
PAGE THE LIMON SEARC Saturday, November 1929 Disinfectant Those Demonstrations VACCINATION operation with Piza Sons our notice, EDITORIAL OUR DEAD It is noted in an advice to Today being the day set apart for a moments thought of the persons under his medical those of our acquaintances, friends relatives who have gone charge, that Dr. Carlos Pupo the Road from which no traveller returns, it behoves us all to in an article in La Tribuna rec reflect for a moment on the uncertainty of life, to pray that There have recently been in San Jose a series of meetings commends that instead of using our lives may be so ordered by doing unto all men as you and various expressions of disapproval of transactions by the Tinctura de Yodo for clean would like to be done by them as not to be afraid to meet administration of our governmental affairs, some of these expressing cuts and abrasions, Carrel that call, and to offer up even a silent wish that those of our sions have even been to incite opinions inside outside of the water should be used with mo friends who are over there may have that Perpetual Light country as to the ineficiency of the administrative ability of our re soothing effects. lodine he shining upon them.
present regime, which naturally lessens the dignity of our financial claims has the effect of leaving Status; some of the speakers in the demonstrations by the unem a scalding and inflamation of DE NOVIEMBRE ployed spoke very vehemently, others rationally, of the alarming the surroundings of the abraincrease of nonemployment in the Country, some blaming the sion which Carrel water does Por ser hoy el día destinado a la memoria de los difuntos, Coy. for adopting such stringent measures to bear on the not do. Dr. Pupo is Medical a la memoria de los amigos y parientes que se fueron para no government in consequence of the non acceptance of the proposi officer to the Banco Nacional de volver, debemos recoger nuestros pensamientos y nuestras intenfions put forward by the Company before Congress, others bla Seguros and is speaking, direcciones en forma de plegaria y ofrendarlo, con la más pura sinming the government for lack of tact in not adopting more con tly to those persons who fall ceridad, en favor de todos ellos, confiando en que Dios se mosciliatory measures with the Co. others blaming themselves under the Banks atteniton in trará clemente y los hará participar de su Luz Celestial.
for their indolence and inability as workers, others blaming go. accidents during work etc.
vernment officials for the apparent waste of money in the ope In all Farms and places away rations being carried on.
from close Medical aid Yodo As one goes along the streets the great discontent is noticeable has been a most necessary item in the features of nearly every one; at every corner you can on the shelf as a first aid in see groups with anxious faces conversing on the one Topic, the cuts etc. as a preventative from impoverished outlook facing the country. The thought now occu Bloodpoisoning but now Capying the minds of thinking people is, what is the cause of all rrel water is being advised by sions in many leading Newspapers and this respect, there are others who con There has been considerable discus advisers all agree on its effectiveness in this? Is it Politics? or is it an economic strategy by some powerful a doctor whose responsibility of Magazines as to the usefulness of Vac tend that it is only upheld by the me agent propagating an unrest in the minds of our people as a position places him where his cination to prevent the dread of small dical profession as a means of enhanmenace to authority and a means of obtaining the best bargains advices must be considered. pox etc. while government medical cing a large Bank account, but since it in the propositions for the future development of the Country?
is acknowledged by the Rebernments of or is it a combination of both forces to coerce The Cabinet in the world as an urgent necessity in such cases of epidemic, the argument fails, coming to the terms offered in certain industrial lines, and at the and indeed it same time using such capitulation as a platform in the coming elections to Show the weakness of the Party in Power. It is the Nature of all men to effect of warding off the desease jud.
And now we come to a point at issue, is there really a necessity ded desease, even in territories and for all this hue cry in San José? we feel not, because never seek the best in everything. Communities where it was formerly before has there been so many different varied works in and looked upon as a natural consequen.
around the Metropolis as has gone on within the past six monthsTo have the best music in your Ice, yet at times one feels repugnant in submitting himself for this and at better wages than had ever been known, so that those and cases have arisen, we will admit parties who are taking the blame on themselves, are certainly homes get a VICTOR MACHINE isolated cases, which have had the conscientious.
effect of acting as a deterrent to ones It was fully well known over two years ago under the from submitting oneself to the doctor hack knife, here and there we find people Administration of don Ricardo Jiménez that the deadlock being afflicted severe indispositions would come when the Coy. threatened to leave the Counas a result of Vaccination, but recently and don Ricardo his seat if certain Concessions where not a very serions case has come under granted; why then blame this Administration which has simply which requires strict gover.
nmental investigation, it is that young come into an inheritance of misfortunes that have been brooding child in school in Alajuela of 13 for several years now, and consumated by the majority vote of of age and a remarkably smart scholar the representatives of the people, how in all fairness then can this in her fifth form, died as a result it is Administration be blamed for this let us call it the intemperate said, of being Vaccinated within fifteen vote of a majority in Congress. What then could the chief days of the operation; now this is a very sad thing, and comes up as gument in the hands Executive do more than he has done. He appointed Committee of the oppositio after Committee to give their ideas on the serious problem before nist party to Vaccination, altho as we him, and in every case the majority was in favour of modificahave already said these cases cannot be tions which would, in their opinions be more advantageous to taken into account in a debate against the Country, eventually Congress also adopted the need of modificathe to such isolation, tions. Had the chief Executive constituted a Dictatorship and cause an impartial mind is bound to the conclusion that there must be some accepted the propositions offered, the clamour of the populace other Agent at work to promote such would only have occasioned a condition, that the only course left When in San José dont not fail to give a Call to an effect, whether it be from defective open to him would be to find the way to his private residence. your old friend Malick, who has served you in lympth, carelessness in operation or af.
The waggon of State has now failen into a serious Rut, are ter vaccination or the condition of the the past. and is ready to do so again with his childs blood. These are matters for the we going to bawl over it day in and day out, or are we going most up to date stock of Ladies gentlemen garto put our shoulders to the wheel pull it out Authorities to investigate so as to clear The coffee crop is on and the proprietors around Turrialba ments and his complete assortment of Fancy dress the atmosphere of any stigma on the great validity of this counteractant, bo have offered to take care of the unemployed, employing them to goods, laces novelties of all kind, at the North cause there are men who declare that pick coffee, The government has offered them free Transportations, Eastern gate of The Market.
they would rather stand the penalty of there are workers on coffee there who are earning five colones the law rather than submit themselves per day, but the great mayority want work in San José. The only REMEMBER THE SIGN OF THE or their children for Vaccination.
remedy would be for stern measures to be adopted by the goGOOD SAMARITAN vernment to cease all this would be propaganda. Are the legal advisers of the country not empowered under the sovreignty of Advertise the Republic to enact laws now that Congress is in session, to prevent all this menace of despoiliations in Course? Mas anon. Stolen Lottery Tickets Following are number of Lo HOTEL ttery Tickets stolen from a vendor of Tickets for Mr.
Shedden certainly the neatest best, when in Mendez, at Matina in shop of Siquirres dont fail to book your lodgings in this a Chinaman Ching, one of most Sanitary and Commodious building.
which was the 2nd prize in the Complete assortment of wines stimulating RODOLFO CERVANTES SIQUIRRES drawing of October 20th. Pay Drinks in the Caoteen.
ment has been stopped in the On the premises is also located an up to date MECANICO EN DENTISTERIA Lottery office and Banks and Bakery, where the best Bread, Buns Cakes can a Keen watch is being kept by be had.
Get your teeth fixed at Dr. Ceryanthe Police office for the preOUR OLD FRIEND SHEDDEN sentation of the Ticket. Suspites, strong work executed by him.
cion is Cast on a certain group FRENTE AL DOCTOR SHAW and they are being Shadowed. CUARTOS MUY COMODOS HIGIENICOS The vendor went in the shop SELECTA MUY BIEN SURTIDA CANTINA with the Tickets to make a purLo mejor en Siquirres.
chase on going out he forgot the bunch of Tickets on the Shedden counter and when he returned they were all gone and no one to account for them; the public is warned against them. The For weakness in Convalescence take Bayers Somatose.
numbers are: 3402, 18 pes. For Houping cough or colds take Bayers Cresival the best 3403, 20 pes. 3405, 10 pes. PETGRAVES TAILORING expectorant.
3406, 16 pes. 3407, 10 pes.
For Rheumatism Rub with Bayers Espirosal. INFORMATION BUREAU To cure Itch in 24 honrs use Bayers Mitigal.
Looting Started in Limon SIQUIRRES To prevent contagion from germs bathe wiih Bayers afridol soap.
Whatever be your need, see Petgrave; For a pain in the Head, Neuralgia Muscular Rheumatism an auctoneer, he is On Saturday night the Store Bayers Cafiaspirin.
of Mr. Jack Orane of this Town the only man that knows where to sell your house or your farm.
The Trancaso or Cold ends where it begins by using Oxan.
was broken into and a conside His Legal advice never fail. The ll get you ont all your troubles.
Ladies in your painful Periods use Cafiaspirin. Nothing like rable amt of merchandise stolen it to banish pain.
therefrom. Among them being a PETGRAVE Siquirres piece of Serge suiting. PurchMieres obreen Warnepistara Benadreap. cas La Samaritana necesity acesity, due HOTEL CENTRAL SIQUIRRES ര DENTISTS OFFICE Bayers Remedie C


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