p. 8


Viernes, de Julio de 1916.
Página ocho EL IMPARCIAL Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION SHACKLETON RETURNS FROM RESCUE ATTEMPT Italians Seize Seven Positions is dearer than his political ambi teaving Behind Large Number of Guns our cavalry patrols, reached the only after repeated requests and be proud of their commander in or icebreaker 25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fraccio.
Por cada diez palabras de exceso, céntimos.
110 KILLED, 147 INJURED IN No se admiten inserciones por meros de tres veces.
KARLSRUHE RAID Explorez Unable to Reach Party He ASA céntrica y esquinera se desea cambiar por finca de café en buen BERLIN. Reports from KarlLeft Behind in Icehole.
estado, aunque no esté muy cerca sruhe are to the effect that 110 na a San José. Apartado número 336. persons have been killed, includPORT STANLEY. By spe ing five women and 75 children MEJOR PRECIO DE PLAZA; and that 147 have been injured, Se compran giros tereerillas en cial cable to the New York Worlds la Administración de El Imparcial. dren during the air raid.
cualquier cantidad. Informarán en including 20 women and 79 chil. Lieutenant Shackleton, who has just returned, sent the follow.
ILATELISTAS. GANGA! meing telegram: have just come nor precio que el de catálogo se GERMAN SUBMARINE SANK SS.
back from an attempt to reach detalla una bonita colección de se CANFORE CHINE, IS REPORT llos de correo. Informarán en la AdmiElephant Island with a vessel kin nistración de EL IMPARCIAL.
LONDON. Renter dis.
dly lent to me by the Uruguayan EGOCIO. En la Administración pafch from Barcelona states that government. greatly regretto de EL IMPARCIAL se vende papel de periódicos a 10 céntia German submarine, operating be obliged to report that har mos la fibra, papel blanco para carni off Calella, Cataluña, sank the ceros a quince céntimos libra. Cartón steamer Canfore Chine, the cap been unable to rescue the com superior, blanco, para moldes de sasdes left in the icehole there. tre, costureras, ete, etc. a 10 céntimos tain of which together with twelve a libra. Carton inferior calidad, pro members of the crew landed in conditions are much heavier than pio para trabajos de polvorista, a TRES COLONES QUINTAL.
at a previous attempt which made since May on an eighty to NECESITAN muchachos con ITALIAN AND FRENCH SAILING Whaler under the command of recomendación y que no estén en VESSELS SUNK la escuela para vender este perióCaptain Thompson after had Hico al pregón.
Informes en estas ofeinas todos los returned from Elephant Island.
LONDON The Italian sail jías de a de la tarde.
We encountered a stream of ice ing vessels Giuseppina, Santissisixty miles north of Elephant DEPENDIENTE DE PULPERIA ma, Sagrado, San Iglia and the island which we pessed success.
French Bark Chinchella and anSe necesita uno. Informes en la Ebafully. We came within twenty nistería de Agustin Penón, frente al other of unknown nationality Banco Anglo.
miles of the island, but due to have been sunk.
One of the Walks in the Park of Port Limon the heavy and impenetrable pack UNA CARTERA ice, interspersed with inmense CALLS COL. ROOSEVELT AN icebergs and a very high north de piel color morada conteniendo algunos documentos y objetos que sólo inAMERICAN AT HEART west swell it was impossible for teresan a su dueño se le cayó del bolsillo a éste ayer, tres de julio.
us to proceed any further. The La cartera lleva dentro algunas car. AND DEVOTED ONE TOO, CONpack ice stretched in crescent tulinas y telegramas de y para su due TINUES THE NEW YORK ño, un dije de escudo de oro y acero, form from northwest through un portatarjetas vacío de oro, una EVENING GLOBE Rome Announces Capture of Impartant stream we took Posina and Ar OFFENSIVE REPEATEDLY tino comes to be written it will be south to northeast, the two horns fotografías Al señor Cajero de la Compañia El Austrian Trentino Points. sierzo, thus begining our advance REQUESTED realized that the things accom being sixty miles distant from NEW YORK. The Evening Sol puede presentarse quien la haya encontrado. Oficina frente a la Im Globe says: At heart, Col. Roose. Retreat of East while Invaders Becom ley.
to the northern side of the valplished by him during the last the island. This winter condi: prenta Alsina. Se dá una gratificación. velt is an American and above all bad and alternate so BERLIN. From a reliable few weeks deserve to be ranked tions are ing a Rout, London Declares.
BETTINA DE HOLST a devoted one as for his country On the Satte Communi pla neutral source it is known that among the most brilliant of the much that the rescue can only be teat our infantry, preceding by the Russian offensive was begun war. Our Italian allies may well effected with a wooden steamer Recibió formas nuevas de paja, seda, tions. The letter he wrote to the And Other Materials, Report.
terciopelo, paja Italia, trasparentes; Punta Corbin Tresche Concafon been made to the Czar to relieve Chief who has so securely taken As regards the food problem velos, rosas, margaritas, etc. etc. veli: Progressive committee has placed llos, cintas, botones, géneros de seda, him in the best light possible and ROME. The Minister of War di Cesuna lire, extending in the the pressure at the Italian front. his place among the foremost sol its seems to me that there exist muy buen surtido. Precios módicos. vindicated the confidence placed in announces the conquest by the souhwest as far ar Asiago. To diers of the day.
hope that the meat of penguins The Times, editorially com for we saw many penguins on Avenida Este. número 578. him by his friends and confounds Italians of the enemy positions the northeastward we crossed the LONDON. The Morning Post, his enemies. Roosevelt whole at Mointi Fira, Tavedle, Spitz, Valnos and occupied Monte Fia in an editorial entitled Cador menting on the same subject, the edge of the ice will supplem DINERO!
souled endorsement of Justice Hu Kesserle, Cima del Lavaette, ra, Monte Tavorle. Spitz Kesser na ordenl. says: says: The menace to the Vene ent the food ashore which main Tengo encargo de colocar dinero con tribute and the conviction he exghes nomination is an impressive Cresta Calderia and Campenelia. le and Cima delle Saete. It is now clear that Austria, tian plains was averted in the ly consist of bovril rations that buena garantía; también en cantidad On our right our Alpini car the inveterate hate which she har. fensive in Galicia and Volhynia Elephant Isle seeing that the ice acting under the inspiration of first instance by the Russian of. are highly calorific. Will, whom left in command of the men on pequeña. Entenderse con presses of the sound Americanism TROOPS WITHDRAWN TO MEET ried the erests of Calderia, Cam bors for her southern neighbor, but after full acnowledgement conditions had changed so early EGON HOLST.
of Hughes is based undoubtedly RUSSIANS panella after much gallant fighton full assurance.
ing. Along the whole front there has made one of the most colossal has been made of the invaluable must have taken drastic measures The colonel arraignment of LONDON. The Austrian re is considerable evidence of the blunderes of the war. Austria LA BARCELONA President Wilson is severe but lo treat from Trentino is already enemy barbarous methods: Ar gained at the Trentino front dur help of Russia, it must be recog. in order to economize with his Gran Fábrica de Puros de Ca ogical and convincing.
chí y Tueurrique. Surtido o becoming a ront as the rstreat. siero was destroyed by fire, Asia ing her offensive about 15 kilo nized that the brave Italian troops stores, ordering half rations de abarrotes y licores extran His letter establishes the duty ing Austrians are leaving behind go and many milling villages meters. or ground as much as Rus brilliantly retrieved themselves which they probably supplemen: jeros y del país. Se atiende cualquier pedido, o of every citizen from now until large numbers of guns and large were reduced to smouldering gle day or, betier yet, Austria has and covered themselves with glo endurance foundered, we left sia has wrested from her in a sin from their dangerous situation ted by penguin meat. When the November namely, to turn the un quan ities of supplies. There is muins. Near Magnaboschi, some lost to General Brusiloff 10, 000 ry and caused confusion among tions seven miles north of the por pequeño que sea.
o fit out of power and put the safe little doubt but that the Aus hundred naked corpses were twelve cases of those sledging raANTONIO MONTEALEGRE.
Teléfono 488.
ty of the country into the charge trians have wthdrawn troops found in the mire. The situation, men for every kilometer gained the enemy.
CBOSOSOBOBODO OBCECLOSOSOSOSOBOLO 03030308000 of wise, firm and practical states from the Italian front to meet in Val Sugana has not changed.
at the Italian front.
ocean at Camp Formos, but the Russian advance.
cannot state whether they have General Cadorna problem SURVIVORS OF ss. ASTROLO been able to penetrate far enough EL IMPARCIAL In upper Vanoi we oceupied The retreating Austrians are Masiditognola. Nohing of imwas first to hold in check the eneGUER LANDED SAYS AUSTRIA WAS LURED blowing up the bridges in the portanco has occurred on the my onrush on the plateau and if to get them. Though they will be SE PUBLICA TODOS LOS DIAS line of their march and are raz front.
this was impossible to hold and hard pressed, the hope for their LOWESTOFT. Only cight rescue must not be given up.
DEL ANO LONDON. The correspondent ing and burning the towns they Our air squadron of ten machi beat him on the plains of Venetis.
survivors of the steamer Astrol900000000 Director Gerente: Rogelio Fernández of the Morning Post in Budapest. pass through in order to make nes vesterday threw fifty, large Güell writing under date of June 19th, the Italian advance more diffic bombs on the Caliano in Val Cadorna situation deman oguer have landed.
YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Director: Ricardo Coto Fernández, says: Jefe do Redacción: Leonardo Montal Politicians openly speak of are occurring on the Italian The machines returned safely. the first months of the war and ult. Stubborn reaguard actions Lagarina with satisfactory results. ded just those great qualities dis played by General Joffre during DANISH SCHOONER ATTACKED Don slave for others work for ván.
yourself. We teach you how. You Administrador: Carlos Soley Güell.
the German, share wherein the front.
BY SUBMARINE, IS REPORT safely. This morning an Auswith our business propositions.
Corresponsales en Londres, Paris, Bar Austrian leaders allowed them the world must recognize that the trian aeroplane was downed durneed no capital. Drop us a line selves to be caught. They believe ADVANCE CONTINUING demands have been fully met.
celona y Nueva York.
ing a fight over Verona.
LONDON. Lloyd maritime and get full particulars.
Precios de suscripción local y de Centro that the Austrians were lured into General Cadorna has been able Insurance Company announces AGENCY PAN AMERICAN América: the Italian adventure so as to atROME. Official. Between USEFUL to inspire his officers and men that a Danish schooner was attacCOMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post Un mes 00 tract the Russians attention to the Adige Valley and Brenta our with his own faith and resolution ked by one of the enemy subOffice Box 809, San José.
Tres meses 00 Galicia and Bukowina, thus al advance was continued notwithsINFORMATION and when the full story of Tren marines and set afire.
Seis meses 50 lowing General Hindemburg a anding the enemy attempts to Un año 11. 00 certain period in which to enable detain us by concentrated artilmoon Para el Exterior: The train for Puntarenas leay.
Un año 00 dólares.
the Germans to follow up their lery and machine gun fire, and Colaboración solicitada.
plans against Verdun.
rearguard actions, which were es San Jose at 50 a. and arNo se devuelven originales. In spite of the fact that the favored by the difficult ground. rives at that port at 10 OFICINAS TALLERES: German censor only allows a garIn Val Arsa we advanced yesAl frente del Cuartel de Artillería. bled version of the Russians of terday across Matasome and An ves that port at a. and arriThe train from Puntarenas leaTeléfonos: Dirección, 701. Administración, 702. ficial statements to leak through ghebeni, completing the conquest ves in San Jose at 50 Apartado No. 318. to the Austro Hungría population of Monte Menerle. Along the Po.
The train for Alajuela leaves the people here are aware of the sina lines we expelled the enemy RELOJERIA SUWA enormous losses sustained by the from the southern slopes of Mon San Jose at p. and arrives Calle del Carmen.
Austro Hungarians.
te Aralta and after crossing the in that city at 20 ao esceae9000 Acaban le llegar muchas mercade rías en Joyas y relojes; también ar tículas de fantasía, en broches, anillos, NA de etc. de poco valor, para regalos.
Burtido muy variado.
Relojes de pulseras para señoras, PRECIOS BARATOS 00 man. త HARINA FLECHA YY 003esoeoo Avisamos a nuestros favorecedores, que tenemos a la venta HARIla muy conocida MARCA Subscription Rates Grace Co.
San Francisco. New York. New Orleans. Importadores y Exportadores :Agente General para Costa Rica: WISS Apartado 171 FLECHA 50 For one month. 00 Three months. 00 Six months.
One Year. 11. 00 ADVERTISING RATES Please state what you want and size of advertisement. Rates are exceeding.
ly moderate and far below any other newspaper in the country, LINDO BROTHERS SAN JOSE Anment Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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