p. 8


Jueves, 31 de agosto de 1910 Página ocho.
cesa BUCHAREST, 29th. note de o parte per Veinticinco céntimos cada 20 palabras o fracción. Por cada palabras de exeeso, céntimos.
Médico veterinario up and the ammunition will be OCCUPATION OF KAVALA.
Apartado 680 Teléfono 753 used against the Teutons.
WASHINGTON, 29th. MiliPARIS, 29th. Reports from In the upper political circles CHICAGO, 29th. The decla Athens are to the effect that no attemps is made to hide the upon commenting the occupation which was handed the Minister ATHENS, 29th. Venizelos INERO INTERES. Vendo el tary officials here believe that casa y una quinta de manzana de horquences of the Roumanian attack shocked the grain market. The rence with Minister Zaimis which cially in view of the fact that it the following: predicted that summary of the causes which inen la Sabana, Paseo Colón: prices upon the closing of the lasted for two hours. It is rumou is feared that Greece will follow the promise of Gulgaria to abstain duced Roumania to declare war taliza y jardín. Porvenir indudable on Austria.
mente asegurado. Oportunidad para The immediate effect Rou market had dropped from and red that King Constantine has the footsteps of Roumania. The from the occupation of Kavala on Austria. The Triple Alliance persona de gusto y recursos.
ALFONSO GUZMAN. mania attitude will be the pav 378 to 11 and 17 cents less than called Venizelos.
appointment of the new comman would not last over five days and broke up when Italy declared ing of the way for the Russian at the opening. situacións curtiu de pastog mon amies utbrement loin the postiole Transilvania somewhat upset the ENDO tres fincas, precio de. thus enabling a The reports of fighting in DECLARATION OF War Rouma Could anything more criminal be tria Hungary, was threatening LIKE taña, de 450 manzanas, sita en New York money market. ExSHOCK IN BERLIN.
imagined in a military way than the national interests and amb Palmira de Zareero, espléndido clima Carpathian line.
the action of the Greek General tions of Roumania, Austria HunGERMANY IS PREPARING FOR para cria de ganado, aguas abundan It is reported that Austria for change on Russia immediately AMSTERDAM, 29th. The THE DECLARATION OF WAR BY Staff in demobilizing thirty army gary did not fulfill its promises GREECE.
tes. En ella hay instalada una magni several months past has been fort rose, but it was hard to obtain corps leaving all the artillery and and was inspired by a spirit of fica máquina de aserrar. Las otras dos ifying its lines on the Roumanian any definite quotations. The re. Frie Press announces from Vienfineas están en esta villa de Atenas front, General von Mackensen mittances of several bankers to na that Austria has no intention AMSTERDAM, 20th. Re. other way or alterisalto fall into conquest and territorial gains be y son casas ambas en inmejorables attacking Servia: Roumania is state that von hands of Bulgars?
condiciones. Entenderse en Atenas con and his engineers sharing in the Petrograd were sold at a rate to officially answer Roumania declartion of war, at present confronting territotask. It is believed that que Aus. over 32 against 31 and 30 on RAMON RODRIGUEZ Jagow and Zimmermann have trian General Staff will assume DENIAL OF REPORT THAT CHO rial and political changes which Saturday.
VISAMOS a todos los adheren the offensive in this new war, HAVE RESIGNED.
nians residing in Hungary aru tes a la Compañía EL SOL en endeavouring to prevent the ROUMANIAN MINISTER AT VIENPuerto Limón, Puntarenas y He Russian hosts from spreading NA IS HANDED HIS PASSPORTS COPENHAGUEN, 29th. The MANILA, 29th. The Health oppressed and this fact is a sour redia, que por disposición de la SuAND LEAVES FOR BUCHAREST. Politiken correspondent at Ber from the Hague by way of the Inspector denies the report that ce of animosity between the two LONDON, 29th. Reports perintendencia ha quedado abolido el over the Hungarian plains. fierce Bulgarian onslaught servicio de médleo y medicinas en dilin, emphasizing the contrast betLONDON, 28th. The Roll. ween the clamness with which the Exchange Telegraph Company an epidemie of cholera has bro countries and Roumania desires chos lugares, de lo cual han sido avion Roumania is expected. The manian Minister in Vienna called declaration of war by Italy was for the declaration of war by BULGARIA NOT TO DECLARE WAR be cleared up and the national that at the end of this safeken out in the Philipines.
state hatt Germany is preparing guarding war the interests of race sados los agentes respectivos. Bulgarian General Staff is as experienced as the German, as it on Minister Ballplatz and was received and the effect producen INCA COMPRO de potreros o handed his passports. He left on ON HUNGARY EVEN IF RUS unity be established.
agricultura. Pago al contado. has the experience of three wars.
ced that the action of Roumania SIANS BE PERMITTED TO CROSS mania says that this fell like a Enviar detalles. Ramírez, Apar. The move on Greece has as object his way to Bucharest this after by the declaration of war by Rou Greece. The diplomats are convinwill shortly induce Greece to ta OVER HER TERRITORY.
FIRST SHOTS FIRED BETWEEN the establishment of a barrier noon on a special train. The Aus stroke of lightning notwithstantado 293, San José.
newspapers show large ding the fact that in Berlin the ke sides with the Entente. VeniPARIS, 29th. According to BORDER POSTS.
COLONES disponiplain blank spaces which indicate that possible intervention of Rouma zelos campaing is gaining ground.
15. 000 bles para comprar 70 miles from the frontier and all articles dealing with the Rou. nia had been expected for some delegation of the Venizelos party. at Bucharest, Bulgaria will not King Constantine will receive the the Petit Journal correspondent negocio productivo.
manian situation cen time.
VIENNA, 29th. In the Pasya establecido. Remitir informes: Oto can only hold out with the aid sored.
deelare war on Hungary even if ses of the southeastern frontier niel, Apartado 293, San José. of a powerful army. The embasThe effect of the posters and sies of the Allies are highly satBERLIN, 29th (Official. she allow the Russians to cross the troops of our new enemy fired. the first shots on our frontier OMPRARE de dos a cuatro man isfied and predict important ad FONERS HOUSANDGERMAN PRIS: cing the step taken by Roumania General von Falkenhayn has been over her territory.
IN ESCAPE, BUT zanas de tierra para cultivos, en vances within six weeks in the dismissed. He will be replaced by posts in a treacherous surprise had a terribly disheartening effect los alrededores de Alajuela, HeARE OVERTAKEN.
CHINAMEN TO WORK IN FRENCH attacks which took place last redia, San José Cartago. Ofertas Balkans which will affect Bulgaon the public. The consternation General von Hindenburg.
AMMUNITION FACTORIES ARapartado 805, San José.
ria and will be favourable to the AMERST, Canada, 29th. brought about may be witnessed KING CONSTANTINE SAID TO RIVE AT LYON.
night. In the Rothenburg Pass belligerents.
HAVE Four thousand German prisoners, everywhere. The expressions with UNDERGONE SLIGHT and in the Passes to the southwest OLONES 15. 000 dan al tipo coOPERATION. PARIS, 29th. The first con and south of Brazzo, the advanrriente y a plazo largo con buena The declaration of war on the which last week evaded from the Roumania conduct is considered garantía hipotecaria. Casilla 141. part of Greece would not be a detention camp were found to are varied and shocking as a PARIS, 29th. Reports from tingent of a thousand chinamen ce forces of both opponents surprise to experts as that country day in a near by quarry. One of short time ago a commercial HIS. Isto certits that my wife is anxious to participate in the them who refused to surrender agreement was entered into and Athens are to the effect that King to work in ammunition factories fought battles at daybreak. We Vassall has left protection from 27th July 1916. am spoils. captured Roumanian prisoners. was killed.
it was believed that the crisis was Constantine was unable to receive has arrived at Lyon.
not responsible for any debts, she may the delegation of the Liberal over. The public, especially, is Party as he is still suffering from Contract. VASSALL.
indignant for the fact that large a slight operation which he unABIENDO abandonado mi espoamounts of ammunition were gi Iderwent Sunday. sa el hogar el 27 de julio pasado, hago saber que no me hago responsable por ninguna deuda que conRenuncias en la Compañía Fabril Un año.
traiga. Siquirres, agosto de 1916 11. 00 Para el exterior VASSALL.
de Costa Rica Un afio. 00 Remitidos ODEGA grande se alquila, entenB derse con Schroter Sucesores, ParEl domingo anterior se reunió la Di30. 00 por columna y publicación Jamus acarrearemos a esta nuestra que Central rectiva de la Compañía Fabril de Cospatria, deshira alguna mediante aeta Rica. En dicha reunión renunciaron los que estén en pugna con la honradez ALQUILA una pieza esquinera, stis errgos el presidente, doctor Corde o la valentia ni jamás seremos desercon servicio interior, aparente pa ra negocio, situada en la calle 6a.
ro: el vicepresidente, don Alejandro fores que abandonemos al compañero Sur, doscientas varas al Sur del PalaSalazar, y el secretario, don Elías Var que lucha en nuestras filas. Lucharecio de Justicia. Informan en la Calle gas. Es decir, que en la actual Direcmos por el ideal y por los sagrados te8a. Norte, o en El Paso de la Vaca, tiva sólo han quedado los señores doe soros de la patria, tanto solos como en número 258.
tor Arrea, Carlos Volio y Alberto Ara compañía de los muchos que nos siE NECESITAN muchachos con gan; respetaremos sus leyes y nos es.
SF recornendación y que no estén en Dediches renuncias Conocerá forzaremos porque aquellos que estén La escuela para vender este perióZico al pregón.
Asamblea que debe reunirse el 15 de sobre nosotros y las hayer nulificado GERMAN RESERVE TROOPS ENJOYING REPAST NEAR THE Informes en estas oficinas todos los septiembre próximo lias de a de la tarde.
o violado guarden hacia ellas ese misVERDUN FRONT.
BROOK TRANSFORMED INTO AN OPEN AIR SWIMMING POOL, CON Tropas alemanas de reserva, saborcando la comida en las cercanias de Verdin STRUCTED BY GERMAN SOLDIERS NEAR THE VERDUN FRONT mo respeto y reverencia; nos esforzaEGISTRADORA eon totalizador y cinta, se vende. Puede verse en Riachuelo convertido en un baño denatación construido por soldados alemaEL IMPARCIAL remos sin desca. aso por excitar en a GENERAL VON MACKENSEN TO kish and Bulgarian lines of com las oficinas de EL IMPARCIAL nes en las inmediaciones de Verdun.
público el sentimiondo del deber cívico, COMMAND THE GERMAN BUL munication with the Teutons and donde darán razón del precio y condiDe esta manera, por estos medios, le Se publica todos los días del añociones.
DECLARATION OF WAR BY ROU. JAPANESE GOVERNMENT IS NO Director Gerente: Rogelio Fernández garemos a nuestros hijos una patria their surrender under finantial AJA de hierro, de regular tamaño, MANIA WILL AFFECT GERMANY TIFIED OF THE DECLARATION Administrador: Carlos Soley Gliell.
más grande, mejor y más hermosa, que and military pressure before the en perfecto buen estado. Se ven BOTH MORALLY AND MATER OF WAR BY ROUMANIA.
de muy barata. Para precio e inTHE HAGUE, 29th.
Jefe de Redacción: Leonardo Montalla que nos fue legada a nosotros.
Re end of the year.
formes en esta Administración.
bán. Juramento de los jóvenes de Atenas) ports from Berlin state that GeNEW YORK, 29th. The TOKIO, 29th. The Govern Corresponsales: en París, New York, neral von Mackensen will comAUSTRIA CALLS ARMLESS MEN Barcelona y Londres.
ANANOS de la línea bay siempre Evening Post says editorially: ment received the notification of Oficinas: witclo de EL IMPARCIAL mand the German Bulgarian arTO HANDLE MACHINE GUNS.
de venta en el Hotel The declaration of war by Rout the declaration of war by Rou. Teléfonos: Dirección 101. Administrafrente Cuartel de Artillería.
my against Roumania.
LONDON, 29th. Reports mania will affect Germany both manis. The newspapers are of cion 702. MEJOR PRECIO DE PLAZA; morally and materially. Morally, the opinion that this will cause colaboración solicitada. No se devuelApartado: 318.
ROUMANIA ENTERS THE WAR is calling armless men to servis Se compran giros tercerillas en ALMOST AT THE SAME TIME AS for the handling of machine guns cualquier cantidad. Informarán en it constitutes a hard blow on the a promt termination of the war. ven originales la Administrac. ón de El Imparcial. confidence and hopes of Germa(Diario, inclusive los domingos)
For one month. 00 ITALY.
Precios de suscripción local y para FIRST RED CROSS TRAINS PASS ny as just a few days ago it was ILATELISTAS. GANGA! me Three months. 00 el resto de Centro América.
THROUGH THE MACEDONIAN LONDON, 29th. The minor precio que el de catálogo se said in Berlin that the Roumanian Un mes Six months. 00 50 FRONT.
detalla una bonita colección de se statesmen were the most astute of Tres meses 00 litary expert of the Westminster Seis meses One Year.
los de correo. Informaren en la Admi. Europe and would not take sides MACEDONIAN FRONT, 29th eeeeee 50 11. 00 Gazette. says the following: ILVANIA.
EL IMPARCIAL 290069 Roumania enters the war almost with the Allies unless they were (By way of Paris. The first PAPEL: convinced of their final victory. Red Cross trains passed through En la administración de EL IMPAR. In this way the Germans thems here from the battle front. Ofassentments have at the same time as Italy. These sett, military expert of La Li.
an intimate berté, said the following: GeCIAL se vende papel blanco a 20 centimos libra, de periódicos a 15 céntimos elves furnished the fatal comment. ficers and soldiers from a regiconnexion as Roumania and Italy neral Letchitzky occupies over y eartón a 10 céntimos.
Comprar sus muebles a precios que no los podrá obtener by judging that King Ferdinand ment which on Friday for the acted in accord in other Balkan hundred kilometres of hills er en otra parte?
matters. understand that they tending and Bratiano were led by the first time was under fire, were PERSONA con excelentes referen lowest ambitions. This shows that cias, y 2DESEA USTED agreed over a year ago to join Springs towards Bajailow as far gles a castellano, solicita colocación they are glad that the final judge from the trenches are to the efamong the wounded. Reports the Entente.
permanente e durante algunos horas.
Vender todo el mobiliario de su casa, o parte de él, estricment has come for the Teutons.
At the same time that this the Roumanians who are scarely Dirigirse tamente al contado? esta Administración. Furthermore, Germany cannot fect that they gallantly fought in constitutes a diplomatic victory, entering Transilvania and will 99 0000 60cshow itself indifferent as was the defence of the Horseshoe. NECESITA USTED it equally signifies the prompt sorround Koevess army unless it elimination of Austria and Bul should promptly withdraw. GeneORDENE SU done last year after the declara as the British have cristened the garia.
Confiar cualquier negocio a quien le garantice un éxito tion of war by Italy. The peril is position which the Greeks are Pressed between Gasolina nearer: Emperor Francis Joseph deffending against superior numrápido y seguro?
triumphant Russians, Austria has able to render any assistance as al teléfono número has a right to claim Germany PUES ENTONCES VISITE USTED EL ALMACEN DE MUEBLES now to defend its eastern border General Brusiloff has him hard bers.
from attack at the same time that pressed.
assistance, Hungary being threate she is short of men on the Italian 700 ned at present. Finally, Germany RUMOURS CURRENT THAT BUL OFICINA DE AGENCIAS COMISIONES DE and Roumanian fronts.
y la recibirá enseguida gorgeous oriental dream has van GARIA HAS DECLARED WAR ON EULOGIO CALVO CIA.
ished and the real critical stage ROUMANIA.
Military experts are shure that reports that military experts Avenida 2a. Oeste. 50 vs. del Parque Central Bolaños y Ulloa has been reached as historians will Germany is unable to send rein claim that Austria will evacuate Teléfono 800. Apartado 800 designate the Italo Roumanian LONDON, 29th. Rumours 10 vs. al Oeste del Hotel Francés.
action which means the fall of are current that Bulgaria has deSAN JOSE DE COSTA RICA the Teuton alliance.
clared war on Ruomania.
dict as a result of Roumanian the Dual Monarchy before De 00000000000000 0909. action, the severing of the Tur cember.
la be do en ma Sii y CI el Subscription Rates from Lausanne state that Austria en an go ma io Da GENERAL LETCHITZKY CAN HELI THE ROUMANIANS WHO ARK SCARCELY ENTERING TRANS PARIS, 29th. Colonel Roll¿QUIERE USTED S1 tai lio un RI 10 from the Bystritzas en de as Kilibaba and easily can help d: theral von Hindenburg will be un PARIS, 29th. The Rome or rrespondent of the Paris Echo pril to de de te disaster on both fronts and pre majority predict the downfall of forcements without avoiding a Montenegro and Albania. The Re Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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