CLASSIEU Suthority Stateletter Pube e; MLR Cate 2498 EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 1397 San José, Costa rica May 10, 1944 Subject: Pr...
UECLASSINEU Authority Statele Herah2. ML HR Cate 2498 would seem to indicate that they would not be unresponsive to a return to public life. Moreov...
しこしいLAND Authenity Stateletter Inhz 2: MLER C:te 24181 buw Be that as it may, the participation of the Communists in his Government is at present t...
DECLASSIFIED be possible for him to spend funds lavishly to obtain backing. Fortunately, the President is under no illusions on this score, and in ...
DELLASSOU Authority Stateletter in 12 e me Cate 24 981 Mora tnere would seem to be no further deterrent to good relations. It is, in the last analy...