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REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIFIED Authority Stateletter Mhz By ME. HARA Dz: 2498 In the cities the administration has attempted to obtain votes by stacking the Government offices with employees, but it is said that although all of these people allow their names to be used as supporters of PICADO, many are in reality Cortesistas. Their chief complaint is that the government has made no serious attempt to lower the cost of living, while allowing graft, corruption and speculation to have a free hand, It follows then that the chief reasons for opposition to the government and their candidate, PICADO, may be listed as follows: Hoteller (1) Generally disgusted with the open grafting and speculation allowed by the present regime, the financial benefits of which accrue to themselves and a few close friends and relatives. 2) Both the President and TEODORO PICADO lost a great deal of prestige ttempted to force the election reforms on the people. 3) Many of the inhabitants, especially the wealthier class, are opposed to the President carrying a favor of the Communist Party. 4) People fear that if the present group in power is perpetuated, gratt and speculation will continue to run wild and the country will suffer irreparable damage.
rre (5) The majority of the people place the blame for the high cost of living directly on the President, There is a generally increasing opinion among the people that if a fair election is held and a total of 100, 000 votes cast, PICADO will be unable to muster more than 30, 000. However, rumors persist that the present government is well aware of the weakness of its candidate and will not allow CORTES to come into power, even if it is necessary to resort to bloodshed. Several attempts have been made to effect a coalition candidate, first in the person of Don RICARDO JIMENEZ, three times Ex President and perhaps the most beloved figure in Costa Rica. However, he is a man 83 years of age and not nearly as active mentally or physically as in former years, and has definitely refused all overtures to accept the candidacy.
It is reported that an attempt is still being made to offer Don JORGE HINE, a capitalist and friend of both candidates, nomination as coalition candidate, but progress along this line also a ppears to have dwindled, From a confidential source it has been determined that LEON CORTES appears to be well aware of his strength as a political candidate and the informant believes that he would not accept a coalition candidate except on his own terms.
It is further reported that CORTES apparently does not fear physical violence or banishment from the country and seems to be confident that if no interference is made with his candidacy he will gain the election with ease. It is reported also that CORTES is aware of the accusations made against him of having pro Nazi leanings but contends that his party has such an overwhelming majority of votes that a mere unfair election would not be sufficient to defeat him.