p. 8


ELIMANCIAS Sábado, 22 de Enero de 1916.
PAGINA OCHIO Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION Compare: All Cables in this Section Appear Simultaneously in our Spanish Section 18 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fracción.
Por cada diez palabras de exceso, Giant war aeroplanes for the British army céntimos.
No se admiten inserciones por menos de tres veces.
SIONES de Alonso Pérez Calvo. Pasaje Jiménez. Depósito constante de los afamados Jabón higiénico y Jabón medicinal de Volk y Cía. En venta la conocida, acreditada y sin rival Crema Divina para los niños.
un motor y un molino para hacer OUT CAUSING ANY DAMAGE.
maizena y toda clase de harinas de maiz; además afrecho y maíz quePETROGRADO, 20th. The Tsar brado. Para una persona que quiera PARIS, 20th. An official report WASHINGTON, 20th. The Senate left this city. It is said that he will emprender con muy poco capital pue.
de tener en este negocio base para reads as follows. Encounters between Credit Committee presented a favor go to Czernowitz where the Teutons amasar con el tiempo una fortuna. reconcitering parties took place last able report on the Bill which provides have been heavily reinforced.
Entenderse con el Pasante de Aboga night along the Aisne. In the region for the Government to furnish two Reports from Bucharest state that do don Gerardo Zúñiga Montúfar.
of Pursailen, in Champagne, our ar million dollars for the continuation the Teutons in Serbia and Montenegro will be transferred to the eastern SE VENDE un piano Kolt y una má tillery disbanded a supply train. Bet of the Alaska railroad.
Reports from Reading state that front.
quina de coser Para informes diri. ween Vielles and Sur Tourbe Vouziers, girse a doña Paulina de Salazar, 150 one of the enemy aeroplanes dropped news is expected there in reference to varas al Norte de la Estación del three bombs on the suburbs of Lune. the eruption of Lansen Peak and if Pacífico, frente al aserradero del Dr.
ville: none of these bombs caused any same has caused much damage. The RECEIVED AS TO THE NEWS damage. Another aeroplane was eruption can be seen at a distance of OF THE ATTEMPTED ASSASVENDO las propiedades que tengo fren brought down near Flin. The officers forty miles.
te a la estación de Atenas (Río Gran which manned the air machine were Although the State Department feels SINATION OF KING NICHOLAS de) con sus negocios de cantina, pulOF MONTENEGRO pería y hotel. Es el mejor negocio made prisoners near Abevilleur, to the inclined to applaude Carranza petition to revenge the murders, the Deque hay actualmente. Ramón Agui. southeast of Luneville.
PARIS, 20th. Reports from Rome lar, Alajuela, teléfono número 10.
partment at the same time has to ad state that no confirmation has been mit that the leaders who were shot received as to the news of the attempSE ALQUILA, por tres meses, una ca THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT IS and put on exhibition at Chihuahua ted assassination of King Nicholas if STURTEVANI BATTLEPLANES INTE VETA ARKA sa amueblada, cómoda, higiénica, situada en el centro de esta ciudad. HASTENING PREPARATIONS had nothing to do with the murders Montenegro, where there is great in En esta imprenta informarán.
which took place at Santa Isabel. dignation This cut shows a giant air machine with metallic wings built in the United States, for the British army. It against him as he is the only one considered to be responis the first machine constructed under this type and is considered to be the largest, most powerful and fastest TENEDOR DE LIBROS COMPETENCANADIAN SENATOR OPPOSES sible for what is termed Montenegro machine ever built.
TE. En horas disponibles de día o LONDON, 20th. The Government is THE SENDING OF ADDITION Treachery and which it is said pracnoche puedo hacerie cargo de con hastening preparations for the tabilidad comercial e industrial. DiAL CANADIAN TROOPS Totically means the loss of that country A BURNING AND DESERTED SAIL ANOTHER EXPLOSION OCCURS IN things calmnly and denies being a Gerrección: apartado de correo No 766. blockade and is studying the way to THE EUROPEAN BATTLE. independence.
make it lighter for the neutral counFIELDS.
claims that his name is Edward GasSE HA PERDIDO una yegüita blan tries whose governments may declare OTTAWA, 20th. Senator Choquette THE TEUTONS ARE WITHDRAWNORWEGIAN.
cache. Whoever this person may be ea, pequeña. Se dará una gratifica that they will carry no contraband.
ción a la persona que de razón de e This is considered only as a partial said in Parliament that he opposed to lla en las oficinas de EL IMPAR solution of the difficulties which it is the HOPEWELL, 20th. An acid tank Great Britain is sure that a good prize sending of additional troops ING FROM THE GREEK FRON CIAL.
expected will arise.
abroad because should the report of TIER AND THE BULGARIANS NEW YORK, 20th. The steamer in the Dupont Works a terrible ex. has been seized in the person of a an invasion on Canada turn out to be ARE PREPARING FOR DEF. Penistone arrived here. It reports plosion. The losses are estimated at most important party.
NEGOCIO. Vendo mi negocio de Hoone hundred thousand dollars. The that on the 2nd of January it saw a ENCE.
tel, sito en esta ciudad, en los altos GREECE DECRARES CERTAIN IM true, it would be wise to retain them deserted sailing vessel which was on cause of the explosion remains unGENERAL LAKE HAS TAKEN COM.
de la antigua Violeta, hoy de don PLEMENTS TO BE EXEMPT for the defence of the country. He also Gabriel Vargas, frente al Mereado.
London, 20th. An appeal will be fire. No traces were found of life boats known.
said that there would have been no made to the Pope in order to obtain or rafts. The ship had a Norwegian MAND OF THE BRITISH FOR. Lo doy por la mitad de precio y FROM IMPORT DUTY.
quien lo adquiera se hará rico, pues war if England had not been flirting consent for the removal o fthe bodies tag on its side and nothing else was GREAT BRITAIN HAS SEIZED CES IN MESOPOTAMIA.
tiene clientela en todo el país. Enwith Germany and if a firm attitude of the Americans who perished in the seen that could identify the boat. The GOOD PRIZE IN THE PERSON tenderse en el mismo lugar con la OF MOST IMPORTANT PAR LONDON, 20th. It has been ansuscrita propietaria.
plements, machinery for the manufac gium, advising Germany that the En the cemetery near Queenstown.
MARIA ESCOBAR vda. de TORRES. ture of oils and wines will be exempt tente would always support and nounced today that General Haymel TY.
find out if it was a passenger or a The Dally Mail reports from Sa cargo boat.
is fighting at Essin which is located from import duties for four years defend Belgium. He further SE DESEA alquilar una casa con tres after the mobilization and for three that even in the case that Germeloniki that the Teutons are with drawadded miles from Kutelamaria.
WASHINGTON, 20th. It is said ing from the Greek frontier and that that Gret Britain is in doubt as to the It was announced in the House of habitaciones independientes; escri months the same exeption will be should finally win, he never believed the Bulgarians are preparing for the THE BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPA identity of prisoner von Rintelen who Commons that General Lake. has bir ofertas con precios a José Dome granted on mules and horses.
neeh, apartado 824. San José.
that Canada would be occupied as his defence and building and setting up country has the United States as its NY PAYS GORGEOUS DIVI. is supposed to have escaped from the taken command of the forces in Mesobridges. that the Teutons are withDEND.
1969 neighbor and friend and that the most drawing their infantry and cavalry LOCAL EN CARTAGO. El que ocuhands of the British and to have potamia.
Chamberlain announced in the reached Berlin. The person believed paba la Municipalidal, situado en la YOU CAN MAKE MONEY that could happen would be for Cana from Monastir.
esquina del Parque, se da en alquida to become independent. He said NEW YORK, 20th. The Bethlehem to be the one referred to, is the Duke House of Commons that General ler Entenderse en Cartago con su Don slave for others work for Reports today state that all the Steel Co. accorded its first divident of Adolph of Mecklenburg Schwerin, but Townsend is not fighting at Kutela.
propietaria doña Lidia Troyo, y en that Canada ought not to pay its allies are perfectly in accord as to the 30 per cent over its usuat per cent. Whoever it may be he seems to take maria.
San José con don Manuel Serrawith our business propositions. Porces in Europe as they were under policy to be followed in the Balkans.
no yourself. We teach you how. You the command of the British and that need no capital. Drop us a line UN BUEN TRAPICHE. Se vende and get full particulars.
had been sent were British by birth tine seems quite uneasy under the uno de la Geo. Squier Mg. Co. usado and seemed to have come over to Ca financial pressure exerted pero en buen estado. Puede moler fá AGENCY PAN AMERICAN nada to enlist in order to earn four Anlies.
by the 200 varas al Sur del cilmente 20 toneladas de caña dia COMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post rias. Precio 800. Con buena garantimes as much as they would get in Palacio de Juscia tía se da plazo para el pago. EntenOffice Box 800, San José.
they would have done so in Great moured that France did not agree After Briand departure it is ruderse con Miguel Guardia Carazo.
Llegaron los cigarrillos Flor de Cuba y en adelante ¡Sal! Sal!
Britain. on the blockade.
llegarán mensualmente siempre frescos y renovados. Lo SOMBREROS DE PITA buenos y flmismo que un extenso surtido de puros de las mejores marAL POR MAYOR 0000 nos, a precios de competencia frente cas de Habana y Jamaica y todo lo referente al ramo de Más barato que nosotros nadie a Lehmann y a La Fama, vende Manuel Veiga.
vende. No compre sin consultar nuestro precio. Café molido y torNEGOCIO. En la administración de EL IMPARCIAL se vende papel CAMBIO DE MONEDA COMPRA DE GIROS tado a 25. 000 el quintal.
de periódico a 10 céntimos la libra en cantidades hasta de 25 libras. y en cantidades mayores de 25 a 50 li.
Naaralananlaronalarman ROLDAN e hijo bras inclusive a razón de céntimos SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.
000900980 0000000000000 y de 50 libras en adelante a céntimos la libra. Cartón superior para moldes de sastre, costureras, etc. etc. a 10 céntimos la libra. Cartón inferior calidad, propio para trabajos de polvoristas y otros usos a céntimos la libra.
FORTUNA 0000000000 0000000000000 Pulpería y Taquilla en sacos de 140 libras americanas cada uno como sigue: de FRANCISCO MORA 21 ABONO No. 12 por ciento Acido Fosfórico Cincuenta varas al Este del 0625 Potasa. Molino de Lindo.
99 99 Nitrógeno. 57. oro por 000 lbs.
ONS americanas fl. y PunLa mejor pulpería de este batarenas.
rrio. Artículos de primera neceABONO No. por ciento Acido Fosfórico sidad, licores del país y extran10 jeros, precios los más bajos. Nitrógeno. 62. oro por 000 lbs.
AQUI SE VENDE americanas fl. y Puntarenas. EL IMPARCIAL ABONO No. por ciento Acido Fosfórico 0900000. 000. 00068 5 Nitrógeno. 57. oro por 000 lbs.
americanas fl. y PunRichard Kriebel tarenas.
Embarque de San Francisco, Cal. durante el mes de Febrero.
Dentista Alemán Precios sujetos a las fluctuaciones del mercado.
HA TRASLADADO su despaTodas las órdenes serán transmitidas por cable a San Francisco por el cho a su nuevo gabinete, situaAgente General para Costa Rica, TS FELIX WISS.
do 150 varas al Oeste del PaApartado 171.
laclo de Justicia.
De venta en todas las cantinas ittittit 200190 00000000000 20006800 o per cent of the first troops which arrival in the Balkans. King Constan pronto antipower Maria Roma La Tempestad Cigarrería EL PROGRESO Grace Co.
OFRECEN: Abono para Café MARCA Desea usted paladear algo exquisito?
Se sienteud. débil o nervioso. Trasnochó Ud?
Se agito demasiado en el baile. Pretende casarse?
59 99 59 Pues beba co Potasa.
Ponche Inglés 53 Su esposa, su novia, sus amigas, toda dama de buen gusto agradecerá a Ud. el regalo de una botella Librería Española, Imprenta, Encuadernación, Fábrica de sellos de Hule, Relieves de María de Lines. San José. Cartago y Limón.
Se ha puesto a la venta el conocido Almanaque Costarricense para 1916.
30 años consecutivos de publicación con éxito completo.
y Arreglado al Meridiano de San José de Costa Rica con las mareas de Puntarenas en la edición de papel Precios en papel hojas 15c uno. 50 doc. 12 el ciento. En cartón. 30 uno. 00 doc. 25 00 el ciento.
Acabamos de recibir El Año en la Mano Enciclopedia de la vida práctica para 1916. tomo rústica 00 colón. Por correo 30.
Almanaques Amor y Cupido, publicaciones festivas para 1916 sólo para hombres. tomo rústica 00. Por corréo Ci. 20, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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