p. 8


Miércoles, Enero de 1916.
PAGINA OCHO Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION a u céntimos cada veinte palabras o traceión.
No se admiten inserciones por menos LONDON. British newspapers at de tres veces.
ROUMANIAN FRONTIER. tack President Wilson message in FRENCH MACHINE SHOOTS DOWN PARIS, 2nd. An official report their editorial colums today.
TENEDOR DE LIBROS. Persona de PETROGRAD, 2nd great battle GERMAN PLANE reads as follows: Last night we dis We cannot say that Mr. Wilson edad madura, ofrece su profesión de contabilista al Comercio en general. is raging, or in other words, a series organized several German patrols to theory of morals will increase the res.
También se hace eargo de trabajos of combined battles are taking place PARIS, Dec. 29. thrilling aerothe south of Wayly and an intermitent pect of the outer world for the official por horas, de día o de noche. Direc towards the southeastern front, in plane battle between a French and a cannonnading took place between the attitude of the White House, says the elón: Apartado de Correo No. 776.
which General von Mackensen and German machine 3, 000 metres above Somme, the Woevre seetor and Flyrey. Pall Mall Gazette. The educated bet.
NECESITO un motor eléctrico de 76 o general Pfanzer troops are engaged the earth is reported in last night No important events took place along ter clases of America will be unable to un caballo de fuerza.
on a line which extends from the the balance of the front. Between the imitate the equanimity with whleh IGNACIO CONEJO. Pripet river as far as the Roumanian official French war report.
The French machine opened an efHavre and the Oise our artillery President Wilson contemplates Gér: frontier. It is estimated that a million fective machine gun fire on the other, silenced the enemy batteries. In the many career of treachery and tor: SE ALQUILA una casa higiénica cer and a half men are engaged in this and the latter exploded, plunging to region of Amy, to the south of Roye, ture.
ca del tranvía del Pacífico. También struggle.
earth with its two occupants. The stabetween Soisons and Reims, fighting The Westminister Gazette issues an otra amueblada, durante verano.
tement follows: with mines has taken place. Two appeal. saying: Informes Botica El Aguila. This morning one of our aeroplanesmines were exploded in the region of We appeal to the American people TO THE SOUTH OF PRIPET THE giving chase at a height of 000 Troyon and a third one near Pompelle. that, if they are unable to help us by JOVEN DE BUENA FAMILIA desea STRUGGLE CONTINUES WITH metres to a German machine, was able To the south east of Rheims, in the positive assistance, not to hinder us encontrar alojamiento en una casa privada Dirigirse por carta al a UNABATED VIOLENCE.
to approach within a distance of twenVosgues, our artillery showed great by asserting neutral rights of commerpartado 318.
ty metres and attack it with machine activity. During the afternoon the cial interests to the prejudice of our PETROGRAD, 2nd Along the front guns. The enemy aeroplane took fire enemy long range guns fired ten shots BASTON en forma de caña con iniciaon the suburbs of Nancy where two naval power.
les M, se me ha extraviado, which extends from the Gulf of Riga immediately and exploded. The two Gratificaré devolución.
to Pripet there has been no change. passengers foll within our line near inhabitants were killed and seven were BERLIN. Via Sayville NICOLAS MONTERO. To the south of Pripet the struggle Tilloloy.
wounded. The material losses were Constantinople reports well organized Botica Española. continues with unabated stubborness, The day was comparatively calm.
slight. We immediately attacked the Senussi and Tripolitanians occupied gun which had done the damage.
VENDO mi establecimiento del Merca along the Styr sector. Between Kovel Artillery actions took place in Artois, and Sary we crossed over to the left in the sectors of Loos and Givenchy, do. Condiciones con su dueno.
whole Valayet Tripoli with head quars According to Belgian official TRINIDAD CARVAJAL. bank of the Styr, in the vicinity of and between the Somme and the Oise, report violent artillery duels have ters in Sukeldshuma one hour and UN BUEN TRAPICHE. Se vende Cazartoryek, and occupied the village in the region of Fouquescourt.
taken place along the Yser. The Yper half from town Tripoll. Senussi also uno de la Geo. Squier Mg, Co. usado of Khrias. The enemy by means of a In the face of the activity of the les bateries silenced the enemy ar entered Kasasyrt where Italians compere en buen estado. Puede moler fá desperate counter attack attempted to enemy artillery our guns opened ac kom tillery in the vicinity of Mercen and pletely defeated. Italians lost 000 cilmente 20 toneladas de caña dia. force us to recrouss to the right bank tion with great violence. Observations rias. Precio 800. Con buena garandisorganized an enemy detachment dead plenty arms ammunition captía so da plazo para el pago. Enten of the Styr but this attemp failed. The made by aeroplanes enabled us to es.
near Poesel.
dorso con Miguel Guardia Carazo. enemy was also unsuccessful in their tablish the efficacy of our fire.
REK. DE HERBERT repeated attempts to dislodge us from Fighting with grenades continued SCOTT BAKER SMITH.
PARIS. The Teutons have ingu.
SOMBREROS DE PITA buenos y fl. the flasheff region.
to the east of the Butte de Souain, MOUNT ETNA AGAIN EMITS gurated new tacties in the Balkans 1108, a precios de competencia frente To the the southeast of Kolki we ad where we made progress. Between the Lehmann y a La Fama, vende MaProros consisting of the employment of mintMOLTEN LAKE Poc HOUTAS vanced towards the north of the Olika Argonne and the Meuse, near Bethinnuel Veiga.
mum troops and a maximum of artillerailroad station and organized this court, our batteries destroyed reserSTATUE Seence.
ry. They are economizing on human SE ALQUILA una pieza con servicio newly conquered position. Along the voirs containing suffocating gases.
Interior y alimentos. Se admiten. co front which extends along the river CATANIA, Sicily. Dec. 27. Mount material, which it takes twenty years relying on Etna is active again. It is emitting red to produce, whil big mensales. 200 varas al Norte del Telégrafo y 25 al Oeste, casa de la se. Strypa we occupied the enemy lines PRESIDENT POINCARE AND This cut shows Rev. Herbert Scott Smith, rector of Saint Margaret hot lava which, streaming along the guns which their shops seem able to fierita Julia Reyes Quirós.
of thenches. In the region of Uscieszko PRINCE ALEXANDER OF SER Episcopal church who officiated the ceremony. On the left may be seen dislodged the enemy and forced its sides of the mountain and melting supply in inexhaustible abundance.
BIA GREET EACH OTHER ON one of the wedding gifts: a state of Pocahoutas.
the snow, produces a wonderful effect, It is certain that Field Marshal von NEGOCIO. En la administración troops to retire to the right bank of NEW YEAR DAY.
do EL IMPARCIAL se vende papel the Dniester. Between Pritet and the especially at night.
Mackensen had not more than 175, 000 de periódico a 10 centimos la libra front which extends near Roumania PARIS, 2nd. On the occasion of In addition cinders and smoke form Germans in addition to 80, 000 Ausen cantidades hasta de 25 libras, y and umbrella shaped cloud above the trians, but they had artillery sufficient en cantidades mayores de 25 a 50 li we reached as far as the enemy wire New Year Day President Poincaré bres inclusive a razón de céntimos entanglements and after crossing them and Prince Alexander of Serbia sent THE KAISER ORDERS THE CITY SQUADRON OF FRENCH AERO volcano.
for 1, 000, 000 men, according to the prede 50 libras en adelante a cén succeeded in organizng the ground each other telegrams bearing their times la libra. Cartón superior which was conquered.
OF BELGRADE TO BE CHRIS PLANES ERRONEOUSLY BOMwar theory. They employed five guns personal greetings.
para moldes de sastre, costureras, where only one would have been used SINCE THE WAR BEGAN THE EARD THE GREEK CAMP ate. ete. a 10 céntimos la libra. In the Caucasus our reconoitering 600 TENED WILHELMSBURG.
KING OF ITALY HAS RESFUS. in previous wars. The result was the Cartón inferior calidad, propio para parties, on Friday night, attacked the NEAR SALONIKA.
an ED TO LEAVE HIS SOLDIERS Teutonie infantry seldom came in contrabajos de polvoristas y otros usos YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Turkish advance posts, located on the céntimos la libra.
tact with the Serbs who were deluged EVEN FOR FEW DAYS.
use bluffs of Mount Karatasch. To the with shells and were unable to display with our business propositions.
PARIS, 2nd. Several members of south of Korassan our reconoitering ROME, 2nd. At the New Year their traditional bravery.
Don slave for others work for the Red Cross who returned from Ser LONDON, 2nd. An aerial squadron ceremonies, the Ministers, Senators, parties bayoneted the sentries and enThe lesson of the Serbian campaign GIROS SOBRE EL SALVADOR tered as far as the defence works, ocyourself. We teach you how. You to General von Mackensen that composed of French aeroplanes, upon Deputies and higher officials, in order is that Germany, realizing that she cupied by the reinforcements, where need no capital. Drop us a line and get full particulars.
city of state that the Kaiser gave returning to Salonika after a reconoi to greet the King were forced to go is at the end of her resources in men, they bombarded the retreats killing the Venden por cualquier canorders to General von Mackensen that tering flight, erroneously dropped Palace. This great change was quite sheer weight of metal. It is our duty to the front, instead of doing so at the now hopes to crush the allies by the survivors. To the south Lake Urumia AGENCY PAN AMERICAN bombs on the Greek camp, where a noticeable at the capital, increasing to be immediately ready to meet a tidad y por telégrafo.
a Russian detachment retired towards COMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post the city of Belgrade should be resoldier was wounded. General Sarrail the King popularity, who since the similar phalanx of guns on our front Pasaje Jiménez. Local No.
Mendoab, forced by the pressure of Office Box 800, San José.
cristened with the name of Wilhelms immediately sent an apology to the beginning of the war has refused to by still further increasing the numbers Robles Co.
our superior forces.
Greek Government.
leave the soldiers even for a few days. of our batteries.
UNTEN we MONUMENTO AL MAESTRO SUSCRIPCION HASTA HOY: 782. 90 Número de contribuyentes 742 father and CHICLETS LA TEMPESTAD whether the new 200 varas al Sur del Cigarrería EL PROGRESO Ya no es un pasatiempo el mascar Para cualquier dolor en cualquier lugar no hay como Chiclets como en un principio parte Palacio de Justicia del público creía.
Llegaron los cigarrillos Flor de Cuba y en adelante Teléfono No. 354 Yerbas Mexicanas Constantemente recibimos felicitallegarán mensualmente siempre frescos y renovados. Lo ciones de personas honorables, dandoComprando sus víveres en este mismo que un extenso surtido de puros de las mejores marnos las gracias porque han tenido el En todas las Boticas.
éxito anunciado por nosotros de que establecimiento economizará la cas de Habana y Jamaica y todo lo referente al ramo de MASCAR CHICLETS SIGNIFICA mitad de su dinero. Especialidad RAWSON, cigarrería.
Si usted está propenso a padecer de en el café molido que vendemos al esa enfermedad, ya sabe: masque Chi por mayor y menudeo. Cacao moCAMBIO DE MONEDA COMPRA DE GIROS clets.
Gold Palacios y Co. Agentes lido a 40 céntimos la libra. Amma Vamosonmano naman Pasaje Diménez, San Jose 000000000000000000000000000 RELOJURIA SUIZA Calle del Carmen Acaban de llegar muchas mercaderfas en Joyas y relojes; también articu El mejor surtido de juguetes para niños. Confituras especiales los de fantasía, en broches, anillos, etc. para regalos de Pascua y una variedad de laterías, dulces y frutas de poco valor, para regalos.
Se sienteUd. débil o nervioso. Trasnochó Ud?
Relojes de pulserne para señoras, cristalizadas.
surtido variado.
Se agito demasiado en el baile. Pretende casarse. 000000000000000 000 La India Es urgente que sepa esto Desea usted paladear algo exquisito?
Todo lo que se vende en La Tienda Azul. es de buen gusto y nuevo. Si usted es persona de buen gusto y le agrada lo elegan te y lo bueno vaya a La tienda Azul: El más precioso surtido de pañoletas y chalecitos, propios para regalos de Pascua y Año NueYo los encontrará usted en La Tienda Azul.
EL MEJOR REGALO Pues beba Ponche Inglés Que usted podrá hacer en Noche Buena a su esposa, hijos, amigos o a sú novia, será una Cámara Kodak, que en todo tiempo, y sobre todo en verano, nada hay más útil, sugestivo e interesante para grandes y chicos.
Antes de comprar un aparato fotográfico en otra parte, sírvase ver nuestro gran stock y no olvidarse, que en el ramo de fotografía todo lo vendemos a precios de fábrica.
No se olvide que como en años anteriores, tenemos un surtido de más de doscientos modelos de Kodaks de todos tamaños. Para prestar a nuestra numerosa clientela, sin cobrar un céntimo por el servicio del aparato e instrucciones para el manejo de él.
Richard Kriebel Dentista Alemán HA TRASLADADO su despscho a su nuevo gabinete, situado 150 varas al Oeste del Palado de Justicia Su esposa, su novia, sus amigas, toda dama de buen gusto agradecerá a Ud. el regalo de una botella De venta en todas las cantinas DESARROLLO IMPRESION ORDENES POR CORREO ROBERT HERMANOS Almacén de Ropa Hecha 大大大大大大大大大大大大: 00000000. 000000 0000000000000000 Librería Española, Imprenta, Encuadernación, Fábrica de sellos de Hule, Relieves de María de Lines. San José. Cartago y Limón.
Se ha puesto a la venta el conocido Almanaque Costarricense para 1916.
30 años consecutivos de publicación con éxito completo.
Arreglado al Meridiano de San José de Costa Rica con las mareas de Puntarenas en la edición de papel)
Precios en papel hojas) 15c uno. 50 dec. 12 el ciento.
Acabamos de recibir El Año en la Mano Enciclopedia de la vida práctica para 1916. tomo rústica 00 colón.
90 En cartón: 30 uno. 00 doc. 25 00 el ciento.
Por correo 30.
Almanaques Amor y Cupido, publicaciones festivas para 1916 sólo para hombres. tomo rústica Ci. 00. Por corroo Cl. 20Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa Rica.


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