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El Atlántico, 18-02-1950, p. 5198 THE ATLANTIC Editor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY February 18, 1950 Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 15 Year Continued From Our Task of Last Issue In The Basket of the Week We are not forgetfui of the fact that the heart has its reasong, which reason cannot understand. We are not ... | |
El Atlántico, 18-02-1950, p. 6Page Februar THE ATLANTIC February 18, 1950 BI Doctor OSCAR PACHECO La Cañada Ltda.
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El Atlántico, 18-02-1950, p. 78, 1950 February 18, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page Kader Store Works Wonder BIG NEWS)Come Into Hollywood Store and Get Your Share of the BIG BARGAIN SALE Pants, underwear, men 2, 50 each Shirt, underwear, men 2, 50 each Shirts, little boy 2, 50 cach helti, Belte, boy 2, cach arta; Gabardine of assorted ... | |
El Atlántico, 18-02-1950, p. 8Page THE ATLANTIC February, 18 1950 Home For Students ii Attention Limonenses. our grand opportunity is now opened to parents and When You Are in San Jose Make Yourselves at Home guardians residiog on the line and coastal towns and who are desirous to Board their children or wards in order to att... | |
El Atlántico, 25-02-1950, p. 1EL ATLANTICO ADMINISTRADOR JOS. THOMAS APARTADO No. 199 TODA LA SEMANA EN UN DIA Número 16 25 de Febrero de 1950 Limón, Costa Rica Vale 25 cts.
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El Atlántico, 25-02-1950, p. 2Página EL ATLANTICO 25 de Febrero de 1950 NUEVA TIENDA Quiére Ud. ganarse 20 o 10. 000 colones?
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El Atlántico, 25-02-1950, p. 325 de Febrero de 1950 EL ATLANTICO Página Dr. Oscar Pacheco Biblioteca, FEROTICA centro saque inicial por las fuertes cargas del 5001 Movimiento de Caja del Comité de Emergencia ProDamnificados en las inundaciones de Limón Contribuciones recaudadas.
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El Atlántico, 25-02-1950, p. 4Página EL ATLANTICO 25 de Febrero de 1950 El Contrato Ba. inversiones en el país, acepta Su CIGARRILLO inolvidable Viene de la página ble a las autoridades encargadas VERNON DUO BLEND productos de las Compañías en de la Administración del ImCosta Rica se vendan a Com.
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El Atlántico, 25-02-1950, p. 5THE ATLANTIC Editor: ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY February 25, 1950 JOS. THOMAS Number. 16 Year Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica OUR TA SK The Death and Burial of Mr. Richard Francis FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Arriving from his Island home way. He was admitted to the in the parish of Westmoreland, loca... | |
El Atlántico, 25-02-1950, p. 6Page THE ATLANTIC February 25, 1950 en 25 Wh: La Cañada Ltda.
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El Atlántico, 25-02-1950, p. 75. 195 February 25, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page etti GRAND EXCURSION Grook Mesdames Teresa Henry and their friends and sisters in the What a Brilliant Opportunity Leonie Jackson were out of town christian fraternity. Among thoTo Go To Kingston visitors to Siquirres on Sunday se whose hospitalities the... | |
El Atlántico, 25-02-1950, p. 8Page THE ATLANTIC February, 25 1950 THE PEOPLE HOUSE JACK ORANE SUCS. Limon of stringent economical circums. obtain by purchase a tract of tance. Don Carlos effected re. land which he believes is obference to the adduced difficulty tainable from Messrs. Eugenio of securing adequate land areas Gar... | |
El Atlántico, 04-03-1950, p. 11950 tof ob enio EL ATLANTICO TODA LA SEMANA EN UN DIA ADMINISTRADOR JOS. THOMAS APARTAD No. 199 Limón, Costa Rica Vale 25 cts.
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El Atlántico, 04-03-1950, p. 2Página EL ATLANTICO de Marzo de 1950 el un Su CIGARRILLO inolvidable La Cañada Ltda.
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El Atlántico, 04-03-1950, p. 34 de Marzo de 1950 EL ATLANTICO Página EDITORIAL CUMPLEAÑOS El dia de los corrientes La simpática señorita Nelly AGUA. AGUA. llegará la grata fecha del ani. es una persona muy estimable, coro continuo cada vez más alto y más alto, de Agua, versario de cumpleaños de nues tan educada y una de nuest... | |
El Atlántico, 04-03-1950, p. 4Jos.
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El Atlántico, 04-03-1950, p. 5de 193 equies Eerde perte THE ATLANTIC citie photo obtenite ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor: JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 17 March 4, 1950 Year tetet bios at na previse ome, OUR TA SK In the Basket of the Week este FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Those making themselves conspicicu... | |
El Atlántico, 04-03-1950, p. 6Page THE ATLANTIC Mari March 4, 1950 Doctor OSCAR PACHECO we ST. MARK CHURCH LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and the Ground of the Truth From the University of Pensylvania, SERVICES: SPECIALITY: DISEASES OF WOMEN SUNDAY8: 6, 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a... | |
El Atlántico, 04-03-1950, p. 7Page 1958 March 4, 1950 THE ATLANTIC WEAR RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery. San José We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with Clifford Steele an efficient stock of the best liquor.
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El Atlántico, 04-03-1950, p. 8Page THE ATLANTIC March. 1950 La Cañada Ltda. Duo Blend Vernon Cigarettes were Costa Rican Import Export Company Takes pleasure in announcing the arrival of Bar Restaurant and all kinds of cool drinks Specialties are rice and chicken, Filet of Fish, Beef Steak, Espaghetti, Eggs to your taste and ... | |
El Atlántico, 11-03-1950, p. 1EL ATLANTICO TODA LA SEMANA EN UN DIA ADMINISTRADOR Jos. THOMAS APARTADO No. 199 Limón, Costa Rica Vale 25 cts.
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El Atlántico, 11-03-1950, p. 2gina EL ATLANTICO 11 de Marzo de 1950 Dr. Oscar Pacheco la lucha Actividades Futbolisticas en Limón Guillermo Alfaro Quirós, cuyo Atlantica de Base Ball acierto discurso publicamos por sepa. en sus funciones y espera que Renuncia integra de los miem. para con los integrantes de ese rado.
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El Atlántico, 11-03-1950, p. 3NAC 11 de Marzi de 1950 EL ATLANTICO Pagina EDITORIAL El Contrato Bana. mutuo acuerdo de las partes, Viene se la página Sin embargo, el Estado se reHemos notado en varias ocasiones la gran necesidad de un carro fúnebre en esta ciudad. En tiempos pasados se ha tenido se a no establecerlos en lugar... | |
El Atlántico, 11-03-1950, p. 4Página EL ATLANTICO 11 de Marzo de 1950 La Cañada Ltda.
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El Atlántico, 11-03-1950, p. 5e 1950 THE ATLANTIC ia ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor: JOS. THOMAS Number 18 March 11, 1950 Year Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica.
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El Atlántico, 11-03-1950, p. 6Mar of Page THE ATLANTIC March 11, 1950 Th. Ja Costa Rican Import Export Company Come Into Hollywood Store and Get Your Share of the for Takes pleasure in announcing the arrival of sion BIG BARGAIN SALE have Duo Blend Vernon Cigarettes Pants, underwear, men 2, 50 cach tour Shirt, underwear, men s... | |
El Atlántico, 11-03-1950, p. 7March 11, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page 11. 195. The Excursion Will pical Agriculture, Mr.
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El Atlántico, 11-03-1950, p. 8March 11 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page WEAR AL nos en los nag en са tra gu su cu RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery. San José We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with Clifford Steele an efficient stock of the best li... | |
El Atlántico, 18-03-1950, p. 1EL ATLANTICO TODA LA SEMANA EN UN DIA ADMINISTRADOR Jos. THOMAS APARTADO No. 199 Número 19 18 de Marzo de 1950 Limón, Costa Rica Vale 25 cts.
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El Atlántico, 18-03-1950, p. 2Página EL ATLANTICO 18 de Marzo de 1950 GRADECIMIENTO Su CIGARRILLO inolvidable Henry Mrs. Steele, Clifford Steele y su esposa. VERNON DUO BLEND John Steele y su esposa, Margaret Steele de Lewis y su marido, Josefina Steels de Rojas y su marido, Regie Steele, Cigarrillos americanos que se imponen... | |
El Atlántico, 18-03-1950, p. 318 de Marzo de 1950 EL ATLANTICO Página a unos. Los LA CIA. AGRICOLA EXPORTADORA, La Cañada Ltda.
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El Atlántico, 18-03-1950, p. 4Página EL ATLANTICO 18 de Marzo de 1950 Dr. Oscar Pacheco JOS FRO ago thou Sun Day Sunday los años y todos los trimestres comien. El Contrato Ba.
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El Atlántico, 18-03-1950, p. 5de 15 THE ATLANTIC 10.
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El Atlántico, 18-03-1950, p. 6Page THE ATLANTIC March 18, 1950 ger, Registrar GH die It the the the It yo to Mrs. Eva Ponting, Her Elder Brother and the Principal read the address of wel. from the University College to the Vice Three Sisters Sent Letter of Appreciation of honour which she had paid the Irvine, in which tribute... | |
El Atlántico, 18-03-1950, p. 718, 1958 March 18, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page the Vic Sit Ja aid for bis ST. MARK CHURCH exent Voi lied to the ne, Chio ndon 18 Doctor OSCAR PACHECO conge the Chan minutes signis wth of the Da body the ti ought be depurture bly rose ded from ancellor at everse Tining. LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is ... | |
El Atlántico, 18-03-1950, p. 8Page THE ATLANTIC March, 18 1950 THE PEOPLE HOUSE INA אות Bo fito lad lug по Costa Rican Import Export Company Takes pleasure in nonouncing the arrival of Duo Blend Vernon Cigarettes JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón The fine quality of these cigarettes his gained the appraisal of thousands of smokers the w... | |
El Atlántico, 25-03-1950, p. 1950 EL ATLANTICO TODA LA SEMANA EN UN DIA ADMINISTRADOR JOS. THOMAS APARTADO No. 199 Numero 20 25 de Marzo de 1950 Limón, Costa Rica Vale 25 cts.
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El Atlántico, 25-03-1950, p. 2Dr. Oscar Pacheco pizar cido, Sega exist cia del dad pora por са efec un 25 de Página EL ATLANTICO 25 de Marzo de 1950 EC La Universal Negro Improvement Association AVISA: MEDICO CIRUJANO de la Universidad de ensilvania Que la convocatoria publicada en la Gaceta 61 Especialidad en enfermedades de... | |
El Atlántico, 25-03-1950, p. 3EL Página Social bles ca la decin 00 Kader furniture Store Don EDITORIAL Entre los avisos oficiales más recientes, observamos en la The Birth of Kader pizarra de los boletines colocada en la oficio a de la Gobernación, uno, en la que está la disposición del señor Ministro de Furniture Store Segur... | |
El Atlántico, 25-03-1950, p. 4en Cacao.