa wife and twenty of his which is flowing through Europe. the new and never suspected con that the national idea of Bulga tuation, relatives left here on their way to There is no use in bringing ditions of modern Warfare.
Aerial Bombardement on Scutary Christmas for the poor in New York INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE TWO AEROPLANES, ONE OF THEM GERMAN MACHINE, DROP THE SALVATION AT MY DISTRI Numerous Prisoners Captured PARIS, Dec. France peace arisen. have not seen the statePED BOMBS ON THE TOWN BUTES LARGE NUMBER OF terms were made public today by ment that Mr. Ford is coming to KILLING FIVE CIVILIANS.
by the Serbian CHRISTMAS DINNER BASKETS Jesuits Charged Whith Having Assisted Young Men to Cross the Frontier Albert Thomas French Minister England. It would be undignified of Munitions. They are: AMONG THE POOR.
in the highest degree for the BriPARIS, 26th. Reports from LONDO6, Dec. despatch to second that he gave as prizes to Cetinje state that two aeroplanes THE FRANKFURT GACETTE PU, the Daily News from Rotterdam the boys of the college copies of a Lorraine to France: Restoration of Alsace and tish Government to send any intimation to a lot of ladies and. one of them a German machine NEW YORK, 26th. The Sal BLISHES THE NEWS THAT says that on the charge of having patriotic diploma, with portraits dropped four bombs at Scutari vation Army General HeadquarTHE SERBIANS CAPTURED 22 assisted young Belgians to cross of Belgian princes and a picture and Serbia restored; Independence of Belgium gentlemen, who, whatever their on the 23rd of December, killing ters has employed a vast number THOUSAND TEUTONS IN THE the frontier the German author of a dying soldier with the words, merits, are not particularly im3. Germany militarism crushBALKAN CAMPAIGN. civilians and wounding 16 of its members to distribute ities have arrested five Jesuit Prepare yourself for the struggle ed.
This statement was greeted women and children. On the same Christmas dinner baskets to the priests at Brussels, among them date one of their submarines sunk poor. Each of these baskets conBUCHAREST, Dec.
The with cheers BASLE, 26th. The Frankfurt Father de roeg, rector of the of to morrow.
a Montenegrin vessel near Saint tained six rations Since his trial Father de Vroeg Roumanian government has orturkey and Gazette publishes the news that Jesuit College. He has been sen HONOLULU, What is John of Medua, which was tonded chicken. Twenty five thousand the Serbians captured 22 thous tenced to fourteen months im has been declared innocent of the dered the protection of the Rou said to be a record in radio transwith stock.
children received toys, and Christ and Teutons in the Balkan cam prisonment on two charges, the first charge but has been im manian laws up to 40 years old. mission was established when an The People Gazette publi mas trees will be set up in the paign.
first that mentioned above, the prisoned at Malines on the second.
shes the report of a bloody fight churches, charity institutions and LONDON. Lord Robert Cecil, operator for the Federal Wireless Telegraph Company picked up which took place between Ger in the prisons. Trees will also be Under Foreign Secretary, was messages being transmitted from mans and Bulgarians. The officers set up abond the German interasked in Parliament today if Nauen, Prussia, to Tuckerton, freely used their revolvers. In the ned ships at Hobocken and word had been sent to the Ford approximately 9, 000 miles course of the fight Germans, an Brooklyn. Saint Patrick Church peace party that their presence away. The German operator was Austrian and Bulgarians were is crowded with people. For years was not desirable in England. sending war despatches and the killed and a large number were past, such a joyous Christmas had Lord Robert replied: dots and dashes registered so Wounded.
never been witnessed. This is due understand that passports clearly in the radio station here to the general prosperity and the were only issued to neutral coun that the cavesdropper had no great development of business. In Fighting at Gorizia and Carso tries, therefore the point has not difficulty in copying the report.
spite of all, on certain streets IN THE FIGHTING WHICH HAS Christmas celebrations were cut TAKEN PLACE ON BOTH out owing to the war. In the Stock CIVILIAN CERNANY IS PEELING KEENLY THE PINCH OF WHR.
FRONTS THE TEOTONS HAVE Exchange the traditional High BEEN REPULSED.
Jinks were also cut out but funds Every Person Getting as Much as 75 Wekly Plays an income Tax.
were collected for charity parROME, 26th. An official re.
LONDON, Dec. German pa leave all children to perish just poses. Among the Stock Exchange port reads as follows: On the employees ten thousand dollars pers received in London say that in the same way as soldiers are heights located to the west of Go were collected while on the other speeches in the budget debate in perishing?
ritzia, at daybreak on Thursday hand, eight thousand dollars were the Bavarian Diet Nov. 25 reveal Another indication of the morning, the enemy attempted an distributed among them.
that the civilian population of growth of the anti war feeling attack on our positions opposite Germany is feeling very keenly among German Socialists is found Graferberg, but our artillery fire the effects of the war.
in increasingly severe punishA Submarine Pursues and an immediate counter attack The budgest shows a serious ments meted out to those who exof our infantry repulsed the enea Greek Steamer deficit, the only means of meeting press publicly the prevailing pomy. At Carso, on the right wing which the Ministry can devise is pular discontent, says the Swiss of our positions, after a violent to increase the income tax by 25 correspondent of the Standard.
THE GREEK STEAMER JOANNI, infantry fire and hand grenade per cent. Every person in Germa In Berlin three active memthrowing, several of the enemy NA WAS PURSUED BY SUBIN EUROPE ny who gets more than 75 abers of the Socialist Party, Hedetachments advanced on our posMARINE WHICH SUBMERGED week pays an income tax. rren Jacob Walcher, Gustav itions to the east of Velz but were AND DISAPPEARED UPON Regarding conditions in Hun Poetsch and Ewasid Thetmeyer, SEEING THE GREEK FLAG.
repulsed by the attacks of our gary, the Morning Post Buda have been sentenced to three forces.
pest correspondent quotes from months, two months and six weeks NEW YORK, 26th. The the Nepszava leading editorial of imprisonment respectively, for Courtmartialing in Germany Greek steamer Joannina arrived on the milk famine as follows: inciting to sedition.
here from Pirens. It reports that If you want to find out under Each committed the offense of FRANZ KREUS HAS BEEN COURT. it was pursued by a submarine what conditions this country is saying the Government ought to MARTIALED ON CHARGE OF which gave pursuit by firing living, look at the milk misery stop th war before more valuable TREASON FOR INDUCING SOL several shells; that the shells exand the anarchy that surrounds it. German lives had been unnecesDIERS TO DISOBEY DISploded 59 yards from starboard: We must speak of anarchy, for sarily sacrificed.
that the steamer stopped and that the things that are happening Strassburg court martial in our midst are nothing but anar has sentenced another Socialist, COLOGNE, 26th Franz Reus the submarine approached but was courtmartialed on a charge of noticing its flag submerged and chy. Neither the Government nor Bernard Cuass, to nine months treason for having induced the disappeared.
the city authorities have done imprisonment for saying German soldiers to violate discipline. The anything to save this city and militarism caused the war, and Attorney General requested that country from the famine that that he longed for the victory of an exemplary, punishment be imYOU CAN MAKE MONEY threatened us a year ago, and the allies, the champions of freeposed, as it would be impossible which has now come upon is. dom.
with our business propositions.
to tolerate such a dangerous The Government forgets two Don slave for others work for The same tribunal inflicted character in time of war. The very serious points. One is, what yourself. We teach you how. You de fence requested that his mental will the men in the trenches say sentences varying from two day need no eapital. Drop us a line condition be examined as his sis and get full particulars.
if they learn of the misery we to four months imprisonment on This cut shows a comparative picture of Christmas Day spent on the battlefields of Enrose ter testifies that he has been suf hve to put up with? The other seventy six other Socialists, fortyAGENCY PAN AMERICAN and the way it was spent in Amerien.
fering from religious mania, The COMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post is, how does the Government hope one of whom were women, for Court granted the reqnest that an Este grabado muestra un cuadro simbólico de la manera cómo pass el dia de Navidad en los to make up for the wholesale indiscreet remarks about the war examination be held.
2008 campos de operaciones de Europa y cómo pasó en América.
slaughter going on. of they and other minor crimes.
CHRISTMAS DAY CIPLINE. Office Box 800, San José.
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