
Miércoles, de Mayo de 1916.
EL IMPARCIAL ENGLISH SECTION DUNA ACTION AVERTS RUSSIAN ratomo so. 15. Direction Telegráfica while the German attacks on number to 15, 330.
to the Pek present sesion of the Duma. CHICLETS En la primera oportunidad que de Ud.
ke apodere el deseo de fumar FRENCH SUCCESSES IN CLEAR dian soldiers were made prisoMASQUE CHICLETS. ING OUT THE GERMAN TREN. Towsend surrender at Kut el ry has been ordered from Marfa, strong detachment of camel TUAN SHKAT SHES END OF RE continue the use of coal burning MAN CHON SING CO. Cuando vaya al Teatro o al CinemaCHES WERE REPORTED IN PA Amara.
BELLION IN SOUTH locomotives.
tógrafo lleve consigo una cajita de RIS Texas, to investigate the reports The road has been allowed to Chielets. Maseándolos no sentirá el deALMACEN DE GENEROS The besieged army in Decem that five hundred Villa bandits PEKING. President Yuan postpone the use of oil burners seo de salir a fumar un cigarro en los ABARROTES PARIS, 1st. French succes. but attacks from the Turks and eupied without opposition twen that the difficulties presented by ber numbered thirty thousand had crossed the border and oc Shi Kai expressed confidence through the woods.
entreactos, dejando a su bella compañera cola. Ella y usted saldrán agraJOSE CHEN APUY CO.
deridos de esta buena oeurrencia.
trenches were reported in Paris, and desertions decreased SANTIAGO PALACIOS. Agente.
the in the vicinity of Lajitas.
the south would be overcome.
FOOD Sing Te éfono No. 599. Pasaje Jiménez.
Verdun continue.
He said that the declarations of Puntarenas.
Costa Rica.
San José.
NO FORECAST HAS REACHED independence by Chekiang, Reforms in Railroad, Economia THE OPINION IN WASHINGTON THE ARMY REORGANIZATION WASHINGTON AS TO GERMA Ksang tung and Kieng si were and Military Conditions wa festivaatteerder IS THAT SATISFACTORY UNBILL IS AT DEADLOCK OVER NY DECISION IN THE SUB made for the purpose of avoidAlso Passed FURNITURE: DERSTANDING CAN BE REASEVERAL IMPORTANT FEATUMARINE CONTROVERSY in rioting CRED IN THE MEXICAN SITRES He asserted disagreements had PETROGRAD. The most imI BUY OF ALL KINDS UATION WASHINGTON, 1st. No sprung up among the rebel lend portant reforms in Russia since JOSE HERNANDEZ WASHINGTON, 1st. The ferecast of Germany decisioners at Canton, and he was confi. the beginning of the war have House and Senate conferees, af. in the submarine controversy las dent the result would be restora been innaugurated during the Avenida Central.
Next to the Royal Bank of Canada only dispatch made public to the army reorganization Bill, Department announced that the ing Government.
which shortly!
day was one from General Scott the first of the preparadness mea situation remains Since the opening two months atalaneshrayanan puusen anden reporting his ca on General. sures, reached bead ook over Although the German Embassy POSTERS URGE PEOPLE TO EX uge in the presence of Emperor Officials here are impressed several important features.
is withont official information, Nicholas the chamber has made toco 000H. MANN CO pes PEL U, ARIY Press dispatches received here great strides toward the achieve.
NEW YORK with the idea that a satisfactory INITIAL CONFERENCE OF AME from Berlin indicate that the ment of aims which all parties Produre Exchange Building.
understanding can be reached on DOUGLAS, ARIZ. Accordgree are essential to successful RICAN AND MEXICAN MILITA. reply will be read early in ihe Fraportadores Exportadores Comusionistas the Mexican situation.
American physician ing to an RY AUTHORITIES IS HOLD IN in the week.
Reciben en consignación Productos del país.
who has just arrived here, ciren prosecution of the war.
JUAREZ Transportation facilities, leck Represertante, INVESTIGATIONS BEING STEAMER lars printed in Spanish, calling of which has been MADE ANOTHER BRITISET Russia AS TO THE OCCUPATION OF HAS BEEN SUNK BY GERMAN upon loyal Mexicans to aid in WASHINGTON, 1st. The grentest military and economic WM. WERCKENTHIEN.
AMERICAN TERRITORY BY VI initial conference of American SUBMARINE espelling the American, troops weakness, already have been inLLA BANDITS Oficina: Frente al Royal Bank.
were posted recently in the Mag.
and Mexican military outhorities LONDON. Ist. The British dalena district of Sonora.
creased tremendously. New rail.
way switches and sidetracks mo 000000 0000 00 50 000608000 00:40:00 08000000 SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Ist. began at five o clock this after steamer Teal of London. hins American troops have cros. ద క క జల ఆ00099938808000980095 re than double the amount of Major Myers of the 14th cavalry noon at the Mexican.
been sink by a submarine. The sed the border. All Mexicans are traffic possible over Custom House in Juárez and rew was rescued after having urged to join in expelling the railroads, and navigation has the main at Marfa, informed the army Maderas de Tarrazú headquarters here last night lasted two hours. All details ha. taken to the boats.
invaders of their country. is a been developed along Russia 115 varas al Oeste del Mercado that he had sent a strong detach. ve been supressed but it is undment to Lajitas, Texas to invest. erstood that General Obregón THE MISSISSIPPI FLOOD CON free translation of the notice, principal rivers. These in future TROL DILL IS FAVOURABLY will be used to the fullest extent mbi tercerillas, sin descuento, por maderas.
igate the reported crossing of presented to Generals Scott and RECOMMENDED Funston Carranza request for Mexicans into United States terto transport food and other comCOAL LOCOMOTIVES IN WOODS modities to important centres an early withdrawal of Ameri.
Compro bronce y cobre ritory.
can troops. Ge. teral Obregón pro WASHINGTON, 1st. The UNTIL MAY where shortages and almost prohibitive prices now prevail.
Paudu una ut. 10 caballos) por la cuarta parte de su FIFTEEN THOUSAND SOLDIERS duced a telegram purpoting to be Mississippi Flood Control Bill.
ALBANY. The New York WERE MADE AT from Colonel Carlos Carranza appropriating a maximum of In this manner a food crisis, PRISONERS KUT EL AMARA which states that while Colonel forty millions, has been reported Central bas represented to the which some alarmists have thoCarranza has been unable to loc favorably to the House. The Public Service Commission that ught the large cities soon would Compro canarios Roller CONSTANTINOPLE, 1st. ate Villa body, it has been est. Flood Control Committee an as its right of way through the face, will be avoided, and the OJO! El cacao de mi fábrica La PRIMAVERA An official statement says that ablished without a possibility of nounced that the property loss Adirondacks is still covered with inertia which prevented Russia desile esta fecha en adelante se venderá a 45. 00 quintal, fifteen thousand British and In doubt that the bandit leader is in the 1913, 1914 floods renched snow and there is little danger from enjoying her own ample calidad corriente y el especial 65. 00 quintal.
ners as the result of General dead.
lify millions.
of forest fires, it be allowed to resources will be overcome.
Special orders will be passed RODRIGUEZ Dawnman Ramon marlenconiugan naturalarongoni mwa wanun pocowning and anale encouraging economy and simTELEFOXO Xo. 542 APARTADO No. 256 ple living and the curtailment Roosudecce 20. 29esceneseanaendemeana of all luxuries for it has been discovered that, however dispoAVISO IMPORTANTE sed the nation may be to practise Arados de hierro reversibles para terrenos quebrados frugality, li tle can be accomplished without compulsory leg.
la mejor calidal. Máquinas New Home. Material paze cloacas.
islation: Soon after the rocoss the DuPida informes y precios a RIVERA CIA.
ma is expected to pass a bill abo.
Teléfono No. 11. Cartago Fishing forever the sale of vodka Apartado 21.
and all other strong alcoholic drinks in Russia. This measure il passed, will put an end to all skepticism regarding the earnestness, and thoughts of the probibitica movement in Russia.
San José. Limón GRAN ALMACEN 2005 Pólizas de economía, accidente y muerte emitidas por la Compañía EL HOGAR Edgar Knohr Co.
Subscription Rales géneros y abarrotes Cerveza Pfaff asi la tranquilidad de sus hijos, el contento de su casa, la holgura de sus padres.
PASE por les oficinas de EL HOGAR, frente al Co.
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Please state what you want and size of advertisement. Rates are exceeding3 moderate and far below any other 4PLATANINA Foreign advertisements 10 cents newspaper in the country, Rica en sustancia nutritiva, incomparable para la digestión para niños y enferinos, en el inso culinario reemplaza a la Naicena, al Sagú y a la Tapioca. Recomendada por JUAN BENITO WONG Hne. el Cuerpo Médico de la llabana. BANANINA) reempla za a la leche laeteada.
DEPOSITOS: en la cafetería La Garantía. frente SURTIDO COMPLETO al Pasaje Jiménez y en La India.
DE MERCADERIAS Dirección telegráfica Wong Apartado Número 990600DORtooaeaeao 00000OSOBOGOR800 000000 Puntarenas.
Costa Rica.
Gran Depósito de Maderas RELOJERIA SUIZA DE Calle del Carmen.
SUAREZ QUETO Acaban le llegar muchas mercade.
Avisamos a nuestra numerosa clientela que por contrato celerias en joyas y recojas; también arbrado con Mr. Massey, hemos cerrado el depósito de madera, tículas de fantasía, en broches, anillos, trasladando las existencias al Depósito de maderas del Pacífico ete. de poco valor, para regalos. antes Pacifle Lumber Co. que seguirá surtiéndose de nuestro Relojes de pulseras para señoras, Aserradero de Orotina.
surtido muy variado.
PRECIOS BARATOS tocade 2008 eamenaceaedecoverence pour posle bertes 来张表於 Mediante coutas mensuales de 00 00 10. 00 puede wa persona tener en cualquier momento. 200. 000 500. 000 000. 00 Rumour Po wone Team Hechos, no palabras COMO CUMPLE LA COMPAÑIA EL SOL. Sr. Gerente de EL. SOL: Por la presente hago pública manifestación de gratitud para la Compañía. Creo firmemente que esa Compañía es un positivo Sien para los pobres. Yo he recibido todas las atenciones y los subsidios y ventajas que en el prospecto se ofrecen, dando EL SOL una prueba de su eficacia y prontitud en el servicio. De Ud. atta. Maria Valladares de Hernández Womenadewany source alta pasa la fiecare apasayangan dasar Barossa bawaonicama y Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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