p. 8


Página ocho EL 1MPARCIAL pomingo de julio de 1916 25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fraccian.
Por cada diez palabras de exceso, céntinios.
No se admiten inserciones por meros de tres veces.
Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION United States Disposed to Settle Difficulties With Mexico by Direct Negotiations.
The War is Avoided ALQUILA una pieza esquinera con agua aparente para negocio de billar, barbería, sucursal de panadería, cafeteria, bodega, situada en la Calle Sur, doscientas varas al Sur del Palacio de Justicia, esquina opuesta a la Pulpería de La Tempestad.
Informarán en la Calle 84 Norte, o en el Paso de la Vaca número 258. EVE ASA céntrica y esquinera se desea cambiar por finca de café en buen estado, aunque no esté muy cercana a San José. Apartado número 336. woodeeao DROOG MEJOR PRECIO DE PLAZA; Se compran giros tercerillas en cualquier cantidad. Informarán en la Administración de El Imparcial. WASHINGTON, 7th. Acceptance of Carranza proposal to settle the difficulties between the United States and Mexico by direct negotiations is ready to be sent to Mexico City. Secretary Lansing completed the draft of the United States note this morning and presented it to the Cabinet meeting to day. After the nor precio que a de catálogorse Cabinet meeting the note was handed to the Mexican Ambassador. mede llos de correo. Informarán en la Administración de EL IMPARCIAL.
41004 00002000 EGOCIO. En la Administración de EL IMPARCIAL se vende papel de periódicos a 10 centi.
mos la libra, papel blanco para carniceros a quince céntimos libra. Cartón superior, blanco, para moldes de sastre, costureras, ete, ete. a 10 céntimos a libra. Cartón inferior calidad, propio para trabajos de polvorista, a TRES COLONES QUINTAL.
The Russo. Japanese Convention Was Signed Yesterday.
DULCE To our Readers Subscription Rates NECESITAN muchachos con recomendación y que no estén en la escuela para vender este perioNico al pregón.
Informes en estas ofeinas todos los SPECIAL RADIOGRAPHIC SERVICE lías de e de la tarde.
DEPENDIENTE DE PULPERIA Limon, July 8th 1916. one they fired eighteen months ago. The Germans children died from infantile paralysis. There are after their third defeat at Riga, in the Bananovie eighty seven new cases reported this week. Th: Se necesita uno. Informes en la Ebanisteria de Agustín Penón, frente al Banco Anglo.
EELMA, ALA, 7th. The First message from chi sector, have moved their whole front toward epidemic so far has resulted in one hundred and Mobile since the storm came over the wires today. the west. The British steamer Gannet. unar ninety six deaths. Health Commissioner Emerson med, has been sunk.
It states that at least three or four Persons were says that only cool weather will stop the epidemic, BETTINA DE HOLST BERLIN, 7th. The salient of the German WASHINGTON, 7th. The War Department killed during the storm, and that much shipping line at Volhynia is projecting towards Czartorysk announced that a call will soon be made for the Recibió formas nuevas de paja, seda, and water front property was destroyed.
terciopelo, paja Italia, trasparentes; but is rapidly being abandoned under superior Rus Regular Army Reserve to fill the ranks of the new velos, rosas, margaritas, etc. etc. veli LONDON, 7th. Gains are reported on the sian pressure. new line of defense has been se organization of regulars provided by the Army Or llos, cintas, botones, géneros de seda, muy buen surtido. Precios módicos. front east of La Boiselle, in the river Somme re lected. portion of the German high sea forces ganization act. The reserve will consist principa has secured the British steamer Aprison. which lly of honorable discharged men.
Avenida Este número 578. gión. There is violent fighting near the Averre brook, in the region of Thieeprval. The Germans was captured last week near the English coast. WASHINGTON, 7th. Carranza reports that DINERO!
TOKIO, 7th. The Russo Japanese Conven the De Facto troops are closing in on the bandits ir have regained their lost section of ground there. tion was signed yesterday at Petrograd. It provi southern Chihuahua and northern Durango with Tengo encargo de colocar dinero con The Russians have begun a tremendous offensive des that the parties take no part in any arrange the intention of wiping them out.
buena garantía; también en cantidad pequeña. Entenderse con at Riga. Heavy artillery is destroying the German ment or political combination directed against LONDON, 7th. In the naval battle of May 31 EGON HOLST. trenches. The Russian War Office announces that Russia or Japan. If their territorial interests or Admiral Jellicoe gives the British loss as fourteen the Russians are now firing fifty shells for every political rights are manaced Russia and Japan are ships and the German loss as twenty one ships CHICLETS to consult each other on measures of support to The British steamer Lestris from Liverpool has defend these rights and interests.
been captured by a party of the German high sea 99999999999999999999 go09e9c8999999999999999999999 forces. Before the war started forty one womer Es una confitura de larga di NEW YORK, 7th. Twenty four deaths was ración, apetitosa, refrescante y ¡Ojo! Se alquila LA FORTUNITA ¡Ojo! yesterday list at 10 a. Today Twenty two more 800, 000 so employed.
were engaged in war industries, there are now buena para la digestión.
Este acreditado establecimiento queda por el Pacifien, 300 varas Los CHICLETS son hoy día al Sur del almacéu de Guillermo Zamora. Entenderse con famosos en el mundo entero. Es CARLOS WILLE, Always Drink DE NUEVO HASTA SEGUNDO AVISO, COMPRAMOS el confite ideal.
casa contigua Traube Beer.
Santiago Palacios, OOQ809800000000006800 0000000000000 de buena calidad, en tapas o en marquetas, a razón de CUATRO ALERTA CON LAS IMITACIONES!
COLONES CINCUENTA CENTIMOS el quintal, al contado, puesFor one month. 00 to en las bodegas del edificio que ocupó el Molino Costarricence, caO 0040 Three months.
Advertimos al público no confundir los exquisitos puros NACIONALES con otros muy inferiores que se llaman de la Nacional.
lie del Cementerio, esquina opuesta de la Fábrica de Candelas de In order to improve our En Six months.
Cesáreo García, en San José, o en las bodegas de José Figueredo, cooperation of our readers, not ADVERTISING RATES Pida usted solamente puros NACIONALES de en Alajuela.
only as far as subscriptions and please state what you want and size BERNARDO GONZALEZ CIA.
advertisements are concerned but of advertisement. Rates are exceeding San José, 28 de Abril de 1916.
also in regard to contributions. ty moderate and far below any other LINDO BROTHERS.
We will gladly accept and pub newspaper in the country.
04 00000000 0000000000 For local advertisements rates will lish any articles sent us, as long ne gladly furnished upon application. LAS SEÑORAS as such are not of a personal or 0 00000000 შიდიდით political character and providing Al Depósito de Materiales de Jaime Carranza, contiguo a la Lesuch reading matter is of general YOU CAN MAKE MONEY cheria de don Alberto González Soto, han llegado últimamente las or local interest to a given com siguientes mercaderías: Don slave for others work for Felpudos de diversas clases y tamaños, Petates en estilos variamunity. Articles dealing with yourself. We teach you how. You dos, Persianas, Loza y cristalería barata, Utensilios de cocina, Linocommercial industrial and agrit with our business propositions.
leum para pisos, Cera para limpiar pisos, Muebles y Automóviles, cultural matters will always be need no capital. Drop us a line Polvos y Jabones para el uso doméstico, Papel Glacier transparente most welcome as well as general and get full particulars.
para vidrios, Canastas, Bombillas de luz eléctrica importadas de Nonews items from any town or comAGENCY PAN AMERICAN ruega, las más durables, Papel de Toilette, Artículos para Baño, Surmunity in the country.
COMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post tido siempre variado de Papel tapiz, Aladin para limpiar metales, Office Box 809, San José.
Botellas THERMOS, Jabón LUX para lavar seda y lana.
We request our readers to overAvisamos a nuestros favorecedo400030004 00000044 00080 not quite conversant with the En.
will be due to our staff, which is crease and improve this section Jook any defficiency found in the for the benefit of our readers.
NA de la muy conocida We propose to constantly in glish language. This will be avoid ed in the near future.
We respectfully solicit your San Francisco. New York. New Orleans correspondence which will always receive onr earliest and best ai tention. Any questions you wish to ask or anything yow wisl to know, just drop a line address ed to the Editor of the Englisl Agente General para Costa Rica: Section, El Imparcial. San Jo WISS sé.
Apartado 171 Tome siempre cerveza Traube Bow Mama 04 50 11. 00 One Year.
HARINA FLECHA 0000002everse res, que tenemos a la venta HARIW. Grace Co. Importadores y Exportadores: MARCA FLECHA INLO 10 31 21 20 LINDO BROTHERS SAN JOSE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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