
By the Hay Pauncefote Treaty England seems to have desired to deliver over the States of Central America to American greed.
Now that the United States are permanently established at Panama who se approaches they will fortify, they believe that their frontier stops at the Canal whose completion is imminent.
01d Europe allows this to go on; France for fear of displeasing the Foreign Office appears to remain indifferent to a fore sighted policy, which however scarcely fifty years ago brought about an expedition to Mexico.
is only Germany which pursues a policy of respect for the statu quo and the maintenance of acquired rights. One must congratulate her for giving to the Latin American Peoples of the Gulf of Mexico some hope that they will not be alone when the Yankee appetite manifests itself.
too brutally in their direction.
It is a point to remember.
But there is another: the firm desire and determination of the nations which stretch along the borders of the. Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to preserve their national independence and that determination resting upon the unrelenting defence of their rights when they shall be threatened is a sure guarantee that the Americans of the North will pay for their bluff which served them too well in Cuba when they passed from threats to acts and when they desire to assimilate the Central American Republics as 80 many


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