p. 8


ELMANCIAS PAGINA OCIO Sábado, 16 de Enero de 1916.
ENGLISH SECTION as Serbia Franctireurs Anuncios de Ocasión El baile de anoche en el Hotel Francés El distinguido gentleman Findley Burtch Howard, que proceden. IN CHAMPAGNE THE FRENCH AT. THE UNITED CTATES PROTEST BEFORE THE MEXICAN GOY.
do a pasar sus vacaciones ente CIALLY ALONG THE SECTOR ONE THOUSAND METRES.
DLY MURDER OF AMERICAN nosotros, obsequió anoche con una CITIZENS.
espléndida comida a un selecto BERLIN, 12th. Along the western grupo de señoritas y jóvenes de WASHINGTON, 12th. The Depart THE HAVRE, 11th. Belgian of theatre, to the north of Lemesnil, in esta sociedad, en los salones del ficial deport says that numerous arChampagne, the French attacked our ment of State announced that a vigor.
Hotel Francés.
tillery duels took place today, especialpositions along a front extending over ous protest has been telegraphed to a thousand metres. This attack was Carranza, demanding protection for 600 El objeto del señor Findley fué ly along the Dixmude sector and along outone. The enemy soon attempted to Americans who are at Chihuahua and implantar una serie de bailes a the front extending south of this sector.
return to its trenches and repeat the demanding the punishment of the ejemplo de los cabarets danzanattack by means of an extremely viol. sassins. The murder has been a cowar.
tes que tanta aceptación han teent fire but our artillery frustrated dly outrage as the victims were put.
nido en Europa y Estados Unidos. THE GERMANS IN CHAMPAGNE this attempt. The red flags which were dered for the only fact of being Amer.
La alegría y corrección con que LOST TWENTY FIVE THOUSplaced in the vicinity of the railroad icans. All of them were traveling an station at Soissons, on account of the der passaports issued by Carranza el de anoche se llevó a cabo, in AND OUT OF THE SIXTY bombardment which took place yester military y commanders.
dican el feliz resultado de su iniTHOUSAND MEN WHICH ATday, have been removed. On the easciación. Después de la comida, TACKED THE ALLIES.
tern theatre, near Tennenfield, to the THE ATTACK OF THE TEUTONS principió el baile, que terminó a southeast of Illukst, a Russian attack BULGARIANS AND TURKS was outdone with heavy losses their AGAINST SALONIKI BEGAN ON las 11 y media, hora en que las inPARIS, 12th. Reports from Chalpart. To the north of Koschichnowka, TUESDAY vitadas empezaron a desfilar, no ons state that the Germans in Cham a reconoitering party was repulsed by sin dejar para el anfitrión, frases pagne lost twenty five thousand out of our advance forces located on our prinLONDON, 12th. special telegram encomiásticas por la esplendidez the sixty thousand men which attackcipal position. From the Balkans there from Rome to the Daily Mail states y cultura que de él fueron objeto. ed the Allies. The French gave the is nothing to report.
Germans no time to entrench themselthat the attack against Saloniki began La lista de las señoritas que a la ve ves on Tuesday by means of a steady bom.
fiesta asistieron es la siguiente: and the French upon charging succeedon the ground which had been won INTL FILAT SERVI sefioritas Piza, Bolandi, Montea ed in recapturing the lost ground. REVOLUTION IS THREATENING bardment against the British posltlong GERMANY. IT IS CLAIMED located at Doiran; that Austrians, legre, Moreno, Mendiola, Echeve Thousands of dead Germans were half German, Bulgarian and Turkish forTHE KRONPRINZ HAS BEEN rría, Pontón, señora de Jiménez y burried in the snow between the first ces took part in the bombardment; SUMMONED TO BERLIN AND that the Germans attacked on the de los jóvenes tomamos los que si and second line of trenches. Among GRAND MEXICO HAS MASSED FIVE POSTAL CONVENTION SIGNED guen: Piza, Domínguez, Monten the prisoners captured some members THE MIKADO GREETS WILL ASSUME THE REGENCY. west, holding Monastir as their Gener.
of the imperial guard were taken.
BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES al Headquarters. The Austrians and THOUSAND REGULARS AT EL legre, Aragón, Mendiola, Moreno, DUKE MICHAELOVICH AT THE PASO TO BE USED IN CASE OF ARGENTINE AND PANAMA. PARIS, 1ſth. Le Matin reports Bulgarians attacked in the center on Angulo, Quirós Ulloa, Echeve RAILROAD STATION.
that revolution is threatening Germa a line along Guevhell and Doiran ana rria, Carranza, Jiménez y algunos THE CHINESE AUTHORITIES THE STATES SHOULD DECIDE ny. According to statements of a the Turkish attacked on the east and otros que no alcanzó nuestra plu HAVE SUCCEEDED IN CHECK TOKIO, 12th. The Mikado received TO ACT.
PANAMA, 12th. Minister Lefevre Swiss marchant, who has just arrived massed their strength on Gumulgina.
ING THE REVOLUTIONARY Grand Duke Michelovitch at the railand Bossi Caceres, Consul General of from Germany, large meetings have ET.
road station. The Grand Duke was WASHINGTON, 12th. The Mex MOVEMENT.
the Argentine have signed the postal taken place in which both the Kaiser NEGRO IS LYNCHED ON THE escorted to his residence by a detachicans murdered fifteen Americans. The convention between Panama and Ar. and the Crown Prince have been inSPORT WHERE HE COMMIT.
WASHINGTON, 12th. The Amer. thousand troops will salute him. The six of the bodies arrived at Chihuament of lancers. At the Palace ten Department of State announces that gentine. Caceres is leaving on Monday sulted. Proclamations asking for peace TED HIS CRIME.
are freely distributed throughout Berican Minister at Peking reports that public has taken this event as on elo hua. Five thousand regulars have been for Buenos Ayres where will spend lin at nights. delegation of women, very few disorders are now taking dressed in uniforms, and requesting to GOLDSBORE, 12th. Two hundred place at Yuaan. He further adds that eloquent sign of the existing good massed at El Paso ready to go into his vacations, great fire broke out destroyed the be sent to the front, attempted to en masked men called at the Jall, forced 15 céntimos cada veinte palabras o the authorities have checked the revol friendship between both countries an action in case that the United States ter the Chamber today but were prev the warden to surrender the keys and fracción.
utionary movement and that quietness in official circles hopes are entertained should decide to send an expedition American commercial section on lower then drove a negro by the name of Por cada diez palabras de exceso, rigns throughout Canton, Nankin and that it will lead to a formal alliance. into Mexico to punish the murderers. Central Avenue. The fire started at ented by the guards.
the American Hotel, and four concrete Reports from Switzerland state, that John Richard to the place where he No se admiten inserciones por menos Chanking.
and five wooden buildings were des according to Berlin dispatches, the had committed a crime and hung him de tres veces.
000 FRENCH BATTERIES DISBAND FORD PARTY STILL IN THE troyed. The losses are estimated at 250 Kronprinz has been called to that city on the spot burning his body after SE ALQUILA un apartamento con dos LIME LIGHT.
YOU CAN MAKE MONEY GROUPS OF GERMAN ZAPpiezas; puerta a la calle; baño magthousand dollars. Nearly all the build and that it is probable that he will wards.
assume the regency.
ings were insured.
nifico; servicio completamente independiente; con o sin muebles. 125 Don slave for others work for PERS AT MILLINCOURT.
THE HAGUE, 12th. The partisans AN AMERICAN BARK FOUND varas del Telégrafo y frente a la Fa with our business propositions.
of a peace settlement in Holland, will WITH ITS HULL UNDER eultad de Ingeniería. Apartado 991. yourself. We teach you how. You PARIS, 12th. An official reports withold their approval from Ford and CANADIAN PARLIAMENT TO THE NEWS OF GENERAL HUERTA DEATH IS MOMENTARIneed no capital. Drop us a line reads as follows: Nothing of impor his party as long as a definite proyect INAUGURATE ITS SESSIONS WATER.
POB AUSENTARME DEL PAIS, ven and get full particulars.
tance happened last night excepting in is not formulated, This does not mean NEXT THURSDAY.
do el Restaurant El Pacífico. sithe region between the Mose and Ar that they have no sympathies for the NEW YORK, 12th. The dread: tuado a orillas del Mercado de esta AGENCY PAN AMERICAN gonne, where our batteries disbanded scheme but will be done simply with EL PASO, 12th. Huerta death is nought Wyoming, while steaming ciudad. El él informarán.
COMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post OTTAWA, th. The Duke of Con expected at any moment. All the mem southwards on its way to the maneuseveral groups of the enemy zappers the desire of not proceeding hastily naught is suffering from a cold. The bers of his family are at his bedside. vres, found the American bork LuOffice Box 800, San José.
SE ALQUILA. Casa cómoda, higiéniwhich were working in the region of without previously knowing the ends Canadian Parliament will inaugurate He has been administered the Holy ther Garretson with its hull partly ea, tres dormitorios, inodoro, etc. Millincourt.
and purposes of the expedition. its sessions on Thursday.
situada 350 varas al Sur del frente Shcraments.
under water.
Colegio Señoritas.
stoly on the SE DESEA alquilar una casa con tres habitaciones independientes; eseri200 varas al Sur del Richard Kriebel bir efertas con precios a José Domenech, apartado 824. San José.
Palacio de Justeit Para cualquier dolor en cualquier lugar no hay como Dentista Aleman LOCAL EN CARTAGO. El que ocuLlegaron los cigarrillos Flor de Cuba y en adelante ¡Sal. Sal!
Yerbas Mexicanas paba la Municipalidad, situado en la llegarán mensualmente siempre frescos y renovados. Lo TIA TRASLADADO su despaosquina del Parque, se da en alquimismo que un extenso surtido de puros de las mejores marAL POR MAYOR ler Entenderse en Cartago con su cho a su nuevo gabinete, situaEn todas las Boticas.
propietaria doña Lidia Troyo, y en cas de Habana y Jamaica y todo lo referente al ramo de Más barato que nosotros nadie do 150 varas al Oeste del PaSan José con don Manuel Serrane cigarrería. RAWSON, vende. No compre sin consultar lacio de Justicia Agente.
UN BUEN TRAPICHE. Se vende nuestro precio. Café molido y tosune de la Geo. Squier Mg. Co. usado CAMBIO DE MONEDA COMPRA DE GIROS tuttttttttt tado a 25. 000 el quintal.
pore en buen estado. Puede moler fáwesten dlmente 20 toneladas de caña diarias. Precio 800. Con buena garanDjaninunocompleannoncen ROLDAN e hijo RELOJURIA SUIZA tla se da plazo para el pago. Enten 90060000191. 02. 04. 6666GOV0000000000 derse con Miguel Guardia Carazo.
9000Bogeeeoeee88030000 000000000000 Calle del Carmen Acaban de llegar muchas mercadeSOMBREROS DE PITA buenos y flrías en Joyas y relojes; también artícuHOS, a precios de competencia frente a Lehmann y a La Fama, vende Malos de fantasía, en broches, anillos, etc. El mejor surtido de juguetes para niños. Confituras especiales nuel Veiga.
de poco valor, para regalos.
para regalos de Pascua y una variedad de laterías, dulces y frutas NEGOCIO. En la administración Se sienteUd. débil o nervioso. Trasnochó Ud?
Relojes de pulseras para sefioras, cristalizadas.
do EL IMPARCIAL se vende papel surtido variado.
de periódico a 10 céntimos la libra en cantidades hasta de 25 libras, Se agitó demasiado en el baile. Pretende casarse?
en cantidades mayores de 25 a 50 libras inclusive a razón de céntimos 09000060D008000000000009000000 y de 50 libras en adelante a cén.
timos la libra. Cartón superior para moldes de sastre, costureras, ete. etc. a 10 céntimos la libra. Carton inferior calidad, propio para trabajos de polvoristas y otros usos 4 céntimos la libra.
Que usted podrá hacer en Noche Buena a su esposa, hijos, amigos o a su novia, será una Cámara Kodak, que en todo tiempo, y sobre todo en verano, VENDO las propiedades que tengo fren to a la estación de Atenas (Rio Gran nada hay más útil, sugestivo e interesante para grandes y chicos.
de) con sus negocios de cantina, pulAntes de comprar un aparato fotográfico en otra parte, sírvase ver nuespería y hotel. Es el mejor negocio que hay actualmente. Ramón Aguitro gran stock y no olvidarse, que en el ramo de fotografía todo lo vendemos a lar, Alajuela, teléfono número 10.
precios de fábrica.
0000000 No se olvide que como en años anteriores, tenemos un surtido de más de doscientos modelos de Kodaks de todos tamaños. Para prestar a nuestra nuLA COMPASIA MINERA DEL EDEN merosa clientela, sin cobrar un céntimo por el servicio del aparato e instrucciones para el manejo de él.
en Nicaragua, no necesita por ahora más carpinteros u otros DESARROLLO IMPRESION ORDENES POR CORREO obreros.
De venta en todas las cantinas ROBERT HERMANOS Almacén de Ropa Hecha 00000000000006000000009006006 00050. 1000000 thrown on martwort La Tempestad Cigarrería EL PROGRESO Wha La India. Desea usted paladear algo exquisito?
EL MEJOR REGALO Pues beba Ponche Inglés Su esposa, su novia, sus amigas, toda dama de buen gusto agradecerá a Ud. el regalo de una botella Fábrica de sellos de Hule, Relieves Librería Española, Imprenta, Encuadernación, de María de Lines. San José. Cartago y Limón.
Se ha puesto a la venta el conocido Almanaque Costarricense para 1916.
30 años consecutivos de publicación con éxito completo.
Arreglado al Meridiano de San José de Costa Rica con las mareas de Puntarenas en la edición de papel Precios en papel hojas 15c uno. 50 doc. 12 el ciento. Er cartón: 30 uno. 00 dec. 25 00 el ciento.
Acabamos de recibir El Año en la Mano Enciclopedia de la vida práctica para 1916. tomo rústica 00 colón.
Almanaques Amor y Cupido, publicaciones festivas para 1916 sólo para hombres. tomo rústica 00. Por correo Cl. 20, Por correo 30.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa Rica.


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