On Summary of LW 3 Duplicate sent Division of Informal DIVISION ON LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS 1913 IND DEPAHTMIE STATE JOV A 1913 DEP STATE San José, O...
2. of the old Central American federation was as foolish as would be the act of a solvent man entering into partnership with an insolvent one in or...
Euclorure Mol. NOTA EDITORIAL. La Republion Septonton 2, 1912 LA PALABRA DE LA ESTINGE En El Noticiero encontra Ha sido La República el mos las sig...
( Translatim. Editorial from La República, September 2, 1913: THE STATES In the Noticiero we find the following declarations of the President. For ...
2 and dogmatic as ever to dwell upon the opinions enunciated by OF THE machives that high functionary. The President denies that he has uttered an ...
estrictos Enclosure to. La Republica, October 12, 1913. Hasta hoy que los habitantes nuado a los de Centro América cuatro gobiernos centroamericade...
peración y ayuda der Gobierno de en el sentido antes indicado; y en caso de que esteofrecimiento sea espontáneamente aceptado por el de Nicaragua,...
(Translatim. From La República, October 12th, 1913: To day when the inhabitants of Costa Rica read La Repúbli. ca, they will learn that the Governm...