p. 4


Llinon, Costa Rka ΓHE TIMES tuesday 11th September 1913 Breedy Co.
The best Remedy for the worst Pain.
Just received a complete set of dry Pancy Goode, Ladies Rain Proof Cloake in Suid Cotton Umbrellas, Hats, Socios, Stockings etc All, specially selected by our Mr. Breely, who is now in the United States Cahas Cia.
SAN JOSE E Smyth y Cia LIMO The best Liniment for all Diseases that require an external application of a strong aud antiseptic counter irritant.
The best assortment in the country SPECIAL TERMS Equally as Eficatious for Animal as for Men Manufactured by.
BOTICA FRANCESA San José, Costa Rica THE GEM You cannot lose your money Matina The Best Store in the Town Complete Assortment Of Goods Lowest Prices Provisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. 20 CENTS For the modest Sum of 30 cents will Register your letter. 25 cents for Registering and cents for returning Receipt.
Send me your money for Checks. exchange on Jamaica 11. 00 The most up to date and reliable firm in Costa Rica.
All correspondence handled free of charge.
20 CENTS Gonfort and eligance Mendez La Florida Milk Money Exchange Guaranteed always fresh Open she Eyes Davidson Co.
SANTAL Stearn Wine MIDY Lindy CURACION RAPIDA y RADICAL of cod liver oil agen)
lleva el nombre Foreign Boots and Shoes a Spe PO BOX 155. LION.
ciality July 30v. at twenty cents per bottle. Dr. Villa and drafts on Jamaica To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company.
Free consulting hours at his residence veery Tuesday and Friday from to THE CHEAPEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN TOWN The buyers of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the aly 23, 1911. Daily.
einagurta Box finn. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. AGENT for Waltham Kes Stone Elgin watches, and Singer Sewing Machines. The British Pharmacy sell the Iver Johnstoa and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery Tickets Wholesale and Retail. Picture Postcards and Postage Stampe.
gives notice to its customers and Spectacles of every description in gold and plate.
th general public that they will The New Cash Store offers to its numerous customers, a new and complete assortment in ENAMEL SILVER SPOONS WITH COSTA RICA VIEWS soon be transferred in frontthe special good as follows: Umbrellas, Parasols. Neckties, Panamá, Felt and straw hats for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, Lindings, Silk cards, Ribbons, Flags, Ties, Baskets, Jewelry near the Casa Azul where they Méndez Flowers, China porcelain, Crockery Ware, Enamel Ware, Aluminium, Bobemia glass Ware, will enlarge their business and Lamps and accessories, Furniture, and a great variety of Novelties in Articles four ornaments expeet their usnal orders.
Representing The Jamaica Mutual Life etc. etc. at economical prices.
Assurance Society of Kingston 166 hectáreas of land RAMIREZ Port Limon, C, 1911.
KIRKPATRICK HNOS. Agents for Messrs. Fredk. Leyland and Ltd. Limon. Daily LINE sell or change for farm or house in Sax BUY YOUR HARDWARE FROM Regular Saillings from Liverpool. José a first order land in the Atlantic Line, up Estrada, good for banana and cacao cultiva.
tion, with a plantation of banana of 35 hectáreas what are producing.
There are not Swamps and it is a esplendid bussiness for the buyer.
For information apply to EDMUNDO GU.
Because they are the best and cheapest.
TIERREZ. San José July 10. 30 We have the best assortment in Electric Supplies, Carpenters Tools, Supresión de Exigir la firma: Articles for Construction, las inyecciones Notice.
Tratamiento LANDS FOR SALE AND LEASE el mas facil y el mas discreto.
sobre el rotulo.
ON THE ATLANTIC Parties requiring land on either of the above conditions can have same from the undersigned, have been appointed in several sections of the lines which is too many to mention here. Persoas desirous of Experience will demonstrte that it is the most powerful for convalescence, de los flujos antiguos recientes acquiring lands will do well if they wilt goneral feebleness and all sickness of breast and lungs, as consumption, brone first consult me by sending to the follow kitis, etc. uures anaemia, Inssitude, stimulate appetite and gives strength Cada paula Cada captura Desconfiar de las Falsificaciones. lleva el nombre ng address.
wd Freystem. Ask allway for the Stearnes For sale at sgood pharmacies MIDY MIDY WILLIAM DALLAS, PARIS, KUI TITILAT JA las Tiran Boxy 12, San Jose Great Cearance Sale.
Limon, July 12 45 At the Gentlemen Furnishing Goods AGUA The best Store in the Your Grand Chance Store, LOS opposite to Mr. Mendez Store, de DE Not aving time to attend same. You will find a good lot of fine will sell on easy instalments to any onerEnglish and French Goods.
GRIMAULTY CA merchandise, furnitu. e, Best localiFor Gentlemen. hacen desaparecer ty in city, nex door to Co. ComReady made Alpacca and Drill misory.
ASMA Suits, Alpacca Coats, Casimir El agua mejor Bussiness makes money Call to day Tickets Pants, Shirts, Neckties, UnderOPRESIÓN NA MERRILL wear, Handkerchiefs, Pyjamas, INDIENNES para el tocador cannabis Indical CONTRE LESIMES INSOMNIO Belts, Socks, Collars, Riding ITUS Dr Villa Haeusler DOIS ET LESS Tailor Pants. Suspenders, etc. etc ONS: CATARRO RIGAUD For Ladies. En todas las PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. guarantee perfect workmanship GRIMAUITO 8, rue Vivienne, Ready made Suits, Waists, Farmacias Skirts, Stockings, Belte, and a 789 PHARMACIENS PARIS Has transferred his office and pri suits are well made and fit to perfectio SRUL VIVIENNE VENTA AL POR MAYOR fine lot of cloth.
PARIS 8, Rue Vivienne vate residence to upper floor of Mr. Ricardo Morales. Ice cream house near For Children. GRIMAULTATI PARIS Desconfansa Miramar Hotel. Before Londres. HUTCHINSON BOX 164.
Ready made Suite, Stockings de las imitaciones.
aud Socks 1998 REMOVAL 21 FASHION HOUSE. And a good assortment of PerThe leading Faney and Dry Goods spreads, etc. etc.
fuinery, Brushes, Laves. The Office OF DR. GALLEGOSBed Store in Siquirres.
All from the famous store of American Dentist Regulariza el flujo mensual, large assortment of Ladies Dress Formerly located at South West of Market ROBERT HERMANOS Wear always on hand.
corta los retrasos y has been removed to Dr. Miguel Velazquez at San Jose and at Cost Prices house, in front the Park, opposite the United supresiones asi como Fruit Commissary Boots and Shoes a specialty.
GET THE CHANCE Crown and bridge work los dolores y colicos Limon, Sept 2, 1911 15 Fitting plates Fillings.
que suelen coinznless extractions. Long experience. Tweeds and Coatings of differen NOTICE Painable prices. Julio Texture.
FOR SALE cidir con las For Sale. Hats Hats of lateat patterne. mouse colour, Stable Jack, in fine epocas.
SOLOMON RODGERS. ditconioh very young. Fur particulars apply PARIS, 8, Rus Polenne fine dwelling in Cairo situated in the Proprietor Burrell Viliamxy Dest business centre, direct in front of Wm.
Lee Grocery, containing rooms, kitchen and verandah. Cheap for cash. Apply to AMERICAN DENTIST THOMAS MCLEAN DR. ROBERTO JIMÉNEZ ORTIZ PAINLESS EXTB ACTIONS Oftice: Hotel glo XX downstairs Cairo Everything done right. No II This trahain varantizs. Eslatid an attracions sin dolor 90 Port Limon August13. BI ck and White CIGARRILLOS INDIOS KANANGA DEL JAPON Market, Country getie young man my place of busineas goods, Shoes, Groceries, Lottery SACARLTTI GRIMULTA APIOLINA CHAPOTEAUT re y en todas farmacias SALUD DE LAS SENORAS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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