p. 4

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CommunismCommunist PartyManuel Mora

REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. DECLASSIHED Authority Stateletter Muhr By NARA 02:0 24981 ANNUNG ER There are also rumors that the President, mays Justiprior to the election, attempt to take advantage of the world situation, have Congress of whom he has the majority declare no election and perpetuate himself in power, using as a precedent the third term of President ROOSEVELT and the fact that England has not had a pub lic election for years; and that if this move can not be effected peacefully, to use force of arms to accomplish it. The opinion on the strect seems to be that this could not be accomplished peacefully as the people are very democratic in thought and the large percentage of them are CORTES supporters; that the country over night would be involved in demonstrations and parades of disapproval, which have always been sufficient in the past to defeat unpopular measures. But, it is also felt that if the present regime then resorts to force of arms to disperse the owd and a few deaths result, the people, because of the nature of their temperam ment, may cease their demonstrations and the ovorture would be guccogsful. How ever, many people both friendly and unfriendly e Pronta ent ALDUNON GUARDIA DE ieve that despite his tendency to graft and to allow graft and corruption to exist, is a very kind hearted and humane person and would not allow himself to be rogpon sible for any actions which would result in the death of his countrymen.
E18. 00 1810 The reasons for the President violent opposition to CORTES are said to be based upon the possible actions to be taken by CORTES upon assuming the Presidency, which have been rumored to be as follows. 1) Prosecution of President CALDERON on charges of graft and corruption, which might easily be proved unless full reparation is made. 2) Prosecution of the President brother, FRANCISCO. Pace. CALDERON, on similar charges and possible banishment from the country. 3) Possible banishment of MANUEL MORA, Colonel RODRIGUEZ and several minor personages from the country.
PS MEL It is generally felt that if CORTES is successful and does attempt to take reprisals, all will accept their fate whatever it may be with the exception of MANUEL MORA MORA is secure in his position in the Communist Party and has many supporters among other groups, and could be expected to fight to the last in the attempt to strip him of his power. It is generally agreed that he has the power and the spirit to arouse his followers to a degree not credited to any other person in the country.
In addition to the above, there are continuous rumors circulating as to compromises effected or agreements made between the candidates, but there is very little basis for any of them and the soundest opinion is that CORTES will be a candidate until the finish.