p. 8


TAGINA OCHO EL. IMPARCIAL Viernes, 18 de Febrero de 1916.
RECENT MASSACRES ARE REallegiance to the military organi Neverthless, it cannot be too Dos escogidas tandas.
PORTED AMONG THE ARMEzation of the State as wielding a earnestly insisted, nor can our El Huracán. Tres partes.
La Revancha. Tres partes.
supreme right when she said: people be made too familiar with You men have been talking of the thought that all rights inBUCHAREST, 14th. The armies and navies to back up your volve corresponding duties, and TEATRO AMERICA Times correspondent reports of ELIHU ROOT, IN LETTER, SUPPJKTS GARRISON VIEW THAT MILITIA WOULD NOT BE ADEQUATE RESERVE foreign policies; but we women that those who enjoy the great new massacres mong the Arme WASHINGTON. The lack. before the Congress, repeated his lovers and defenders of their are the ones who have the basic privileges and immunities secured (Antes Roig nians. Lord Kitchener returned of universal military service in views expressed two weeks ago. homes that a cult of cowardice task to perform. We are the ones by our institutions must be ready Sábado 19.
after his visit to the front. the United States is the weak He backed up the present Secre had sprung up.
who are going to give you the to respond with the cheerful per. Fantasmas.
spot of our American democra tary of War in his opinion that men for these armies and navies. formance of the duties they en.
Selecta orquesta THE BULGARIANS ARE REPORT. cy. Former Secretary of War the State militia organizations, PLAN OF PREPAREDNESS. It wasn a woman who tail.
ED TO HAVE OCCUPIED THE Stimson so declared at the clos because of the divided control, wrote: didn raise my boy to General Nichols, super.
TEATRO ACTUALIDADES ing session of the National Secu would not constitute a proper or The impulse to serve must be be a soldier. man wrote the intendent of the Virginia Milita.
rity Congress to day. He said adequate reserve.
reinforced by a thorough school lyric; a man wrote the music; and ry institute, declared the crying Sábado 19. Gran Función. LONDON, 14th. Reuter Americans have too long been It is idle. wrote Mr. Root, ing which trains mind and body the only time ever heard it, a need of the army was more of The Pibs (La bolsa. News Agency reports from concerned only with the benefits to talk of developing the Nation to habits which work with the man sang it.
ficers. En castellano. Función corri Albania occupied the town of ernment and have paid no atten army for national defense, and the real need is at hand, she said clapping drowned out Athens that the Bulgarians in accruing to them from their Gov al Guard itself into an adequate precision of a reflex action when Shouts and laughter and handMrs. CHANGE IN RUSSIAN PREMIERS da.
tion to their duty to the Govern any such attempt would inevit full plan of preparedness Owen voice at this point: then WILL MAKE NO DIFFERENCE, ment.
ably result in the failure of should include: she continued. THE BULGARIANS ARE SAID TO The man who has a right to the whole movement and the Athletic exercises of a We are going to say to our BERLIN. The press declares HAVE JOINED THE AUS participate in the making of his waste of all the energy and effort military character.
sons, realizing all that the sacri that no change is expected in TRIANS.
own Government is bound by the devoted to it. The National Guard Training by drill in sim fice of wahm cans to us if is Russia policy because of the new LS céntimos cada veinte palabras o highest obligations of honor to are primarily State troops for ple military exercises. should come: If honor demands, premier.
SOFIO, 14th. Official reports share in the burden of defending State purposes and they must The exact and truthful his go. Come back on your shield, or Per cada diez palabras de exceso, are to the effect that the Bulga it. the ex Secretary said. To continue to be so.
tory of our failures in prepared with it.
rians occupied Bassan and bave day we find an increasing numNo se admiten inserciones por menos joined the Austrians in order to ber of people who believe, as FOR GARRISON PLAN. In the higher schools this proNEED OF AEROPLANES. TAIPES, Formosa. The de tres veces.
cut off the italians retreat from believe, that this problem of nagramme should be extended and Naval and Military Aeronau British SS. Australian, engaged Durazzo.
tional defense will never be per There are good things in Se young men taught: tics was the subject of in transport service which was ATRIMONIO extranjero con ni.
manently solved until it is distri cretary Garrison plan. The The use of military arms. Lambert, vice president of the reported to be ashore here is now ño de dos años y medio desea alquilar casa amueblada. Dirigir. LARGE ANGLO FRENCH FORCES buted among the whole people by doing of them would be progress 42. The practical drill with Naval League and vice president said to have refloated.
se al Apartado 1, 034. San José.
LANDED AT SALONIKI, some system of universal liability in the right direction. Don lose weapons.
Aero Club of America. He said: to military training.
these good things even though Target practice. The navy has 16. 000 miles of TIN BOX FOUND TO CONTAIN E NECESITA una prensa de pe ATHENS, 14th. Large Anyou may find that you can at During the long vacation, coast line to defend, including the MISTERIOUS MESSAGE, dal que también se pueda mover LAUDS GARRISON PLAN.
por electricidad con algún mate glo French forces landed at Sathis time get something more in camp life and such exercises as Panama Canal. We need at the rial de imprenta para remiendos. Pre loniki on saturday.
the same direction.
are now conducted by boy scouts. Panama Canal at least fifty aeroferible Minerva. Pago: mitad al contade mitad a plazo. Para ofertas diriMr. Stimson pleaded for ac But in the meantime let us The young women should be planes of various types.
COPENHAGUEN, 15th. girse a la Administración de El Im AN AMERICAN BRIGADE TO BE ded the continental army plan take the first steps on any sort of taught. In the vicinity of Sandy firsherman found a sealed tin box pareial.
RECRUITED AND ORGANIZED of the Administration, declaring a programme that is directed Military calisthenics and Hook, New York City, twenty which contained the following IN CANADA.
more military training, know toward the goal we ought to at marching.
five aeroplanes, and after figur message written in German: IVIERTASE GRATIS. Compre dos aceiones del Teatro Variedaledge and discipline could be ins tain, a trained and always avail 42. First aid.
ing up and including all points Torpedo sinking with thirty.
des, que siempre tienen derecho TORONTO, 14th. whole tilled in a beginning in a few able national citizen soldiery un43. Hygiene.
along our immediate coast, cover six on board.
a dos entradas de primera clase para las dos tandas, todos los miércoles y brigade will be recruited and for weeks of intensive training that der the instruction and Adminis Nursing.
viernes. Solo esto produce más del uno med by four thousand Americans in a year of weekly drills.
ing a distance of 4, 400 miles, the tration and formative leadership Conservation and prepa required number of aeroplanes THE BRITISH CRUISER AREpor ciento aún en el caso de no reparof an adequate, though small, ration of food supplies. necessary to properly cooperate THUSA REPORTED TO HAVE fir dividendo. Valoi mitad al contado resident in Canada.
Mr. Stimson plaaded for ac regular army.
y mitay por mensualidades pequeñas. All this and other elements with the navy will exceed 350 STRUCK MINE. FERNANDEZ Detrás del Colegio de Señoritas.
AMMUNITION FACTORY REPOR. tion on the question of defense Mrs. George, of Boston, in the scheme of preparedness without counting the seaplanes TED ON FIRE while, the European war re prominent anti sufragist, said should be under the control of the with the fleet.
LONDON, 15th. Reports OMO EN ARRENDAMIENTO mained as a spur to action, and American women of the present Federal Government. Part of the equipment of our state that the light cruiser Are un terreno no menor de 20 hee SCHENECTADY, 14th to frustrate the efforts of that day had wandered far afield in coast defense must include a great thusa struck a mine which was táreas, hasta 40: con buen clima. The General Electric Co am element opposed to any increase their activities. She said they WOMEN ALLEGIANCE.
number of armored aeroplanes, set by a German submarine. Reproductos. También arriendo una finca de munition factory is on fire.
equal in armor and guns and ports also state that Bulgaria has café, Pagaré alquileres por anualidain national defense.
have so failed to educate their Mrs. Erna Von Rowen, of Bos more numerous. These machines demanded the right to purchase des vencidas y prestaré garantía. Di.
rigirse al Apartado 499.
TNE UNITED STATES EXPECTED Elihu Root, in a letter read sons and daughters to become ton, voiced a pledge of women will take the air outside the provisions Roumania. Reports TO MAKE REQUEST.
twenty mile at which from Saloniki state that a Gerpoint the first battle in the air man regiment has been ordered COMPRA una cocina eléctrica en perfecto buen estado con United States are expected to WASHINGTON, 14th. The will take place. It will be a case to march towards Roumania. huecos. Ofertas dirijase al of Greek meet Greek, and the Viscount Ridley died at New apartado de correo número ask for the postponement of a result of this battle may effect Castle after having undergone an German measures in reference OMBREROS de pita buenos y merchantmen.
seriously the ultimate result. On operation. nos, a precios de competencia frenthe open the aeroplane is even te a Lehmann y a La Fama, vende Manuel Veiga.
more important, especially as con THREE HUNDRED SURVIVORS VIOLENT FIGHTING IS REPORTcerns our navy, because we lack FROM THE ARETHUSA LAND ED ALONG THE WHOLE YPRES cruisers and scout cruisers.
AT CHATHAM EGOCIO. En la Administra FRONT. eión de EL IMPARCIAL se venvende papel eperiódico a 10 cén.
UNIVERSAL MILITARY SERVICE CHATHAM, 15th. About timos la libra en cantidades hasta de LONDON, 15th. Last night 25 libras, y en cantidades mayores de three hundred survivors from the 25 a 50 tbras inclusive a razón de after violent bombardment George Wickersham, for Arethusa landed here it is believ.
céntimos. Cartón superior para mol. along the whole front of Ypres mer Attorney General, speaking ed that sixteen members of the des de sastre, costureras, etc. etc. a 10 céntimos la libra. Cartón inferior and to south of the Somme, the on Universal Training and De crew who were working in the calidad, propio para trabajos de pols enemy made several infantry atmocracy: The Duties of Citizen coal bunkers perished.
voristas y otros usos a céntimos la tacks between Ypres and the Colibra.
ship. said: mines Canal and along the rail Germany, France. Switzerl. SEVERAL AUSTRIAN AEROPLAIEL DE ABEJA, extraida sin road running between Ypres and and and every other continental NES MAKE RAID ON MILAinanosearla, en tarros de 28 bo Comines. The enemy penetrated European country for years have NO.
tellas por 11. 20 puesta en San in our trenches along a front of José. Dispongo de 20 quintales.
had in operation systems which INDALECIO ALFARO.
600 yards. All other attacks were have required universal military GENEVE, 15th. By way of Grecia, febrero de 1916.
service, so that their entire adult Paris. Several Austrian aeromale population has been trained planes attacked Milano and seve, OVEN que habla Inglés desea coA RUSSIAN COMMITTEE OF LITEin the use and knowledge of arms, ral also flew yesterday over Alplocarse como dependiente. Enten RARY MEN IS ON ITS WAY TO organized and ready to respond sin. Three flotillas which left derse con Victor Sanabria. PalaENGLAND.
effectively at any time to the call their bases at Riva and Goritzia cio de Justicia.
for military service.
almost came in touch with them.
PETROGRAD, 15th. com In no other way could we more The Swiss gunners made prepa.
INCA. Se vende una muy bara mittee formed by Russian literaF effectively rid the nation of the rations but the machines were too ta en Cervantes: ocho manzanas de caña, seis de potreros y tres ry men is on its way to England incubus of our accursed system far away before anything could be done.
de hortalizas. Casa de habitación, ga where they will personally insof bounties and pensions than by lerones, una yunta de bueyes, dos ca pect war operations. Upon their the establishment and maintenballos y útiles para agricultura.
STRONG EARTHQUAKE WHICH return they will give lectures to ance of a system of universal miOficina de Agencias y Comisiones the troops and civilians and furLASTED OVER AN HOUR.
litary service.
Alonso Pérez Calvo.
nish them with details and opi Yet fully recognize the high WASHINGTON, 15th. The nions. Among the members of improbability of any change in seismographs at the Georgetown NVIERTA PIEN SU DINERO. that committee are some promiIS Se venden propiedades por valor the policy of the United States University recorded a strong de 55. 000. 00: dos hermosas ca nent men such as Bachinka, wellin this regard until the weakness earthquake which lasted over an sas cerca del Parque Central, otras de know war correspondent; Vegorand unfairness of our traditional hour, at a distance of four thoumadera en la Aven da Central Este. off, foreign editor of the Novos This cut shous the Grandalls, noted equestrians who have won a name throught the United Condiciones muy liberales.
system is more sharply brought sand five hundred miles from mya and Count Alexis TolsOficina de Agencias y Comisiones States and who will take part in the first performace of the Shipp and Feltus circus to be given home to our people than it yet Washington and in a direction Alonso Pérez Calvo.
toy, who is a famous novelist. in San José on Tuesday next.
has been from east to west. M Librería Española, Imprenta, Encuadernación, Fábrica de sellos de Hule, Hule, Relieves de María de Lines. Se ha puesto a la venta el conocido Almanaque Costarricense para 1916.
San José. Cartago y Limón.
30 años consecutivos de publicación con éxito completo.
Arreglado al Meridiano de San José de Costa Rica con las mareas de Puntarenas en la edición de papel Precios en papel hojas 15c uno. 50 doc. 12 el ciento. Er cartón: 30 uro. 00 doc. 25 00 e ciento.
Acabamos de recibir El Año en la Mano Enciclopedia de la vida práctica para 1916. tomo rústica 00 colón. Por correo 30.
Almanaques Amor y Cupido, publicaciones festivas para 1916 sólo para hombres. tomo rústica Cj. 00. Por correo 20 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón


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