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Lunes de mayo de 1910 PAGINA OCHO. EL IMPARCIAL Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION In reference to the Talamanca Oil Fields Com THE EDITOR San José.
rocar ca. 25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fracción.
Por cada diez palabras de exceso, céntimos.
No se admiten inserciones por menos de tres veces. Credentials from his Government porevured this neutral acASA do bahareque, contra temcess to every authoritative source Sn. José, Costa Rica, May Th. 1916, ent of the wage scale established for years by the United Fruit ra informes: frente al Dr. of information. He said he could pany.
Facio. Avenida 2a. Este. Juan Riera.
not too strongly admire Britons The statement that we pay out EL IJPARCIAL LQUILAMOS. contra temblo to beware of the fallacy that Germen in balboas at a heavy dise res, eon servicio interior y bacount is untrue. My account with ño, una pieza de cinco, una de many is on her last legs. Germanueve, dos casas de nueve, una de do ny is nowhere near that stage.
the Banco Internacional, remit ee y una de diez colones. Vendemos This neutral informant continued: Dear Sir: cal, arena, ladrillo, mezela. ete tances of colones to Talamanca Fernández. Tras Colegio Señori. Yet everywhere in the empire tas.
there is an ardent longing for Under the heading of La Tie and other documentary and per rra del Petróleo. you published sonal evidence prove conclusively ARPINTEROS. Se necesitan peace. Rich and poor alike do not dirigirse a Enrique Nuñoz hesitate to say so. The longing in this morning edition, among that we have disregarded preces en el Paso. prolongación de la calle 12a. Norte. springs from the knowledge of others, certain statements which dents and established the circula tion of Costa Rican currency. In the cruelly gigantic loss of men. must deny categorically.
pay ERDADERA oportunidad para am outhoritotively told the los quien desee establecerse, son informant lacks all basis of fact ments had to be made in balboas, las favorables condiciones en ses up to the beginning of Januaque vendo mi establecimiento del ry were 051. 000 killed, missing and must brand them as absolute a fair equivalent of colones was Mercado. Trinidad Carvajal.
and prisoners, excluding 593. 000 inventions with the malicious in given. The charge that undue ad. VENDEN muebles finos de dor permanently incapacitated. tent of misleading your esteemed vantage was taken of the poor, iş norant peones is calumnious.
mitorio, sala cocina, etc. InforThe war has caused to be popaper and the public.
mes en esta Administración, Again, your informant exagge pular with masses. There is a VENDE una casa en el can. distinct peace party headed by It is true that Talamanca is no rates greatly the danger of snakes tón de Tibás; toda de madera, higiénica, cañería, luz eléctrica the Kaiser and including, the pleasure resort and that everyone, and insects and prevailing living la Casa Cural, Este. Entenderse con buena construcción, a 200 varas de Chancellor, Barrin, Dernburg, including the writer, had to und. conditions generally. The living ergo such hardships as cannot be quarters we give our employees el dueño, Tobias Alpizar, portero de Delbruck, Von Jagow and the oficinas de Lindo.
commercial and financial classes.
avoided in the opening up of new are as good as any in that region, The continue the war at any territory. The salaries paid our the food wholesome and plentiful NECESITAN dos euartos, indepeones during this difficult initial and to this date we have not had S! pendientes, con baño y excusado, cost party, headed by Von Tirpitz, contra temblores; lugar céntrico. Falkenhayn, Hindenburg and period were figured correspond to record a single snake bite.
Informes: Apartado No. 929.
But why go into details? PraeMackensen, with the Crown ingly, the majority of our men having earned.
tically all of our former peones E VENDE un hermoso piano. Da Prince as their main prop, the are only too eager to return to rán razón 30 varas al Sur de La peace party realizes it cannot get Bicicleta. frente a la casa de Su2. 00 to 50 per day, work for us and, if you will send nol, a de la tarde. Esperanza the peace which it had in mind de Mayoral.
when the war began. The idea all expenses of maintenance, and your representative to see me, it of indemnity in any quarter is no free passage to and from Talaman will give me pleasure to show him ASA DE MADERA, higiénica, a list of several hundred applicaС cómoda y bien situada, vendo con longer cherished.
tions of peones. The list is daily facilidades para el pago. The peaceites would rejoice at NICOLAS MONTERO.
Now that the original hardships increasing in length. Does that 200 varas al Este de la Dolorosa. Ave. this modest basis autonomy for nida 12.
Poland, evacuation of Belgium, have been overcome and our ma show dissatisfaction?
chinery is working in a given pla On March 13th, our machinery ILATELISTAS. GANGA! me France, Serbia and Montenegro, was still on board the steamer at nor precio que el de catálogo se the restitution of Germany conce, the wages are as follows.
detalla una bonita colección de seBocas del Toro. On April 16th, llos de correo. Informarán en la Admi quered colonies, the retention of 50 per day, and roads had been built from San gistración de EL IMPARCIAL. the German fleet, the world and great facilities for German shipA pic nic in one of Costa Rica most beautiful coffee plantations.
all expenses of maintenance, Juan to Uscari, a distance of some NECESITAN muchachos con ping.
that is to say the precise equival. 16 miles, and our machinery was recomendación y que no estén en la escuela para vender este perió The peace party believes Gerworking in perfect condition at bico al pregón.
Villa, southeast of Satevo, their cannot see that the army can do miles. On an air line Santa RoInformes en estas oficinas todos los many under no circunstances exact location being unknown. anything more until the railroad salía is only 125 miles from the tune time. Evidently the killing Uscari. It has continued to give should ask for peace even on dias de a de la tarde.
these terms. They say Germany My understanding is that we problem is settled in our favor or border, but the shortest route or capture of Villa is considered good service and at this writing EGOCIO. En la Administración are going after Villa until we get substantial reinforcements are along which water can be found merely incidental to the pursuit. we have drilled several hundred was the observation of Mexican independent men who knew Tala feet. ask any fair minded and de EL TMPARCIAL vende has won the war up to date and him. said General Bell. know sent in to General Perhing. is 175 miles long.
papel de periódicos. Data centi: are awaiting the allies to make nothing about withdrawing the know nothing abont re Presidio, Texas, is the point Consul Andrés García. This an manca prior to March 13th to stámos para ceros a quince céntimos libra. Cartón the first move. They acknowlports that the withdrawal of the at which the Kansas City, Mexi nuoncement means that the Unitte whether we have done serious superior relanco, para moldes de edge the impossibility of crushing troops before we succeed. The pursuit of Francisco Villa troops is contemplated. That is co and Orient Railroad enters ed States troops will not consider and well organized work or not.
ne libra. Cartón inferior calidad, pro Prussian militarism and submit has been brought to a definite a question for Washington to Mexico. The railroad facilities are it necessary to pursue Villa to the The peones then employed by us pie garao trabajos o en palvorista, a these as the conditions which halt, according to a statement decide. It is hardly necessary for said to be better than those at the hunt indefinitely after their ob: had no pleasure time either. Most TRES COLONES QUINTAL.
Germany is prepared to accept made by an American army of me to say that it is a solution Columbus border base. The over ject of smashing Villa as a mili of them desiring to be again at HALET contra temblores Vendo with honor. If England is in no ficer holding a position of respon which will be a bitter pill for us. land route by which the line of tary power has been accomplishd. work for usdoes that show illlargos mi chalet tuado en el Paseo Colón, construido con humor to make peace on these tra temblores y con todas las comodi. terms the war must continue and sibility.
The flat refusal of First Chief communication extends now from treatment or, still less, abuse. as TO ALLAY WAR RUMORS dades modernas, residencia actual del There is no use blinking at Carranza of the de facto govern Columbus is over 400 miles.
señor Ministro de Francia, Conde de it will take a very long time. the facts, he said. Even a lay ment to permit the use of the your informant represents it? part of the forces under CaFranqueville.
Germans maintain they are fightThe Attorney General, Dr. Be Para más informes dirigirse al Lic.
Placards headed Important jarano, and other agents of the man should be able to understand railroads for troop movements nuto Reyes, who has been operatdon Manuel Aguilar, o 1, la Casilla Co ing a defensive war and are ready that General Pershing, with the and the transportation of supplies ing in the Laguna district recen Telegram have been posted cons Government, have just returned rreo 825.
to stop when the allies submit relatively small number of men has resulted in acive prepara tly, are alleged to have set fire to picuously in Juarez at the order from their tour of inspection of SIENKIEWICS THANKS For their scheme has miscarried.
under his command, cannot main tions for a new line of commu the large mills and warehouses of General Gavira, containing the our works. ask them to testify!
AID TO POLAND tain lines of communication, any. nication.
belonging to the Durango Lum extract from the treatry of 1848 Mr. Alejo Jiménez, the Jefe Políti VILLA HUNT TO FINISH, SAYS where from 300 to 500 miles long, ber Company on the night of made between the United States co of Talamanca, has expressed Paderewski, the pianist, has GEN. BELL; LACK OF RAILROADS and at the same time press the WILL SHORTEN DISTANCE April The information was and Mexico providing for the ar to me privately his satisfaction CRIPPLES ARMY made publie a report received pursuit of Villa into a country brought to El Paso by passen bitration of disputes.
with our work. feel convinced from Sienkiewicz, the author, re.
where he is known to have thous The proposed new route will gers who arrived on the first train It states that the First Chief that he will not hesitate to say so garding war relief in Poland. Ten Troops of Sixteenth Cavalry Re ands of sympathizers, if not ac shorten the distance from the that has reached the border from had communicated this extract to officially and publicy, if consulPorted in Close Pursuit of Chieftain The sum of 166, 216 received border to Chihuahua City by more Torreon in five days.
the Mexican Ambassador in Wasted. Why not ask him?
tive supporters.
to date from the American comSoutheast of Satevo Chase Halted, than 150 miles. It will extend Statements from Mexican offi hington. It is said that the object The wilful misrepresentation of mittee. The money is being disDeclares Army Officer.
MUST HAVE RAILWAY from Presidio, Tex. opposite the cials here and in Juarez, coupled of the placards is to allay war your informant is calumnious.
tributed We express hearty Mexican town of Ojinaga in a with the dispatches from Was rumours among the people.
thanks to the American public EL PASO. Brigadier GenerTherefore, respectfully request With the free use of the south westerly direcion.
hington, are accepted as intima An official of the de facto Gov to you, Sir, who are known to for the generous response and al George Bell, Jr. was advised If it is decided to leave Chihua nal development in the situation now prisoners in Juarez, are being give this letter a prominent place tions that a speedy and sensatio ernment said to day that five men, stand for truth and independence, hope for future kindly aid. We at Fort Bliss that ten troops of Mexican railroads we could still assure positively we are able to the Sixteenth Cavalry, under hope to effect something; but ap. btu to the westward and en direct is coming in connection with held as the local leaders of the in your Spanish and English see send funds without the risk of the command of Colonel Herbart parently there is no hope of such to Santa Rosalín, the new route this feeling reports continue to frustrated plot to capture that tions.
requisition. Slocum, are in close pursuit of a concesion, at least, at present. can be shortened another fifty come from a dozen sources of town, while the instigator of the With my highest consideration concentration of Carranza troops affair is a wealthy Mexican, now and respect, the method for the GREAT BATTLE NEAR ON near the border. These reports, a refugee in Texas. The five leaVery truly yours, FLANDERS FRONT it is nowhere, have veen forwar ders have confessed in the hope ded to Washington as credible. of leniency, he said.
AMSTERDAM. big battle For more than a week it has on the West Flanders front is bebeen reported here additional weather than the father lieved to be imminent. The GerCarranza troops were on their mans are making extensive preway to Juarez, and General GaFURNITURE: parations for a severe struggle vira, the present commander in BUY OF ALL KINDS between Ypres and forces of the Mexican town, was to be sufresh troops and great quantities perseded.
JOSE HERNANDEZ of guns and ammunition. The Avenida Central.
defense along the entire coast reTO TAKE FIELD COMAND Next to the Royal Bank of Canada gion are being reinforced.
Military critics are divided in statement from Mexican Lumalinnumeron Remo opinion as to whether a drive will NA de sources declared General Gavira 80 60 60. 005.
be launched by the Germans or had received orders to proceed to JACOB SAMUEL JACKSON whether the Teutons are preparCasas Grandes to take a field ing to meet a drive by the British.
command and that he would be Oldest Tayloring Establishment GUGUTE sticeeded by General Patronillo Limon and Cairo NEUTRAL WARNS BRITAIN Hernández Cairo visits first and every friday every month KAISER IS STILL STRONG General Hernández was said to PUNCTUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTED be already on his way, having Box 211, Port Limon.
Traveller from Berlin Declares. Howeentrained at Villa Ahumada with 2000. 60.
ver, There Is Distinet Peace Party. 000 men. Villa Ahumada is half way between Juarez and LONDON. The Weekly DisChihuahua City JENKINS patch publishes the following: The publication of the War Concrete facts on Germany LINDO BROTHERS Department orders gave undisTailor peace longings have been brought guised pleasure to Mexican offi2nd, Avenue Street No. Port Limon to England within forty eight SAN JOSE cials. General Gavira at his Jua We give the best satisfaction to the public, polite and urbane hours by a neutral who left Berrez headquarters said: lin a week ago treatment to clients.
Darmano mus he BA This news comes at an appor HARINA FLECHA Avisamos a nuestros favorecedores, que tenemos a la venta HARIla muy conocida MARCA FLECHA es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano tema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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