p. 8


Jueves, de Mayo de 1916.
Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION News From From Siquirres de tres veces.
25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fracción.
Por cada diez palabras de exceso, céntimos.
No se admiten inserciones por menos THE KAISER BELIEVED TO BE, BIG EARTHQUAKE LOSS SUSTAI gress conceded to the arguments ing possible the attainment of this social zenith, so one could NED IN ALMIRANTE STILL CONFERRING WITH AME VENDEN muebles finos de dorof the opposition after an eight not help being pleased with the mitorio, sala cocina, ete. InforBASSADOR GERARD hour debate regarding the Phil.
mes en esta Administración.
ALMIRANTE, Panama, 1st. lipine Bill. The Republicans atta move that the west Indians ma. big earthquake loss has been cked Clark amendment for frede in Siquirres when they orga.
contra BERLIN, 1st. The Kaiser is nized the Pastime Club. One can.
CHA Social Standing in Siquirres a plazos largos mi chalet situado believed to be still conferring sustained in Almirante. Eighty eing the Islands after four years.
en el Paseo Colón, construido connine houses were trown from The Democratie leaders are plan In the last few years, the so in utter darkness. The people easily see on a visit to the club, dades modernas, residencia actual del nouncement has been made as to tra temblores y con todas las comodi with Ambassador Gerard. No an their foundations. The railway ning a night session which pro cial status of the west Indian in of other nationalities, the Ameri that to be a member, one must señor Ministro de Francia, Cende de Franqueville.
track kinked and all the electric bably will ast until midnight in the Atlantic Zone, has been deci. cans for example, found it an first of all, be a gentleman, for when the Ambassador is expeclights went out adding to the order to obtain a vote.
Para más informes dirigirse al Lic. ted back in Berlin.
dedly on the improve, it has un easier task to find their social the club is composed of men who don Manuel Aguilar, o a la Casilla Coconfussion of the residents.
rreo 825.
dergone a general awakening soul, having been brought up un are gentlemen, and the club is NORWEGIAN STEAMER SUNK IN Thousands of dishes were also BRITISH STEAMER SUNK, PRE and gradually leaving behind der a republican form of govern. conducted as any club of gentleTHE NORTH SEA SUMEMCIBLY BY E NECESITAN dos cuartos, indeGERMAN the chaos of former times. It inst ment, and realising the equality men. SUBMARINE It is my high respect for the because the West Indian did not of men. The West Indian on the contra temblores; lugar céntrico.
Informes al apartado 920.
LONDON, 1st. Lloyds Agen. DEAD MAN HILL STRUGGLES ARE GROWING live under good social conditions contrary grew under a monarchi club, that causes me to be so as.
cy announces that the Norwe.
LONDON, 1st. The British in the Antilles before he came cal system of government and siduous that they make no mis. VENDE un hermoso piano. Da gian steamer Mod was sunk in PARIS, 1st. Dead Man steamer City of rán razón 30 varas al Sur de La the North Sea.
Lucknow here but on account of the condi. learnt to regard class as the takes. The club has a mission in Bicicleta. frente a la casa de SuHill struggles are growing. The which is believed to be in the tions of life, the minority of in magic wand of existence, so on Siquirres. The club leadssets the ñol, de a de la tarde. Esperanza Germans attacked in dense for service of the miralty, was telligent leaders, and the natural the acquisition of money, every example, orders the social life de Mayoral.
INVENTION CLAIMED TO REDU mation but were repulsed with sunk to day presumably by a snobbishness of the west Indian, one felt himself to be a power in of the people.
OLOCACIONES. Para acomodaCE PRICE OF GASOLINE heavy losses. They gained a fo German submarine.
That is the position of the Pas the social conditions remained the land, and has some class to dores, porteros y anunciadores.
time Club. This being so one is him.
oting on a part of the trenches Teatro EL TREBOL. Aveni.
KANSAS CITY, 1st. An da Central.
previously lost but again were UNITED STATES SUPREME invention to reduce the price of expelled. The Teutonic air squaBRYAN WILL PROBABLY GO TO Naturally this made a dead surprised that at the inauguraCOURT DECIDES LINCOLN ENDO un lote constante de 400 lock, and so Mr. Tom Stones, tion ball, the affairs should be varas cuadradas, en esta ciudad, gasoline to three or four cents dron heavily bombarded the MUST RETURN TO ENGLAND THE CONVENTION AS AN AL beliving himself to be of a bet left in the hands of certain over Sólo exijo pequeña parte al con a gallon is claimed.
French to the west of Verdun. AND FACE CHARGE tado. ROBERTO CASTRO URENA.
TERNATE ter class than Mr. John Snooks, enthusiastic members who on ac.
ASA DE MADERA, higiénica, THE ACTIVITIES OF IRISH RE. GENERAL TOWNSEND REQUESrefused to unite in social inter count of this over enthusiasm WASHINGTON, 1st. The cómoda y bien situada, vendo con LINCOLN, Nebraska, 1st.
with him, in fact in his aforesaid, disgusted yes that is BELS IN DUBLIN HAVE ENDED course facilidades para el pago.
TED HIS CAPTORS TO ALLOW Suprme Court has decided that William Jennings Bryan, defea enthusiasm to proclaim his a better word than insulted NICOLAS MONTERO.
HIM TO RETIRE WITH ALL MI Ignatius Lincoln, who was forted candidate for delegate at lar class he quite forgot at times certain gentlemen in Limon to 200 varas al Este de la Dolorosa. Ave NEW YORK, 1st. The cornida 12.
LITARY HONORS merly member of Parliament in ge to the Democratic National that they were sons of the same the extent that they didntatrespondent of the Herald in Lon, ILATELISTAS. GANGA! me don states that the activities of BERLIN, 1st. Offered mil. England and a confessed Ger Convention, received 18 votes soil and did their best to make tend.
Again that the Club should nor precio que el de catálogo se the Irish rebels in Dublin have lions for withdrawal. General man spy, must return to Eng, for alternate, according to the life miserable.
los de correo. Informarán en la admi. ended and at present the soldiers Townsend is said to have prefer land for trial on the charge of official count thus far. He max This has been the cause of the have invited certain ladies, and go to th Convention as an alter: want of unity between the west that the dance was put off to a then deliberately lie to them aistración de EL IMPARCIAL.
are searching the ruins of destro. red a five million prize at Kutel forgery.
nate. His name was written in. Indians. NECESITAN muchachos con yed buildings for the dead. Up Amara and asked the Turks to future date. What is the Club recomendación y que no estén en to the present large numbers of permit him to retire with all mi IMMENSE CROWD GATHERS AT However things are changing gentlemen. What is the club la escuela para vender este perió rebel dend have been brought out litary honors. It is reported that SALONIKI AND DEMANDS THAT AMERICAN FORCES WILL NOT for the better, and as am sure doing, are they admitting that dico pregón.
Informes en estas oficinas todos los of the ruined houses where many he promised to give the captors GREECE JOIN THE ALLIES BE WITHDRAWN FROM MEXI that every intelligent west In the social standing of the club badly wounded men have been all the artillery.
co dian realizes the necessity of the was so low that an inferior clas LONDON, 1s. news agenmaintenance, not only of a new of women, were asked at first, EGOCIO. En la Administración found. Hundreds of dead civi.
de EL IMPARCIAL se vende lians have also been found but ADMINISTRATION LEADERS IN cy dispatch announces that an EL PASO, Texas, 1st. The state of things but the conditions and by careful lectioneering they papel de periódicos a 10 centi.
CONGRESS CONCEDED TO AR immense crowd gathered at a American forces will not be with that the best of us are accustommos la libra, papel blaneo para carni at present no definite figures are got a better class afterwards?
eeros a quince céntimos libra. Cartón available. The latest estimates GUMENTS OF THE OPPOSITION mass meeting of the Greek Libe drawn from Mexico. Secretaryed that we must see to it that the Bless the mark. Pastime Club superior, blanco, para moldes de sasral Party at Saloniki and de of War Baker advised Generals poltry things, and the little pon keep your wits about yon.
la libra. Cartón inferior calidad, pro hundred including non combatre, costureras, ete, etc. a 10 céntimos are between twelve and fifteen WASHINGTON, 1st. The manded that Greece intervenc in Scott and Funston not to agreetings and follies of the frivolous piezgara trabajos de palvorista, a tants. The total casualties sustai Administration leaders in Con the war on behalf of the Entente. to the withdrawal of our sol ones, do not prevent us, from however, are aware that the maWe who know the members TRES COLONES QUINTAL.
ned by the Government is not diers. The Mexicans are disap going foward to the establish jority of them would not lend 0440600000000004 000000 00000004000000410044 RELOJERIA SUIZA known pointed. General Obregón asked ment of a social utopia for west themselves to such pettiness, as yet as it is believed that General Maxweli will not for another conference which Indians in Costa Rica.
Calle del Carmen.
make a full report for several will probably held to day. Clubs go a great way in mak mistake of asking outrageous they would not have made the Acaban le llegar muchas mercade days.
rías en Joyas y relojes; también arSe practican desinfecciones de casas y habitaciones donde ha werden haastamalasareascara Alamation people, they would not have so At the start of the uprising it tículas de fantasía, en broches, anillos, habido enfermedades contagiosas por medio de un generador de gases etc. de poco valor, para regalos.
was estimated that there were erred, they would not lend themde formalina.
FURNITURE: Relojes de pulseras para señoras, thirty hundred men under arms Este procedimiento es el más eficaz y moderne para la desinfeeselves to the folly that would surtido muy variado.
sink their own race in the dirt, and already seven hundred have ción y purificación de cuartos donde se van a practicar operaciones BUY OF ALL KINDS de cirugía.
and declare themselves on surrendered, consequently it is the PRECIOS BARATOS believed that only a few are still Informes: Carlos Salazar, Farmacéutico, 50 varas al Sur de JOSE HERNANDEZ side of snobbishness, so would El Cometa. detrás de La Merced.
CASA DE MADERA left and these are continuing Avenida Central be glad for the public to realize their snipping operations.
Next to the Royal Bank of Canada that as a club, they only erred in EN LA BOCA DE LA SABA446 000000 20000 0008000 administration. It would be deDawananlaronnonlararanasafinador lightful however to see the PasNA Down Mirem la Alquilo una, cómoda y bien Atención. Lea esto que le conviene! ple wronged, for the action of time Club, apologise to the peoprovisto de jardines. Precio moderado. Entenderse con el Licdo.
evidently responsible officers. don Porfirio Góngora en el buam sure that ill keep my eyes on fete del Licdo, don Ricardo Pathe English section of our paper checo.
THE IMPARCIAL for such an Salomón Castro apology.
Richard Kriebel dias de a de la tarde.
Desinfector HARINA FLECHA Dentista Alemán Subscription Rates HA TRASLADADO su despa who su nuevo gabinete situado 150 varas u Oeste le! Palacto de Justicia Avisamos a nuestros favorecedores, que tenemos a la venta HARINA de la muy conocida MARCA BRITISH SOLDIERS MAKING THOROUGH SEARCH OF DUBLIN FLECHA For one month. 00 Three months. 00 Six months. 50 One Year.
11. 00 ADVERTISING RATES For local advertisements rates will be pladly furnished upon application.
Please state what you want and size of advertisement. Rates are exceeding.
Pesa libras.
ly moderate and far below any other Beste lujoso fonógrafo de indiscutible mérito que ilustramos aquí, que puede Foreign advertisements 10 cents tocar discos de todas clases y tamaños, y que produce tan buenos resultados como cualquier otro de 200. 00 o más, se lo enviaremos a usted junto con Dis newspaper in the country.
cos dobles (8 selecciones) y un paquete de 300 agujas, por el módico precio de 00 Oro Americano. El Fonógrafo es de roble americano con brillante pulimento, y es sin duda alguna el mejor que usted pueda tener en su hogar, no solamente por su elegante aspecto, sino también por los innumerables ratos de PARA CURAR UN RESFRIADO placer que le proporcionará.
Además, al enviársenos el valor, que puede hacerse por giro postal, inclúEN UN DIA yase la cantidad de 30 Oro para cubrir el franqueo postal.
todo el mundo toma el LAXATIVO BROMO QUININA (Pastillas. LOS SAN JOSE Comerciantes: Pidan nuestro Catálogo Ilustrado de Novedades.
boticarios devolverán el dinero si deja de curar. La firma de GROVE 89 Fulton Street, Nueva York, de se halla en cada cajita. Hecho por la PARIS MEDICINE CO.
St. Louis, de Rusanuman berson innan hantarane New York Export Company wwwser DUBLIN, Ireland, 1st. Bri.
tish soldiers are making a thorough search of Dublin to day and it is expected that soon they will have accounted for the last of the snipers in the small band of rebels which has been causing so much trouble.
Amma THE UNITED STATES TO HAVE AN ARMY OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THOUSAND MEN LINDO BROTHERS Compro WASHINGTON, 1st. The House and Senate have practically decided upon an army of one hundred and eighty thousand men.
CAFE PARA EXPORTARLO AL NUEVO MERCADO buen precio toda clase de muebles, alhajas, joyas NO HAY INCONVENIENTES y piedras finas, máquinas, pañciones, instrumentos COMPRAMOS DE BUENA CLASE de música, armas de fuego, relojes, cocinas, cajas de hierro, objetos de lujo, herramientas MIL SACOS y toda clase de utensilios, etc. LA ESPERANZA PAGANDOLOS AL CONTADO JUAN RAFAEL ACUNA ALSINA PEREZ MARTIN Luman kann man damnr MPRENTA ALSINA BERLIN CLAIMS FRENCH AT TACK TO THE EAST OF THE MEUSE WAS REPULSED SEIS 150 varas al Sur del Mercado BERLIN, 1st. The French a tack on the Verdun front, east of the Meuse yesterday, was repulsed in a fierce struggle which lasted several hours.
PARA OFERTAS EN LA u mama ESPANA COSTA RICA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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