p. 8


Jueves, lo. de junio de 1918.
Costa Rica 25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fracción.
Por cada diez palabras de exceso, céntimos.
No se admiten Inserciones por menos LONDON REPORTS THE GERMANS limits to these two peoples alone AUSTRIAN TRANSPORT SUNK BY de tres veces.
Since England and America, ROME 30th. large Aus dirgirse a Enrique Muñoz én el Paso de la Vaca, prolongacón either in fact of by reservation, trian transport was torpedoed and de la calle 124 Norte.
LONDON, 30th. The Ger enjoy almost all the desirable sunk by an Italian warship in the mans captured the French rosi regions of the earth, why not Austrian harbour of Trieste on ERCERILLAS. Se compran en tions along the entire front betT cualquier cantidad. Informarán bring abont a universal agree May 27th.
en la Administración de este ween the southern ridge of Dead ment to keep every one in his Diario.
Man Hill and the village of right place; to stay just as we LONDON REPORTS ADDITICAL Cumieres. Thirty five French of are, and refer kindly all possible GERMAN SUCCESSES.
ILATELISTAS. GANGA! meF nor precio que el de catálogo se ficers and one thousand three hundifferences to an International detalla una bonita colección de se drod and thirteen men were capllos de correo. Informarán en la Admi tured by the Germans.
LONDON, 30th. The French gistración de EL IMPARCIAL.
Europe reproduces herself year: lost two miles of front near Ver.
ly at the present time at the rate dun and were benten back in the NECESITAN muchachos con OPEN POCKET KNIFE THROWN of about five millions souls. Some Thiamont woods and east of the recomendación y que no estén en AT COLONEL ROOSEVELT la escuela para vender este perióthree fifths of this number are ab. fortress.
Rico al pregón.
sorbed into the life of the Conti Informes en estas oficinas todos los dias de a de la tarde.
nent, the balance go abroad and YUAN SHI KAY, PRESIDENT OF principally to North America. CHINA, IS POISONED AND IS KANSAS CITY, 30th. An ADDA Germany controls about one fifth IN CRITICAL CONDITION EGOCIO. En la Administración open pocket knife was thrown at of Europe natural annual in de EL IMPARCIAL se vende papel de periódicos a 10 centi. Colonel Roosevelt while he was The Canzonetto Princess, who will make her debut tonight at the theatre El Trebol and who crease, and realizing that emigra SAN FRANCISCO, 30th. mos la libra, papel blanco para carni speaking here to day and ruck has achieved a grand success in all theatres in which she has appeared.
tion to day means only to loose Yuan Shi Kai poisoned. says ceros a quinee céntimos libra. Cartón superior, blanco, para moldes de sas the arm of his secretary, but no her people, she has for years stri a Shanghai report. The Presi tre, costureras, etc, etc. a 10 céntimos damage was done.
la libra. Cartón inferior calidad, proplomacy, polished and unpolished, terance from the mass of sed his new found kinship takes its ven to keep her people within dent of the Chinese Republic is pio para trabajos de polvorista, TRES COLONES QUINTAL. PRESIDENT WILSON SUMMONS from the trained envoy to the boy itions libels of this character be birth not in a sense of common German limits, and hitherto with reported to be in a critical condi.
ALL MEN IN THE UNITED scout and the minor poet, has fore me to show how widespread race, indeed, but in fear of Ger successful results for in excess of tion.
Deen tried in turn.
is this propaganda of falsehood, many any achieved end by other Euro STATES TO SET THEIR PURMAN CHON SING CO.
pean States.
CAUSE ly fears and therefore wholeWASHINGTON, 30th. PreVIENNA, 30th.
Our troops Teléfono No. 18. Dirección Telegrafica sident Wilson in his address at heartedly lates.
In 1846 the British army was But the limit must be reached, captured the enemy fortified Sing The pulpit, the bar, the press, Arlington Cemetery solemnly The Natal Mercury, for ins engaged on robbing the Irish Coronowe, to the Puntarenas.
Costa Rica. summoned all men in the United Minis er and the Cabinet Minis tance, a paper written for the people of their harvest in order and that ere many years are past, works at States to set their purpose in acter wife, the ex Cabinet Minister little town of Durban and ap that the work of the famivie Where is Germany to find the west of Torroto. In the fortified cordance with the spirit of Ame and the royal family itself, and, pealing to a population of only should be complete, and that the suitable region, both on a scale of Aseiro; also the fortified po QUÂN TẠI CHUNG CO. rica and gave warning that men Nationality all have been pil issite devoted 12 leader to the Ireland should be reduced within health and soil that a people of west of Terroto, In the fortified last, but not least, even Irish some 30, 000 whites, in a recent then to the great population of and under conditions of climate, sition of the Italians to the southfrom other lands who did not grims to that shrine, and each Pencies Centennial of 1914. the limits law and order pres tory little larger than France, mishes are reported to have say 90, 000, 000, hemmed in a terri district of Asigo, patrol skir Jacobo Sánchez, think America first must be cast has been carefully primed, loaded, says: After all, blood is thicker cribed, either by starvation or will find commensurate to their ocurred along the lower Voyu, out.
COMERCIANTES well aimed, and then turned full than water. and, after point flight to America.
Fleeing in hundreds of thousNo other European river is Albania to the north of ABARROTES GENEROS. FORTY SUBMARINES INSTEAD OF on the weak spots in the armor ing ant some laterday indicaAvlona.
of republican simplicity.
TWENTY ARE ALLOWED IN tions of approachment between ands from the rule of one who people is in such a plight.
Puntarenas. Costa Rica.
The world of European life THE HOUSE NAVAL BILL.
To the success of these resour. England and the United States, claimed to multitude exceeding ces of panic the falsification of it goes on to proclaim the chief Spanish king shipped across the needs to day, as it needed in the MEXICAN GENERAL ISSUES PROdays of a decadent Roman world CLAMATION THAT HE WILL TACK HING LUNG CO.
WASITINGTON, 30th. For historie becomes essentinl and the functions of the British navy the Moors of Spain, whom a empire, the coming of another EXPEL AMERICANS BY FORty submarines were allowed in the vilification of the most peace lov. and the claim thereby established cens with emal pious intent, the coll, the coming of the Teuton.
IMPORTADORES DE VARIEDAD on the good will of America.
fugitive Irish Nation found the interposing island in the House Navel Bill instead of ing people of Europe.
DE MERCADERIAS twenty and all efforts to provide with the United States are to be The past relations of England We make mention of them friendship, hope and homes in North Sea alone intervenes. How WASHINGTON, 30th. Ge Apartado No. 72. Dirección Telegráfica for battle cruisers and battle shipsvlotted out, and the American because such incidents are lik. the bosom of the great Celtic Reto surmount that obstacle, how neral Funston to day telegraphed Tack.
were voted down.
ely to repeat themselves more public of the west.
to win the freedom of the Seven that General Luis Herrera has people, who are by blood so lar and more frequently in that And the hate of England pur Seas for Europe must be the signed a proclamation that if the DEATH OF FAMOUS CONFEDEgely Germanic, are to be entrapcompetition for naval supre sued them here and chose who Americans had not withdrawn in RATE VETERAN.
ped into an attitude of suspicion, macy in Europe which compels dared to give them help and shel supreme issue for Germany.
hostility and resentment against the United States to put her ter. The United States were If she fails she is doomed to two weeks, he would use force to expel them.
WASHINGTON, 30th. the country and race from whom own fleets into working order opening wide their arms to receive sterility.
SURTIDO COMPLETO Colonel Mosby, the Confeder. they have received nothing but Will Germany produce the sta BIG FIRE IN VLADIVOSTOCK CAUand to join in the work that the stream of Irish fugitives, and ate raider, died in Washington at Trigland Ins hi herto been were saying very harsh things of tesman soldier who shall see that SES LOSS OF RUBBER AND DE MERCADERIAS Germany is represented ds the obliged to perform unaided. England infamous rule in Trel. the key to ocean freedom lies in COTTON the age of 72.
Dirección telegráfica Wong enemy, not to England indefen It is indeel, harily too and. This could not be brooked.
LONDON, 30th. From Ams Apartado Número ENGLAND SEEKING AID TO sible claim to oven the sous, but to much to say that the mainten England in those days had not that island beyond an island, DOMINATE ALL EUROPE, SAYS, American ideals on the American ance of the Monroe Doctrine invented the Anglo Saxon theory whose very existance European terdam it is reported that the central Powers have promised Greece Puntarenas.
Costa Rica.
is at the procevit moment al of mankind, and a united Ger has forgotten?
Just as the Teuton has become Till that key is cut from the bania if she remains neutral.
a part of southern Serbia and Al most os fully guaranted by many had not then been born to Bending A! Effort to Create False the Enemy of Civilization in England as it is by the coun ves the ineptitude of her states Pirate girdle, Germany may There it is not expected that the Impression of Friendship for Amer. the Old World because he alone try which enunciated the po men or to profit from the shortco win a hundred Austerlitzes on the Greek Government will protest ica Because She Cannot Succeed has power, strength of mind, and licy and is the chief gainer by wings of her tradesmen.
Vistula, the Dnelper, the Poire, against the Bulgarian invasion.
In order to improve our En Without Her, Writes Irish Paforce of purpose to dispute it. It is a case in which a silent SOUGHT SOME ONE ELSE but until she restores that key to dispatch from Vladivostock glish Section we beg to solicit the seriously the British legemony of understanding is of far grenstates that a great fire broke out the seas, so he is assiduously TO DO THE FIGHTING cooperation of our readers, not Europe, to paraphrase Pitt, she ter value than a formal com in the shipbuilding quarters with only as far as subscriptions and represented as the only threat to Britain Contempt for Yankees may roll up that map of the the result that a large quantity of pact that would serve as a Advertisements are concerned but Just as Bitter Now as a Century Ago.
So the greatest ministers of world; it will not be wanted rubber and cotton has been des American hegemony of the New target for ensual discontent World.
on this site or that Queen ictoria also in regard to contributions.
pusly contem these fifty years.
plated on with America and troyed.
We will gladly accept and pub By Sir Roger Casement.
KEYNOTE IS SOUNDED naturally looked around for so BarceCOCOCCCS 000460 0009990000S4066 CHOSOS lish any articles sent us, as long Who is being tried in England for ENGLISH DISLIKE FOR THROUGHOUT THE meone else to do the fighting. The as such are not of a personal or treason, after attempting to land a AMERICA STRONG AS JACOB SAMUEL JACKSON EMPIRE Duke of Wellington hoped that political character and providing cargo of arms in Ireland for Irish EVER France might be played on. Oldest Tayloring Establishment such reading matter is of general Revolutionists.
This keynote is sounded from The Mexicans, too, might be or local interest to a given comThat England to day loves induced to invade the Texan fron Limon and Cairo every corner of the British Emmunity. Articles dealing with believe England to be the pire, wherever the imperial edi Amerien 110 one who goes to tier. But a greater infamy than Cairo visited the first and last friday of every month PUNCTUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTED commercial industrial and agri enemy of European peace, and tor, resting from the labors of the private opinions of English this was seriously planned.
Box 211, Port Limon.
cultural matters will always be that until her mastery of the the lashi he wields against the co men, instead of to their published Writing from Carlsruhe, on most welcome as well as general sea is overmastered by Europe, lored toilers in mine or camp, ntterances or the interested eulo January 26, 1816, to his friend, 0600000019000990006690690 monages 060606060606 news items from any town or com. there can be no peace upon earth directs his eyes from the bent gies of their press, can for a mo Alexander Spencer, in Dublin, remosa nongrannarranty munity in the country.
or goodwill among men. forms of these indentured slaves ment believe.
Charles Lever said: We request our readers to overInspect the foundations of Eu of dividend to the erect and FURNITURE: The old disse is there, the old As to war, the Duke (of Welnot quite conversant with the En ropean armaments where we will, stalwart frames of the new supercilios contempt for the lington) says he could smash the BUY OF ALL KINDS will be due to our staff, which is and we shall find that the Master Goths who threaten the whole Yankee and all his ways. Yankees. and ought to do so while crease and improve this section Builder is thee who fastioned the framework of imperial dividend God Englishman no more France is in her present humor JOSE HERNANDEZ look any defficiency found in the British Empire. It is that Em from across the North Sea. lores and American citizen now and Mexico opens the road to inAvenida Central for the benefit of our readers. pire its claim to a universal right The Monroe Doctrine, pal than when in 1816 he seriously vasion from the south. not to Next to the Royal Bank of Cunada We propose to constantly in of pre emption to every zone and ladium of the Anglo Saxon contemplated an invasion of the speak of the terrible threat that glish language. This will be avoid region washed by the waves and World Empire, is emperilled United States ind the waising of Napier uttered, that with two organisation manananananananan ed in the near future.
useful or necessary to the expan German ambitions, and were it the negro slave population against regiments of infantry and a field We respectfully solicit your sion of the white races, and its as not for the British fleet America his Anglo Saxon kinsmen.
correspondence which will always sertion of a right to control all would be lost to the Americans. Today, when we hear so much ration is the United States.
battery he raise the slave popuWANTING receive our earliest and best at the seas that drives the peoples of Wherever English men of the Anglo Saxon Alliance, it Have Englishmen in less than tention. Any questions you wish Europe into armed camps. assert that the function of the may be well to revert to that page two generations substituted love The public to know that CORNELIUS REID is no longer working with me. My customers are warned not to pay him any money to ask or anything yow wish To make sure the encompassing British fleet is to exelude the Bu of history. For it will show us for the hate that Napier, Wellor do any kind of business with him while using my name.
to know, just drop a line address of Europe with a girdle of steel, ropean States, with Germany at that if a British Premier to day ington, and the Queen Ministers ed to the Editor of the English it is necessary to girdle the United their hend, from South America, can speak as Mr. Asquith did on expressed in 1846 for the United CLAUDIOUS FISHER, Taylor.
Section, El Imparcial. San Jo. States with a girdle of lies. With not because in itself that is December 16, 1912, in his refer States? Is it love to day of Port Limon.
America true to the policy of her right or worthy end to pursue, ence to the late American Am America or fear of someone else 000000000000 great founder, an America the but because that Continent is bassador as a great American GREECE PROTESTS BEFORE CEN friend of all Powers but the ally ear marked for future exploiter and a kinsman, one sprung from that impels to the Arbitration 0000000000000000 TRAL POWERS AGAINST BUL of none. English designs against tion and control by their being a commen race, speaking our lan Treaties and the celebration of JENKINS GARIAN INVASION.
European civilization must in the men in their battle against Gerguage, sharing with us by birth the hundred years of peace?
end fail.
The Anglo American Peace as by inheritance not a few of our many.
Tailor Movement was to be but the first ATHENS, 30th. The King to Those plans can succeed only most cherished traditions and 2nd. Avenue Street No. Port Limon day signed a protest which is to by active American support, and SUSTAINED EFFORT TO participating, when he comes stage in an Anglo Saxon Alliance, be sent to Berlin and Vienna to secure this is now the supreme POISON AMERICAN MIND here, by what may describe as intended to limit and restrict all We give the best satisfaction to the public, polite and urbane against the Bulgarian invasion task and nim of British stealth his natural right in our domestic further world changer, outside of treatment to clients.
of Greek territory.
and skill. Every tool of her dil need quote but a single ut interests and celebrations. then certain prescribed Continental Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
SIR ROGER CASEMENT To our Readers triot.


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