p. 8


EL IMPARCIAL Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION rreo 825.
are 25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fracción.
Por cada diez palabras de exceso, Miller, Norbert Carolin, STEAMER LOST IN STORM IN céntimos.
No se admiten inserciones por menos ernment has not granted any perOdell and Ritley Bowman.
de tres veces.
BAN OF SECRECY TION DEADLOCKS FOR CALL TO In addition to the Curtiss mamits to the Red Cross.
HALET contra temblores. Vendo The steamer Kirby was lost to The State Department was ON PRESS COMMITTEE CH MOBILIZATION chine, the detachment already a plazos largos mi chalet tuado asked some time ago to ascertain has two Gallodet and one Sloane en el Paseo Colón, construido contra temblores y con todas las comodimilitary planes. The machines day in a severe storm in Lake WASHINGTON. The Senate State Troops Ordered to due next week are a Thomas and Superior. Up to the present time dades modernas, residencia actual del LONDON. An order in coun why the British Government is rescued señor Ministro de Francia, Conde de cil was passed prescribing strict not permitting any more supplies almost hopelessly deadlocked over Prepare to Assemble a Sturtevant. These are of the only one person has been Para más informes dirigirse al Lie. regulations to prevent publica to go to Germany. So far no ans Judiciary Committee has become the nomination of Louis Brandon Manuel Aguilar, o a la Casilla Cotions of proceedings of secret ses wer has been received.
at a Moment Notice type being supplied to the allied and twenty are missing.
sions of Parliament or the Cabidels to the Supreme Court. There is little prospect of action within 10, 000 Are Affected.
OF AMMUNITION DESTINED VENDEN muebles finos de dorThe first regulation, which is SWEDEN AROUSED the next two weeks.
The advisability of laying the Intimation Plain Call to mes en esta Administración, added to the Defense of the Realm BY COAL SEIZURE NED OVER THE MEXICAN SInomination before the Senate act, says that when either house Arms May Come Next TUATION.
EL PASO, Texas, 11th. GenASA da bahareque, contra tem of Parliament holds a secret sesTHREAT without recomendation is being Pershing has been ordered to Cblores comoda, se vende. Pa considered. It would then be up Week Will Gather ra informes: frente al Dr. sion it shall be unlawful: WASHINGTON, 11th. The effect a greater concentration and facio. Avenida 2a. Este. Juan Riera.
For Any person or newspato the Senate to fight it out in Men in the Armories.
army officials are much concer withdraw forces from San Anto.
per, periodical, circular or other BERLIN. via Sayville. executive session. NECESITAN dos cuartos, in dependientes, con baño, y excusa printed publication or in any Special British declaration that Word was sent to every officer ned over the Mexican situation. nio, Mexico, and Chihuahua do, contra temblores lugar cén. public speech to publish any re. German bunker coal on neutral NEW BANK TO and man of the New York Nation. From San Antonio it is reported Columbus and Dublin.
that the United States GovernThe American troops confiscat: trico. Informes: Apartado No. 929.
port of, or to purport to describe ships will be confiscated caused ENTER COSTA al Guard to be ready to answer ment officials preparing ed one million rounds of ammuthe mobilization order at a moor refer to the proceedings of great excitement in Swedish palibros, cálculo facturas, joven con buenas redes such session, except such report fers. Svenska Dagebladet says: RICAN FIELD ment notice. The notification against a Mexican uprising which nition probably for the leaders is expected to break out. To day of the uprising which belong to rencias y larga práctica ofrécese thereof as may be officially com This measure is only apparenthe order plainly intimated por horas. Dirijase Apartado municated through the directors tly directed against Germany, Mercantile Bank of the might be issued early next week General Scott informed Secreta the northern district.
ry of War Baker, that General of the Official Press Bureau. but really it means a new exten Americans to Increase The order, when it is issued, Obregon has returned bringing GUARD AT IONA VENDE un hermoso piano. Dasion of British coersion against will affect 10, 000 men.
NAVAL STATION rán razón 30 varas al Sur de La Capital and Enlarge Bicicleta. frente a la casa de Su WITNESS SAYS MAN neutral powers.
Every detail for the mobiliza certain counter propositions IS DOUBLED fiol, de a de la tarde. Esperanza The Stockhold Dageblad says: Its Organization.
tion has been completed. Each which however, have not yet been de Mayoral.
presented but will be formally IS SENTENCED England was forced to conman has been informed just exae presented at a conference this IONA ISLAND NAVAL fess her incapacity to provide us UNJUSTLY ILATELISTAS. GANGA! meSTATION, The marine evening For the purpose of developing tly what to do, and where to go nor precio que el de catálogo se with coal. Since we can elsewhere the trade of the United States when the order is given.
It is authoritatively stated guard at the naval station here detalla una bonita colección de seobtain coal England declares that with foreign countries, particu.
Under present plans, it was that President Wilson will not has been doubled. Extra precaullos de correo. Informarán en la Admisistración de EL IMPARCIAL.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. she will confiscate it. true pro larly with South and Central learned, the men will be mobiliz intervene in Mexico unless the actions are being taken against fire Before leaving for Atlanta, Ga. tector of small nations.
America, the recently established ed in their respective armories. NECESITAN muchachos con to testify against his brothers and tervention necessary.
Mercantile Bank of the Americas They will remain encamped there tions of the Mexicans make in or explosion. It is said another The fact detachment of marines will be recomendación y que no estén en his cousin John Richards Har FARM VALUES is to increase its capital from ready for concentration.
The lessons learned during the that 000 troops are stationed sent here soon.
bico al pregón. 400. 000 to 1, 000, 000 and its The West Shore Railroad is Informes en estas oficinas todos los United States deputy marshals GAIN 11 PER CENT dias de a de la tarde.
information Inspector Mackey paid in surplus from 100, 000 to Spanish American war will be near the border should make General Carranza proceed with being closely watched for suspiput into effect. Then, the men 250, 000 IN YEAR said would release a man serving EGOCIO. En la Administración The entire capital stock of the were rushed to concentration greater caution and think twice cious characters. Enormous quan before he brings about a rupture tities of naval explosive stores de EL IMPARCIAL se vende a life sentence at the Georgia Fe.
bank is owned by the interna camps, with consequent waste of in the friendly relations. are in the magazines.
papel de periódicos a 10 centi.
mos la libra, papel blanco para carni deral Prison who was sentenced WASHINGTON. Farm land tional banking houses of Messrs. time and money.
ceros a quince céntimos bibra Cartón for a train robbery and murder valties are increasing almost by Seligman Co. With Now, the men will be held in THE WITHDRAWAL OF THE LORD ALLIES OPEN ECO, de sastre, costureras, etc, etc. a 10 céntimos he hid not commit.
their armorics. There they will lenps and bounds. Figures made the increase of capital, however, LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND IS NOMIC CONGRESS la libra. Cartón inferior calidad, proANNOUNCED.
pio para trabajos de polvorista, a public by the Department of new interests, headed by the be put through the various drills THURSDAY TRES COLONES QUINTAL.
MISS BOARDMAN Agriculture show that values for Guaranty Trust Company, will until they become perfectly trained. During this time the different the United States, taken as a become stockholders, purchasing LONDON, 11th. Lord WimPARIS. The opening ses.
ADMITS RED DESEA comprar varios lotes of the borne resgned his post. The with sion whole, increased 25. per cent in a portion of the six thousand new regiments will be recruited to full InterparlamenS strength.
de terreno de buena tierra de cultivo, en las inmediaciones del Fe. CROSS BAN the last four years and 11. per shares, of a par value of 100 The recruits will also be kept drawal of the Lord Lieutenant of tary Economic Committee of the rrocarril al Pacífico, de un tamaño de cent last year. The figures are each, at 125 a share.
100 a 500 manzanas. Desen todos los Following the increase in cabased upon reports from the de.
in the armories and thoroughly Ireland is announced to day. No Entente Allies will be held at the particulares, tales como si está o no cultivado, dónde está situado, el me WASHINGTON. Miss mabel partment field agents. pital the organization of the bank drilled. In this manner every man rebels have been executed in Luxembourg Palace, where the nor precio y demás detalles.
Dirijan sus cartas AGRICUL Boardman, head of the American The value of farm lands with is to be enlarged by the election finally chosen will be physically Dublin since Monday. Mr. As representatives of the various TOR en esta administración.
Red Cross, confirmed the report ont improvements is estimated as vice presidents of Albert, conditioned and ready for any quith said that the officer is to be Powers will be addressed by Pres.
emergency tried by Court Martial for Skeff. ident Poincaré.
that Great Britain is not allow at 15. 50 per acre, compared with Breton, of the foreign departGreat Britain will be represenUnder this plan the unfit will ington death.
ing shipments of Red Cross sup 10. 85 a year ago; 10. 31 two ment of the Guaranty Trust Com be eliminated. No unnecessary GERMANY ADMITS ITS RESPON: high commissioners and colonial ted by 24 members of Parliament, plies to get through to Germany. years ago: 38. 10 three years ago, pany, and of Jason Neilson, The last shipment sent by the Red and 36. 23 four years ago. The of Messrs. Brawn Brothers Co. man or equipment will be sent to the concentration camp.
SIBILITY IN THE SINKING OF agents; Italy by 43 Deputies and Charles II. Sabin, president of In order to improve our En Cross to Germany was made in percentage of increase in the Far THE SUSSEX.
Senators, headed by former Prethe Guaranty Trust Company; glish Section we beg to solicit the January. Since that time, Miss Western States was 11.
CAN FURNISH PROTECTION mier Luzzatti; Servia by 14 Decooperation of our readers, not see. 000005060000000000001690080000000000000000166 be elected directors of the bank.
Max May and Albert Breton will BERLIN, 11th. The Foreign puties and former Ministers, only as far as subscriptions and JACOB SAMUEL JACKSON The Mercantile Bank of the The plan has a further advan Minister handed to Ambassador and Portugal by 10 members of Parliament. Russis will also be advertisements are concerned but tage. If troops are needed for the Gerard note to the United also in regard to contributions. Oldest Tayloring Establishment Americas is a Connecticut corpo protection of vital spots in the States admiting the sinking of represented. The French repreWe will gladly accept and pubration. Through its association Limon and Cairo lish any articles sent us, as long with the Guaranty Trust Com city they can be sent immediately the steamer Sussex by a Ger sentation will be 44 Parliamentarians.
as such are not of a personal or Cairo visits first and every friday every month pany it will be able to begin busi: from the armory nearest the man commander who violated the PUNCTUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTED point desired.
Admiralty orders. The German political character and providing ness at once in all the cities in Box 211, Port Limon.
WAR BREVITIES The National Guard comprises Government offers to punish the South and Central America in such reading matter is of general pe COSTEST 606960000499390066 Hon which the trust company has cor mately of 10, 000 men. It is com for the losses sustained by the from Vienna that Prince Mirko a provisional division approxi officer and to make reparation or local interest to a given comGENEVA. It is reported munity. Articles dealing with www. aromad para pasta de conhecer respondents or agents. It also posed of two infantry brigades, Americans as the result of this of Montenegro, now in a sanitacommercial industrial and agri.
has made arrangements to enter FURNITURE: cultural matters will always be Costa Rica, where no American battalions of engineers one battalion signal corps, two act.
rium there, is suffering from pulthree Danish newspaper says that, monary trouble with a rise in most welcome as well as general bank exists. BUY OF ALL KINDS news items from any town or comThe object of the bank is to and four batteries of field artille month, it has been found that it diate danger.
troops of cavalry, one regiment after an investigation lasting one temperature, but is in no immemunity in the country. JOSE HERNANDEZ transact business direct with the ry, one ambulance company, one will be impossible for the Germans coffee plan ers and with other field hospital and three coast to carry on the war after the end FU. Publication of Serbian We request our readers to overCORFU, ISLAND OF CORAvenida Central not quite conversant with the Enproducers financing their crops defense commands.
Next to the Royal Bank of Canada of 1916. The rations of the sol newspaper Journal Official, suswill be due to our staff, which is and aiding in the marketing of The coast defense companies diers, the paper states, are cut to pended since departure of Ser.
crease and improve this section Dolamannon oman parasal them.
are trained as infantry. These less than one half of what they bian Government from Nish, relook any defficiency found in the Balmainananiummonenlampor commands, with the two infan were before. Meat is rare and sumed.
for the benefit of our readers.
try brigades, and the headquar they are only allowed 12 ounces spelling or composing which ter troops bring the forces in the of bread per day. There are YOU CAN MAKE MONEY might occur at the start but this cvity equal to a full division. In numerous desertions, including We propose to constantly incase of war this division would officers; the socialists are making Don slave for others work for glish language. This will be avoidbe recruited to full strength a strong propaganda and no yourself. We teach you how. You ed in the near future.
about 22, 000 men.
more discipline is observed. The with our business propositions.
We respectfully solicit your The aviation squadron of the shortage of horses has reduced need no capital. Drop us a line and get full particulars.
correspondence which will always National Guard received a new the number of gun teams and receive our earliest and best atAGENCY Curtiss machine. It was imme arms and ammunition, the paper PAN AMERICAN tention. Any questions you wish COMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post diately assembled at the flying concludes, are produced in unbe Office Box 809, San José.
to ask or anything yow wish grounds at Garden City, lieveable quantities.
to know, just drop a line addressTwo other machines are expected ow000000000000 అభ శ చ ed to the Editor of the English 0000000000 early next week. When the latter Section, El Imparcial. San Joarrive, this detachment will be LOST sé.
equal to one half the aviation Lottery ticket No. 02981 decimo of the squadron of the United States arUSEFUL sorteo No. 338 which was played on the 7th my.
The machine which arrived is of may was lost between Siquirres and BrooINFORMATION the same type ordered by the klyn. The public is cautioned not to exThe train for Puntarenas leavarmy, equipped with 110 horse change same.
es San Jose at 50 a. and ar, power motors, and one of the WILLIAM COHEN.
rives at that port at 10 latest type of military flying craft.
The train from Puntarenas leaConstantine Farm, Indiana Branch.
ves that port at a. and arriAVIATORS BEING TRAINED.
SCOO 000000000 ves in San Jose at 50 00000000 The train for Alajuela leaves The detachment is now comJ. JENKINS San Jose at p. and arrives posed of forty five men, under in that city at 20 LINDO BROTHERS command of Lieutenant Raynel Tailor The train from Alajuela leaves Boling. The aviators are being 2nd. Avenue Street No. Port Limon that city at p. and arrives in SAN JOSE trained by Pex Milliman. Four Jose at 40 and arrives at that of them will probably be musterWe give the best satisfaction to the public, polite and urbano San Jose at 6:20 treatment to clients.
Amonro weg ed in next week. They are James To our Readers a HARINA FLECHA Avisamos a nuestros favorecedores, que tenemos a la venta HARINA de la muy conocida MARCA FLECHA de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Ligano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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