p. 8


Domingo, 16 de julio de 1918.
Página ocho.
EL IMPARCIAL Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION AEROGRAMS are LIBRERIA ALSINA ¿Desea Usted Ganar Carnes y Embellecer Su Figura?
25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fraccia Por cada diez palabras de exceso, céntimos.
No se admiten inserciones por menos BRITISH MINESWEEPER LONDON PAPERS COMMENT ON 0000 200. 000 0:000H de tres veces.
con agua aparente para negocio de The WASHINGTON, 12th. PresThe British adComprar una finca, buena para cultivos, billar, barbería, sucursal de pana Treasury Department asks the ident Wilson has agreed to accept miralıy announces that a British LONDON. The Daily Teldería, DIRIGIRSE AL APARTADO No. 14. SAN JOSE, del Palacio de Justicia, esquina opues to restore the normal movement Goethals as Governor of the was struck by a torpedo launched sence of Sir Edward Carson in 40000440600003 000. 000 60000 0000 080004 Calle 6a Sur, doseientas varas al Sur State Department for permission the resignation of General Georgeſ minesweeper in the North Sea egraph, commenting on the preta a la Pulpería de La Tempestad.
Informarán en la Calle Norte, o en in México to all commodities ex Canal Zone at an early date, it by one of the enemy submarines the Irish Parliament, says: We SOCDO 60000 P40006000 600 009660060.
el Paso de la Vaca número 258.
cept munitions of war.
was officially announced here to on Tuesday and slightly damag do not believe that Sir Edward PETROGAD, 12th. Desper day. The question of a successor ed. The damaged minesweeper Carson, in spite of his eloquence ¡Ojo! Se alquila LA FORTUNITA ¡Ojo! MEJOR PRECIO DE PLAZA; ate fighting is in progress on the points to the name of Colonel is at present in the harbor under and forcibleness. will be able to Se compran giros en Este acreditado establecimiento queda por el Pacífico, 300 varas la Administración de El Imparcial. two hundred prisoners in an en ting governor.
influence the decisions of the Irish al Sur del almacén de Guillermo Zamora. Entenderse con CARLOS WILLE, gageme PETROGRAD, 14th. In the PEACE TERMS WHICH ALLIES Parliament. However, we ILATELISTAS. GANGA! mecasa contigua PARIS, 12th. No infantry course of the second days battle WOULD ACCEPT highly gratified that he still reF nor precio que el de catálogo se detalla una bonita colección de se fighting of importance took place at Baranovichi, bombing troop tain his seat in Westminister as SOCORROS. SSSasose. CSS600000000000 00000000 llos de correo. Informarán en la Admi last night on the Verdun front. aeropleanes from Lila and Mur Belgium Evacuation and Dismantling thus England. through the sparce aistración de EL IMPARCIAL.
The Germans maintain heavy metz raided the railway station Of German Fleet Foremost Ones. sittings of the Irish Parliament, bombardment in the vicinity of at Baranivichi, bombing troop Servicio marítimo de transportes NECESITAN muchachos con will not lose his wise counsels. recomendación y que no estén en Souville, Chenois and Lallaufee. trains which were filled with rein BERNE. The Bund says: The Daily Chronicle, commenSe avisa al público que por cuenta de la OSA PACI la escuela para vender este periótico al pregón.
WASHINGTON, 12th. The forcements. In Gunh, several Information obtained from dip ting on the same subject, says: FIC PRODUCE Co. queda establecido el servicio de carInformes en estas opcinas todos los British Admiralty has announ trains and buildings were hit. lomatic circles, the source of Nias de a de la tarde.
ga y pasnjeros entre Agujas, El Naranjo, Uvita, Pozo y The Unionists will receive great ced that the German war vessels The Muscovites are hacking their which, however cannot be revealed Golfo Dulce. Para más informes con DINERO! Kaiser and Kromprinz were way near Baranovichi where speculates on the terms for peace considerations from the Irish Parsunk by a submarine in the recent hand to hand struggles take as follows: The evacuation of liament not only through the preSANTIAGO SAJEL. Puntarenas.
Teago encargo de colocar dinero con Jutland engagement.
place in the outerworks. Belgium and the payment of a sence of Sir Edward Carson and buena garantía; también en cantidad LONDON, 12th. Fighting LONDON, 13th. The corres full indemnity; the reconstitution Campbell in the lower house 2006 0002DOSC0029 pequeña. Entenderse con continues on the Somme front. pondent of the Observer with of Serbia with a port on the but through the Senate, which EGON HOLST. There is no change in the British the army at the front, states that, Adriatic; the cession of unredee contains a strong representation line.
the French are holding their med Italy to Italy; the granting from the West and South, sitting BETTINA DE HOLST BERLIN, 12th. The Germans lines in the face of the enemy to Russia of free access to the sea; Recibió formas nuevas de paja, secla, under von Bothmer by a circling desperate attacks, and twenty the re cession of Alsace and Lor and acting with the Irish in the San José.
terciopelo, paja Italia, transparentes: attack drove back the Russians thousand Germans massed on a raine to France; the dismantling Commons.
velos, rosas, margaritas, etc. etc. ve in the region northwest of Bu narrow front and fighting despe of the German fleet, thus removlillos, cintas, botones, géneros de seda, ALMACEN DE UTILES muy buen surtido. Precios módicos. chacs, alicia. We took Four rately, Verdun has again become ing a menace to the communica 90 రత 100 Avenida 14. Este, número 578.
hundred prisoners.
a very important battlefield. It tions of an autonomous Poland YOU CAN MAKE MONEY ROME, 12th. The Austrians is the seventh great onslanght the under the British Empire; the. para MECANICO Don slave for others work for after a heavy bombardemena at Kaiser commanders have direc creation of protection of Russia.
yourself. We teach you how. You ESCRITORIO ESCOLARES entendido a la vez en trabajos de car tacked the positions lately won ted against the fortress within These terms are considered to be with our business propositions.
pintería y con pocas pretensiones, se by the Italians in the Aduze val the last five months.
necesita para trabajo durable en el the terms most likely to be accep need no capital. Drop us a line ARTICULOS PARA ARTISTAS campo. Informes Agustín Penón, Eba ley but were repulsed with heavy LONDON, 13th. From Amsted by the Allies and any other and get full particulars.
nistería frente al Banco Anglo.
Libros para Teneduría.
AGENCY PAN AMERICAN Cintas. Papel cartón. Aceites terdam it is reported that at a would probably be rejected.
SIN RIVAL EN PRECIOS y demás adminiculos para OR cuarenta y cinco colones se alCOMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post PARIS, 12th. The American Council of war presided over by ECONOMICOS Office Box 809, San José.
quila uma casa en la Calle Nor steamer Goldshell. with a cargo the Kniser it was decided to re UNITED FRUIT COMPANY OFFERS máquinas de escribir.
te o sea en El Paso de la Vaca, Informarán en la misma calle casa nú of oil, struck a mine during the move the Archduke Ferdinand NEW ATTRACTION OGOVO10001 mero 258.
night at a point off the mouth of and General Pfianzer, who were the Gironde and was severely responsible for the Galician de Fare in Future Will Included Meals, PAPEL damaged.
En la Administración de EL IMBut a la Carte Service Remains.
PARCIAL se vende papel de periódicos a 12 céntimos la libra. Cartón LORD BALFOUR EXPRESSES HIS efficiency of their engineers whose The United Fruit Company propio para trabajos de polvorista a cinco céntimos la libra.
SATISFACTION OVER individual initiative and tactical has innovated a change in the THE REPORT subordination have been equally service of the ships of her great TOCADOR conspicuous.
white fleet, which, no doubt, will Por tener que ausentarme, vendo LONDON. Arthur Balfour The results of this encounter prove a new attraction for those Lea lo que dice un medico uno muy lujoso, estilo Luis XV y cuaformando juego con él. ESsent the following statement to with the enemy prove that the who frequently travel between PERANZA de MAYORAL, 25 varas al Admiral Jellicoe and the Lord officers and the men both know how the United States and Central Sur del Actualidades, frente a la ca Commissioners of the Admiralty: to study the new problems which America. In important change. 3 My Lords Commissioners: confront them and how to use the has been made in the fares of have considered your report of knowledge gained by this study, the company. The new service the action off the Jutland bank, The expectations of the whole which will become effective with together with the rep report of RearAdmiral Beatty, of the battle country which were indeed high, the following vogages: SS. Tenadores from New York For one month. e 00 cruiser squadron, and those of the have been amply fulfilled. Three months.
flag officers and commanding of My Lords, wish to express July 04 ficers of the high sea fleet. to you my full approval of the SS. Turrialba from New OrSix months. 50 congratulate your Lordships entire proceedings.
leans July One Year.
11. 00 and the officers, seamen and marSS. Santa Marta from New ADVERTISING RATES ines on the result of the first ac GERMAN SUBMARINE ATTACKS York July Please state what you want and size tion in which the first fleet parof advertisement. Rates are exceeding ticipated and during which the NORWEGIAN STEAMER, IS SS Parismina from New Orly moderate and far below any other enemy was severely punished and REPORT leans, July newspaper in the country.
compelled to retire to his ports.
SS. Suriname from New OrFor local advertisements rates will The events which took place on LONDON. From Cristiana it leans July he gladiy furnished upon application. May 31 and June are indisput is reported that a German sub SS. Tivives from New York, able proof the gallantry and dev marine yesterday attacked the July 14.
otion which characterized the Norwegian steamer Petronelle off The feature of the new service many participants. The ships of all classes were handled with skill Farsund, However, though the is that the meals are included in C040 and determination and the fact submarine fired thrice at the the price of the ticket, but that In order to improve our En of their steaming back to port steamer the latter escaped without the a la carte service will be mainglish Section we beg to solicit the after the battle is proof of the being injured.
cooperation of our readers, not no only as far as subscriptions and Fijate en aquel par de raquíticos. Por qué no tomarán Sargol para engordar?
advertisements are concerned but La mayoría de las personas delgadas Tabla de Pesos Normales. Habiendo observado los buenos te comen de 6 libras de alimentos nualso in regard to contributions.
sultados que las Pastillas Sargol produ tritivos todos los días y a pesar de esto jeron a una amiga mía, resolvf tomarlas We will gladly accept and pubno aumentan ni una sola onza de carnes, por el estado do delgadez en que me mientras que, por el contrario, muchas lish any articles sent us, as long hallaba, habiendo aumentado 20 y media de las gentes gordas y robustas comen La lista condensada que damos a con libras en 40 dias.
as such are not of a personal or muy poco cosa y siguen engrosando continuación ha sido tomado de los archivos Srta. Esperanza Savio, tinuamente. Es simplemente ridiculo alepolitical character and providing Neptuno 151 (altos. gar que esto se debe a la naturaleza de oficiales de las Compañilas de Seguros Habana, Cuba.
such reading matter is of general cada persona. Las personas delgadas contra la vida y puede aceptarse como or local interest to a given comcontinúan siendo delgadas por que care correcta. Los números que aqui damos Me hallo mas animada porque llevo cen de la facultad de asimilar debida incluyen el peso de la ropa, cuyo peso mis males, habiendo aumentado likes dias tomando Sargol y estoy mejor de munity. Articles dealing with Avisamos mente sus comidas; de ellas extraen y commercial industrial and agriabsorben lo bastante para mantenerse con so calcula ser de kllos y en conse de peso.
vida y al parecer saludables, pero nada cuencia toda persona que tenga oportuniSrta. Josefa Rodriguez, cultural matters will always be mas; y lo peor del caso es que nada dad de pesarse sin ropa deberá deducir Uñas, Cubs most welcome as well as general ganarán con comer con demasia, puesto kilos del peso respectivo que aqui damos. Les doy las gracias por sus pastila news items from any town or comque ni una docena de comidas al dia les ayudará ganar una sola libra de carEs muchismo más exacto el que se de Sargol, pues he aumentado 10 libras munity in the country.
tan pronto como pueda les pediré el nes. Todos los elementos que para pro pese.
Ud. sin ninguna ropa, pero como cajas mas.
We request our readers to overducir carnes y grasa contienen estas esto no siempre se facilita, esta tabla Domingo Mass comidas permanecen indebidamente en Villa Maipu, Mendoza, Argentin not quite conversant with the Enlos intestinos hasta que son arrojados del do peso ha sido arreglada incluyendo will be due to our staff, which is cuerpo en forma de desperdicios. Lo los kilos en que se calcula el peso de Me encuentro completmento gordo que dichas personas necesitan es algo que la ropa.
rosado; en semanas aumente kllo crease and improve this section prepare y ponga en condición de ser abmedio; no me encontre conforme y seul Estatura look any defficiency found in the sorbidas por la sangre, asimiladas por el Peso, en kllos y gramos usando Sargol por un mes y medio Metro. Hombres for the benefit of our readers.
organismo y llevadas a todo el cuerpo Mujeres. ahora me encuentro mas que contentos estas sustancias que producen carnes y. 54. 450. 50. 850 tengo en la actualidad 135 lbras, cuando We propose to constantly ingrasa y que en la actualidad no dejan 52. 55. 800. 52. 200 mi peso sólo era 127 y media. Reconosco glish language. This will be avoid beneficio alguno. 58. 000. 54. 450 el Sargol como el único remedio para 100 ed in the near future. Para tal estado de cosas yo siempre flacos. Gober recomiendo el que se tome una pastilla de. 57. 150 57 We respectfully solicit your Pedro de Macoris, Sargol con cada comida. Sargol no es, 60. 62. 650. 58. 950 correspondence which will always como muchos creen, una droga patentada, 62. 65. 250. Ho probado el Sargol; yo era el sino una combinación científica de sels 65 receive our earliest and best at 63. 450 gordo, pero deseaba engordar mas; de los mas poderosos y eficaces ingreditomé y con unas cuantas cajas Derve tention. Any questions you wish LINDO BROTHERS entes para producir carnes de que dispone. 66. 600 a engordar 10 libras. Hoy mis amigos la química moderna. Es absolutamente 70. 72. 450.
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to know, just drop a line address 71. 100 poco tiempo. Recomiendo el afattade y una sola tableta con cada comida a 75. 76. 950. 73. 850 Sargol para engordar.
ed to the Editor of the English menudo aumenta el peso de un hombre SAN JOSE 77 o mujer delgada en proporción de a. 79. 200.
Miguel Campas Section, El Imparcial. San JoCalle Marin No. 26 Ubras por semana. 80. 82. 000. 78. 800 86.
Carmen, Campeche, Mexi Sargol se vende en las botioas Subscription Rates To our Readers HARINA FLECHA a nuestros favorecedores, que tenemos a la venta HARINA de la muy conocida MARCA 50 FLECHA 55. 60. 750. 62. 100. 67. 000 67. 70. 200. 75. 600 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa Rica.


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