p. 8


Página ocho.
EL IMPARCIAL Martes 18 de julio de 1916.
Anuncios de Ocasión ENGLISH SECTION nes.
were The Summer Residence of the King of Greece Destroyed by Fire.
Narrow Escape of the Royal Family. Several Lives Lost.
were 25 céntimos cada veinte palabras o fracelin.
Por cada dies palabras de exceso, céntimos.
No se admiten inserciones por menos Conference between Ger of projectiles from a altitude of le. The Cypress took off. Capt.
de tres veces.
1, 500 feet on Mulheim, on the Newell and 20 men. No members man. Chancellor. and Rhine.
of the ship company are misleaders of the ReichsA COMPASIA EL SOL no reBERLIN, 16th. Four British sing. Chief Engineer Mercer L conocerá ningún gasto por exátag, is postponed attacks in the region of Ovillers skull is fractured. Carpenter menes Bacteriológicos ni por Inyecciones de Neo Salvarsán.
and Dezanin Lepite, north of Christle leg broken. Fireman EL SUPERINTENDENTE LONDON, 16th. News has the Somme broke down yester Maldeamed skull fractured. Oi.
been received by way of Ansterday afternoon in the German li ler Singleton leg broken, Hecdam to the effect that the con ALQUILA una pieza esquinera tor broke in two, seven miles con agua aparente para negocio de ference to be held between ChanSonth of the Somme the Ger from northeast Cape Romaine billar, barbería, sucursal de pana cellor von Bethmann Hollweg dería, cafetería, bodega, situada en la mans occupied a portion of the gas buoy. The Wellington lost Calle 6a Sur, doscientas varas al Sur and the leaders of the Reichstag del Palacio de Justicia, esquina opues has been postponed until MonVillage of Biaches after lively two barges in the storm and ta a la Pulpería de La Tempestad.
fighting worked six hours rescuing the Informarán en la Calle 8« Norte, o en day, owing to the fact that the The French attacks near Bau Hector crew, and the marines el Paso de la Vaca número 258.
Chancellor has gons on a visit ra and Vandestress were repul aboard. The Wellington is to to the Kaiser who is at the Genesed with heavy losses to the at day seeking for two barges and L MEJOR PRECIO DE PLAZA; ral Headquarters. It is said that Se compran giros tercerillas en tackers.
ten men aboard them. The Ter.
cualquier cantidad. Informarán en the Chancellor will be forced to la Administración de El Imparcial. define his policy or to retire.
The French entered the Ger ry. a stroyer, arrived this morman first lines southwest of ning in a battered condition Thigmont works where figthing from Santo Domingo.
ILATELISTAS. GANGA! meF nor precio que el de catálogo se The Russians report furcontinues.
WASHINGTON, 16th. The detalla una bonita colección de sellos de correo. Informarán en la Admi. ther success in the PARIS, 16th. Under a blan Provision Naval appropriation aistración de EL IMPARCIAL.
Caucasus region.
ket of fire last night the Ger Bill, authorizing the President mans in the region south of the to take over private shipbuildE NECESITAN muchachos con recomendación y que no estén en PETROGRAD, 16th. The Somme hurled violent attacks ing plants in time of war or la escuela para vender este perió Russian report reads as follows: against the Village of Bianches when war is imminent was elimi.
lleo al pregón.
Informes en estas of clnas todos los In the Caucasus, in the direc.
EXODUS OF MEXICANS recently captured from the Ger nated in the Senate today. The las de e de la tarde.
tion of Reizingham, our troops mans and took this position by President held the Bill for spe in the course of an attack against This ent shows a group of Mexican workmen, who surprise. The French immedia cial legislature. The State De employed in the United States, preparing to cross the InternaMECANICO a hillock located to the south of tely captured both places. Nort partment formally ruled the subtional Bridge to return to Mex co when war was believed to be entendido a la vez en trabajos de carheast of Verdun the French ma marine. Deutschland as a merMamanhatun, captured 18 offiimminent.
pintería y con pocas pretensiones, se cers, about 100 men and also capde considerable progress west merchant vessel and entitled to EXODO DE MEJICANOS necesita para trabajo durable en el and south of Fleury.
treatment as such. The President campo. Informes Agustin Penón, Eba tured several machine guns.
nominated Representative Hay nisteria frente al Banco Anglo. The Kuban cossacks. which Este grabado muestra a un grupo de obreros mejicanos ocuROME, 16th. Despite violent of Virginia Judge of the were in pursuit of the Turks, pados en los Estados Unidos preparándose a cruzar el puente thunder storms heavy figthing Court of Claims to succeed JadOR cuarenta y cinco colones se al surrounded a part of an infantry internacional para regresar a México cuando se creyó inmicontinues between the Austroge Atkinson who retired for age.
quila una casa en la Calle 84. Nor.
te o sea en El Paso de la Vaen, regiment which was fleeing after nente la guerra.
Hungarians and the Italians in NEW ORLEANS, 16th. Informarán en la misma calle casa nú a hand to hand encounter. These the Psona valley. The Italians Porto Ricans virtually held slamero 258.
troops captured 30 officers and have made progress at several ves, on the Yucatan Henequen 231 men. They also seized the repoints and have captured the vil. plantations, are on board the PAPEL giment papers and munitions lage of Vanzi.
transport Summer which si.
En la Administración de EL IM. of war.
LONDON, 16th. Two co led last night for Porto Rico.
PARCIAL se vende papel de periód. To the southeast of Nuish we lumns of British troops operat. The men were brougt here necos a 126 céntimos la libra. Cartón propio para trabajos de polvorista a dislodged the Turks from all ing on the eastern shore of the cently on the Dutch steamer eineo céntimos la libra.
their fortified positions. TurGulf of Suez raided sixty miles Nord America.
kish division which recently arof difficult country held by the SPEEDWAY, Omaha, 16thTOCADOR Turks, Some prisoners rived from France, abandoned Resta won the 150 miles automo.
taken. The British suffered no bile race, time, hour thirty one Por tener que ausentarme, vendo their tents and one section with casualties.
uno muy lujoso, estilo Luis XV y cua drew towards the eastern Eufraand a half minutes. Milton setro sillas formando juego con él. ES.
The British steamer Nopsa cond, Multon third.
PERANZA de MAYORAL, 25 varas al tes while the other went towards Sur del Actualidades. frente a la ca Diarbekr.
has been sunk. The crew was sa NEW YORK, 16th. Cinci sa Sunol, de a p.
ved. The British steamers Syl natti Nationals, dickering with via and Eeclesia are also re the Giants for Christy MetthewThe Turkish garrison at The Russians are within Gurka surrenders to the ported sunk. The Ecclesia was son. Matthewson probably will unarmed. Both were sunk by become manager of the Cincinatten miles of Baiburt. Arab rebels.
submarines, 11 of the crew of the ti team. Infantile paralysis 27 Ecclesia have been landed.
PETROGRAD, 16th. In the CAIRO, Egypt, 16th. It is Special Radiographic Servicedeaths, 144 new cases in Greater The British Admiralty denies City.
Caucasus we dccupied the line of announced that the Turkish gar WASHINGTON, 16th. It is the forest and spread to the summoned to Schoenbrun, as that a 7, 000 ton auxiliary cruiser Turkish villages. We are within rison at Gurka surrendered to ainderstood that General Carran Chateau ndjoining the police Emperor Francis Joseph is se should have been sunks in the ropolitan open Golf ChampionsGARDEN, City, 16th. Metten miles of Baiburt.
the Arab rebels. One hundred za will propose the formation of barracks, which were destroyed. riously ill. Orders have been is Sea by German submarines. hip was won by Walter Hagan, officers, 2, 500 men and 250 civil a commission of delegates, Several dend are reported inclu sued by his Doctors that war with the exception of heavy first, James Barnes second and ians gave up their arms. The re three from each country who ding many officers.
news must not be communicated bombardments no events of im Chas Hoffman third.
NEW YORK, 16th. The epi to him.
British Foreign Office bels control all the pilgrim and will investigate and settle the Mexico demie of infantile paralysis toLAREDO, Texas, 16th Four commercial roads in this section controversies between denies report that Aus of the Empire.
WASHINGTON, 16th. The portance are reported today in and the United States. The Me day claimed 31 vietims, and 162 Senate yes. erday begun the dis the Somme region. Five heavy Mexicans alleged bandits chartria desires to sign a xican Government will submit new cases are reported. Up to the cussion of the 315 million dol howitzers and four 77 milimeter ged with the murder of Corpl.
this proposition to the State De present total number of victims lar naval bill, the largest ap guns were captured by the Bri Aberlies, of the 14th. Cavalry, separate peace.
For the first time Ger parment within the next two or claimed by this scourge is esti propriation by many million in tish yesterday.
have been sentenced to death; three days.
mated at 142, while 1719 cases the nation history and bearing CHARLESTON, 16th. 102 LONDON, 16th. The British man submarines appear WASHINGTON, 16th. Pre have been reported.
an increase of 50 million dollars sailors and marines from the the bandits were captured by steamer Recorder and the traw. in the Oland Sea sident Wilson has nominated WAHINGTON, 16th. An over its total as passed by the Collier Hector landed this a. troops and armed civilians durler Banaden were torpedoed and sunk.
LONDON, 16th. Despatches land to succeed Justice Chas tish Embassy states that posi phaisie thsir intention of expe. from Philadelphia, to Jacsonvil Texas, on June, 15 th.
Judge John Clark of Cleve Admiralty dispatch to the Bri House. The Senate leaders em by the Wellington bound ing an attack on Santa Isabel, The Foreign Office has denied from Stockholm to the Daily Te Hughes on the Supreme Court tive proof has been found that diting the considerations and litthe report that Austria desires legraph report that for the first bench.
the German dreadnoughts Kaitle opposition arose to the comto sign a separate peace.
time German submarines have ATHENS, 16th. The Royal ber and Kronprins were torpe mittee amandments presented.
The ministers of finance of appeared in the Oland Sea. Chateau at Tatoi, hich is the sum doed and sunk in the battle off PARIS, 16th. Official. The Great Britain, France, Russia and The Press Bureau announces mer residence of King Constan Jutland. They have been added day passed relatively calm along 04040 Italy held a conference with the the following: Contrary to the tine, caught fire last night. The to official British list of the Ger the whole front. In reprisal for the bombardment during the ministers of munitions of Great asertions contained in the Ger Royal Family sought refuge in man vessels destroyed.
In order to improve our EnFor one month. LO ZURICH, 16th. The Aus night of June 24th, one of our glish Section we beg to solicit the Three months.
Britain and France and with man official report, the French the home of Prince Nicholas in 00 Brasiloff, Russian General, at have made no attack in the vici Khepisia. The fire started near (trian Imperial Family has been aviators dropped a large number cooperation of our readers, not Six months.
which an understanding was nity of the Souville Fort.
only as far as subscriptions and One Year. 11. 00 reached concerning the supply of Reports from Milan to the advertisements are concerned but ADVERTISING RATES war material to the Entente. Daily Telegraph are to the efalso in regard to contributions. Please state what you want and is fect that Andrassy will be apWe will gladly accept and pub of advertisement. Rates are exceeding pointed Austrian Minister of lish any articles sent us, as long ly moderate and far below any other President Wilson ac Foreign Affairs and Burian will as such are not of a personal or newspaper in the country, cepts main proposals retire from politics. The same re.
political character and providing For local advertisements rates will such reading matter is of general be gladiy furnished upon application for the settlement with ports add that Andrassy took a trip to Switzerland in order to or local interest to a given comMexico of Internation arrange peace with France.
munitywith al difficulties.
Reports received from CopenAvisamos haguen through the Exchange culturul matters will always be INFORMATION WASHINGTON, 16th. From Telegraph, are to the effect that HARImost welcome as well as general a reliable, source it is known that a new National League has been news items from any town or comPresident Wilson has accepted the formed with the end of concludmunity in the country.
The train for Puntarenas lest main proposals presented by Mexi ing an honorable peace. The plan NA de We request our readers to over es San Jose at 50 a. and ar co for the settlement of the inter is to organize a great movement not quite conversant with the En rives at that port at 10 national difficulties by means of throughout Germany in favour will be due to our staff, which is The train from Puntarenas le a combined comittee composed of of peace. The League was inaucrease and improve this section an equal number of representati gurated on the 1st of July and look any defficiency found in the ves that port at a. and arri ves from both countries.
meetings are held in many cities for the benefit of our readers. ves in San Jose at 1, 50 Polk and Arredondo are draf of the Empire.
We propose to constantly in The train for Alajuela les yel ting the details of the plan and glish language. This will be avoid San Jose at p. and arrived which are simultaneously preYOU CAN MAKE MONEY ed in the near future.
in that city at 20 sented to President Wilson and We respectfully solicit your Don slave for others work for The train from Alajuela lea yol to General Carranza. Up to now correspondence which will always that city at 3p. and arrives is yourself. We teach you how. You no difficulty has arisen.
with our business propositions, receive our earliest and best atArredondo denies that there need no capkal. Drop us a line and get full particulars.
LINDO BROTHERS tention. Any questions you wish Juse at 40 and arrives at that San Jose at 20 should be any misunderstanding to ask or anything yow wish AGENCY PAN AMERICAN between the authorities of norCOMMERCIAL COMPANY, Post to know, just drop a line addressthern Mexico and the de facto Office Box 801, San José.
SAN JOSE ed to the Editor of the English Always Drink Government.
Section, El Imparcial. San JoTraube Beert To our Readers Subscription Rates PP HARINA FLECHA a nuestros favorecedo commercial industrial and agri. USEFUL res, que tenemos a la venta la muy conocida MARCA FLECHA Bé Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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