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EL IMPARCIAL Viernes, 14 de Julio de 1918.
donde wa mayoría de la población es voyages are practically as large as these finitwenty fight and thibeyt eines periods and research Scientific French soldiers digging a trench on ground retaken Subscription Rates PP 11. 00 frica a Kiau Chau.
Hasta el presente sólo eran cono BIG STANDARD OIL TANKER to hold the tongue from moving. During the reconstruction pecidas de una manera vaga, las con MAKES RECORD OCEAN TOW In case of accirent a sharp blow riod the Allies declare their purdiciones de paz bajo las cuales los will shear the pin, thus allowing pose to carry on joint action in distintos grupos beligerantes euro The Richmond Takes Oil Barge 12, 405 the clevis to release the tongue restoring industry, agriculture peos estaban dispuestos a deponer las armas. Al ser conocidas las intenMiles to Shanghai, Showing Feasi and the hawser. These tongue and merchant fleets. All treaties ciones de los aliados todos los países bility of General Transatlantie Ser. bits have a height of feet in with the enemy being ebrogated, neutrales han sentido el mayor desa vice Equipment for Voyage Dis ches and occupy a fore and aft the Allies agree that favored naliento, y las esperanzas de una próxi cussed by Those Interested. deck of feet 112 inches. The tion treatment shall not be acma mediación han desaparecido, danapproximate net weight is 500 corded to enemy Powers during a do paso al convencimiento de que por The arrival of the Standard pounds.
number of years to be agreed el presente todas las gestiones en favor de la paz serán indtiles. Oil Company big American tan Belts are not used at all in upon by the Allies after hostililas naciones de la Cuadruple barge No. 95 in two, after a voy securing the hawsers, as it has ties cease. They further declare tener un triunfo completo en impolianza han convenido en caso de ob ker Richmond at Shanghai with been found a too difficult mat in favor of the allied nations ner a los imperios centrales Ins con age of eighty two days from New ter to let a line go quickly when dealing among themselves as far diciones siguientes: York, has aroused interest in mar made fast to the ordinary type of as possible in their natural resourAlemania devolverá a Dhamarca ine circles over the feasibility of towing belt.
ces. The Allies agree to prevent todo lo que ocupa en el Schleswig extending towing service for geIn heaving in the hawser a five dumping of enemy goods by Holstein. Heligoland volverá a ma neral cargoes to foreign ports.
inch line from the winch is em setting a period of time during nos de Inglaterra. Bélgica recuperaFor many years it has been cusployed. At each end of the haw which enemy commerce shall be ra territorio y se le anexara el Ducado de Luxemburgo.
tomary to tow strings of three ser an eye is spliced around a subject to special rules and prohiFrancia recuperar la Alsacia y la barges on the Atlantic coast from solid cast steel thimble.
Lorena. Alemania devolverá a Po Norfolk to Boston and even to The towing chock as installed, The Allies further agree upon lonta todas sus antiguas provincias y points on the service has been is the saver of the hawser in many joint collaboration after the war se reconstruirá el antiguo reino. Prusla devolverá a la Confederación Ger: points of the Maine coast and lat. instances. The roll which sup to assure complete independence manica los antiguos Estados que hoy terly the towing service has been ports and guides the hawser is from enemy, countries relative to domina y Austria entrará de nuevo a and even from Gulf ports. carried on a pin in a forged yoke, raw products and manufactured formar parte de ella.
The Gulf towing has been confi which swings on a pin suspen goods essential to the developAustria Hungría se dividira. y las ned largely to oil laden craft, but ded from the top casting. The ment of their economic activities.
distintas regiones y pueblos que com it has remained for the Standard lower end of the yoke is provided These measures, it is set forth, reino imperio se repartirán.
Italia recupera el Trentino y se a Oil ships to undertake towing with a roll. This roll works in a should also include the indepennexará al antiguo Ducado de Goritz service across the Atlantic in all radial groove in the base casting dence of the Allies in financial, hasta Lalbach y el valle del Save, y seasons of the year. At the pres. No matter how the hawser leads, comcercial and maritime organitambién ocupará la provincia de is ent time the big tanker Iroquois the yoke will swivel so that the zation. In pursuance of this retria incluyend a Trieste, y parte de la costa de Dalmacia. En Albania is towing between New York hawser will lead fair, from wha solution they will adopt the conservardi a Avlona, lo que le ase and Lontion and the Richmond tever direction it may be pulling. means most appropriate, accorgura el dominio completo del Adrik has been on the London route These towing chocks weigh ap ding to the nature of the goods prior to her present voyage, it proximately 1, 750 pounds and cov and following the principles Serbia se le devolverá su terri is said, for fully eighteen months. er an athwartship deck space of which govern their political ecotorio más la Croacia, Bosnia, Herze.
The tankers towed in deep water fifty inches, a fore and aft deck nomy. They will adopt subvengovina y la parte Sur de Hungría eslava.
the. and inches and a of enterprises. Bohemia volverá a ser estado in only one vessel is towed The Iro three inches.
and technical dependiente.
Besides subventions and adbetween Douamont and Vaux Rusla cedera a la nueva Polonia quois, it is inderstood, makes the sus antiguas provincias más la Ga passage between New York and THE SAG BELOW WATER vances to certain industries, the Allies will consider tariff changes litela y el reino se constituirá bajo London in about fifteen days.
2010 P800ES80000000.
el protectorado ruso.
The practice in the deep sea and prohibitions, temporary or Cuidado con las faisificaciones Rusia se le concede la Arme. RECORD TOWING VOYAGE tow is to carry only one turn on permanent.
nla y la orilla Sur del Mar Negro, the drum of the towing engine. The mutual exchange of goods Con razón se ha calificado a la Fábrica de Tabacos y CigarrJllos hasta el Bósforo, inclusive ConstanFor one month.
The Richmond tow to Shan. So far as can be learned, the stan among the Allies will be encour 00 tinopla y los Dardanelos. LA NACIONAL sirla y Palestina hasta el dester: ghai is a record one to date, and dard Oil vessels seldom, if ever, aged by rapid transit, reduced Three months. 00 to se adjudicarán a Francia. the actual disctance covered bet find it necessary to let go a line, freight rates and common arranSix months. 50 la meior en su género en el país, pues los Tabacos y Cigarrillos que Arabia continuará siendo indepen ween New York and Shanghai is no matter how bad the weather. gements concerning postal and One Year.
en ella se elaboran, son, por su aroma exquisito y superior calidad, diente, pero será considerada como reported to have been 12, 465 miles. An interesting fact was disclos telegraph communication, INIMITABLES; la única que introduce los mejores Tabacos, y la sometida esfera Technically trained delegates ADVERTISING RATES única que hace beneficiar los mejores del país. La mejor prueba de mla, y a la cual también se le adjudi at Shanghti has left for San namely, that when 200 fathoms of will meet to frame joint measures Please state what you want and size la superioridad de nuestro artículo es que algunas personas tratar de Inglaterra, que ocupará la Mesopota: The Richmond after discharging ed by one master by actual test FALSIFICARLO.
caran las colonias alemanas de Francisco with No. 95 again in steel hawser was out the sag be for the Allies regarding patents of advertisement. Rates are exceeding LOS PUROS QUE VENDE BERNARDO GONZALEZ CON EL low the water surface reached a and trade marks. They agree to ly moderate and far below any other tow.
NOMBRE DE NACIONALES, NO SON DE LA NACIONAL NI El Japón conserva The steamer Brilliant is ano maximun depth of about seven adopt an identical practice, as far EL TIENE NADA QUE VER CON ESTA FABRICA, de lo que suA Francia. según declaró hace poco ther vessel of the tanker type teen fathoms, and that frequently as possible in the regulation of newspaper in the country, plicamos tomen nota nuestros favorecedores para que no se dejen el Ministro Italiano Signor Sonino se For local advertisements rates will sorprender con IMITACIONES. Si quieren fumar bueno pidan slemde reconoce absoluta preponderancia which is making a regular prac when towing through the Florida inventions, trade marks and copre PUROS CIGARRILLOS DE LA NACIONAL LEGITIMOS.
en el Norte de Africa sobre todo en tice of long tows out of the Gulf. Straits the hawser scraped over pyright of literary and artistic be gladiy furnished upon application.
Marruecos y el tratado de Algeciras According to information avail. the ground. This latter fact was works created in enemy countries MARIO GONZALEZ, Administrador.
se considerará nulo.
able the experience of the big tan made known by the action of the during the war.
LAS ASPIRACIONES DE LOS IM. kers has resulted in standardizing towing engine.
The agreement closes with the USEFUL PERIOS CENTRALES several features connected with The principle of the towing en declaration that the delegates retowing apparatus, not the least of gine involves a combination of commend that their governments INFORMATION esas alsposiciones de los aliados which is the employment of the elastic steam cushion and the give immediate effect to the poha contestado el grupo central euTopeo con una nueva repartición, en en English made flat wire strand automatic relief to the hawser. licies as agreed upon.
The train for Puntarenas leavm cual Belgica entra a formar parte hawsers of two inch diameter. The The latter obviates a continual es San Jose at 50 a. and arde la Confederación Germanica, como English made wire is used because straining of the line and a conseSOLO HAY UN BROMO QUININA rives at that port at 10 nación autónoma, Polonia se consti it is cheaper and because it runs quent tendency to break. The a la Tintorería Peralta ese es el LAXATIVO BROMO QUI.
tuyo estado independiente bajo la evenly as to stress properties. It distance between the vessel in tow NINA, usado en todo el mundo para The train from Puntarenas leaprotección de Austria, que adquiere aasserted that the best grade of and the towing ship may be al curar resfriados en un día. Procuren ves that port at a. and arridemás la mitad de Serbia, la costa riental del Adriatico, el Montenegro American hawsers is made of im tered at will by means of the tow. ver si la firma de GROVE Osta ves in San Jose at 50 in.
y las provincias que cedió a Italia ported English flat strands. ing engines, the advantage of en cada cajita.
The train for Alajuela leaves de Señoritas consecuencia de la última guerra Towing engines are installed which is apparent in a crooked PARIS MEDICINE CO. St. Louis. de con Prusia Grecla recuperará las on both the towing vessel and the channel or when passing under San Jose at p. and arrives doze islas que ocupó Italia durante in that city at 20 In guerra con Turquía incluso Rodas. vessel towed, but only one towing bridges. In heavy swells, when a Carlos Peralta Osorio heavy strain is suddenly put on The train from Alajuela leaves engine is put to use at a time.
se le adjudicará Transylvania y los territorios rusos The form of engine employed the hawser, the towing engine auC 04 Vicente Pe. Ita Flores that city at p. and arrives in del Mar Negro incluyendo a Odesa. is known as a modified Providence tomatically relieves the line, and In order to improve our En. Juse at 40 and arrives at that Alemania ocupará Curlandia, recu. Precios de situación de perará sus colonias de Africa, y ad gear. The modification effected when the strain relaxes the engine glish Section we beg to solicit the San Jose at 20 quirirá las colonias francesas del Nordoes away with the excessive chafe winds in the hawser. The strain cooperation of our readers, not de Africa excepto a Marruecos which in certain well on the hawser can be regulated only as far as subscriptions and que Junto con Gibraltar pasará a poder de known makes of towing engines at a fixed pull and automatically advertisements are concerned but España. Alemania adquirirá tam In fine weather the towing is the strain is maintained.
also in regard to contributions.
bién las colonias portuguesas de done on the brake, and when both ECONOMIC BARRIER FRAMED BY lish any articles sent us, as long We will gladly accept and pubfrica. Suecia se le adjudicará la Fin vessels are light the steamer takes ALLIES AGAINST TEUTONS di the hawser from the barge. With as such are not of a personal or Ante las desmesuradas pretensiones both vessels levelled, the steamer All Commerce with Enemy Powers is such reading matter is of general political character and providing que demuestran de primera intención gives her hawser to the barge.
ambos grupos beligerantes, parece del Forbidden During the War In heavy weather both hawor local interest to a given comtodo imposible que pueda llegarse a sers are used at lengths of 200 cent economie conference here, in commercial industrial and agriPARIS. The results of the re munity. Articles dealing with un acuerdo.
Los convenios celebrados por las fathoms, or a single hawser may potencias de la Cuádruple Alianza be used payed out ot 250 to 300 which the allied governments cultural matters will always be lastiman seriamente intereses vitales fathoms. In actual service one of were represented by members of most welcome as well as general de algunas de las naciones neutrales, these standard English two inch their cabinets, were made pub news items from any town or comde de lic.
munity in the country.
ellas, como Suecia, que considera a. diameter steel hawser lasts usualNA de The agreement, which was We request our readers to overmenazada su independencia por los ly one year.
unanimous, shows that sweeping not quite conversant with the Enpreparative mitares de Rusia. Ford type of towing chock measures have been jointly adop will be due to our staff, which is is installed at the stern of ted under three heads, the first crease and improve this section steamer and similar embracing the period during the look any defficiency found in the RESFRIADOS CAUSAN DOLOR owing chock is fitted in the bow war, the second the transition for the benefit of our readers.
DE CABEZA EL LAXATIVO BROMO QUININA of the barge. These towing period and the third the period We propose to constantly indesvía la causa. Se usa en todo a chocks are mounted on ball bear after the war.
glish language. This will be avoidmundo para curar un resfriado en un ings, the effect being to obviate During the war citizens of the ed in the near future.
dia. La firma de GROVE se any tendency to snap the haw allied nations are forbidden all halla ea cada. Hecho por la We respectfully solicit your PARIS MEDICINT: CO. St. Louis, de ser when sharp changes in the commerce with enemy subjects. correspondence which will always courses are made.
All merchandise from enemy receive our earliest and best atBETTINA DE HOLST In securing the hawsers rec countries is likewise forbidden. tention. Any questions you wish terciopelo, paja Italia, trasparentes. hooks are fastened to the decks connections are sequestered. Ad to know, just drop a line addressLINDO BROTHERS Recibió formas nuevas de paja, seda, ourse is had to trap hooks. The Commercial houses having enemy to ask or anything yow wish velos, rosas, margaritas, etc. se ve and the loop of the hawser is pas ditional restrictions are placed on ed to the Editor of the English. muy buen surtido. Precios módicos. sed over the tongue, when the exportations and also on contra Section, El Imparcial. San JoSAN JOSE Avenids Estomers 376 clevis is brought into position band.
a Mande teñir su chal, pañolón, vestido, etc.
al Sur del Colegio To our Readers Rumania a arose HARINA FLECHA Avisamos a nuestros favorecedores, que tenemos a la venta HARIconocida MARCA la muy the 22 FLECHA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Este documento no posee notas.