p. 8


Martes, 11 de Abril de 1916.
EL IMPARCIAL Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION Northcliffe Tells of War New Inventions in Verdun Battle ministración se informará.
ENGLAND a sus rentes que Raúl Orozco Casorla.
on ceros a quince céntimos libra. Cartón CHINA FAMOUS guns.
RACE 25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fracción.
Por eada diez palabras de exceso, céntimos.
No se admiten inserciones por menos IN PLOT TO ASSASSINATE ALL)
Idun is proof that the German lows day, more and more men of AMERICAN TROOPS WILL NOT WITHDRAW FROM MEXICO de tres veces.
EUROPEAN RULERS THE ASnation is as closely besieged by the British Empire are being put the allies, as were the Parisians into the field, while fewer and WASHINGTON, 9th. See OMPRO un motor eléctrico, de SASSINS DREW LOTS IN PATC fewer German and Austrians eorriente alterna, de 25 a 30 in 1870.
retary of War Baker emphatic TERSON, NEW JERSEY caballos de fuerza.
En esta The sorties they are making at are available.
Administración informarán.
Verdun and elsewhere are enThat is why the Entente Allies ally denied the recent reports NECESITA una nodriza, sana CHICAGO, 7th. In referendeavors to bring the war to a regarded Mr. Ford peace mis that the American troops would be withdrawn from Mexico.
y fuerte. Preferible que sea del SAYS ALLIES EXCEL IN AIR City would sound extremely well quick close, which is exactly sion as a pro German move.
campo. Se compra o se alquila ce to the anarchist plot to slay all una yegua para ordeñar. En esta Ad European rulers, an in hostile communiques. Written what John Bull and his associa: informant told the Chicago prosecutor that While was at Verdun the in the German Communique tes have no intention of doing. TOO PROUD TO FIGHT AMAZES MEXICAN CONSUL CLAIMS PRE.
INCAS. Se venden las sigu en the assasssins drew lots in Pat weather was too misty to enable like this: tes: dos en Orotina, dos en Cu terson, New Jersey.
me to witness the air fights with After a terrific combat in long war. The only way to meet LATIONS BETWEEN BOTH rridabat y una casa en el centro the latest types of machines, but which we sunk a large number it is to smash the trenches with To talk peace in France and de esta ciudad. Para informes entenCOUNTRIES derse con Elías Artavia, Barbería si SUBMARINE WAR THE ONLY had seen a number of air duels of important transports. we sue a deluge of high explosive shells. England to day when Englan tuada 20 varas al Norte del Correo.
MEANS TO HASTEN PEACE, on previous occasions, and every ceded in capturing the Battery The Germans at Verdun attacked at least is only beginning the EL PASO, Texas, 9th. An.
SAY THE GERMANS time the Girman cleared out when which commands the entrance to the French trenches under cover war is to talk, fortunately in ILATELISTAS. GANGA! meF he faced British or French avia the United States and the road of their artillery, but the French vain. in favor of German bar dress García, Mexican Consul nor precio que el de catálogo se detalla una bonita colección de selles de correo. Informarán en la AdmiNEW YORK, 7th. The sub tors, lest, so run official German to Seattle.
led them on and waited until barism success. There are ap here and a close friend of Gen.
nistración de EL IMPARCIAL. marine war is claimed to be the excuses, he lose the machine and Instead of Verdun why not they had an immense number of parently a number of Americans eral Carranza, made a statement only means to hasten peace. The with it the machine secret. Nancy or Ypres! One can un them in compact masses under who like the idea of rule by Ger to day saying that the longer the LQUILO UNA CASA higiénica members of the Reichstag say it There is no secret in recent derstand the German fear of try the venge of their barling ma mm drill sergeant or a German American troops remain in Mexi y eómoda, situada en El Labe rinto. Informes: 200 variabe is the only recourse that can be German seroplanes or the aeroing to break through the centre chine guns and seventy fives, all, policeman, and rather than lift. co the more acute will become the Este de El Mar Nicolás Montero. employed against the blockade, planes of either side. The war line, which would mean they oj course, carefully hidden, and a finger in the cause of freedom relations between the American High officials point to the has merely developed horse would probably become envelop then destroyed these unfortunate prefer to change the national an and Mexican people. A aber Pads Aapeliable andere possibility that the war might power. which means climbing ed. Verdun is no better road to German: before they had time to them from My Country Tis of SAYS para dentistería, end in the Autumn.
power. few weeks ago the Paris, despite the German news realize that, after all these Thee to Didn raise My Boy MEXICAN PERSONALITY AMERICAN TROOPS OUGHT TO reconocimientos y extracciones, pue The Berlin newspapers en German Pokker rose to notorie paper contention, than the Bat. months of war, they had fallen to Be a Soldier. Such Americans den contar con los importantes serdo not venture to show themsel BE WITHDRAWN FROM MEXI.
vicios de los doctores siguientes: phasize the importance of Chan ty. Today it is being outengin tery is to Seattle. The Germans into an old trap.
co Fischer Rubéna scastro, Kriebel, cellor von Bethmann Hollweg ed by Mornnesaunier and Nieu have just as much chance of get Supposing the Germans took wes in American circles in Eupeace terms.
port and the newest type of ting to one as the other. Verdun, it would not have any rope outside of Germany.
English aeroplane. went to some of the Verdun more effect on the termination of The too proud to fight idea EL PASO, 7th. well known NECESITAN muchachos con GERMANS CLAIM THE ALLIES The battle of Verdun is the forts and can corroborate the the war than the taking of the is a positive staggerer over here, member of the Carranza Govern. recomendación y que no estén en PURPOSE TO LAND FORCES only great struggle that has yet statement that they have long ago Boston Common or Philadel where America has always been ment, speaking unofficially, dela escuela para vender este periódico al pregón.
ON DUTCH SOIL taken place in France or Belgium been disanded and are forts on phia big park. To take Ver regarded as a verile, red blooded clared to day that the American Informes en estas oficinas todos los troops had accomplished their that has afforded an opportuni. ly in name.
duin will meo an incalculable nation.
días de a de la tarde.
While the French have killed loss of German lives, and after While you are reading this in object of destroying Villa poVIENNA, 7th. The Dutch ity for a spectator to witness pracGovernment has been informed tically the whole coilict. my enorgh Germans at Verdun by ward the Germans will find your comfortable parlors or ex wer and that they therefore S: OMBREROS de pita buenos ya that at the conference held in friend will Irvin estimates that leading them on, trench by themselves face to face with new cellent Pullman cars, a storm of should withdraw from Mexico German rage in the form of without further delay.
nos, ademecios de competemela vente Paris. the landing of two hun of the respective governments on trench by letting them capture of the some process.
a Lehmann a La Fama, Manuel Veiga.
dred thousand men Dutch saged in this bloody struggle this er that unimportant village Nor do believe the capture shells at Verdun will be poured territory to force a passage up would enable American recta in return for the full price in or loss of guns amounts to much out as vehementiy, think, as FRENCH SUBMARINE SINKS AN AUSTRIAN TRANSPORT the Scheldt, was discussed by tors to witness the contest at Ver. blood, it is quite possible, though in days when guns are turned they were when watched the EGOCIO En la Administración the representatives of the Enten dun at 10, 000, a seat, enough have no authority. for saying out as rapidly by each side as battle last week; but they will money world be available to ile so, that the Germans might be automobiles are in Detroit. have no effect on the determina LONDON, 7th. An Austrian papel de periódicos a 10 cénti te.
mos la libra, papel bianco para carni.
tray the whole cost of the Red allowed to whet their appetites In judging this war we are tion of the Anglo Saxon and transport has been sunk in the by the occupation of Verdun.
much too įrone to think of past French allies to settle this hor Adriatic Sea by a French subsuperior, blanco, para moldes de sas NATIVE UPRISING IN COCHIN Cross work on both sides.
tre, costureras, etc, etc. a 10 céntimos Lying in a shallow basin, it is om not a French general, but wars. When the Russians cap rible business of war for at least marine.
la libra. Cartón inferior calidad, propio para trabajos de polvorista, a possible to witness from various in his place should be satisfied tured Turkish guns at Erzerum a hundred years.
AUTOMOBILE DRIVER MANILA, 7th. native upri points almost the whole battle in to let them get there, provided it muttered considerably because VESSELS SUNK BY MEETS FATAL ACCIDENT IN sing has ocurred in Saigon and comfort, apart from the appal could go on Willing Germans as the Turks have not sufficient SEVERAL When the English cap: GERMAN SUBMARINES Cochin China during which the ling. dea fening sound which is the French have done in the last pianoDaS ran razón 30 varas al Sur de la prisons were attacked. The maj so continuous that those engaged fortnight. Lookers on sometimes ture German guns in Flanders it LONDON, 7th. The British CORONA, California, 9th. Bicicleta defrente a la casa de ority of the insurgenis were cap get into the habit of shouting see most of the game, and have does not matter much, because Suñol, de 3 la.
ESPERANZA DIE MAYORAL. tured. French officer and sev. when they return to the dugouts become firmly convinced that the Gerinans have unlimited steamer Simla was sunk today. Burman died in a race accident.
eral soldiers were killed and major are resting in billets, this question of the capture or guns. It is merely tradition and Eleven of the crew were drow. The famous driver suffered a loss of a few trenches, a few soldiery pride that cause the loss ned and the remainder were fracture at the base of the skull Fábrica de tostar y moler café ny were injured.
MEN AND BATTERIES HIDDEN villages or towns, has nothing to or capture of munitions to figure saved.
when his car threw a wheel. LA COSTA RICA do with ending the war.
THE TEUTONS LOST TWO HUNso largely in official communi The crew of the French sailing THOUSAND MEN Men and batteries are all hid.
Cannon have been thundering ques.
vessel St. Hubert which was Se tuesta y muele café a 25 el VERDUN IN FORTY DAYS den. When the Germans advan and shells screaming at Ypres The sinking of ships matters torpedoed by a Gorman sub quintal. Se atenderán las órdenes con ced in mass on February 21 and for sieteen months, but neither most to the side with the fewer marine is reported to have been esmero y prontitud. Necesitamos bue.
PARIS, 7th. Two hundred 22 they had evidently not pro site has advanced as far as from ships. Despite the loss of some rescued.
In order to improve our En La nog iemaptista agentes. Informes en thousand slain before Verdun is perly located the French guns or washington Square to Twenty ships the British navy is infini The French trawler Jeanet. glish Section we beg to solicit the the huge estimate of the Teuto they would never have begun the third street.
tely stronger than it was before te was sunk. Twenty fishermen cooperation of our readers, not LA ESTRELLA DE LA MODA nic losses in 40 days issued by attack.
The thing that matters is that the war, owing to the night and were safely landed.
the French.
The law of self protection en large numbers of English, Ger day building we are able to only as far as subscriptions and execute.
CONSCRIPTION NOT TO In the first battle line alone obles birds and fish to merge their mans and Canadians have killed INCLU advertisements are concerned but DE MARRIED MEN MONTERO CIA. one hundred and fifty thousand colors into their surroundings. or put out of action there, and The German military authorialso in regard to contributions.
Germans were killed. The report Artillery officers have followed that matters most to the Ger ties are not fools, but they are Acaba de recibir un bonito sur.
We will gladly accept and pubmans, who have not the resources LONDON, 7th. Conscription lish any articles sent us, as long tido de sombreros para señori says that the basis of these figu Nature example.
res are careful inquiries, carefuly will not include maried But have no intention of of the British Empire to draw not masters of the situation today as they were when they starhay algunos para las niñas del as such are not of a personal or Colegio de Señoritas.
revealing the many clever devices upon.
The report is that Bonar Law ted the mad. bull rush to Paris it. Precios sumamente bajos. they invented in this respect. GERMAN TRADE BEING KILLED does not particularly need a short would resign if compulsion went political character and providing such reading matter is of general THE GERMANS ADOPT NEW Exactly why the Germans seles.
war, but it certainly does not beyond bachelors.
Contiguo a la Panadería SYSTEM OF FORMATION ted Verdun is not known. It is While the killing process is want a Winter campaign in poor DANISH STEAMER or local interest to a given comLamicq.
believed they did so as matter of REPORTED munity. Articles dealing with going on there is the strangula clothes and against positions SUNK OUTSIDE CALAIS NEW YORK, 7th. The Ger advertisement. In ancient times tion of German trade by the An. which render huge losses inevitcommercial industrial and agri mans employ new formation of Verdun was a valuable fortress. glo French blockade. There are able. thin lines of infantry instead of Verdun sounds well in the news some who surmise that Verdun It may consent to mad ex Danish steamer Jernebourg news items from any town or comCOPENHAGUEN, 7th The most welcome as well as general cultural matters will always be masses.
SOBRE papers and communiques. To is the direct results of the ploits of the Verdun type because was torpedoed and sunk outside In the advance on Douaumont capture the Battery in New York blockade. Certain it is that Ver it knows, as surely as night fol Calais. The members of the crew munity in the country.
EL EXTERIOR an officer describes Tuesday fighting to a Tribune corresp. Flawless the were saved.
We request our readers to overVICTOR ROSS. ondent by saying that the French CAVALRY SCOUTS REPORTED TO will be due to our staff, which is not quite conversant with the Ensuspended their fire until enemy was whithin 50 meters from their trenches.
look any defficiency found in the GIROS SOBRE EL SALVADOR THE FRENCH RECOVER PART COLUMBUS, New Mexico, for the benefit of our readers.
OF THE LOST GROUND 7th. Air acouts have reported spelling or composing which Venden por cualquier canthat the cavalry squadrons have might occur at the start but this tidad y por telégrafo.
PARIS, 7th. We have recovpicked out the bandit trail.
Pasaje Jiménez. Local No.
We propose to constantly in.
ered a part of the lost ground.
The reports of the outlaw glish language. This will be avoidE. Rebles Co. The Germans hold 300 yards of the Avoncourt positions.
confirmed. Villa is declared to The French say that the Teube lying on a stretcher, carried We respectfully solicit your RELOJERIA SUIZA ton report on this action is squaon the shoulders of his men and correspondence which will alwayi rely denied. The French official accompanied only by a small receive our earliest and best atAcaban de llegar muchas mercade assertion is that the Cailette body guard.
rfas en joyas y relojes. también artícu wood positions are firmly held tention. Any questions you wish 165 de fantasía, en broches, anillos, etc. by the French and that any at.
DETENTION AND EXAMINATION to know, just drop a line address to ask or anything yow wish de poco valor, para regalos.
Relojes de pulseras para señoras, sur tack will be fruitless.
Richard Kriebel occurrence of detention and exaYOU CAN MAKE MONEY Dentista Alemán BERLIN, 7th. The German mination of Japanese merchant Don slave for others work for Government annonnced that cargoes by converted British with our business propositions.
HA TRASLADADO gu despa. German submarine or warship yourself. We teach you how. You LINDO BROTHERS need no sapi. al. Drop us a line was responsible for the explosion and get full particulars.
which damaged the cross chanSAN JOSE nel steamer Sussex or other AGENCY PAN AMERICAN COMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post British vessels.
Bewer me to the national flag.
Teléfono No. 351.
DRED AT To our Readers detas y señoras, entre los cuales men.
COMPRO GIROS the HARINA FLECHA BE ON THE MEXICAN BANDITS crease and improve this section TRAIL chieftain being wounded are ed in the near future.
Calle del Carmen Tenemos el gusto de avisar a nuestros favorecedores, que de aquí al fin del mes tendremos para la venta HARINA de la muy conocida MARCA variado.
SUBMARINE OR sé TOKIO, 9th. The frequent FLECHA no cho a su nuevo gabinete, situado 150 varas al Oeste del Palaco de Justicia cruisers in the Indian Ocean and Chinese waters, has excited public opinion in Japan. The Press and prominent circles denounce the acts as an insult Office Box 800, San José.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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