p. 4


Sunday 29th Detober 911 THE TIMES SSSssssssssssss La Mascota Canas Cia. Smyth y Cis SAN JOSE LIMON The best assortment in the country THE GEM Wanted IMPERIAL EMBROCATION competeat baker to begin work on or before the 19th October The best Remedy for the worst Pain.
Apply to IRAL The best Liniment for all Diseases that require an external Siquirre applieation of a strong and antiseptic counter irritant.
Limon, Oct 14, 1911. 12 Equally as Eficatious for Animal as for Jan Banana Gocoa.
Manufactured by HERMANN ZELEDON FORS LE startern and a half miles ROTICA TRANCESA, penal aw Fan extensively culu.
San José, Costa Rica.
ated with bapana and cocos. First and second Int from from railroad, three handtdhetarias, 110 manzanas are culti You cannot lose your money vatel Lumber for building purposes and mantan paure lands Information received and given at Twelve Miles from THOMAS LEWIS For the modest Sum of 30 cents will Begutor your letters 25 cents for Registering and cents for returning Receip.
LUR. GALLEGOS, Send me your money for Checks, excia gen lamaica 11. 00 The most up to date and reliable firm in Rica American Dentist All correspondence handled free of cho his returned from San José. Mendez OFFICE PO BOX 155 LIUN.
Turmerly located at Sonth West of the Market han removed to Dr. Miguel Velazquez bous. in front of the Park, opposite the Uni teo Fruit Commissary.
Crown and bridge work. Fitting plates Filings. paints evtractions. Long experiene.
and drafts on Jamaica Reasonable prices. Jolio THE CHEAPEST AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN Town The buyers of drafts are well protected by the reliability of the DrT. Villallaeusler firm. There is absolutely no risk in losing your money. Agent for Waltham Kes Scene Elgin watehes, and Singer Sewing Machines. Bell the Iver Johnstoa and Harrington Richardson Revolvers, Lottery. PTIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Tickets Wholesale and Retail. Picture Postcards and Postage Stampe.
Ilan transferred his office and pri Spectacles of every description in gold and plate.
vite residence to upper floor of Mr. Ri.
ENAMEL SILVER SPOONS WITH Costa RICA VIEWS cardo Morales. Ice cream house near condra Ilote Mendez Matina The Best Store in the Town Complete Assortment of Goods Lowest Prices. Provisions, Liquors, Dry Goods, Boots, Crockery, Hardware, Medicines Etc. Etc. 20 CENTS 20 CENTS La Florida Milk Money Exchange. at twenty cents per bottle. To be had at The Costa Rica Soda Water Company. Guaranteed always fresh Stearns Wine of cod liver oil The daily use of Nestle Condensed Swiss Milk, instead of fresh one, keep you healthy, Fortifies your health and preserves you from contagious sickenesses and diseases, such as tuberculosis, typhus fever diarhoea Nestles Milk is good for infants and anults.
the analysis made by the Board of ilealth of the most important latín Republics has given the following RESULTS: Experience will demonstrate that it is the most powerful for convalescence, general feebleness and all sickness of breast and lungs, as consumption, brone kitis, ete. Cures annemia, lassitude, stimulato appetite and gives strength. vigour to system. Ask allwny for the Stearns For sale at tilgood pharmacies ITS PRICE IS EXWater Creuu Lalutus.
1208 Salt 50 Cascine or albumine, 14. 03 Suur.
EVERY TIN OF EBOB OC0010 Condensed Nestle The Nestlé milk is the richest purest and the best to be to Caine market.
NESTLE SWISS MOD JAS. GORE, Gorredor Jurado and Commission Agent, Port Limon.
Your Wants Fill MONEY. Will lend you, lend for you or advise you how to invest small or large amounts here and abmad BUY or SELL. For you! Hat Pin to Banana Farm.
RETS and DEUTS Collected here and in lamaica.
Investigations and all Commissions undertaken local and foreign EOR ALE, One Upright Grand Piano, Typewriters, Iron Peds and Mattresses, WANTED Members for LIMON CITY DISPENSARY. Twenty five Cents Ter week NR. Look out for monthly Action sales.
CALL or WRITE, Office Street 1, Post Box 448. Port Limon, milk weighs more than suc? of No other is so sa TXRED BY HENRI NESTLE SETELLT GAB. LASTCHER LONDOY SWITZERLAND any other brand.
voury or posesses its colour and its smell.
succeseoseO000. 11 HOTEL SAN JOSE.
Fifty yards from the Central Park.
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Only ask for Nestle Condensed milk Can be found everywhere he best and most comfortable habitation in the city. First Ciass Meals. Au services guaranteed.
MADAME HUNARD, Tailor Manugerors.
For Sale. To the front again. Who?
guarantee perfect workmanship That beautiful cottage with PETGRAVE. English and Ame.
suits are well made and fit to perfectio For Sale Black and White uins lot 200 yards more or rican Tailor of Siquirres, He is as sest of Siquirre Railway ever prepared to give entire satisfetion in HUTCHINSON One mule and two horses, good The best Store in the the out of fast going suits. He also BOX 264.
Station urnishes. Try him and be convinced.
for any class of work. Apply to LI. That splendid business site with house of three roone, RICARDO MORA Notice.
Market, Country de east of Siquirres Rail.
For Sale Limon. Sept. 15, 1911.
way Station For particulars, Wholesale and Retail Drafts goods, Shoes, Groenquire of fie dwelling in Cairo situated in the on Jamaica, American Gold and Notice. GAYLE, best tsiness centrs, direct in front of Wm. Greenbacks always on sale.
ceries, Lottery Siquirres. Box 16.
Let kety, containing rooms, kitchen VETERINARY INFIRMAR. LIMO and verandah Chen fur cash. Apply to LINDO CO Limon, Sept. 13, 1911. 30 Price treats disease in horses, Tickets.
THOMAS MCLEAN mules, etc. on most approved scientific methods. Skilíu shoeing done by experiNOTICE FASHION HOUSE.
Cairo Pergut 13. 60 need gmith; charges moderate. Advice FOR SALE The leading Fanes and Dry Notice.
free to customers. Your patronage sol. mouse colour, Stabl ditconion very young. Fur Jack.
Store in Siqnirres icited, Office at Rocke Photographic te large seortment of The undersigned begs to inform Studio. Box 99.
his numerous customers and Wear are always on lin Burreli 117 friends that fifter days from Boots and Shoes a ser today if they do not turn up at R. Sta Tweeds and Coatings of different his tailoring establishment, oppoOne hundred and thirty colones (130 00) from one thousand square feet ab Texture.
manzanas first ste Don Ansch Store, Limon, HE Hats! Hots of latest matter is.
their geods will be sold out.
Apply in Liuion to the Times SOLOMON RODGERS, Manager, and in San Jose to JACKSON.
Limon, Sept, 10, 911. 15 We accept orders from the Lines, Foreign Pitch Pine Lumber Peña Brothers LIMON, 4th AVENUE 50 YAF DS FROM POLICE STATION BOX No. We keep a special assortment of flooring battons sidins, ceiling and partition, Orth Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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