DECLASSTED Authority Stateletter Inhz 2; ML MAR 9 2498 EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 2018 San José, Costa Rica October 30, 1944 Subje...
DELASSIEU Suthority Stateletter Inhz 8: ML, Cate 24 981. 2revolutionary movement. On the other hand, Minister of Public Security René PICADO has ma...
USCLASSIDEU. 3and the DIARIO redoubled its criticism of both the Honduran Government nistration here when a news item was printed to the effect tha...
CECLASSMED Authority Stateletter Inhz B; ML, MARI Czte 2498 that Somoza would like to see the alliance between Picado and Manuel MORA severed. In t...