
Rate of Subscription Payable in advance Editor ANGEL GORONAS THE TIMES month e 00 rkonths 00 0. 00 12 10. 00 Single copies.
Scent OFFICES: 3RD AVENUE O, Box 316 CABLES TIEMP For Advertisements, applyt a Manager DAILY NEWSPAPER VOL ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Today 19th September 1191 NO 340 ONLY cents silver COPY as well Drought in India.
son of Earthquakes.
was THE TIMES The wireless works Local News German Papers Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. while the electricity is scurrying through water as land. Thus steamboats may be equipped with Abusing Britain The Limon Cominis ay is now London. Owing to the drought the wireless and the cables are BOY WIRELESS and the scarcity of the necessities dispensed with, as is also the extaking stock. The financial year is up, we will await the result.
London. The Times Berlin of life in parts of India, the King pensive equipment for the äerial correspondent telegraphs that has approved the curtailment of TELEPHONE. wireless plans. Just a piece of the Delhi Durbar programine.
with the desire of covering the metal attached to the wire and The Military Brigade or VoluuGerman retreat from an uutenable This will mean that the military thrown in the water and another teer Service promises to give a maneuvres will be abandoned YOUNGSTER INVENTION phone, similarly equipped on an good show on the 15th Sept.
We position the journals of the second and attendance at the Durbar reother boat, and the line is com.
will watch the turn out.
line in Berlin are inciting public duced.
opinion against Great Britain.
SAID TO WORK WITH plete and ready for business.
The Lokal Anzeiger is esANY SORT OF GROUND Mr. Von Scriber was asked to pecially violent. The attribution relieve his position aud is now if of certain criticisms of Germany Reforms in CONNECTIONS.
the einploy of Messi leury and published by the Vienna Neue Noi to Keep Track Brownie will after a while Freie Presse to a British diploBernays Johnson, 18 years old, announce his successor mat, is exploited to the utmost of Lieutenant Governor Panama.
and the Berlin journals announce Charles Johnson, has just received a patent on a wireless tele The law prohibits any drinks confidently that the Diplomat in to be sold in Limon on Sundays, question is the British Ambassa imprisonment, is the penalty on Fifty dollars fine or thirty days phone, says the St. Louis Republic, Washington. The seis moand has two of the machines in yet we see many Borracheras dor in Vienna raph in the cellar of the Weather the Canal Zone, for any person stalled in his laboratory, Bureau vibrated in lively fashion going to have a quiet time in the who set on foot, instigates, pro.
There is something uncanny place a safe keeping when Comptroller of the Treas.
motes, or carries on any figh about the apparatus that speaks ury Tracewell readered a decision between cocks or other birds, or Unrest in to one Many of our readers will be as plainly as the tele that Chief Willis Moore and any dog fight, or fight between phones be has been accustomed to sientists must quit keeping track very sorry to learn of the death other animale, or who may act as Bit it does the work, and of earlyhuakes. Mr. Tradewell of Messe McKinnon of the JamaiVenezuela. assistant, umpire or principal.
young Mr. Johnsou expects to passed on the question at the ca Railway Service and R.
Teap a fortune from his invention, request of Secretary of Agricul. Fogarty, of the Mayor and CounWillemstadt Reports from cil, Jamaica which he will introduce to the St.
ture Wilcon, and decided that Venezuela say that the Govern: Case of Beri Beri.
Louis public at once.
there were no funds for the purment is recruiting throughout the It is the simpiest thing in the pose.
The decision very We are very sorry that we were republic, but that all persons caworld, to hear thie precocious much of a shoek to Prof. Willis not informed of what would have pable of bearing arms into the young man tell it. It differs from Moore, for his burean has been taken place in the churches on State of Falchon are taking to the Barbados. Barque Nordstern the wireless telegraph, with wbich making seismological investiga Sunday. Anyhow there was a mountains to avoid being pressed (Nor. which arrived from Nicso many persons think they are tions for years without any ques nice evening spent at the Baptist into auy service. There is much aragua was brought into port by fairly familiar, in that there is no tion being raised as to its right to and also at St. Mark The talk of Dr. Rivas Vasquez becom the first mate. The Captain and apparatus high in the air required. do so.
preacher at St. Mark was a pas ing a serious candidate for the second mate died aud were buried He admits that one cannot speak senger on the Priuz August Presidency at sea, and six men were sick one across the ocean, but he declares Wilhelm.
Genl. Simon, Genl. Cas co of whom died of Beri Beri at that for any distance up to ten Ir ther in law, left here for Trini. Quarantine Station.
miles it is tried aud tested and Hen Adopts Among the churches there are dad.
found not wanting, a lot to be said and for what reaOf course there is an electric son we do not know why so many current, but this curreat is set Kittens, people are asking this, that or the Sugar Market.
scurrying around through earth, other. We are not open to in Gift to College.
water or metal, and when it fiuds five year old black Spanish terfere with Literature, Religion, its affinity, another telephone at hen, owned by Mrs. Taylor Colo Colour or Race, all we want is to London. The drought is retuned to the same degree, it fast lins, of Frankfort, Ky. has adopt give local news of Limon.
Tokio. Mrs. James, widow of sponsible for a shortage in the ens itself on and talking is justed six kittens and cares for them as the one time president of Ainherst sugar beet crop on the Continent as rasy as anything.
tenderly as if they were her The storm gale that passed University has offered to present and prices have risen 50 per cent.
The way he does it is to drive chicks. The kittens have learnt over Limon on Saturday was so 200, 000 yen to Doshisha, the well in the last two months. The price any old kind of a piece of iron to heed the call of the hen fierce that a house, owned by one known Christian College at a hundred weight was 03dcle, on or almost auy other metal in the cluck, and the old hen spreads her Gale, was smashed in pieces by Kyoto August 5th. It is now 90dols.
ground. At some other point wings over them to protect them the falling of a tree. No one susThe founder of the college, the witbin a radius of ten miles he as if they were her own brood. tained any injury. Many sheets lite Mr. Niljima, was a graduate drives another peg. Then the Tae affection displayed by the of zine were also seen flying from. Amherst, ALICANTI WINE telephones are conuected with kitteas for the hen and by the the roofing of the stores and shops Genuinn spanish wine: the best tonic these two pegs, aud waen ove hen for the kittens is most uu of the Material Railroad.
for the stome id nerves: Imports only for JULIÁN PAGÁN, front the mar gives the signal a beil tinkles at usnal, because the mother of the the end of the liue, just as in an To Fight ket. Proof it and you will always drink kittens is living and nurses them Pte.
ordinary telephone, and when the as regularly as if they did not receiver is taken from the hook have a foster mother.
Ex King Standard Oil.
comiaunication is instantaneous. The old cat seems to under If a man wants a private tele. staud the situation and displays Notice.
phobe in bis residence connected Indebtedness.
uo jealousy over the attention Paris. The Australian patiowith his office it is just the easiest shown her offspring by the heu.
leum interests, taking advantage The undersigned begs to inform thing in the world, says Mr. Jobo. The hen does not comprehend London. despatch from Lis of the antipathy of the Germans numerous customers ant The home phone may be as why the kittens, which have ne bon says the Governinent has as to the Standard Oil Company, are friends that fifteen days fron ornamental as desired. The one quired strength, desire to run certained that ex King Manuel is seeking to oust the latter from to day if they do not turn up at he has iu operation is now mountabout the yard, and she becomes indebted to the nation for the Germany Austrians ed on a. etal stand with thie have his tailoring establishment. oppoconstructed very uneasy when they are out of eum of 2, 000, 000, and, according telephone apparatus enclosed in her sight.
ly, will withdraw tine King tanks abd have established offices site Don Aasch Stora, Limon, a mahogany box. It looks like a The hen a sitting of eggs to mouthly allowance as his proper at Lichtenburg, a suburb of Berlin, their geods will be sold out.
table when not in use. There adopt the kittens and has lost in ty is valued at only 1, 000, 000.
and have prevailed on the Prus. JACKSON.
was no need iu driving an iron terest in chickens since the arrival It is said that the Government sian government to order that Limon, Sept. 10, 1911. 15 peg in the ground for this. There of the kittens.
has asked King Victor Emanuel only Austrian oil be employed on was a convenient gas pipe near, of Italy te settle the debis of the the Prussian State railways The and that serves the purpose adlate Queen Varia Pia which Saxon government takes a similar mirably.
believing that the Cabrera Peña Hnos amount to 250, 000 and that the attitude, The other phone which may be Umbrella in King has refused.
American Cotopany seeks a mon.
installed in the downtown office, opoly. LA CONVENIENCIA can be connected with the gas Shark Stomach.
pipe lightning rod or any other piece of metal that reaches to the Against Ex Shah of Persia.
ground, and the system is comGRAND FANCY STORE plete when the connection is made. Lewes, Del. ma eating We keep a special assortment of AmeriJohnson claims several advan shark 17 feet in length captured High Prices.
London. Special despatches can and Country made Shoes Italian Straw at the mouth of Delaware Bay by tagas for his patent. First it may from Teheran report the defeat hits, Stetson and Von Gall felt Hats, Hes, Umbrellas, and fine suspenders. Beaube installed at small cost. There James Keyes, a member of the of Government troops and the adTiul Babies! Slik Caps and a first class tick of superior quality goods is no expense in keeping up wires crew of Lightship No. 69, had an Paris. The war agaiust high vance of the ex Shah, Mohammastour prices are the lowest in Town or any delicate apparatus. Ab umbrella with the covering intact prices is being continued with dan Ali Mirza, towards the capiOll on us at the premises formerly occusolute privacy is guaranteed, for in its stomach. There were sav unabated violence and last night tal.
pied by The White Store Limón, there are but the two telephones eral large pieces of oileloth, a lot the Government sent two equadon the line. In event it is desired of steel juak and other indigesti tons of cavalry to Valenciennes to extend the system it may be ble things.
regions with stringent orders to LA GEISHA done quite readily by atuning The shark was caught by Keyes repress all disturbances. The another phone to the same key after a harl fight. When he Bue storekeepers are beginning to and installing it and having a dos ceeded in bringing it to the sur quail before the fury of the popu: In the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in Englis hant vice attached to give alar. to the face he used a steam wirich to lace. Many of them have already other phones not wantel in the land the monster oa the deck of hinted their intention of reducing American drinks same system the lightship: Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
prices as demanded.
his BOD.


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