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Lunes, 17 de Abril de 1916.
EL IMPARCIAL Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION REwas 25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fracción.
Por cada diez palabras de exceso, céntimos.
No te predmeten, inserciones por menos AMERICANS TROOPS WILL NOT DUTCH STEAMER ENTERS ERI wrecked by the angry Mexicans slightly wounded. The number REVENTLOW ACCUSES AMERICAN Ireland among the British is no de veces.
BE WITHDRAWN FROM METISH PORT AFTER STRIKING Property worth millions of dol of prisoners taken by the French ATTACHES OF BETRAYING. IN. longer possible and thus adds an.
OR 30 COLONES se alquila XICO. MINE.
FORMATION TO THE ALLIES. other factor. Certainly, the remai, lars was destroyed in the riot is insignificant. As the French una casa en la calle 6a. Sur ning stages of the home rule esquina opuesta a la pulpería that followed the Parral engage are steadily retreating they must La Tempestad. doscientas varas al WASHINGTON, 14th. It is LONDON, 14th. The Dutch ment.
of course give imagimary figures. AMSTERDAM, 15th. Herr struggle will pass easily with Sur del Palacio de Justicia. Informarán en la calle 8a. Norte, número 258. officially stated that the Amer stemmer Coltimbia entered the The Germans on the other, hand von Reventlow has accused the practically universal assent. found a similar story on me.
ican troops will not be withdrawn port of Gravesed to day in a da ANXIETY FELT IN WASHINGTON have been burying dead Frenclr American Military and Naval atS fuerte. Preferible que sea de NECESITA una nodriza, sana from Mexico in spite of the de maged condition as the result of OVER THE FATE OF MAJOR men on the battlefild and are taches of betraying certain infor. turning to London where Irish csumpore. Se compra o se alquila mand made by the de facto Gov. having encountered a mine.
universal THOMPSON AND HIS LITTLE receiving French wounded so mation regarding Grmany to the Flag Day became a una yegua para ordenar. En esta Ad ernment. While the question is The British steamer Robert holiday for Englishmen as all as FORCE OF CAVALRY.
they are able to compute figures Allies.
ministración se informará. being discussed, it is the inten Adamson was also torpedoed on Irishmen. London was one mase regarding the French losses WASHINGTON, 15th. Great which are calculated to have THE UNITED STATES CABINET of green, the same throughout ILATELISTAS. GANGA! metion of the United States military Tuesday. It is believed that it por precio que el de catálogo se authorities to push the pursuit sank being abandoned by the anxiety is felt in official circles reached one hundred and fifty DECIDES TO REINFORCE every Irish town.
detalla una bonita colección de se. of Villa with renewed vigour.
GENERAL PERSHING FORCE. In Great Britain 8, 000, 000 Irish llos de correo. Informarán en la Admicrew which was landed to day. to day over Major Thompson and thousand.
nistración de EL IMPARCIAL.
his little force of cavalry which flags were sold, gaining many PRESIDENT YUAN SHI KAI WIL CARRANZA SOLDIERS STEAMERS FIRE ON is believed to be the party attack TWO BRITISH WASHINGTON, 15th. The thousands of pounds for comforts NECESITAN muchachos con LING TO CALL TRUCE WITH UNITED STATES TROOPS AT ed in Parral on Wednesday. PORTED, SUNK BY GERMAN Cabinet has considered General for Irish soldiers. Many towns recomendación y que no estén en THE REBELS.
Senator Stone asserts that the SUBMARINES.
Carranza note and telegrams unable to organize a flag day ce.
la escuela para vender este periódico al pregón.
United States recognized the de and has decidd to reinforce Gener lebration sent large subscriptions.
Informes en estas oficinas todos los LONDON, 14th. The corEL PASO, 14th. It is official facto Government in Mexico and QUEENSTOWN, 13th. Cap al Pershing force.
dias de a de la tarde. respondent of the Daily Mail in ly reported that Carranza sol if we adhere to our policy, we tain Charlestown and eleven men CONTRAST OF SYSTEMS OMBREROS de pita buenos y Peking announces that President diers fired on the United States cannot keep the army there. The of the steamer Inverlyon. were GENERAL CARRANZA UNOSTENThe first day went to the TATIOUSLY ARRIVES IN MEnos, a precios de competencia fren: Yuan Shi Kai has consented to a troops while they were passing only alternative left is the with landed to day and reported that House of Commons after my visit te Lehmann y a La Fama, vende calling of a truce with the rebels. through Parral.
Manuel Veiga.
drawing of the troops sooner or their vessel had been sunk by a XICO CITY.
to France, went into the smoke General Funston in an inter later or intervention.
submarine. One of the members EGOCIO. En la Administración THE PRESS BUREAU COULD PUB: view to day indicated that he The evidence collected by Se of the crew, which was rescued MEXICO CITY, 15th. Ge room to have my afternon tea, and there found myself at the de EL IMPARCIAL se vende LISH, IF IT WISHED, THE would not consider the expedition cretary Lansing placed is an American. Another boat neral Carranza accompanied by papel de periódicos a 10 céntiNUMBER OF THE SUBMARINE mos las libra, papel blanco para carnia success until Villa had been before th Cabinet to day. The from the In verlyon containing a few officers, unostentatiously side of a friend of mine to whom immediately proceeded to give ceros, a quince céntimos libra. Cartón THAT ATTACKED THE SUS either killed or captured. It is President and the Cabinet show eleven men is missing. entered the city last night.
superior, blanco, para moldes de sasSEX.
tre, costureras, ete, etc. a 10 céntimos some of my impressions. Then reported that the Funston report no disposition to let the Mexican The British steamer Chic La libra. Cartón inferior calidad, propio para trabajos de polvorista, a PARIS, 14th. The Press Bu has made the situation more com situation postpone action on the has been sunk by a German sub NO FURTHER REPORTS RECEIV ensued one of the most interes.
TRES COLONES QUINTAL. reau made the following state plicated. In certain circles opi submarine question.
marine. Eight members of the ED CONCERNING THE BATTLE ting conversations have had for ment to day: We could, if we nion prevails that the message President Wilson, speaking at crew are missing.
some years. When my friend OF PARRAL heard what had to say he proS VENDE un hermoso piano. Da wished to give the name of the sent by the Carranza Govern the Jefferson Day banquet the ceeded to state his own case.
ran razón 30 varas al Sur de la commander and the number of ment is an outright note of defi Democrats here last night, said MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED ME WASHINGTON, 15th. Secre am. he said, in substance, Bicicleta. frente a la casa de the submarine that attacked the ance to the United States. that the United States would not XICANS KILLED AS THE RE tary of War Baker has announSuñol, de a de la tarde.
chairman for many years of my ESPERANZA DE MAYORAL. Sussex.
It is believed that the situation be drawn into a quarrel of its SULT OF THE FIGHTING AT ced that no change has been reis far graver than is generally own choosing.
ported in the Mexican situation. County Council; am also the VENDEN dos magníficas ca MOVEMENT TO PREVENT EXPOR indicated. It is also reported General Funston has reported head of the education authority; I have given years of my life to sas, una a cien varas del Co TATIONS TO GERMANY, IN that one cavalry man was killed THE FRENCH MAKE PREPARA EL PASO, Texas, 15th. As a to the War Department that no Begio de Señoritas, muy cómoda para una familia numerosa y en CREASING IN HOLLAND. and another wounded in a clash TIONS TO REPEL ANOTHER result of the fight on Wednesday, further reports have been receiv the mastery of these local quesperfecto buen estado, por lo que vale GERMAN LONDON, 14th. The corres between the Mexicans and Amersions, and especially of the educaATTACK TO THE between the cavalry column uned from General Pershing regar tion questions. All this experience solamente el terreno, y otra para EAST OF THE MEUSE.
una familia regular, por la Plaza Vi pondent of the Daily Mail in icans, in which large numbers of der Major Frank Thompson and ding the battle of Parral.
and all of my service are at the quez. Dirijase al Apartado 988. Mi Amsterdam stated that the mo Mexicans were killed.
LONDON, 5th. The Germans the people of Parral, more than guel Angel Córdoba.
vement to prevent the exportation maintained a very heavy shell one hundred Mexican were killed IRISH LEAD IN BATTLE, SAYS disposal of the House of Comof foodstuffs and other goods to MEXICAN DE FACTO GOVERN. fire on Le Mont Homme, to the and scores were injured. It is CONNOR mons, and yet am doing nothS VENDE barato una nueva má: Germany is increasing rapidly.
ing MENT DECLARES INTENTION north west of Verdun and on the reported to have been the fier. Where do you spend most of Informan Schroter Sucesores, Parque BRITISH LOSSSES IN MESOPOTAcon carril grande y a dos tintas.
TO RESTRICT AMERICAN IN section east of the Meuse, to cest anti American demonstration Between 30, 000 and 40. 000 Have En.
VADING FORCES AND THEIR which the French responded ever recorded and resulted in the tered British Army Ranks from your times? asked, foreseeing, Central MIA ARE FAR BELOW THE AREA OF ACTIVITY.
briskly and made preparations to destruction of millions of dollars City of Liverpool Alone.
and indeed, inviting the answer: Fábrica de tostar y moler café TURKISH FIGURES.
repel another attack.
worth of property.
By Connor. Here that is to say in the MEXICO CITY, 15th. The The British forces cooped up The people who are beyond smoke room. was the answer. LA COSTA RICA LONDON, 14th. Lord Sand Mexican de facto Government in Kut el Amara in a desperate control wrecked the property of LONDON. have returned to How do you spend your time Teléfono No. 354.
hurst and Chamberlain stated Se tuesta y mue:e cate a 25 et that General Lake reports that declared that it would insist that rally, drove the besieging Turks the Alvarado Mining Company London after a trip to the Irish in the House of Commons? worth two million dollars. All centres in the provinces. During again asked.
quintal. Se atenderán las órdenes con the total losses of the British any armed expedition of the back into the swamps.
esmero y prontitud. Necesitamos buethe American properties were the St. Patrick Day season Loafing. was the expected were much below the Turkish fi. United States must not exceed La Tempestad.
gures and further he made a persone thousand men and the area CERMANS CLAIM TO HAVE SUNK destroyed. The American Smelt. found remarkable evidence of the reply.
of its activities should be restric FOURTEEN HUNDRED AND ing and Refining Company and extraordinary unity and fierce FALLEN INTO LETHARGY sonal inspection and inquiry as PROMINENT SPANISH AUTHORI. to the number of wounded, which ted.
EIGHTY HOSTILE TRADING the Del Oro Mining Company ardor wherewith the Irish or TY URGES NEUTRALS JOINT resulted very satisfectory.
VESSELS IN THE MONTH OF of San Francisco. the latter Great Britain have entered the The gentleman to whom was MARCH PRESIDENT WILSON REPORTED being a ACTION TO STOP GERMAN British concern, were struggle against German savage speaking is a staunch, but broadILLEGALITIES.
AS BEING PREPARED TO DEAL BERLIN, 15th. One thous demolished. Representatives of ry. It may now be said with per minded and tolerant Conserva MEXICAN AMBASSADOR DEMANDS THE WITHDRAWAL OF AMEWITH CARRANZA.
and four hundrd and eighty foreign properties have lost all feet accuracy that this section of tive. He has the respect, both MADRID, 15th. Amadeo trading vessels belonging to the hopes of being able to protect the Irish race has contributed to political and personal, of every RICAN TROOPS FROM MEXICO.
Hurtado, a prominent authority WASHINGTON, 15th. Pre hostile countries, with an aggre their interests.
the British army a larger propor member of the House. His maion International Law, has direc WASHINGTON, 14th. The sident Wilson was reported as gate tonnage of two hundred and tion of its entire numbers than den speech was so lucid and inted the following letter to Pre. Mexican Ambassador has presen any other race in the British Em forming a contribution to debate mier Romanones: Spain should ted to the State Department three being prepared to treat with Car seven thousand tons. were GENERAL FUNSTON GIVEN sunk by German submarines dur FREE HAND TO DEAL WITH pire.
that everybody listened with atassume the initiative in bringing demands, each one more pressing ranza for the withdrawal of the ing the month of March.
THE MEXICAN SITUATION. Alderman Harford, leader of tention and sympathy. But he about a joint action of neutrals that its predecessor, for the with American troops from Mexico. According to a correspondent the Irish party in the Liverpool has rarely spoken since; he has at the front, the French author to sop illegalities of Germany drawal of the American troops WASHINGTON, 15th. NothMunicipal Council, gave detailed fallen under the paralyzing lewhich are now becoming very from Mexico.
AMERICAN MINING PLANTS ities are spreading reports regar. ing further is known of the fate returns from the rectors of Cathargy that comes over even acdisastrous to neutral merchantIt is learned from a WRECKED BY THE ANGRY ding heavy losses of the Germans of the cavalry detachment which tholic parishes in Liverpool, show tive brains and energetic characmen. Germany has no merchant very close from the President MEXICANS.
at Verdun. The French calculate was raged at Parral. General ing that from Liverpool alone ters under the dead hand of commen on the seas at present as all that the troops will not be with the losses of the Germans at the Funston telegraphed that he is between thirty and forty thous pulsory Parliamentary loafing.
are interned in neutral ports and drawn.
EL PASO, Texas, 15th. One round figures of two hundred doing all that is possible to ob and Irishmen joined the army. His was but one of many such consequently they are protected The State Department still bandit was killed yesterday when thousand men. The German catain information as to their fate. Similar inquiries in other parts experiences with which have against the retaliatory measures suppresses information in regard forty Villistas attacked an Amer sualties, heppily have not been The Carrancistas report that of Britain especially Lancashire been confronted during fy thirtyof the Entente. By this intern to the fighting at Parral.
in proportion to the importance there have been heavy losses on and Glasgow, demonstrate that five years of House of Commons ment, which is inconsistent with Its reticence is taken to mean ican supply train. There were of the German gains. Besides, both sides the Irish recruits in Britain far life. few years ago welcom neutrality German merchantmen that the most critical point in the no American casualties.
among the casualties is a great Secretary of War Baker to day exceed the original estimates. ed to the House a leading city continue to be protected in neu Mexican affair has been reached. American mining plants were percentage of men who are only announced, that General Funston must add that many of the twen Conservative, whose acquaintance tral ports and the neutrals Bares had been given, a free hand to ty nine Victoria crosses worn by had made before his election. ക ണ should demand of Germany some deal with the situation.
Irish soldiers were won by Irish have rarely found a man so protection for neutral citizens It is rumored that Congress men living or born in Great Bri. depressed.
Si and neutral merchantmen.
will declare an embargo on the tain. guessed what was his state of exportation of arms to Carranza Sinnefeinism does not exist in mind, but made some inquiries, BERLIN REPORTS SEVERAL PORas well as to Villa.
Britain. Its hundred or so of ad and he at once replied that he TUGUESE PROVINCES HAVE Reports received to day from herents were overwhelmed by po had never felt more miserable in REVOLTED.
General Pershing camp state pular whath within a fortnight his life than during the first few that a party of horsemen, believ. after the opening of the war. weeks since he had become a BERLIN, 15th. From Badaed to have been Villistas under member of the House of Comjoz in Spain it is reported by a General Trango, last night at POPULARITY IS ADVANCING mons. He had been a busy and wireless dispatch received here tacked an automobile supply Reviewing this with all the moment of his day had been an active man all his life each here to day that several Portutrain. The enemy was repulsed events of St. Patrick Day de marked out for its work, and guese provinces have revolted res, after a sharp fight with the loss monstrates the extraordinary ad each day had been against the Government. In Lisof one Villista who was killed. vance of Ireland strength and for his big business and his in.
to o short bon the guard stationed at the The Americans suffered no ca popularity. From the King numerable engagements, Carmo barracks have mutinied.
speech to the speech of Walter And there he was in the House PRESIDENT WILSON AND CABL Ireland, and stoutest opponent of the House to the Terrace, and Long, former chief secretary for of Commons, wandering from NET APPROVE NOTE TO home rule, there is universal tes from the Terrace to the smoke GERMANY SOMEWHAT IN THE timony to the galantry of the room, from the smoke room to NATURE OF AN ULTIMATUM. Irish soldiers and the largeness of the reading room, from the read For one month.
Three months.
WASHINGTON, 15th. Pre of European civilization. These another hour from the dining Six months.
sident Wilson and his Cabinet speeches have received additional room to the tea room, laborious One Year.
11. 00 approved a note addressed to force from the breezy brave ly killing hour after hour of his ADVERTISING RATES Germany which is said to be so speech of Willie Redmond, back precious time every day; doing For local advertisements rates will LINDO BROTHERS mewhat in the nature of an ul from the trenches, though well nothing no part in the proceedbe gladly furnished upon application.
timatum. The abolishment of the over fifty. In short, this St. Pa ings of the House except to give Plemse state what you want and size of advertisement. Rates are exceeding SAN JOSE submarine campaign, which is af trick Day conclusively proved exiled as if he had been ship a silent vote; as listless and as fecting neutrals, is demand under that any attempt to revive the wrecked and landed on the desert ty moderate and far below any other Foreign advertisements 10 cents.
Amon mwan2 the penalty of a rupture.
cld animosity and suspicion of isle.
nos y activos agentes.
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