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Miércoles, 12 de Abril de 1916.
EL IMPARCIAL ENGLISH SECTION creathe at THE FRENCH EVACUATE THE my submarines in the Medite. THE CLEVELAND. AMERICAN descend. None of the German tempt to assassinate the Chief semblage of friendly disposed of information for the people VILLAGE OF HANCOURT rranean, without warning, but TEAM NEGOTIATING FOR planes were injured.
to on both sides of the border is of the military police was unsuc newspaper correspondents that owing to its superior speed STAR OUTFIELDER cessful. The American cruiser witness the great achievement. the public press of the United PARIS, 10th. With the cap it succeeded in making its escape NEGRO SOLDIER KILLED Cincinnatti arrived at Amoy The plans having miscarried, States.
ture of Hancourt the French and seending out wireless warn CLEVELAND, 10th. In order to avoid the The UPON BEING ARRESTED FOR early this morning.
they are in a difficult position.
have lost the next to the last vil nity.
Cleveland Americans are nego CREATING DISTURBANCE They dare not risk the injury to tion of erroneous and dangerous lage in the region of Verdun.
tiating for the purchase of outFIVE CHINESE WARSHIPS RE their self love which a cessation impressions in this way have called upon the several news Ourever tightening attack THE GERMANS DENY HAVING fielder Tris Speaker from the DEL RIO, Texas, 10th. John PORTED TO HAVE JOINED of attacks would invite.
opperations have now left open SUNK THE DUTCH STEAMER Boston Americans. It is repor Wade of Company 24th inagencies to use the utmost care THE CHINESE REBELS only one of the enemy lines of not to give news stories regard PALAMBERG ted that Speaker wishes a two fantry, a negro organization, WOULD COST MILLION MEN communication with the interior ing this expedition the color of year contract at fifteen thousand was killed here last night by SHANGHAY, China, 10.
of France and that is the Bethin LONDON, 10th. Reuter dollars annually.
state ranger Barler, when two It is stated that five warships say in all confidence that if war, to withhold stories of troop court Esnes road which together dispatch from the Hague states rangers and a State Sheriff at stationed at Canton joined the the Germans are still bent on movements and military prepawith the village of Esnes are that the German Government MEXICANS AT CHIHUAHUA tempted to arrest sixteen negro rebels on April 6th.
capturing Verdun regardless of rations which might be given now under fire of the German has informed Holland that the SHOW FRIENDLY ATTITUDE soldiers who were creating dissacrifices it may cost them a mil. that interpretation, and to reartillery. Palamberg. which was sunk TO AMERICAN AVIATORS turbances. MILLION MEN VERDUN PRICE lion men. Even then they will be frain from publishing unverified near the Galloper lighthouse last TO GERMANY no nearer Paris.
rumors of unrest in Mexico.
AUSTRIAN TRANSPORT SUNK BY month, was not torpedoed by ANTONIO, Texas, 10th. NO CAUSE GIVEN FOR THE RISE believe the German losses feel that it is most desirable FRENCH SUBMARINE have IN PRICE OF GASOLINE any German submarine as there Mexicans at Chihuahua Sacrifice Costly if the Kaiser is still will be far greater than the to impress upon both our own Bent were none in that vicinity at the shown a friendly attitude toward PARIS, 10th. French time.
on Capture, Declares Lord French official estimates have people and the people of Mexico American aviators although so WASHINGTON, 10th. No Northcliffe made them, and until some man the fact that the expedition is submarine operating in me shots were fired at them because is given for the rise in invents a machine for rapidly simply a necessary punitive Adriatic Sea succeeded in sink THE FAILURE OF THE GERMANS fore it was known that they we price of gasoline. The Federal LONDON. The Weekly tunneling, advance against lines measure, aimed solely at the eliing an Austrian transport. AT VERDUN ENCOURAGES THE re on a friendly mission.
Trade Comission filed a volumi. Dispatch prints the following: like those held by the French mination of the marauders who FRENCH PRESS AND PUBLIC nous report with Congress but must be made without cover. raided Columbus and who infest VESSELS OF THE WHITE STAR EL PASO OFFICIALS REQUEST drew no conclusions. It may still By Lord Northcliffe Every time the attackers show an unprotected district near the LINE BLOWN UP BY MINES PARIS, 10th. The failure AID FOR PATROL GUARDING go higher.
themselves it is to invite a hurri. border which they use as a base THE STREETS of the latest great struggle of LONDON, 10th. The steam. the Germans Although the fighting at Ver cane of shrapnel bullets decimat in making attacks upon the lives Verdun has VILLA IS REPORTED TO BE ship Braunton and the scho greatly encouraged the French dun has already lasted five weeks ing everything within range and property of our citizens EL PASO. 10th. The officials FULLY DAY AHEAD OF HIS So well has the French sup within our own territory.
oner Clyde. both of the White have requested aid for the patrol AMERICAN PURSUERS military opinion in France antipress and public. It is the purpose of our comStar Line, were blown up by which is guarding the city cipates that the battle will con ply of shells been maintained mines. The crews of both ves NUMEROUS SHIPS ARE REPOR streets. Wild reports have rea LA PAZ, Texas, 10th. Villa tinue. The French have always that am told by the highest au mander to co operate in every sels have been saved.
TED SUNK BY GERMAN SUB. ched Brigadier General Pers. is reported to be fully a day expected it to be a very protacthority it is greater to day than possible way with the forces of it was when the battle of Verdun General Carranza in removing The steampship Chantalla hing and the Carranza soldiers ahead of his American pursuers. the wastness of the German pre consumption which five weeks governments, and to retire from ted struggle, because they knew began, despite the enormous this cause of irritation to both is reported to have been sunk.
that Villa has been the victor General Inés Salazar is said to parations. We see The whereabouts of the crew LONDON, 10th. The British in a battle.
have crossed the Mexican border Germans simply dare not stop dun battle. It is not possible to object is accomplished, Low that the of struggle entailed in the Ver Mexican territory as soon as that are unknown.
steamer Zafra was sunk. The Hall and Gleanalmond NO CONFIRMATION RECEIVED also reported sunk. Three men are GERMANS MAKE AN AERIAL AT. to start up the natives against the struggle, for that would be make records of the shells fired, WARNING TO DISTURBERS TACK ON RUSSIAN AVIA. the United States.
a plain confession of their inabi because observers are unable to TO THE REPORT FROM VIEN of Sulksworth Hall are mis.
If Villa renches Durango City lity to make TION STATION NEAR RIGA any headway he will be joined by the Marieta against the French line.
keep pace with the quantities It is my duty to warn the NA OF THE ENTENTE CONTEM sing. The crew of the Glenalconsumed.
people of the United States that PLATING LANDING ON mond was saved. The unarmed BERLIN, 10th. It is off brothers with over a thousand Verdun bangs found the Ger If Verdun does not fall it there are persons all along the DUTCH SOIL British steamer Eastern City cially announced that four Ger men.
mans necks like a millstone.
border who are actively engaged was sunk. The Norwegian stea man biplanes attacked a Rus. ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE They advertised their effort all Germans have sustained in the in originating and giving as BERLIN, 10th. The report mer Sjølyst was torpedoed sian aviation station at the ent CHEF OF POLICE IN CHINA over the world as a proof of the history of the war, such as ought wide currency as they can to run from Vienna declaring that the without warning. The crew was rance to the Gulf of Riga. They IS UNSUCCESSFUL invincibility of German arms.
Entente has demanded permis rescued by the Britsih stetner kropped twenty bombs and forConfident that Verdun would to be fittingly celebrated throu mors of the most sensational and ghout the allied countries.
disturbing sort which are whol.
sion of Holland to pass 200, 000 Liberia.
eed to Russian aeroplanes to AMOY, China, 10th. An at fall, they invited the usual as.
men through Dutch teritory Fondemens Ronca Verandaenon Blancas Recent No such preparations for vic by unjustified by the facts. The object of this traffic in tee tory have ever been made in mowith the object of attacking dern history, nor has such a bat: falsehood is obvious. It is to Germany, has not yet been con tle been waged, with so reckless create intolerable friction be.
a disregard of the toll inflicted. tween the Government of the TURKISH The question has been, not whe United States and the facto Gor.
TROOPS REVOLT ther Verdun will fall, but whe ernment of Mexico, for the purAGAINST GERMAN OFFICERS ther the Germans are prepared pose of bringing about intervento pay the price.
tion in the interest of certain LONDON, 10th. From ConsAmerican owners of Mexican tantinople it is reported that the WILSON SAYS HE WILL NOT IN. properties.
Turkish recruits revolted at the TERVENE This object cannot be attai.
Haidar Pasha station, refusing ned so long as sane and honorato proceed to Armenia. Further President in Warning Says, No sane ble men are in control of this revolts occurred in Tashkula barracks against the Grman ofand Honorable Man Will Help Government, but every serious Spread Falsehoods conditions may be created, unficers of which two were killed.
necessary bloodshed may result, THE FRENCH Sinister and Unserupulous Influerie and the relations between the TROOPS HAVE Work. Expedition Ai two republics may be very much EVACUATED BETHINCOURT med solely at Marauders embarrassed. The people of the PARIS, 10th. The French WASHINGTON. President United States should know the troops have evacuated Bethinmédico mejor atendido por los facultativos más Wilson issued the following sta sinister and unscrupulous influcourt. This premeditated move tement: ences that are afoot and should was made in order to establish a notables del país, como son los doctores. As already been announced, be on their guard against creditcontinous line beginning in the the expedition into Mexico was ing any story coming from the Avoncourt forest, in the first ordered under an agreement border; and those who dissemicorner along the first wooded Don Carlos Durán Don Francisco Rucavado Don Mauro Fernández with the facto Government of viate the news should make it a slopes to the west of Hill 204, Mexico for the single purpose of matter of patriotism and of Don Panfilo Valverde Don Rafael Calderón Muñoz thien along the southern bank of Don Jorge Lara taking the bandit Villa, whose consciênce to test the source and the Forges Brook, to the northDon Jenaro Rucavado Don Teodoro Picado Don José María Barrionuevo forces had actually invaded the authenticity of every report they east of Harcourt and reaching Don Mariano Rodríguez territory of the United States receive from that quarter.
our positions a little to the south Don José María Soto Don José Corvetti and is in no sense intended as an of the crossing of the BethinDon Roberto Fonseca Calvo invasion of that republic oras Don David. Quirós NA WOODROW WILSON.
Don Antonio Giustiniani court Chataincourt roads.
Don Amancio Sáenz an infringment of its sovereignDon Eduardo Uribe Don Carlos Pupo Don Julio Aguilar Ity. CHICLETS ANTI. CONSCRIPTION MEETING Don Emilio Echeverría Don Francisco Segreda have therefore asked the Don Antonio Facio IN ENGLAND BROKEN BY THOU several news seryices to be good Modera o quita el vicio de fumar.
Don Federico Zumbado SANDS OF PERSONS Don Constantino Herdocia Don Luis Jiménez enough to assist the Administra conserva su boca siempre fresca Beneficia su salud.
Don Marcos Zúñiga Don Ricardo Jiménez Núñez Don Rubén Umaña tion in keeping this viow of the LONDON, 10th. An attempt expedition constantly limpia. 13 Don Inksetter Doña Jadwisia de Picado Don Solón Núñez Ayuda la digestión.
to hold an anti conscription and both the people of this country Todo esto consigue usted mascando peace meeting on Sunday was Por colones mensuales subsidio diario de colones y 200 and the distressed and sensitive Chiclets. Famosos en el mundo broken by thousands of persons colones en caso de muerte del asegurado.
people of Mexico, who are very entero.
who charged the procession.
susceptible indeed to impressions Santiago Palacios. Agente.
received from the American Pasaje Jiménez, San José.
GERMAN SUBMARINE SHELLS press not only, but also very reaFRENCH STEAMER WITHOUT dy to believe that those impresRELOJERIA SUIZA WARNING sions proceed from the views Calle del Carmen and objects of our Government Acaban de llegar muchas mercadeLONDON, 10th. Dispatches Prospectos en la Oficina Provisional itself.
rias en joyas y relojes; también artíc ings to other ships in that viciMUST DEPEND ON PRESS los de fantasía, en broches, anillos, etc.
from Marseilles are to the effect de poco valor, para regalos. Such conclusions, it must be that the steamship Colbert Relojes de pulseras para señoras, sur was shelled by one of the ene Bambano said, are not unnatural, because variado.
www the main, if not the only, source PRECIOS BARATOS EL HOGAR Compania de Seguros y Protección de la Salud ces at Ninguna empresa de esta clase ofrece un servicio before Póliza dotal de economías de Ch. 200 C1. 500 Củ. 1000 a Ya llegó la conocida MANTECA marca SMITH, la mejor que ha venido a Costa Rica De Unicos Agentes para Costa Rica: MANN Co. New York Depósito en San José: Víctor Fabián. Teléfono 724. Depósito en Puntarenas: Luis Casalvolone Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Este documento no posee notas.