VECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter Inha by ME, NARE Cat9 2418 EMBASSY LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA de San José, Costa Rica, February Lo...
CECLASSEU Authority, Stateletter Inhz 2: ML5 C: 24 18 In two major respects it is believed that Picado is not in accord with President Calderón Gua...
DECLASSIMEU Authority Stateletter for By ME, NARI Date 2498. not plan to give Mora any posts in their government and all that the Vanguardia would ...
CECLASSIFIED Authority Statele teruhr me NARS Cate 24981 VAN Labor Code and Social Legislation. In my last conversation with Señor Picado he said t...
DECLASSIGEU Authority Stateletter Wahr me NART Date 2498 Agriculture, As Minister of Agriculture Señor Picado said he expected to appoint Señor Jos...
DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter Inhz ex mL, NARA Cate 2498 He concluded his remarks on this subject as follows. Yes, we can product a great deal...
DECLASStrito Authority Stateletter lahz ML, NARS Cate 2498 Negative Picado inescapably inherits certain legacies from the Calderón Guardia administ...