p. 8


Martes, de Abril de 1910.
EL IMPARCIAL Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION or Subscription Rates 99 79 25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fracción.
Por eada diez palabras de exceso, céntimos.
No se admiten inserciones por menos de tres veces.
ANOTHER ZEPPELIN RAID ON THE! It is expected that a Balkan to purchase an aeroplane for the Next to the Reformists, the that a large part of our territory Lorraine? At what price? On and NORTHEAST COAST OF ENGL campaign will soon begin from guard on the suggestion of God Democratic Nationalist is in the hands of the invaders condition that we recognized her EMILLAS de Cebolla Luisiana y de la Reina, de superior ca AND WAS CARRIED OUT YES. Salonika. The visit of Prince Alex frey Cabot, a Boston capitalist, groups of Parliament have also and we are, in that respect, in the annexation of Belgium! Can lidad. Las mejores var edades TERDAY.
ander of Serbia here is taken as which extensive interests in West expressed discoñtent with the position of a vanquished nation. such a thing be imagined! Can para esta época. Teléfono 460. San Jo.
sé. Paso de la Vaca. Alfredo Quirós.
an indication that the Serbian ar Virginia.
Government programme. These Such a peace is not to be throught you think of such a bargain wi.
ENGO comisión LONDON, 2nd. Another zep my si now ready to again take the two parties were both among the of. We must continue the strug thout indignation! There is ano Tquier cantidad de care se paga pelin raid was carried out on the field.
RICHMOND HOWITZERS WAITING staunchest supporters of the Go gle until new armies are sent into ther condition of Franco German buen precio.
northeast coast of England yesU. CALL.
vernment in its policy of inter the field. We shall thus march on peace the economic alliance of Aven da 16 Este.
terday, where many bombs were THREE STEAMERS BELONGING TO vention and, besides advocating to victory. to the economic freedom the two countries. For the GerILATELISTAS. GANGA! me dropped.
NEUTRAL COUNTRIES HAVE RICHMOND, Va. Delegate war against Austria, were in fa and prosperity of our country. man an economic alliance has nor precio que el de catálogo se Details of this new raid are BEEN SUNK.
william Myers, Commanding vor of beginning hostilities We don want to be eaten up always meant an offensive leadetalla una bonita colección de segue.
llos de correo. Informarán en la Admi lacking though reports are now the Richmond Howitzers, stated against Germany.
The Germans have never fornistración de EL IMPARCIAL.
coming in from several localities. LONDON, 2nd. The Swedish in the closing session of the For months they confidently GERMAN FINANCES med a league among themselves LQUILO UNA CASA higiénica Up to the present the total steamer Hollandia. the Norwe House that the battery, after meet a waited an incident which would By ABBE WETTERLE or with their neigbors except y cómoda, situada en Ei Labe, casualties reported are sixteen gian steamer Zan Gude and ing, would volunteer for Federal justify Italy in declaring war on rinto. Informes: 200 varas al Este de El Mar. Nicolás Montero, persons killed and 100 injured. the bark Bell have all been service.
Germany and when it became Formerly Deputy from Alsace against somebody. Against whom It was said at the Capitol that apparent that, for reasons still Lorraine in the Reichstag. would we be expected to ally COMPANIA EL SOL cuen. No military damage was caused sunk. Their crews are all safe. ta con los siguientes médicos y during the raid. It is believed the whole State militia would res unknown, the Salandra Cabinet The financial situation of the ourselves with Germany! Agacirujanos: Cordero, Rojas, So that five zeppelins participated BERLIN NEWSPAPERS MAKE EX pond promptly to a Federal call. would never take such a step, German Empire will soon be des inst England. That is a monstro to, Castro Cervantes, Alvarado, HerTENSIVE COMMENTS ON WHAT nández. Médico de Consulta: doctor in this raid.
they accused the Government of perate. Big commercial failures sity, a madness, that cannot be CARLOS DURAN. El doctor don RoOur aeroplanes immediately THEY CONFESS ARE RUMOURS PATROLS DOUBLED ON BORDER lack of co operation with the are frequent, the war loans are conceived without dishonor.
dolfo Espinosa es Vocal y accionisNEAR NOGALES.
ta. No confunda usted la Compañía started out in pursuit of the enecovered only by fictitious Treas. Thus, peace is impossible; we EL SOL que está funcionando a per. my and succeeded in damaging BERLIN, 2nd. The Newspanry operations, and the gold we must continue the war, we must fecta satisfacción, con otras de éxito dudoso, en las cuales usted no sabe one of the zeppelins. It is rumour pers have extensively commented Nogales, Ariz Patrols along ITALY WAS BLAMED serve is insuficient. The Frank continue it to the end, whether qué resultado obtendrá Sea Usted ed that another of the enemy on the alleged ultimatum sent to the international boundary near furter Zeitung has admitted that that end may be tomorrow siempre cauto y prudente y vaya a lo seguro y a lo probado y no se meta en airships fell into the sea. Holland by the Entente in connec here were doubled. Both Nogales, After the capitulation of Mon if an enormous indemnity is not several months or years hence.
tion with the mobilization measul Ariz. and Nogales, Sencra, just tenegro, when the Allied press assured to re establish the finanE NECESITAN muchachos con RUMOURS CIRCULATED THAT res of the latter. It is however across the border, were tranquil. endeavored to throw on Italy:ces of Germany the country will recomendación y que no estén en FRANCISCO VILLA WAS WOUN believed that these reports are On the American side an ar the blame for the invasion of be ruined.
la escuela para vender este periódico al pregón.
based only on rumours, but whe tillery drill by American soldiers Servia, on the ground that she It is certain that the Germans Informes en estas oficinas todos los ther these rumours are true or was conducted back of the town, had failed to send to the Bal who are still crying victory, will For one month. 00 días de a de la tarde.
EL PASO, Texas, 2nd. Bri not, Germany has no cause for hidden from the view of many kans a large army and thus pre go to smash suddenly. Pessimists Three months.
OMBREROS de pita buenos y fi 00 Mexican refugees. This measure, vented Bulgaria intervention here in France do not take suffi Six months. 50 nos, a precios de competencia fren gadier General John Pershing for uneassiness.
te a Lehmann y a La Fama, vende states that the rumours circulated it was said, was taken as a precau and the triumphal march thro ciently into consideration the One Year. 11. 00 Manuel Veiga.
that Villa was wounded were un THE FRENCH REPORT EVERY tion against exciting peaceful ugh Serbia, the Nationalist par moral element of this struggle. ADVERTISING RATES THING IS MORE OR LESS Mexicans.
ty put itself on record as oppo The German is boastful during For local advertisements rates will EGOCIO. En la Administración true. He also declared that the de EL IMPARCIAL se vende QUIET ALONG THE WHOLE sing the Cabinet political con success, but he sinks under ad be gladly furnished upon application.
papel de periódicos a 10 centi: reports that General Herrera had FRONT.
THIRD INFANTRY AWAITS duct of the war.
mos la libra, papel blanco para carni joined the Villistas and that the Please state what you want and size versity eeros a quince céntimos libra. Cartón Carrancists under General Cano, MEXICAN CALL.
The Cabinet reply to these Cost what it may, we must go of advertisement. Rates are exceeding superior, blanco, para moldes de sascriticisms as voiced by some of tre, costureras, etc, etc. a 10 céntimos had revolted and would attack the PARIS, 2nd. To the west of the on to the end. War until the com ly moderate and far below any other la libra. Cartón inferior calidad, pro Americans, were denied by the Meuse the enemy opened a rather OSWEGO, The Third the leading Liberal organs is that plete destruction of Germany it pio para trabajos de polvorista, a TRES COLONES QUINTAL. Mexican officials in Juarez who violent bombardment against our United States Infantry, stationed the Cabinet had no authorization accomplishes is an absolute neces YOU CAN MAKE MONEY further declared that General He positions in the Bois voucourt, at Madison barracks and Fort to declare war on Germany, as sity.
PEACE CRIMINAL Don slave for others work for ATRIMONIO extranjero busca rrera was operating at present but attempted no infantry action. Ontario, have been notified by Parliament had only empowered una sirviente para adentro con against Villa.
To the east of the Meuse the night the War Department to hold it to declare war against Austria with our business propositions.
buenas recomnedaciones. Dirigirse for the completion of the natio By VICTOR BERARD yourself. We teach you how. You a la Administración de este diario.
passed calmly. The enemy made themselves in readiness.
need no capital. Drop us a line GENERAL JOHN PERSHING AM no new attack in the region of They expect a possible move nal aspirations.
Professor at the Ecole es llantes and get full particulars. VENDE un hermoso piano. Da PLIFIES THE REPORTS ON Vaux and Douamont. In the ment to the Mexican Horder. What will happen during the Etudes ran razón 30 varas al Sur de la course of the session is hard to AGENCY PAN AMERICAN Bicicleta. frente a la casa de ON THE BATTLE WITH Woevre district the action of arI say that it is criminal to talk Suñol, de a de la tarde.
VILLA TROOPS ON WEDNES. tillery on both sides was very CABINET CRISIS IN ITALIT AT foretell, but few believe that Sig. of peace now. Would Germany COMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post ESPERANZA DE MAYORAL.
Office Box 800, San José.
feeble. No event of importance. HEIGHT nor Salandra will be able to reconsent to give us back Alsacehas occurred along the entire gain the confidence of the vaL NUMERO de médicos de la EL EL PASO, Texas, 2nd. Gener front during the course of the ROME. The fate of the Ita rious groups which, for one reason that common Ramsanasan Panama mentado por nuevo arreglo. Pronlian Cabinet, headed by Premier son or another, have withdrawn to publicaremos mayor número de má, al Jogn Pershing in an inter night.
dicos y dentistas de La Confianza y view today amplified the reports Salandra, is hanging in the ba their support from him. Besides, Cuarto Empréstito de Guerra otras compañías. Creación de nuevas of the battle which occurred on s WAR STRENGTH TOTALS lance now that Parliament is in the majority of deputies believe cuotas de a CINCUENTA CENTIMOS DE UN COLON.
Wednesday between the Villistas 5, 493 MEN.
session. Dissensions which have that the Government cannot preAlemán al por ciento and the Americans. He declared arisen as a result of changed po vent debate on the political conDE INTERES, EXENTO DE IMPUESTOS La elegancia en el vestir no es com that there were sixty Villistas TRENTON. New Jersey litical conditnos threaten to duct of the war. If so, incidents No redimible hasta 1924. Interés pagadero en enero y julio.
pleta si no se usa un buen calzado, killed and that the Americans sus total authorized armed force, land bring about a reorganization of of all kinds must be expected, eso lo puede usted conseguir compran tained no other casualties than a and naval, on September 80 last the Government.
and also that the session will be do en la NUEVOS BILLETES DEL TESORO IMPERIAL ALEMAN AL 4300 few wounded.
included 400 officers and 6, 048 While the war is as popular to a long one.
DE INTERES ZAPATERIA LA JUVENTUD The bandits numbered approxi men. Its present actual fighting day as it was nine months ago Redimibles a su valor a la par por sorteos anuales en 10 series, de Nicanor Gámez.
AN OGRISH PROSPECT comenzando en 1923. Interés pagadero en enero y julio.
mately 500 men and the Ameri strength is 355 officers and 5, 138 the Cabinet has lost rather than El gusto más exquisito se emplea en cans 400. The bandits were at men.
gained in strength. This is held By DAVID MENNET Ofrecemos estos nuevos empréstitos del Gobierno alemán hasta nuevo la manufactura del calzado, los mejo tacked on three sides. The pris The land force totals 4, 442 of to be due to the change of attitiaviso a los precios excesivamente bajos siguientes: res materiales, y ejecutan la obra los oners taken are at present on their ficers and men, divided as follows: de assumed by some of the mem President of the Chamber of más expertos operarios del país.
First Regiment, 695; Second Re bers of the interventionist party. Commerce of Paris 187. 50 EL PRECIO DEL CALZADO ES EL giment, 710: Third Regiment, As to the causes of this charge moneda americana.
MAS CONSIDERADO EN PLAZA GERMAN GOVERNMENT CLAIMS 775; Fourth Regiment: 822; Fifth of attitude, oninions differ. First Men are constantly returning BILLETES DEL TESORO IMPERIAL DE 1, 000 MARCOS 180. 00 THE STEAMER SILIUS WAS Regiment, 759, a total of 3, 781 in of all, the reform wing of the on leave from the front who bemoneda americana. MIS AMIGOS A MI ANTIGUA NOT SUNK BY GERMAN SUB fantry. In the squadron of caval. Socialist party, which was stron fore the war were employed by menos el interés desde el día del pago hasta el primero de julio.
CLIENTELA MARINE ry are 246 men; in the Field Ar gly in favor of intervention, and commercial firms in Paris. When También: tillery 219; Signal Corps, 75; consistently supported the Cabi they are asked about the hard TERCER EMPRESTITO DE GUERRA AUSTRIACO AL 5300 Field Hospital, 40; Ambulance, net during the first months of life in the trenches, about the Agradecido por las atenciones DE INTERES, EXENTO DE IMPUESTOS LONDON, 2nd. Reuter Corps, 12; Sanitary Corps, 111. the war, has now publicly expres prospects of a long campaign, que por ambos se me han dispen dispatch from Chrisitania states The rest of the forces are in sed its lack of confidence in the they reply: If we yield to the Redimible el primero de oetubre de 1930.
sado durante el tiempo que he lle that the German Foreign Minis the Naval Reserve. The State Government. The Premier and Germans we ll be eatenup. 000 CORONAS. 125. 00 rado negocios de diversas índoles ter, von Jagow notified the Nor strength in men of war age, by his advisers are accused of adop These familiar words express a moneda americana.
en esta ciudad, les doy por este wegian Government that the the census of 1915, is 659, 833. ting a ruinous economic policy profound economic truth. If we TERCER EMPRESTITO DE GUERRA HUNGARO AL 600 medio, no pudiéndolo hacer per. steamer Silius was not sunk by which is causing great hardships were weak enough to acept a DE INTERES sonalmente, mi más cumplido a German submarine.
WEST VIRGINIA HAS 1, 800 READY among the middle and lower clas hasty peace before we have won No redimible hasta 1921.
agradecimiento y pido órdenes FOR WAR ses. Food is high and money is a decisive victory we would pla1, 000 CORONAS. 130. 00 para la ciudad de Alajuela, donde THE ROUMANIAN KING AND HIS me radiceré en el gran café ce ourselves in a position of commoneda americana.
MINISTRY HAVE DECIDED TO Entregaremos a los compradores nuestro Certificado provisional CHARLESTON, Va. Admercial vassaldom which would y lo cambiaremos gratis por los Certificados originales cuando se LA PREFERIDA ENTER THE WAR IN APRIL. jutant General John Bond, after REFORMISTS CHARY lead rapidly to the ruin of indi reciban de Europa.
receiving reports from officers of viduals and the bankruptcy of Siempre que se desee, entregaremos los Certificados originales a San José, abril de 1916. LONDON, 2nd. From an au of the West Virginia Na Another reason, however, is the nation. We would be eaten cualquier Banco o persona en Alemania, Austria o Hungría.
thentic source it is learned that tional Guard, said that he could advanced. According what has up.
ALFREDO MESEN, after the conference in Paris on have 1, 800 men with the necessa transpired, the Reformists are Zimmermann Forshay (a) Pastel.
March 28th, the Roumanian King ry field equipment ready to move no longer inclined to identify Recalling the immerise labor Miembros de la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York.
DO0606060909. 0000060030. 06 and his Ministry decided to enter in forty eight hours, should the themselves with the Government which was necessary to pay off y 11 Wall Street NUEVA YORK, y 11 Wall Street the war in April. This is declared Government need them for ser nor share its tremendous despon the indemnity of cing milliards FINCA to be a fact by prominent diplo vices on the border.
Vendo una al norte de Barba, sabilities in a war whose ultima which France was forced to pay remoto wadon how to draw ang en un punto llamado El Zan mats of the Entente. movement was launched here te autcome is still dubious. after the war of 1870 71, Dajón o Birris. como de 60 manvid Mennet said: zanas; ocho de caña, de maíz Aviso de la Dirección General de y el resto potreros. La atraviesan tres ríos y dos vertientes y Today the indemnity will not está rodeada de bosques por ambos lados. Tiene casa grande y be five billions, but ten times that Correos nueva. Para precio y condiciones amount. Of that enormous sum dirigirse a Francisco González fin de evitar reclamaciones y retrasos en el transporen Heredia.
the greater part will fall on the te y distribución de los objetos que se confían al Correo, conation which first lays down arms. mo para hacer efectiva la pena señalada a los empleados que 0000000000000000000000 falten al cumplimiento de su deber, se recomienda a los reEL IMPARCIAL it needed all skill mitentes: 10. La mayor claridad posible en la escritura del sobre.
frente al Cuartel de Artilleria.
20. La mayor exactitud en las señas de los destinataSe publica todos los días del año rators to save rios con todos los detalles que sean del caso. Diario, inclusive los domingos)
market of France from disorga 30. El nombre de la provincia a que corresponde el Corresponsales en Londres, Paris, Nuenization.
Ingar adonde se dirige la correspondencia.
va York, Barcelona y Roma.
It would be impossible to meet Director Ricardo Coto Fernández es absolutamente prohibido inthe indemnity which a victorious troducir valores en cualquier forma en cartas ordinarias.
Es muy conveniente, también, que en la carta figure la Teléfonos: Dirección, por. AdministraPGANDOLOS AL CONTADO Germany would demand today dirección exacta del remitente, porque así el destinatario Colaboración solicitada. Ne se devuelveri without utterly ruining our compuede, al contestar, dirigir en debida forma la contestación.
Precios de suscripción local.
merce and industry. That is what La costumbre de usar sobres con membretes de dirección PRA OFERTAS EN LA AISINA PEREZ MARTIN would happen if we concluded es muy recomendable porque en caso de no encontrarse al IMPRENTA ALSINA ESPANA COSTA RICA peace now, in view of the fact scarce.
CAFE PARA EXPORTARLO AL NUEVO MERCADO NO HAY INCONVENIENTES In 1971 and the succeeding years COMPRAMOS DE BUENA CLASE Thiers and his eminent collabo MIL SACOS SEIS 40. Tener presente que es ción. 702. partade, 118.
Un mes.
Tres meses.
See theses.
Un. 00 50 11. 00 destinatario la carta puede ser devuelta a su origer

    EnglandFranceGermanyInvasionItalySocialismSocialist Party

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