p. 8


Página ocho EL 1MPARCIAL Martes 27 de junio de 1916.
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Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION The Mexican Situation Full Text of Secretary Lansing Statement to the Mexican Confidential Agen at Washington.
TINERO con buen as garantías Oscar Herrera, a su oficina o al Apartado No. 47. la. Norte, No.
Una cama de hierro con resor30. 00 la ENDO una casa de excelente construcción, inmejorable para profesionales, comerciantes u hombres de negocios, por estar situada en el mejor punto céntrico, frente a la The American Legation in this interest of the good relations of first duty of every government ted and punished by the Mexican Imprenta Nacional, Calle 4a. TamWhenever Mexico bién la cambio por finca para agricul. Capital has received the follow the two countries. At Parral the to protect life and property: that authorities.
tura que no diste más de horas de esta ciudad, Alajuela o Cartago. Oigo ing telegram: pursuit was halted by the hostilthis was the object for which will asume and effectively exerci propuestas. Miguel Madriz. yesterday delivered to the ity of Mexicans presumed to be governments were instituted, for se that responsibility, the United L MEJOR PRECIO DEPILAZA: confidential agent of the De Fae. loyal to the De Facto Govern der, many plausible arguments of troops, and that no govern which it must be assumed Gene States, as at many times before cualquier. Informarán en Seal comprendimas negerinn er to Mexican Government a reply ment who thus became the pro for intervention in Mexican af ment could be expected to main ral Carranza initiated his revol publicly declared will be glad to la Administración El Imparcial. its note the of.
ject of the presence of American fairs. Instead of this, the United tain a force of this strength along ution and organized the present have this obligation fulfilled by pointed out the necessity for States, after conferring with six the boundary of a friendly na government and for which the the De Facto Government of SE ALQUILA piezastaseks troops in riferito territoryteatr immediater pursuit of the Colum others of the American Republics, tion for the purpose of resisting United States recognized his gov Mexico. On the contrary if that nera, miento parentes Paloscientas de ter referring to the discorteous bus bandits and called attention recognized unconditionally the the onslaughts of a few bands of ernment as the De Facto Govern Government is pleased to ignore mas calles del Palacio enforticis, en tone and temper of that note, to the efforts of General Carran present De Facto Government of lawless men, especially when the ment of Mexico. The protection this obligation and to have rea callewa. Sur. Para, informes, en reveiwed briefly the continous za to retard the progress of the Mexico. It hoped and expected that neighboring State made no er of American lives and property course to arm to defend its ter.
bloodshed and disorder which American expedition by negotia that Government would speedily forts to prevent the attacks. in the United States is the first ritory, the United States would nor precio que el del catálogo se revolution in Mexics for the past by its effective operations rather eated provocations to intervene method of preventing raids of land in Mexico it is first the obli ship if it did not frankly state ILATELISTAS. GANGALA me bave marked the progress of the ting an agreement which should. restore order, and in spite of rep added that the most effective obligation of this Government. be lacking in sincerity and friends de llos de correo. Informarán en la Admi three years and which have ended than by cooperation, practically on account of Americans who had this nature, as past experiencegation of Mexico and second the that the execution of this threat aistración de EL IMPARCIAL.
in the present wide spread con attain the object of the expedi suffered from lawlessness, the has fully demonstrated, is to vi obligaton of the United States. would lead to the gravest conseditions of lawlessness and violen tion. then pointed out the inac Government of the United States sit punishment or destruction on This Government does not belie quences. concluded with the NECESITAN muchachos con ce particularly in the northern curacies of the Mexican version had refrained from aggressive the raiders. As to the excuse that ve that the De Facto Government statement that, while such a rerecomendación y que no estén en la escuela para vender este perió frontier of Mexican states conti of the conferences at El Paso action and sought, by appeals the Mexican government has do approves of the marauding at sult would be deeply regretted, pregón.
Informes en estas oficinas todos los guous to the United States. There between Generals Scott, Funston and moderate demands, to im ne all possible on its part to tacks, yet, while inability may this Government could not recede tías de a de la tarde.
have been not only depredations and Obregon regarding the with press upon the De Facto Govern protect the frontier, invited at excuse the failure to check the ou from its settled determination to upon American persons and pro drawal of the American troops. ment the seriousness of the situa tention to the unrestricted acti trages complained of, it only ma maintain its national rights and EGOCIO. En la Administración perty within Mexican jurisdie The Mexican version intimated tion and to arouse it to its duty vity of well known persons who kes stronger the duty of the Unide EL IMPARCIAL se vende papel de periódicos a 10 cénti tion of which mentioned the that the United States had agreed to perform its international obli were connected with border raidsted States, for, if the government perform its full duty in preventnos la libra, papel blanco para carni. Santa Isabel massacre on Janua to withdraw its troops as the banceros a quince céntimos libra. Cartón gations.
and the encouragement and aid of Mexico cannot protect the li ing further invasion of the Unisuperior, blanco, para moldes de sas ry tenth, when Villa bandits stri dits had been dispersed and not then considered the Mexican tre, costureras, ete, ete. a 10 céntimos given them by the De Facto Gov ves and property of Americans, ted States and in removing the pped eighteen Americans la libra. Cartón inferior calidad, proof send their expeditions into Mexi argument that it was not respon ernment. added that, if this the government of the United peril which Americans along the pio para trabajos de poivorista, a their clothing and shot them in co in pursuit of bandits, and that sible for the present situation was doing all possible, it was not States is in duty bound to do so. border have borne so long with TRES COLONES QUINTAL. cold blood but also the frequent the continued presence of Ameri As to the excuse that even Amer sufficient to prevent other raids, As to the request of the Mexiand sudden incursions into Ame can troops on Mexican soil indi ican forces find it impossible to and that there was every reason can government for the inmediapatience and forbearance. LMACEN de maderas de cases. Bara rican territory by bandits, who cated an attitude of distrust, in protect the frontier on the Ame why this Government should te withdrawal of the American (Signed) LANSING.
construcciones en general. Se eje took the lives and destroyed the sincerity and suspicion on de the rican side, stated that, if there continue its preventive measures. troops, stated that, for the reacates ardemenderas today existencia property of American citizens, part of the American govern was no means of reaching roving In reply to the argument that if sons have fully set forth, this The above was received on Sapermanente de dichos envases en el sometimes carrying them across ment toward the government of bands making sudden raids at the American frontier had been request could not now be enter almacén.
the boundary with the booty sei Mexico and the intention of the night into American territory, properly protected from incur tained. The United States has not turday, relaid in bad form from San Salvador. It is zed; who attacked American gar. United States to extend its sove. it was obviously impossible to sions from Mexico there would sought the duty which has been 5S COMPARADORA Sistema En risons at night, killing soldiers reignty over Mexican territory. prevent such invasions unless the be no reason for the existing dif forced upon it of pursuing bandPARA CAFE. subject to corrections when gleberg. o Africa tamaño me and stealing their equipment and showed that American troops frontier is protected by a cordon ficulty, stated that it was the its who ought to be pursued arres the original text is received diano o grande. Dirigirse a Alajuela, horses, and who wrecked and could not be withdrawn or prevby mail.
Apartado número 30.
plundered American trains. ented from entering Mexico unmentioned also the attacks on less the Mexican authorities AVISO. ENERAL TREVINO RENEWS HIS GENERAL PERSHING INFORMS ON pronto Brownsville, Red House Ferry, would take over the duty of apTHREAT TO ATTACK AMFR.
Se venden un calentador (de ICANS UNLESS THEY BE lena) para baño Una máquina para layar. 80. 00 Progreso postoffice and Laspela prehending and punishing the 55. 00 das, of last autumn, and particu bandits. In the absence of any TREAT IMMEDIATELY.
larly the Columbus raid of March evidence that the De Facto Gov tes para niño de a años Un cabrito fuerte y manso con ninth. pointed out that, despite ernment would assume this duty, 430 Bradbury Building CHIHUAHUA CITY, 24th. GENERAL PERSHING carretón y arneses, para repeated and insistant demands was forced to the conclusion niño, ministración de El Impar by this Government for military that it did not and does not now LOS ANGELES, California Americans in Columbus have ob HEADQUARTERS, 24th.
served troops advancing from Twenty seven stragglers reached cial se infornará.
protection for Americans, the intend or desire that these outtheir base to San Antonio. the base here to day. It is repor Mexican authorities, though ful laws should be captured, destroyBETTINA DE HOLST General Treviño again renewed ted that seventy two are held ly cognizant of these depreda ed Compran café beneficiado or dispersed by American his threat to attack the Americans as prisoners in Chihuhua. ThirAvisa que recibió formas nuevas de tions, and the governments of the troops, or, at the request of this terciopelo, de paja, de seda, flores, go bandits made no effective at Government, by Mexican troops.
a los mejores precios unless they retreat immetiately. ty five are reported to have been neros de seda negros y de color para tempt to apprehend the marau In fact, during the continuance He said that they would receive killed, including captains Boyd. Avenida la. Este, No. 578.
the same severe treatment they and Morey and Lieteunant Adair.
ders and bring them to justice of the El Paso conferences, Mexi Hacen adelantos liberales received at Carrizal. Treviño It is assumed that eleven were In the face of these outrages, can bandits raided the town of sobre consignaciones said that the American prisoners captured. Two relief squadrons 00 committed not only on American of Glen Springs, Texas, about would not be hanged, as such prac of the 11th Cavalry, are not reEntenderse con el representante en Costa Rica LA BARCELONA o lives and property on Mexican twenty miles north of the border, tice was not customary in civiliz ported at their base. The hostiliGran Fábrica de Puros de Ca soil but on American soldiers, killing American soldiers and ci VICTOR FABIAN ed countries. chf y Tueurrique.
Surtido citizens and homes on American vilians, burning and sacking ties began with the outburst of de abarrotes y licores extran 8 territory, and in view of the inac property, and carrying off two fpartado 882. Teléfono 724 machine gun fire.
jeros y del país.
THE RUSSIANS CAPTURE TOWN o se atiende cualquier pedido, tivity of the Carranza authori. Americans as prisoners. As to the San José IN GALICIA, AT THE FOOT OS రధ శ శ ties, the United States had no charge of insincerity, stated THE CARPATHIAN MOUNANTONIO MONTEALEGRE. recourse other than to employ that the American Government wamewostanou down YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Teléfono 488.
force to disperse the bands of had given every possible encoura HIGH WASHINGTON OFFICIALS America are preparing to offer 00:080808080805 0803080808080808080:02C80:0:0:00 Don slave for others work for Mexican ontlaws who have, with gement to the De Facto GovernLONDON, 24th. The Rus.
BELIEVE RELATIONS WITH their mediation between Mexico yourself. We teach you how. You increasing boldness, systematical ment in its efforts to pacificate and the United States. High sians have captured the town of with our business propositions.
IMPORTADORES DE VARIEDAD ly raided across the international MEXICO ARE NOT FAR FROM Washington officials intimated Kuty in Galicia, at the foot of need no eapital. Drop us a line boundary. Consequently, the ma and rehabilitate Mexico; and, and get full particulars.
that there is nothing to mediate, the Carpathian Mountains.
rauders engaged in the attack from the moment of its recogni as the United States are engaged Four hundred persons are reAGENCY PAN AMERICAN Apartado No. 72. Dirección Telegráfica on Columbus were driven across tion, it has had the individed in protecting their people and ported drowned in the sinking of COMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post Tack.
the border and pursued by Ame support of the United States. WASHINGTON, 24th. Presi: their territory.
Office Box 809, San José.
a steamer in the Black Sea.
Costa Rica, rican troops into Mexico as far pointed out that, if the govern dent Wilson conferred with Seas Parral without any coopera ment of the United States had cretary Lansing and Secretary Barton tion or assistance in the field on designs upon the territory of Baker to day. Lausing announ MAN CHON SING CO.
the part of the De Facto Govern Mexico, there would have been no ced the situation in Mexico was ALMACEN DE GENEROS ment, despite repeated requests difficulty in finding, during this unchanged. Other officials exY ABARROTES by the United States made in the period of revolution, and disor. pressed the opinion that relations JOSE CHEN APUY CO.
are close to the breaking point.
Teléfono No. 18. Dirección Telegráfica It is reported that the Ameri: LLANTAS DE GOMA PARA COCHES cans were doliberately massacred Puntarenas.
Costa Rica. Hemos recibido de la acreditada casa GOODYEAR. y vendemos at Carrizal. demand for the rea los siguientes precios: lease of the prisoners a ChihuaDe una pulgada de grueso, a 80 el pie.
hua is reported to have been made.
De 136 pulgada de grueso, a res, que tenemos a la venta HARIQUỐN TẠI CHONG CO.
An unconfirmed reports states De 134 pulgada de grueso, a Jacobo Sánchez, De pulgada de grueso, a that the Republics of Central and Alambre para enllantar, a.
NA de la muy conocida COMERCIANTES descuento de cuando se nos tome cantidad.
titttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt maandamanowana do JUAN BENITO WONG Hne.
Pomada Salomon For one month. 00 SURTIDO COMPLETO Three months.
DE MERCADERIAS Remedio infalible para la curación de cualquier úleera y reumatismo.
Six months.
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Propietario: Salomón Chajud.
Please state what you want and size of advertisement. Rates are exceeding LINDO Las Juntas de Abangares.
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11. 00 Costa Rica Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa Rica.


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