p. 8


Viernes, de Enero de 1916.
ELIMPARCIAS PAGINA OCHO Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION News From La Junta Searchlight Auto, After Night Patrol in Snowstorm The Belgian Touching and Interesting Details JOVEN DE BUENA FAMILIA desea en the Sinking of the Steamer Persia 15 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fracción.
THE BELGIAN GOVERNMENT TO Por cada diez palabras de exceso, PUBLISH GOLDEN BOOK IN céntimos.
No se admiten inserciones por menos CONMEMORATION OF CHARIT.
de tres veces.
ABLE ACTS TOWARDS THE VENDO las propiedades que tengo fren BELGIAN PEOPLE.
te a la estacón de Atenas (Rio Gran very enjoyable cricket game was, amassed a total of 40 runs for de) con sus negocios de cantina, pul played here on Tuesday, December wickets.
perís y hotel. Es el mejor negocio 28th. between the Ladies Red Star At o clock the homester team openTHE HAVRE, 4th.
que hay actualmente. Ramón Agui Crisket Club of Cairo and the Blue ed their inning with Miss Davidson, and Government has issued a decree order: lar, Alajuela, teléfono número 10.
Bell Cricket Club of La Junta.
Miss Jarrett but after one over was ing the publication of a Golden Book At 20 the two umpires, bowied by Miss Thomas of the visitin order to conmemorate the charitable LOCAL EN CARTAGO. El que ocupaban la Gobernación y la Munici: Messrs. Brown and Mc. Gregor, ing team, it could be seen that the acts towards the Belgian people. It palidad, situado en la esquina del filed out of the stand, quickly followed homester team was beaten for the will be divided into three parts; the Parque, se da en alquiler. Enten by the home team, which took the bowling of Miss Thomas and Miss first part will contain the cash donaderse en Cartago con su propietaria held. There was a most lively gather. Campbell proved too dendly and they tions: the second will contain another doña Lidia Troyo, y en San José con could only amass seven runs.
ing to witness the game.
don Manuel Serrano list of the institutions established to Miss. Nesbitt and Miss. Davis The homester team had another try feed and relieve the Belgian people TENEDOR DE LIBROS. Persona de were the first pair that came out to with the bat but again the two desduring the German occupation of thely edad madura, ofrece su profesión de battle for the visitors. Miss. H, Nes. troying angels proved too good for the territory: this part will contain the contabilista al Comercio en general.
También se hace cargo de trabajos sitt took first over from Miss. Davidson batting power and they could muster names of the members of their boards ten more ruus, thus leaving the visitpor horas, de dia o de noche. Diree but after making three runs she was of directors and the third part will ción: Apartado de Correo No. 766. bowled by the same bowler.
ors with one inning and 23 runs.
contain a description and full details of the home institutions which failed SE ALQUILA una casa higiénica cer At the end of the inning the visitors CORRESPONDENT.
ca del tranvía del Pacífico. También to take upon themselves the task of otra amueblada, durante verano.
relieving the Belgian war victims.
Informes Botica El Aguila.
privada. Dirigirse por carta al a partado 318.
VENDO mi establecimiento del Merca: An explosión was heard and the ship sank among do. Condiciones con su dueno.
CONSTANTINOPLA, 4th. By way the shrieks and yells of the frightened passengers TRINIDAD CARVAJAL.
of London. Great battles have been ALEXANDRIA, 4th. Charles Grant, me up. We rowed around looking for taking place at the Dardenelles and UN BUEN TRAPICHE. Se vende an American citizen and survivor of other survivors and the boats were bomb throwing has continued on both uno de la Geo. Squier Mg, Co. usado the steamer Persia arrived here, soon overloaded. We divided among sides. The artillery temporarily oper pero en buen estado. Puede moler fá.
cilmente 20 toneladas de caña dia. When interviewed by the Associated four boats which were tied one to ated along the whole line and forced rias. Precio 800. Con buena garan Press correspondent he said that he another and the fifth one followed a cruiser and a monitor to retire which PHOTO INTERNATIONAL FILM SCRVICE tia se da plazo para el pago. Enten was in the dining saloon asking for his close by. The occupants of one of the were engaged in a temporary bombardderse con Miguel Guardia Carazo.
lunch when, between and p. boats were singing hymns.
Winter once more has descended on the opposing armies and the trench fighters on all ment on our positions. Our airmen flew SOMBREROS DE PITA buenos y a terrible explosion was heard. The boat which occupied took the fronts, fortified by last year experiences, are prepared to meet its discomforts. This picture over the enemy positions and sucnos, a precios de competencia frente As the ship was sinking the scenes lead searching for the steamers which shows one of the French searchlight cars after a night in a driving snowstorm, when its powereeded in making thorough inves.
a Lehmann y a La Fama, vende Ma became apalling: the water was as frequently arrive at the canal. Three tigation of the surrounding ground.
nuel Veiga.
black as ink. Some of the passengers hours later we met a cruiser and we ful lights guarded many miles of the French front from a surprise attack. The crews of these In the vicinity of Aribormi we found SE ALQUILA una pieza con servicio shrieked and yelled while others bid shouted. We are British. By the excars have one of the most perilous details of war, and are constantly in danger of ambush 400 cases of ammunition which the interior y alimentos. Se admiten co each other farewell. The saloon was enemy had hidden. There is nothing mensales. 200 varas al Norte del Te filled with smoke and broken glass but planations we gave this cruiser went to report from the balance of the légrafo y 25 al Oeste, casa de la se there was no signs of panic on board. after the other boats and picked them THE FRENCH CLAIM SEVERAL THE ITALIANS ON THE CARSO FURTHER FIGHTING IS REPORT front.
ñorita Julia Reyes Quirós. We went up on deck and took to up. Nobody saw Consul Nenilly who SUCCESSES WHILE FIGHTING PLATEAU REPULSE THE AUSED BY THE ITALIANS IN THE the life boats just as the ship was had his cabin on the port side.
IN CONNECTION WITH THE TRIANS INFLICTING THEM NEGOCIO. En la administración beginning to shift, said the survivor.
THE BRITISH REPORT SEVERAL de EL IMPARCIAL se vende papel The last one to put on a life belt was VERY HEAVY LOSSES.
do periódico a 10 céntimos la libra SUCCESSES ALONG THE WESen cantidades hasta de 25 libras, y the captain. As the steamer continued PARIS, 4th. In Belgium, our ar en cantidades mayores de 25 a 50 il. to shift it was impossible to launch YOU CAN MAKE MONEY bras inclusive a razón de céntimos the boats on the starboard side on TERN FRONT.
tillery has continued to show great ac ROME, 4th. In the region locaty de 50 libras en adelante a cénROME, 4th. An official report reads with our business propositions.
tivity. All the Belgian batteries bomed to the north of Falzarego the Austimos la libra. Cartón superior which the railing was already under Don slave for others work for barded with apparent success, the trians explodied several mines which as follows: In the region of Langa LONDON, 1th An official reports para moldes de sastre, etc. etc. a 10 céntimos la libra. suceeded in getting away and climbed costureras, water. got tangled up in a rope but yourself. We teach you how. You enemy positions located to the south caused scarcely any damage. After a zoui, to the north of Falsarego, the reads as follows: Along the southern Cartón inferior calidad, propio para need no capital. Drop us a line of Boesinghead and to the east of Saint during surprise attack we succeeded enemy exploded several mines which section of the front a small group of trabajos de polvoristas y otros usos saw the Persia the bow was up in on some floating planks. The last time and get full particulars.
in recapturing several of the positions caused a slide of rock with no damage. our troops, last night, made a success a céntimos la libra.
the air and five minutes after the AGENCY PAN AMERICAN groups were successfully bombarded previous attack. The enemy, supportIn the region of Steenstraete several which we had abandoned in the At Carso, on Sunday, the enemy at Tul bomb attack. Today our artillery successfully bombarded several of the BASTON en forma de caña con iniciavessel had disappeared. Floating COMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post To the south of the Somme we bomed by vast forces, attacked the Carso tacked our positions located on Mount enemy entrenched positions. Great arles se me ha extraviado. around amongst the wrekage saw Office Box 800, San José.
barded the enemy first line of tren plateau but were repulsed with very Saint Mitchell, but was repulsed with tillery activity was noticed to the Gratificaré devolución.
about a. five boats which picked ches near Doupiene.
heavy losses.
very heavy losses.
north of Loos and Ypres.
Botica Española. CHICLETS LA TEMPESTAD borbe net GIROS SOBRE EL SALVADOR 200 varas al Sur del Ya no es un pasatiempo el mascar Para cualquier dolor en cualquier lugar no hay como Chiclets como en un prineipio parte Palacio de Justicia Venden por cualquier candel público creía.
Llegaron los cigarrillos Flor de Cuba y en adelante Constantemente recibimos felicitaTeléfono No. 354 Yerbas Mexicanas tidad y por telégrafo.
llegarán mensualmente siempre frescos y renovados. Lo ciones de personas honorables, dandonos las gracias porque han tenido el Comprando sus víveres en este En todas las Boticas.
Pasaje Jiménez. Local No. mismo que un extenso surtido de puros de las mejores maréxito anunciado por nosotros de que estableciruiento economizará la Robles Co.
cas de Habana y Jamaica y todo lo referente al ramo de MASCAR CHICLETS SIGNIFICA mitad de su dinero. Especialidad RAWSON, NO PADECER DE DISPEPSIA.
Si usted est propenso a padecer de en el café molido que vendemos al esa enfermedad, ya sabe: masque Chl por mayor y menudeo. Cacao moCAMBIO DE MONEDA COMPRA DE GIROS clets.
Gold Palacios y Co. Agentes lido a 40 céntimos la libra. Dwinan naman JOSEFINOS o Bononien Ungaronasancon Pasaje biménez, San José En Heredia se alquila una casa cómoda y bien situada, con mue0000000000000000000000000000000 RELOJHRIA SUIZA Obles o sin ellos. Para informes, Calle del Carmen AMADO SANCHEZO Acaban de llegar muchas mercaderías en Joyas y relojes; también artfeu El mejor surtido de juguetes para niños. Confituras especiales Teléfono No. 18.
los de fantasía, en broches, anillos, etc. para regalos de Pascua y una variedad de laterías, dulces y frutas de poco valor, para regalos.
00 Heredia, Dbre. 21, 1915.
OOO Se sienteUd. débil o nervioso. Trasnochó Ud? Relojes de pulsers. para sefioras, cristalizadas.
0000000000000000000 surtido variado.
SECRETARIA 000000000000003068 090909 de Hacienda y Comercio Tipo de cambio a la vista sobre New York Que usted podrá hacer en Noche Buena a su esposa, hijos, amigos o a su novia, será una Cámara Kodak, que en todo tiempo, y sobre todo en verano, nada hay más útil, sugestivo e interesante para grandes y chicos.
Antes de comprar un aparato fotográfico en otra parte, sírvase ver nuesSan José. Dic. de 1915.
tro gran stock y no olvidarse, que en el ramo de fotografía todo lo vendemos a 0000. 00 precios de fábrica.
No se olvide que como en años anteriores, tenemos un surtido de más de Richard Kriebel doscientos modelos de Kodaks de todos tamaños. Para prestar a nuestra numerosa clientela, sin cobrar un céntimo por el servicio del aparato e instruccioDentista Alemán nes para el manejo de él.
HA TRASLADADO su desps DESARROLLO IMPRESIONcho a su nuevo gabinete, situa ORDENES POR CORREO do 150 varas al Oeste del PaROBERT HERMANOS lacio de Justicia De venta en todas las cantinas Almacén de Ropa Hecha 90. GOOG20022000scas 09010003090 Cigarrería EL PROGRESO La India Desea usted paladear algo exquisito?
Se agitó demasiado en el baile. Pretende casarse?
EL MEJOR REGALO Pues beba 125 Ponche Inglés Su esposa, su novia, sus amigas, toda dama de buen gusto agradecerá a Ud. el regalo de una botella Librería Española, Imprenta, Encuadernación, Fábrica de sellos de Hule, Relieves de María de Lines. San José. Cartago y Limón.
Se ha puesto a la venta el conocido Almanaque Costarricense para 1916.
30 años consecutivos de publicación con éxito completo.
Arreglado al Meridiano de San José de Costa Rica con las mareas de Puntarenas en la edición de papel)
Precios en papel hojas. 15c uno. 1 50 doc. 12 el ciento. Er cartón: 30 uno. 00 doc. 25 0) el ciento.
Acabamos de recibir El Año en la Mano Enciclopedia de la vida práctica para 1916. tomo rústica 0 colón. Por correo 30.
Almanaques Amor y Cupido, publicaciones festivas para 1916 sólo para hombres. tomo rústica 00. Por correo Cl. 20, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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