
THE MORNING NEWS ENGLISH EDITION OF EL IMPARCIAL age New Yeas Day Ought lo be in These Countries Our Tranksgiving Day No. 62 San José Costa Rica, Central America, January 1st. 1916 steamer Nereus was sunkin the North Sea on Christmas Day.
801 The Morning News The members of the crew wandered about in the boats until they EITORIAL NOTE: Wishes all its readers, advertisers and were picked up on Monday.
a well know fact that Thanksgiving Day was instituted many friends a happy joyous and prosperous Then there is love. Those who devoted love of a mother sa of worship tobr designated by the President of the United or father, of a sister or brother, of a child or a husband ought to New Year YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Atate which to thank the Almighty, for the blessings bestowed know the blessing that love signifies. Only too often, the only ones with our business propositions.
non American naiona who appreciate the full blessing of love are those who have lost all Don slave for others work for The countries there we have no such day in the year New earthly ties. We who have relatives and friends, though far away, Year Strange New Year so each New Yer day was set ly ought to be the one designated by everyone for that pur owe a debt of gratitude which we should try to pay, in part to day.
yourself. We teach you how. You pose for the season when Nature beneed no capital. Drop us a line does New fear Day mean to us? Does it mean only a their own efforts, should appreciate the value of this blessing.
Those who have work, who are able to support themselves by Celebration gan to wake after her winter and get full particulars.
Say oficial feasting Does it bring to us only the pleasure of rich If the family circle about the festive table is unbroken to day, AGENCY PAN AMERICAN What probably is the strangest sleep.
ods, borate meal and heavy drinking? Or do we remember is not that a reason for full rejoicing? When so many fathers, husCOMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post the 1st of feastig that the past year has ended and that we bands, brothers and sons, over in Europe, are falling on every side New Year rite is held in the CeOffice Box 800, San José.
te abo to start a noné. One year more and one year less has in that inhuman war we should give thanks with all our hearts that vennes mountains, in southern December 31st apsed our lives, that parenthesis between birth and death. our own dear ones go unharmed.
France. At the last evening mass e shol all take ime froin this day, filled with pleasures, to Lok bacover the past year and remember all the blessings for during the past year has been good to us. Life is not all sunshine. flocks of the peasantry are ga That if thou dost not leave me high Argue and elaborate as we will on our burdens, we know fate of the old year the herds and Best day of all the year, since May see thee pass and know mich whave to bathankful. No matter how much sorrow and If it were we would very soon grow tired of life. Dissapointments. thered before the portico of the Thou hast not found me low, setbacks, desillusionments come to every one, and we must expect they truble ny have come to is in the course of the past twelve months, will come to us. Indeed we have no voice in the matter. They will little stone church high up on the And since, as behold thee die, thre havbeen many blessings as well, if we will stop to consider Thou leavest me the right to say then, Pelaps at the time of trouble we were blinded to the bless come to us as surely as day follows night; but do we accept them pa mountain side and are blessed by tiently? That is Lugs, but bw, if we bok back with clearer judgement, we can see story the priest and sprinkled with holy That tomorrow still may vie With them that keep the upward way Many persons look only on the dark side of life. What the water by the acolyte, who follows that they were there all the time, sometimes blessings in disguise. use? they say dejectedly Everything try to do turns out a fai; him in order that this the sole Best day of all the year to me, but blessin none the less lure. There is a tiny bit of selfishness here. is very prominent wealth of the countryside may Since may stand and gaze We cai surely afford to spare from this whole day of pleasure while for someone else their work would be crownede thith sucesso increase and prosper during the Across the grayish past and see in these Perhaps if they did something So many crooked a couple of hours for silent retrospection and appreciation. Let each Doing something for another has never yet turned out a failure. year to come. The sight at the ho That might have led to misery slip away from the crowd för just a small part of the day and give there isn a case on record showing where failure has followed a ly hour is wonderful. As the Or, haply, endoed at disgrace; ourselves up to a mental review of the past year.
kind deed done for others. Perhaps this others did not appreciate church bell tolls above them the Best day since thou dost leave me free need a period for self inspection and at the same time for our unde, son that put herself out to make another person happy experienced a low and try madly to escape. Best day of all days of the year New Year Day should be a time of retrospection for all. We the efforts taken in their behalf, vet the fact remains that the per: frightened animals bleat and bel To look the future in the face.
served benefits. We will be all the better men and women for the wonderful happiness herself.
Firts the oxen are blessed, then hours given up to silent appreciation of the good we have received hand to someone who needs it. good example is a great works the cows, next the sheep and since thou dost leave me still the dear rich or helping. and the good we have code to others. In the past we may have ac the greatest work a person can do and it doesn require the spend lambs and finally the goats and Old faith in brotherhood; cepted the blessings a pigs.
matter of course, often grumbling that we ing of a five cent piece.
were not given Best day since I, still striving here, it now let us sit down and realize the size this year may probably know of those struggling on alone. If we Then let us put aside little complaints. We, in the course of and the na And, undisturbed by doubts or fear, enefits we have received so unheedingly in are able to do so, why not extend them a helping hand? If we do so New Year Day in Seek paths that are untrod as yet.
the past year for the year will fly away with golden wings and next year when 1917 There is health. Those who have sound health never dawns we will know what it is to be thankful and happy.
March stop to be gray t, it seems so much a part of them. And Each of us will find, if we search our minds, that we have many New Year day used to fall in SWEDISH STEAMER SUNK yet were those nes laid on a sick bed for months at a time motives to be thankful for. It is only the hardened heart which feels March, not in January, and there THE SWEDISH they would soiaua how much of a blessing health really is. no gratitude. And we should all fill our minds with love and appre was a good deal of sense in this, REUS WAS SUNK IN THE The chronic in their beds and wheeled chairs appreciate to ciation, this New Year Day, of the great good we have received for, even as the world first year NORTH SEA ON CHRITSMAS The famous French the full the bles good health. Let those of us who are well in the past year of 1915 and let us hope to be more worthy of it in the was supposed to have begun in DAY.
and strong bet fox. our health.
coming year of 1916.
the sprouting of leaf and grass, LONDON 28th. The Swedish Minister to Greece May view the past with small regret nell STEAMER NEN. DENYS COCHIN Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr Bayer Co.
cado. Grace Co.
Alemán Americano where the mouth 平平平平平平平, VACUNA CONTRA EL CARBON ANTRAX EL BLACKEF PIERNA NEGRAS Cigarri EL PROGRESO Pongo en conocimiento de los agricultores, que por encargo de la Secretaría de Policín, y con el fin de prevenir eficazmente las enfermedades carbuncosas del ganado. ANTRAX Llegaron fcigarrillos Flor de Cuba y en adelante MORRISA SILENCIOSA, BLACKLEG PIERNA NEGRA. he introducido para Hegarán menmente sempre frescos y renovados. Lo verder a precio de costo, la mejor vacuna que se conoce actualmente para el objeto indiLEVERKUSEN, Alemania mismo que untenso suit ido de puros de las mejores marcas de Habar Jamaica y todo lo referente al ramo de Se vende en tubos de diez dosis cada uno a 00 para el carbón y 40 para el Agente para Costa Rica, cigarrería blackleg.
Víctor Fabián, San José.
Jeringas: para diez dosis 00 y para una 00.
CAMBIO MONEDA COMPRA DE GIROS Atiendo órdenes por correo. Acompañadas de su valor se enviarán libres de porte.
DEPOSITO DE SUEROS OXIGENO Élahummingunan kunnallinnaam kemari del Licenciado Julio Gurdián, 200 varas al Sur del Banco de Costa Rica y esquina opuesProductos Bayer ta al Teatro Actualidades. Teléfono 623.
Somatose sabor seco, Somatose EMPRSA DE TRANSPORTES sabor dulce, Somatose Ferruginosa NANNE CO.
Reconstituyente y aperitivo Paraas fiestas ofrece al GUAYACOSE: Antituberculoso y Dietético pulico su elegante De venta en todas las Boticas 90000.
atomóvil Hudson San Francisco. Nueva York. Nueva Orleans MANERA RAPIDA FACIL DE GANAR MUCHO DINERO Teléfono 566 Exportadores al por mayor de EL SOL Compañía Anónima de Protección de la salud contra Enfermedades y Accidentes, solicita damas y caballeros que puedan dedicarse a servir plazas de Agentes. Arroz, Cemento Susco Harina, Trigo Dirigirse al apartado de Correo No. 1029, o a las oficinas de la Compañía, sitas frente a la Imprenta Alsina.
COMTES DULCES Abono paracafé, Pez Rubia, Bacalao, Soda Cáustica, CONDICIONES MUY FAVORABLES pa Noche Buena Canfin, Salmón, Gasolina, Cerveza Americana, San José, 27 de diciembre de 1915.
Un variga surtido han recibido en estos fas EL GERENTE.
Frutas y Vinos de California, Cerveza Sueca, BAROBLES Co.
Fósforos Suecos y Japoneses y otros Af en: Pasaje Jiménez. San José, La mejor prueba RECIBEN CONSIGNACIONES DE de la calidad 00 00 o 00000000000000000000000 es la demanda.
Café Cacao, Cueros, Caucho y otros ORIGINALD WALCOTT Apartado 741 ORPRESENTACIONES. y hacen adelantos liberales. 900 000000000000000000000000 Para más informes: Piano Joycia, Libros, Polvos para hornear, mortadelas o POR MAYOR de refrescos o WISS Me enca sele reparaciones y afinaciones de pianos. No o vende diariamente compres Winavisamme. LE AHORRARE DE 50 150 colones.
vender también aviseme. Escríbame para o SAN JOSE. APARTADO 171 AGENTE GENERL EN COSTA RICA detalles La Navarra. 000000 DOO000000000000000000001a on humanamdan hewar tummon how the herghe 1) is amuebladas Esmerado servicio. Salones c01 port moderno especiales para banquetes.
Pruto mas céntrico de la Capital. Calle Central Norte, esquina Avenida Segunda 成大大大大大大大大大大大大大大大大大大大大大 Este documento a Boloteca Wacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. 000 Más de 12. 000 botellas HOTEL RESTAURANT EUROPA


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