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PAGE TWO THE WO: KJAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1:27 VIGOR TONIC in the wor For Regaininz Strength Lost By Exzzss Work. The es the Home MO Guaranteed b...

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THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1927 PAGE THREE Another Attempt to Find Treasure New National Flag of Will Fly with The Union Jack Said to be Con...

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PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12 1927 LA MASCOTA other race. We Expect you to Come For Your perple to these ace STETSON a The rich Any we...

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THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12. 1927 PAGE FIVE Coca Cola Coca Cola and one work in the Cocg Cola Olga King effected in searched his the repre a S...

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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 27 Package No. 2775. first was bald, and carried himself The Prosperity Tailors PThe delicious rich, thi...

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THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1927 PAGE SEVEN Notice of Removal in England was a The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd. by 81 Colony, Alter To the C...

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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1927 WATCH? FULLER MEDIS Dnole ngbt named cyclist had been done. Book Binding! Tomorrow Races Bocas de...