
13. 00 00 Editor ANGEL CORONAS THE TIMES month months.
12 Single copies le Scu OFFICES: 3RD AVEXUE Fox 310 CADIS TTEXPO DAILY NEWSPAPER For Alvertsetzen is, apply bua Manager VOLI ONLY cents silver COPY Limon. Sunday 29th October 1911 ONLY cents silver COPY 264 Japan Looks for Limon Literary Friendly bre of the hid contempt for the air to proceeding, his parturigistrace: bis disdain boxing fore here Have you got anything quired a loud laugh Supreme scene, THE TIMES pish good timber, there are locust Correspondence.
seats away was Rev. Meyer, the trees, Junipers, elns and olives in Port Limon, Costa Rica (6. great profusion The olives grow srarted the agitation against the fight, but DEAD, BUT NOT wild and the fruit is not gathered Long Conflict. Johnaon didn see him.
Johnson firmly declined to be representby the natives except at UpsellaBURIED ed by a lawyer, and when his manager ta, where plenty of good oil is Tokio, The Chinese situation tried to reason with him Johnson waxed made. Olive trees are found near To the Editor af the Times, has eclipsed all other topics here. hin aside, took a seat at the attorney and ruing of ancient cities, proving Wellenformed officials through table, and listened to a distinctly bored You are worthy to fill the secthat they were introduced by the out Japan believe that the revolu expression as Scheitor General Simon stated Association. Romane, who cultivated the soil.
retary office to Sir Syduay but tionary movement bas gained a his reason why the hibited as likely to lead to e fight should be proThe eastern portiou of the high not Sir Swettenham. At any rate tremendous start on the Chinese peana Johnson demeanour of unconThat the Limon Literary and lands toward Benghazi is especial. Vice Consnl for this port you authorities and that it will be a good humoured can bave.
war of long duration whole Friendly Association has for its is adapted to the growing of grain Prepare to be buried. We shall the Solicitor General and Japanese trade is, of course, object tbe uplifting of the morala and cereals, as a large plain over supreme seriously affected, but there is of the young men of Limon who fifteen miles long extends for give you a grand send off; but in for Police Superintendent McIntyre ignorance reason to believe that the Tokio are so disposed, and to furuieb about twenty five miles and the returning change your skin and nature. We promise you one of quite a novelty in an English Cours, filling stratum of humus is here very government will not make any the onlookers with astonishment.
them or its members a place and these two offices, Secretary or move to interfere in the situation to say? inopportunity to moet during the deep and there are several wells the Magistrate.
evening and discuss matters that with good water. The professor Consul. Not au revoir.
so long as the revolutionists adeJohnson replied, Yazas quite a lot, in Busy.
tends to the edification of each thinks that artesian wells can be quately protect Japanese citizens Take him away; don want to see other. The members are also eunk with advantage. There are the disturbed territory. him any more, am sick of him, he said furnished with the latest West many fresh water springs at Gub. Arrival of the Despatcbs reaching here say with a tired gesture when he had finished Indian papers and periodicals in that the Chinese squadron has with Superintendent McIntyre. There was of Deroa, and Sibiria Through the courtesy of the neighbourhood been reinforced by two small gun at this, Johnson showing an his gold rector in charge of St. Mark these were in use since Roman boats for a campaign by water joining in heartily But in twe Court the issue is already de.
Church the schoolroom is placed times.
against the rebels.
cided, as the judge granted an injunction There are no wild animals in The Sibiria arrived here at their disposal, and for which restraining the promoters from having the the members ought to be very the vilayet, but small game is yesterday morning from New fight in Farl Court on th: petition of the Kingston Her list of free holuers of the Exhibition ground, grateful. It is understood that pleutiful and the number of goats York via Italy Launches the active members are not less passengers this trip has been un.
Johnson says he will fight Wells in Paris.
and sheep is extraordinary.
There is no regret in any section of public than at least three dozen and is The professor admits that the usually small which is as follows: New Battleship opinion here that London is no to be its well organized; it has a president, Turks and many inland Arab George Flint Mrs. Scotlock and vice president, secretary, etc. and tribes are hostile to Italians, and Miss Katie Chase and 18 deck Genoa, Italy third euper.
in addition to these some able he recounts the dangers to which passengers.
dreadnought, the Leonardo da and efficient members that is the mission was repeatedly exVinci, was launched here.
United Fruit Co.
capable to give good account of pused o ving to the fanaticisin of themselves, and indeed their ora the natives who often threatened to Departure of the The Leonardo da Vinci, which is a sister ship of the Conte di COMING OF NEW SHIPS.
tion would be a literary treat to about its members. And he reS. Carillo Cavour and the Giulio Cesare bystanders. But the question called the murder of the American Mr. Haggart has been iohas a displacement of 21, 500tons. formed by the United Fruit Co, that the we would now lik to ask is that De Cou at Cyrene, thus showing preciable good is fois society do that the natives are practically The steamship Corillo, was Her levgth over all is 5754 feet, steamers the Carrillo. Sixaola. and ing that have for its object 80 savage; but on the other hand, as despatched by the agent of the beam 914 feet, and au draught Tvives. which are shortly coming to much good? We koos not. If the Arabs hate the Turks and United Frnit Company Line of 274 teet. The vessel will carry Jamaica on maiden voyages from Belfast, ara unfavourable to Turkish rule, stea. ers on Saturday morning thirteen there are any only ite few mem12 inch guns, triple Atenas class, be put in service from hers are acquainted. The pablio le concludes that very probably for New Orleans via Barrios. She mounted, and five barbettes. Her New York to Jamaica is looking on keenly for its with time their hostility will be carried the following passengers: second battery, to stand off tor The new yervice will commence early achievements, they want to know overcome.
Sydney Hoard, Harry Rimgo, pedo attacks, will be made up of next year. The steamers will leave New inch pieces. The York Drays, Thursdays, Coion and brear of its prograss, they Ricardo Rodo, Victor Ross and eighteen touching at Port An Governor Trip.
onio engines of the Leonardo da Vio on Saturdays, and Bocas del Toro on and would like to hear of debates 18 deckers for Barrios.
drawing out the good that is now ci are of 24, 000 horse power and Wednesdays arriving at Limon Thursdays. TRIUMPHAL ARCH.
are expected to attain a trial lying dormant in many of its The ships will leave Port Limon after War News, speed of 22. knots.
on a fruit cargo, on the following members. The publie would like to qonday: Stopping at Colon on Tuesday, see etuged ven a simple Writing from Colon on the 7th drama of one or two acts. These inst. a correspondent states that Tripoli. force of one thour Jack Johnson Still are carryingern New York the filowing additions would give a nimpitus to the news of the coming visit of and Turks, which attacked the many to join what is calculated to His Excellency Sir Sydney Oli Boumeliana outports was repulsed The yteamers Almirante. Metapan, vier to the Isthmus of Panama after a sbarp engagement lasting Holds the Belt do so much good to the youngSan Marta and Zacapa will operate med of Limon.
has created a favourable impres.
belween New York, lamaica, Colin and an hour.
Santa Marta as at present.
We believe those that are ad sion among the majority of Ja. On the field three Turkish dead rumour was current here a ministering the affairs of the maicans in the republic. Already were found, as well as abandoned few days ago tht Jobuson was society are conscientious in their arrangements are being nade to Cabrera Peña Hnos defeated by Wells in rounds.
machine guns, officers sword and endeavours to assist the young extend a hearty welcome to the arms and ammunition. Two Ita. This we are in a position to make LA CONVENIENCIA men, but we believe much more Governor of Jamaica, and make lian infantrymen were slightly plain by the following which is from a late American paper: could be dona to enliven and draw his stay in Panani a pleasant wounded GRAND FANCY STORE out its members and infuse new as possible.
It is stated that the Turks made FIGHT STOPPED.
We keep a special a sortident of Amerl.
blood movement is on foot in the attack with the object of per London. The Wells Johnson glove ilats, Stetson and all fall Wats can and Country made Shoes, Italian Straw As our space is limited we will Colon to cure the Municipal mitting a caravan to get out of contest for the World Heavyweight Tles, Unbrellas, and in suspend or Beau refer to this matter again in our baud to render a programme of the city, but the caravan was stop Championship, which was to have taken tiful Babies Stik Caps and a trst class bext issue.
music on thpier to inurk the ped by the Italinn outpost. place at Earl Court on October and, was stock of superior quality goods lauding of the Chief Executive of Our prices are the lowest in Town That the Turks are sadly lackcancelled owing to pressure bought to bear by the Church authorities on the Call on us at the premises fui merly once this colony. It is highl prob ing food is proved by the dry The White Store Limou, CF County Council, on the grounds that the TRIPOLI AND able that th. Oslon Literary As. bread and onions found in the men being unevenly matcnel it would desociation will present the Gover haversacks of their dead.
generate into a more brural exhibition, CYRENAICA.
nor with an address. This organ When driven back in front by and would not be in the best interests of Trade Notice.
isation is inude up largely of Ja shrapnel the enemy concentrated sport. John on has announced his determaieans, all of whom, our infor on the right in an endeavor to mination to retire from the ring.
It is roughly estimated that the maut a rites, be pleased to see turn the Italian flank, but the INJUNCTION GRANTED.
We are pleased to inform the occupation of Tripoli and Cyre. the Governor of their island home sailors brought their guns out of public of the removal of the uaicaoill cost Italy 30, 000, 000. intheir mıdat. Their is even some Jack Johnson clever management on British Pharmacy to more spathe iutrenchments and executed is own fence in the Bow Street Police This sum naturally includes the talk of erecting an arch under a turning movement, with the re Court excited far more surprise here thaf cious buildings where they will military expedition as well as the which His Excelleney will drive sult that the attack 800n was anything he could achieve in the ring. continue to espose for sale their necessary expenditure during the ou leaving the the vessel. turned into disordered fight.
Commonly imagined to be an untutored far famed delicacies and patent first three years of occupation, boxing machine, he Of course the British Minister showed acuteness in medicines, Another Turkish patrol was Cros. lawyer and as it is doubted whether the in Panama, Sir Claude Mallet, is, afterwards sighted, but was disthe police witness vorthy of trained a In addition to their already The court was crowded occupation of the vilayet is worth making all arrangements for the persed with a few shrapuel shells. with sports including many Americans, and large stock they have just added such a sacrifice Prof. Halbheer of official reception of Sir Sydn y Iufantry gons have been laud.
outside a terrific mob had come to demon a splendid assortment of fresh the University of Rome and head Olivier at Colon by representa ed by the transports.
strate its admiration for Johnson and con goods. They have made their of the Italian archeological mis tives cf the Panamanian Governtempt for the milksons who are trying to assortment of perfumery a specialthe siod at Tripoli has been asked by ment and Canal Zone. On the fight.
Johnson in a dark ue lounge suit with a ty and they are prepared to the Giornale Italia of Rome to whole signs are not wanting to Dam Breaks.
lavish display of white shirt front, of green please the most fastidious.
furuish sone iuformation about show that the trip which sir Trilley hat and two blazing diamond rings The new place is immediately the commercial and agricultoral Sydney Olivier is about to take La Crosse, Wis. The Hatfield dam in beamed graciously upon the court. few opposite their old stand.
value of Tripoli and Cyrenaica. to Central America will be of a Black tiyer wils torn out by a food result The professor says that with very interesting nature. Tele ing in the destruction of thirty business the exception of small rocky and graph and Guardian.
houses and thirty residences in the city of saudy regions the land is extraBlack River Fall. Two thousaad resiLA GEISHA dents fled to the high lands. There were ordiuarily fertile. The lowlands no fatalities.
along the sea. coast are well cultiIt is reported that the flood is increas vated, while the highlands up to St. Petersburg. Thic battleship Can. ing in volume and further destruction of the very borders of the desert are gut, the fourth of the so callef Dread property is probable. Black River Falls is thickly wooded and covered with nought elass of warship for the Russian lumber manufacturing town.
luxuriant vegetation.
Davy, was launched recently. With the in the best assorted Bar Room in San José. Specialty in English and Sevastopol, Poltava and thic PetroSmoke La Nacionals cigarettes Besides cypresses, which grow pavlovsk, the Canguts will be for the The best, the cheapest in the counalmost biusty feet high and fur first squadron of the new Baltic fleet try.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
pied Crissy prevent Russian Navy.
American drinks


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