The Searchlight

The Searchlight, 01-08-1931, p. 5

  • Fecha: 1-8-1931
  • Página: 5
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: Socialism

PAGE Branch of the National Kennedy to pay six Insurance Bank in Limon thousand pounds fidence DO ICLETE Do you know that lack of More mystery men When read.
on the 88 in the cases of accidents. Another Gigantic Limon Service Bureau ANDBUSINESSMA...

The Searchlight, 01-08-1931, p. 6

  • Fecha: 1-8-1931
  • Página: 6
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: EnglandFootballFranceGermany

PAGE hme. Great Mass.
gore WANTS COLUMN COLUMN Secure OURS POLITICS Continued fron page vernment; if one finds he One colon per insertion of six lines Compañía Surtidora has made what he considers Mr. Castro asked the proWANTED a bad bargain thro...

The Searchlight, 15-08-1931, p. 1

EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION C3 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Lał ora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago...

The Searchlight, 15-08-1931, p. 2

Saturday August 15. 1931 Such a rance.
CHECK UP YOUR EFFICIENCY By ROBT. DE LA BASTIDE, Doctor of Chiropractic There are six different diLas actividades políticas En estos momentos de que para triunfar se necemay takes nothing imagining that his indifrections in...

The Searchlight, 15-08-1931, p. 3

  • Fecha: 15-8-1931
  • Página: 3
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: EnglandSocialismSocialist Party

Saturday August 15 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Australia faces deficit School Function ԹՐՄԵՆ CA Cafiaspirina OK. CBIOPIC The University Club un 0on 8808808088088088080880880880:880830. 880880880880880 Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches Siquirres, July 29. G6 Was given them by Mr...

The Searchlight, 15-08-1931, p. 4

  • Fecha: 15-8-1931
  • Página: 4
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: England

Saturday August 15. 1931 The Great Contest British Trade Ship To exploit for Oil PALMERA SOAP guut 1931.
was must be comwas Mindful of a duty out of In addition to the many Negociations are still friendship the most popular and varied schemes which being carried...

The Searchlight, 15-08-1931, p. 5

  • Fecha: 15-8-1931
  • Página: 5
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: Cuban RevolutionFootball

Saturday August 15 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Up Hill 00000 OOOOOOOO The Cuban Revolution or Obituary ooogoooooooOOOOOOooooo MORTGAGE HOLDERS To our Patrons CONTROL MARKET All roads worth taking lead up hill, By rough hewn rock for weary feet, To endeavour to improve this paper we ar...

The Searchlight, 15-08-1931, p. 6

To know that sehome.
HOTEL ATLANTICO The Boy Scouts Empireen, and their heart to friendly talk do what possibly few self at tull length across PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
Saturday August 15 1931 WANTS COLUMN AAAAAAAAAA The Conv.
Public Warning One colon per insertion of six lines Be it kno...

The Searchlight, 22-08-1931, p. 1

  • Fecha: 22-8-1931
  • Página: 1
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: FranceGermanySpain

EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Lahora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago ...

The Searchlight, 22-08-1931, p. 2

  • Fecha: 22-8-1931
  • Página: 2
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: Football

Saturday August 22 1931 El talento de saber gobernar se impone Garden Party Guacimo en el momento político actual Alpha formal opening una un en menos Sporting to news bring the dream of our riot also took us to New And Old a All Roads will lead to the spacious ...

The Searchlight, 22-08-1931, p. 3

  • Fecha: 22-8-1931
  • Página: 3
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: Germany

Saturday August 22. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE In Lighter Vein Cafiaspirina com DW ITEMS OF INTEREST reSome Coffee 880:8808808OO880. 880880880880808808808808808OBOF My dear Cyrillo: Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches Items as though they were just have just finished anxious to ...

The Searchlight, 22-08-1931, p. 4

  • Fecha: 22-8-1931
  • Página: 4
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: England

Saturday August 22 1931 PAGE Emancipation Celebration at Waldeck 80000. 00 were Thos. Windt act: Morris. Shippy and ing satisfied that the ing up of the affairs of the suggestion of one of Challenger Shamrock vi y Co.
ed up a 0000000000 Attention. 10. 000 in Prizes A...

The Searchlight, 22-08-1931, p. 5

  • Fecha: 22-8-1931
  • Página: 5
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: ItalySoviet

Saturday August 22. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE A Reminiscence aw 8888888 Greek Spiders vs. con tached Soviet Bedbugs Departure his partneri Mion George peculiar The Tourist Trade Another 88 88 89 88 89 089 88 89 888888888 It is with pleasure we knight note that the great Ocean Our mu...

The Searchlight, 22-08-1931, p. 6

  • Fecha: 22-8-1931
  • Página: 6
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: EnglandFranceGermany

1931 Saturday August 22 WANTS COLUMN Philomela friendly talk Religious ceremony propriately robed in apostolic zeal of Miss. Rodriguez former owoter farther. by your retrogresfitting Our Politi.
LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN One colon per insertion of six lines One wil...

The Searchlight, 29-08-1931, p. 1

  • Fecha: 29-8-1931
  • Página: 1
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: Feminism

EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION G3 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 এক po PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Ca...

The Searchlight, 29-08-1931, p. 2

  • Fecha: 29-8-1931
  • Página: 2
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: France

Saturday August 29. 1931 Será posible que que Limón se convierta en puerto libre?
ATTENTION THE STANDARD va a que se han ser amar Está siendo motivo insistencia sobre la ini blando en toda la Re Los limonenses deben de grandes discusiones ciativa de don Juanito ...

The Searchlight, 29-08-1931, p. 3

  • Fecha: 29-8-1931
  • Página: 3
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: France

Saturday August 29. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE As it concerns our Bananas Cafiaspirina RESIDBIAS TROPIOBOBBIORIOR um DW Patrol BOBOBOBOB808808088080880808088088OBOBOBOB service car Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches GG The Jamaica Automobile Association has imLast week the Jama...

The Searchlight, 29-08-1931, p. 4

Saturday August 29 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE A New Highway Actions speak louder than words we Presidential Messaje of Egyptian San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia TO LONDON Limon Service Bureau. ANDAs a result of the report lying idle for want BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY su...

The Searchlight, 29-08-1931, p. 5

Saturday August 29. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE A New Discovery Conplimentary rences from them. am great Commodities SO The world consumpDear Mr. Editor.
sex which is still at Zero in this Community Taken from NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE of monday, May 14 th, 1926.
From time to time have ...

The Searchlight, 29-08-1931, p. 6

  • Fecha: 29-8-1931
  • Página: 6
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: FootballFrance

Saturday August 29 1931 WANTS COLUMN Amongour friends at Guacimo British Politics.
was SPORTS last will Continued fron page One colon per insertion of six lines On Sunday 23rd. and emerged in procession which they indulged in a of the Union of Railroad WAN...

The Searchlight, 05-09-1931, p. 1

  • Fecha: 5-9-1931
  • Página: 1
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: England

EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 বদক PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cart...

The Searchlight, 05-09-1931, p. 2

Saturday September 1931 odwodowa Limón al vuelo Limon Service Bureau que el Juan Santamaría WowowowowowowWIWOHNMWWWwe wwwmunebuvodomowano Juan Santamaría 0000000 Chiclets ADAMS El día de las definiciones El triunfo de nuevas ideas 00000000 Composiciones pronunci...

The Searchlight, 05-09-1931, p. 3

  • Fecha: 5-9-1931
  • Página: 3
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: EnglandFootball

Saturday September 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERND PAGE An appreciative thought good Cafiaspirina Vrhorn you seek to Educate. any attempt is made to en CORCPOBOBOBOBOB30. BOHOBORC88088CBOBOBOBS SPORTS Dastardly Act 080880188080880. 88088088088080880808088088088088 wage this. Quick Relief From P...

The Searchlight, 05-09-1931, p. 4

  • Fecha: 5-9-1931
  • Página: 4
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: EnglandSpain

Saturday September 1931 Elocution at Edelweiss Garden Party Guacimo HOSPEDAJE ATLANTICO THE FIREFLY Delegates on the ATLANTIC LODGING Following on the trail of under the Patronage of Sir Wil All Roads will lead to the spacious grounds of the GUACIMO BAPTIST CHUR...

The Searchlight, 12-09-1931, p. 1

  • Fecha: 12-9-1931
  • Página: 1
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: EnglandSpain

EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION C3 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartag...

The Searchlight, 12-09-1931, p. 2

Saturday September 12 1931 89 89 89 89 88 085 89B9 88896 9B La administración de don Rafael Iglesias Cultura y Progreso que mis Live for a Cause Nuestras Fiestas Patrias Con ocasión de cele este inclito varón quien brarse el 15 de Septiemsiempre se preocupó por ...

The Searchlight, 12-09-1931, p. 3

  • Fecha: 12-9-1931
  • Página: 3
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: France

Saturday September 12. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Monopoly and more monopolies Cafiaspirina BRO. PROBOBBIOBOROBIOPICS Not so old these. 89088080880880880. 88088080880880808030380308088 From Rouen, France, Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches comes the information that a Batard, a...

The Searchlight, 12-09-1931, p. 4

  • Fecha: 12-9-1931
  • Página: 4
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: England

Saturday September 12. 1931 The Firefly Responds ECONOMIZE Pan Pomona and even to disman those was laid on Sunday af mest in lifavour. the Municipal Election Mr. Editor.
you vvill note that am The best caption to the cooperating vvith you by Jamaican Proverb. Yu...

The Searchlight, 19-09-1931, p. 1

  • Fecha: 19-9-1931
  • Página: 1
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: EnglandFranceGermanyItaly

EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION G3 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 55 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Phrase of the moment Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General espec...

The Searchlight, 19-09-1931, p. 2

Saturday September 19. 1931 Worthy effort Change in Calendar Give to me only of thy love Cricket enter a The following, copied from year, for it would mean in We are heartily pleased to mately 700 West Indians. The Gleaner. is certainly fact one actual week of e...

The Searchlight, 19-09-1931, p. 3

  • Fecha: 19-9-1931
  • Página: 3
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: EnglandGermany

Saturday September 19 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Cafiaspirina um DI Another Debate a Germany 80008800088000088888808830O OP. 5888800 ODOBRE In Memoriam buys wheat Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches Frederick Grierson The Secretariat of the 66 In loving memory of my dear husband...

The Searchlight, 19-09-1931, p. 4

  • Fecha: 19-9-1931
  • Página: 4
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: Spain

Saturday September 19. 1931 From Firsfly for The Searchlight GEORGE BREEDY. queer contagious desease vvere as PUBLIC WARNING To whom it may Concern This will notify the public that any Sale made or, any mort Alpha Again Rodgers, Leonard Dobson, gage taken, on my...

The Searchlight, 26-09-1931, p. 1

  • Fecha: 26-9-1931
  • Página: 1
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: EnglandFranceKidnapping

EDITOR MANAGER SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 S. NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Carta...

The Searchlight, 26-09-1931, p. 2

Saturday September 26. 1931 PAGE Limón al Vuelo La reunión del Partido Dr. Valverde Vega Republicano Nacional en el Teatro Arrasty Court Proceedings Obituary en son esa El sábado 19 de los iba para San José la esSan Jose corrientes tuvo verifica timable dama doña Ma....

The Searchlight, 26-09-1931, p. 3

  • Fecha: 26-9-1931
  • Página: 3
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: Football

Saturday September 26. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Cricket Board of Control Cafiaspirina The Fiestas at Siquirres at 800 880008800008888880288808001308088880OO0OBBS Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches The Presentation Match Le Ray (Crsdr. Tomlinson, Reid, in connection with the H...

The Searchlight, 26-09-1931, p. 4

  • Fecha: 26-9-1931
  • Página: 4
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: FranceItalySpain

Saturday September 26. 1931 The Truth must Rise Happenings in the World An on ests.
In defence of my concerned, it was he Of Vital Importance Messrs. DeLeon Jones; Walking the Seas Another rebel leader Dr.
rights so that the public who pulled it off my will know...

The Searchlight, 03-10-1931, p. 1

  • Fecha: 3-10-1931
  • Página: 1
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: CommunismEnglandFrance

EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Provi of Limon Costa Rica generall Labora por los intereses de Costa en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (L...

The Searchlight, 03-10-1931, p. 2

  • Fecha: 3-10-1931
  • Página: 2
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: FranceGermany

Saturday October 1931 West Indian Emigrants GEORGE BREEDY Set up your Cooperative Stores too era Abolition of Trains our notices Independence Day at Old Harbour NEW STORE Despite the attempts which and made it possible for the beg to announce, to my numerous cus...

The Searchlight, 03-10-1931, p. 3

  • Fecha: 3-10-1931
  • Página: 3
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: EnglandSandinism

PAGE Wage equality Beware of imitations 0808080880808 CAFIASPIRINA Chinaman to pay damages as a to recover.
Our Governor ROBBOOBBIOLORIOBIOPIO. BOBBIOPIO BIOPPOBIOPICBIO BORNIORS Neither sex, age nor and the employment of travelling Quick Relief...

The Searchlight, 03-10-1931, p. 4

  • Fecha: 3-10-1931
  • Página: 4
  • País: CR
  • Etiquetas: FootballFranceGermanySpain

Saturday October 1931 Set up your Cooperative.
SPORT NEWS a The International Lottery From Siquirres Continued from page vvas heralded by a fanfare and one in Algiers, Spain with avidity to such an evi. of advertising in the Paris Belgium, Argentina, and Cricket...