
Enclosure No. 2 in Despatch No. 73. of March 3 1911.
AGAINST YANKEE EXPANSION. The Emperor of Germany has just named his Aide de Camp German Minister to Mexico.
He is the same who enjoying the absolute confidence of the Sovereign represented him near the Tsar of Russia in permanent and especial mission.
This is sufficient to indicate the importance of this appointment for it evidences the desire of the Kaiser to have in Mexico a man of confidence placed there as a vigilant sentinel charged with surveying in a very especial manner the yankee advance toward the South.
Already in sending to the President of Honduras a telegram of felicitation William had shown his intention to keep a close watch on what was taking place in Latin America where ten years ago the United States brutally planted themselves thanks to the complicity of England and drove the Spaniard out of Cuba and of Porto Rico, It was an affair, of Wall Street, of the brokers and other creators of Trusts who oblige American diplomacy to act for the purpose of altering geographical maps by right of possession (droit et avoir. regardless of the liberty of peoples, of their independence, of their pride; without consideration for their legitimate aspirations.
When necessary raidas of filibusters are organized such as those who are now operating in Honduras with the arms and the dollars furnished by the revolution makers of New York and Washington.


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